I did not get all the vaccines in the old days never got anything I was vaccinated for either. My parents got around vaccine requirements required by schools by using religious bs. Where there is a will there is a way and I think my parents for finding that way to skirt the vaccines.
Eddie Scarry, author of “Privileged Victims: How America’s Culture Fascists Hijacked the Country and Elevated Its Worst People,” noted today that: ‘of the top ten states with highest Covid rates, seven are run by Democrats.’
No, Bill, it’s not just like the old days. Think about what you’re saying. For instance, if you got the polio vaccine, you wouldn’t get polio. But it’s not the same at all with the Covid vaccines, which don’t prevent anyone from getting or spreading Covid. I’m not even sure they should be called vaccines. Anyway, apparently, these vaccines will lessen the severity of the illness, which is a good thing…..but it will not stop the spread.
Wrong the vaxxed are getting sick with the poison you so readily want others to put in their arm. Unvaxxed aren’t prolonging anything but crooked politicians and county officials duping people like you sure are.
Come on, vaccines do ZERO to prevent transmission. Vaccine only protects one person, so drop the whole get vaccinated to stop the spread bs
Sandy G
December 31, 2021 - 12:23 PM 12:23 PM
I’m beginning to see no end in sight
December 31, 2021 - 12:25 PM 12:25 PM
As far as the political aspect goes, 2022 won’t be much better. The self appointed so-called medical experts, are experiencing more power than they ever dreamed of, and there is no way they will give it up. Our health department, and city council have too much authority, and get enjoyment from bullying, and destroying people’s lives with their unnecessary mandates, and fining or closing down businesses that refuse to comply to their tyranny.
The worst offender is Dr Fauci. That man is drunk with power, so much so, that he is destroying the American dream, and our way of life. He refuses to listen to anybody that opposes him and call them dangerous. The only way 2022 will be a better year is if those in charge realize the damage this man has caused and fire him. But that will never happen, because those in charge look up to him as if he is some kind of god.
Pine Barrens
December 31, 2021 - 12:32 PM 12:32 PM
Based on all the people around here still walking down the street with masks on, or alone in their cars, I’m saying no.
It’s already better, Omicron is a common cold and blown so far out of proportion it’s ridiculous, in 2022 they’ll make up the next nonsense varients with boosters 3,4,5,6 & 7.
This will never stop as long as all the Covidiots fall for it.
The boosters and mandatory vaccinations for kids is my concern. It does not seem right.
Bad Nombre
December 31, 2021 - 1:01 PM 1:01 PM
The start will be relatively bad but I think that we are rapidly approaching the point where there will be no “pure bloods” left. Everyone, by the end of 2022, will have been exposed and developed some antibodies either through infection or vaccination.
December 31, 2021 - 1:13 PM 1:13 PM
That will depend on some people.
December 31, 2021 - 1:20 PM 1:20 PM
…nope… it will be like the flu from now on… periodic booster required / requested ….. Biden said he would get covid under control and cure cancer? he can’t blow his own nose… but of course he probably doesn’t remember those campaign commitments
December 31, 2021 - 1:41 PM 1:41 PM
As long as the people chose fear & paranoia over education and self sufficiency = it well never end.
If we choose to split society ~ Guess what side is going to end up surviving after government fails….
Dr Jellyfinger
December 31, 2021 - 2:15 PM 2:15 PM
I’m just worried about what kind of biological weapon the Chinese will unleash upon us the next time we piss ’em off.
December 31, 2021 - 3:00 PM 3:00 PM
No, I’m not expecting anything locally to get much better until the state of emergency is removed at the state level.
Many people haven’t learned a thing in 2 years, and that includes Contra Costa Health Services and the Board of Supervisors.
Kids will be masking at school for all of 2022, and we will be sitting here a year from now asking ourselves the same question about 2023 UNLESS people start resisting and STOP COMPLYING.
Tell the BOS and Health Services NO MORE! Sign the petition to restore sanity to Contra Costa – https://restorecontracosta.com
December 31, 2021 - 3:01 PM 3:01 PM
We’ll be better off next year after the mid-term elections.
Jeff (the other one)
December 31, 2021 - 3:14 PM 3:14 PM
Hard to say. The level of incompetence within the federal government is astounding, from the top down. At a state level, there are a few governors and various county officials (our state leads this) who are tyrannical. So the actual disease will be less severe/deadly, but the media and corrupt government leaders exploiting the disease will be more severe/controlling, that is, until the people will have had enough.
chuckie the troll
December 31, 2021 - 3:25 PM 3:25 PM
I’ll tell you in November. Hopefully the Republican Party will retake the House and Senate, as well as control of more States. I have no hope that the Liberal Media-Tech Complex will ever be reformed or embrace honesty. But perhaps they can be replaced.
December 31, 2021 - 3:39 PM 3:39 PM
Better for some, worse for others.
December 31, 2021 - 3:41 PM 3:41 PM
The likes of CNN and other state media are already trying to veer the focus away from case count and into hospitalization and severe cases.
Once they realized the virus was now hurting dear old joe and his democrat party as a whole they decided to slowly start to change the “narrative”. They’re trying to slowly unboil the frog in time for midterms.
The democrat party is so slow to pivot or adjust to any new information it’s almost comical. I guarantee not one democrat in the senate or house could beat a 12 year old at a simple RTS game and they’re the ones running the country. Our military being what it is is useless if the commander in chief and congress can’t think more than a few hours ahead. Now imagine them trying to beat China or Russia when it comes to strategizing and the future does not look good.
Exit 12A
December 31, 2021 - 4:00 PM 4:00 PM
NO. It will go on so long as fear is spread by politicians and the media.
Everyone will acquire a Covid variant at some point… that’s a scientific fact of epidemiology.
December 31, 2021 - 4:06 PM 4:06 PM
It can’t get any worse. The president is clueless. If you question the so-called medical experts, you are considered a right wing nut job. The president has NOT united the country, crushed the virus, slowed inflation, or secured our borders. 2022 could be a turning point, but I have zero confident in our elected leaders, the NIG, CDC, or WHO. Crime in many cities is out of control and all I hear from those in charge is “gun violence.” It would be refreshing to see people work together to figure out solutions to the many problems we face, but it seems to me those are in control fear any direct suggestions, comments, or criticism.
I would think so, I’m beginning to have my doubts. The way the Democrat politicians are using this, I think they’ll keep it up through election time so they can do a big mail out election again. It does appear that they truly like the power to manipulate the public with every whim.
Your paranoia is shining thru! I see no one attempting to use the pandemic for political purposes, other than Trump’s attempt to minimize the danger so as to not spook the marketplace. Look how badly that failed – we’re still trying to get enough people vaccinated so that the virus has difficulty infecting people, mutating, and possibly becoming more lethal.
If you can’t see it, you must be blind. Biden’s whole campaign was based on the pandemic and how he said he was going to shut it down. How is that NOT using it for political purposes?
December 31, 2021 - 5:21 PM 5:21 PM
December 31, 2021 - 5:43 PM 5:43 PM
For humans or the virus? As long as there are foolish and ignorant people who ignore long-standing medical science on the value of immunizations, the virus will continue to mutate and develop variants better at infecting people. If we’re lucky, the variants will be less harmful, as the omicron seems to be, but all it takes is a slight genetic change for the virus to end our run as dominant species.
(My Masters in Pathology is from the University of Washington. I think I know about what I’m talking.)
Phil or full… full of it. Ok Mr degree in pathology, when has a slight genetic change in a virus ever led to the end of a dominant species?
Your narrative sounds more like a mish-mash of CNN headlines than actual science. Viruses become better at infecting people by becoming LESS deadly, not by making their hosts extinct.
Phil, if the vaccine ( which isn’t a vaccine by definition, until the dictionary definition was literally changed to include gene therapy) does not prevent transmission how is that our ticket out of the pandemic? Not arguing just curious to your logic. Wouldn’t Prevention protocols and healthy lifestyle end it? Vitamin d, c, zinc are a good start
December 31, 2021 - 5:47 PM 5:47 PM
This will still be a topic during the 2024 election.
December 31, 2021 - 7:32 PM 7:32 PM
I’m just not letting it upset me the way it did initially. It seems very distant and irrelevant to me, at this point. Sort of like most any other disease. I’ve already got all I can handle, so I just don’t think it is a realistic threat for me. I’ll worry about the stuff I’ve already got. I feel like “All this pandemonium over Covid-19 can just go on without me.” I’m numb to it.
hanne jeppesen
December 31, 2021 - 7:44 PM 7:44 PM
Whatever the year I always hope for the new year to be better than the one we leave behind. Sometimes that is a tall order, other times not so much. Yes I do believe 2022 will be better, we are much better equipped to deal with the virus, many are vaccinated, and people are out and about, taking necessary precautions. We have learned to deal with the virus and life moves on.
Deb Shay
January 1, 2022 - 6:55 AM 6:55 AM
Not in California. Newscum will never give up his authoritarian ways. I predict we will see more loss of liberty, common sense, and ignoring science in 2022. As for the nation, more division, violence, and loss of human decency.
And more loss of population in California should Newsom be re-elected. As far as the middle class are concerned, California will be a lost cause with four more years of Gavin. Eventually it will just be the wealthy and the people who serve them.
January 1, 2022 - 11:01 AM 11:01 AM
Of mice and men and many things;
2021 was a very bad year
2022 be like, Hold my beer
Hanne Jeppesen
January 1, 2022 - 12:06 PM 12:06 PM
Why not look at the glass half full? 2021 was much better than 2020, no lock downs, stores and restaurants open. There will be no more lock down, no one has the stomach for it, nor is it no longer necessary.
It will never end…ther are to many stupid people!
You’d be well advised to check your posts for errors before calling other people stupid.
The hoax will continue until 2023.
It will if everyone buckles down and gets their Covid vaccinations. Just like the old days when we got all our vaccines.
I did not get all the vaccines in the old days never got anything I was vaccinated for either. My parents got around vaccine requirements required by schools by using religious bs. Where there is a will there is a way and I think my parents for finding that way to skirt the vaccines.
Yes, because the vaccines stop you from getting Covid and spreading it. Wait…
Eddie Scarry, author of “Privileged Victims: How America’s Culture Fascists Hijacked the Country and Elevated Its Worst People,” noted today that: ‘of the top ten states with highest Covid rates, seven are run by Democrats.’
From the Federalist — https://bit.ly/3qGZhpE
No, Bill, it’s not just like the old days. Think about what you’re saying. For instance, if you got the polio vaccine, you wouldn’t get polio. But it’s not the same at all with the Covid vaccines, which don’t prevent anyone from getting or spreading Covid. I’m not even sure they should be called vaccines. Anyway, apparently, these vaccines will lessen the severity of the illness, which is a good thing…..but it will not stop the spread.
Wrong the vaxxed are getting sick with the poison you so readily want others to put in their arm. Unvaxxed aren’t prolonging anything but crooked politicians and county officials duping people like you sure are.
Come on, vaccines do ZERO to prevent transmission. Vaccine only protects one person, so drop the whole get vaccinated to stop the spread bs
I’m beginning to see no end in sight
As far as the political aspect goes, 2022 won’t be much better. The self appointed so-called medical experts, are experiencing more power than they ever dreamed of, and there is no way they will give it up. Our health department, and city council have too much authority, and get enjoyment from bullying, and destroying people’s lives with their unnecessary mandates, and fining or closing down businesses that refuse to comply to their tyranny.
The worst offender is Dr Fauci. That man is drunk with power, so much so, that he is destroying the American dream, and our way of life. He refuses to listen to anybody that opposes him and call them dangerous. The only way 2022 will be a better year is if those in charge realize the damage this man has caused and fire him. But that will never happen, because those in charge look up to him as if he is some kind of god.
Based on all the people around here still walking down the street with masks on, or alone in their cars, I’m saying no.
It’s already better, Omicron is a common cold and blown so far out of proportion it’s ridiculous, in 2022 they’ll make up the next nonsense varients with boosters 3,4,5,6 & 7.
This will never stop as long as all the Covidiots fall for it.
The boosters and mandatory vaccinations for kids is my concern. It does not seem right.
The start will be relatively bad but I think that we are rapidly approaching the point where there will be no “pure bloods” left. Everyone, by the end of 2022, will have been exposed and developed some antibodies either through infection or vaccination.
That will depend on some people.
…nope… it will be like the flu from now on… periodic booster required / requested ….. Biden said he would get covid under control and cure cancer? he can’t blow his own nose… but of course he probably doesn’t remember those campaign commitments
As long as the people chose fear & paranoia over education and self sufficiency = it well never end.
If we choose to split society ~ Guess what side is going to end up surviving after government fails….
I’m just worried about what kind of biological weapon the Chinese will unleash upon us the next time we piss ’em off.
No, I’m not expecting anything locally to get much better until the state of emergency is removed at the state level.
Many people haven’t learned a thing in 2 years, and that includes Contra Costa Health Services and the Board of Supervisors.
Kids will be masking at school for all of 2022, and we will be sitting here a year from now asking ourselves the same question about 2023 UNLESS people start resisting and STOP COMPLYING.
Tell the BOS and Health Services NO MORE! Sign the petition to restore sanity to Contra Costa – https://restorecontracosta.com
We’ll be better off next year after the mid-term elections.
Hard to say. The level of incompetence within the federal government is astounding, from the top down. At a state level, there are a few governors and various county officials (our state leads this) who are tyrannical. So the actual disease will be less severe/deadly, but the media and corrupt government leaders exploiting the disease will be more severe/controlling, that is, until the people will have had enough.
I’ll tell you in November. Hopefully the Republican Party will retake the House and Senate, as well as control of more States. I have no hope that the Liberal Media-Tech Complex will ever be reformed or embrace honesty. But perhaps they can be replaced.
Better for some, worse for others.
The likes of CNN and other state media are already trying to veer the focus away from case count and into hospitalization and severe cases.
Once they realized the virus was now hurting dear old joe and his democrat party as a whole they decided to slowly start to change the “narrative”. They’re trying to slowly unboil the frog in time for midterms.
The democrat party is so slow to pivot or adjust to any new information it’s almost comical. I guarantee not one democrat in the senate or house could beat a 12 year old at a simple RTS game and they’re the ones running the country. Our military being what it is is useless if the commander in chief and congress can’t think more than a few hours ahead. Now imagine them trying to beat China or Russia when it comes to strategizing and the future does not look good.
NO. It will go on so long as fear is spread by politicians and the media.
Everyone will acquire a Covid variant at some point… that’s a scientific fact of epidemiology.
It can’t get any worse. The president is clueless. If you question the so-called medical experts, you are considered a right wing nut job. The president has NOT united the country, crushed the virus, slowed inflation, or secured our borders. 2022 could be a turning point, but I have zero confident in our elected leaders, the NIG, CDC, or WHO. Crime in many cities is out of control and all I hear from those in charge is “gun violence.” It would be refreshing to see people work together to figure out solutions to the many problems we face, but it seems to me those are in control fear any direct suggestions, comments, or criticism.
I would think so, I’m beginning to have my doubts. The way the Democrat politicians are using this, I think they’ll keep it up through election time so they can do a big mail out election again. It does appear that they truly like the power to manipulate the public with every whim.
Your paranoia is shining thru! I see no one attempting to use the pandemic for political purposes, other than Trump’s attempt to minimize the danger so as to not spook the marketplace. Look how badly that failed – we’re still trying to get enough people vaccinated so that the virus has difficulty infecting people, mutating, and possibly becoming more lethal.
If you can’t see it, you must be blind. Biden’s whole campaign was based on the pandemic and how he said he was going to shut it down. How is that NOT using it for political purposes?
For humans or the virus? As long as there are foolish and ignorant people who ignore long-standing medical science on the value of immunizations, the virus will continue to mutate and develop variants better at infecting people. If we’re lucky, the variants will be less harmful, as the omicron seems to be, but all it takes is a slight genetic change for the virus to end our run as dominant species.
(My Masters in Pathology is from the University of Washington. I think I know about what I’m talking.)
You ain’t gots no science.
(My Masters in Propaganda is from the University of Real Life. You got nothing but conspiracy theories and scientific fraud.)
Phil or full… full of it. Ok Mr degree in pathology, when has a slight genetic change in a virus ever led to the end of a dominant species?
Your narrative sounds more like a mish-mash of CNN headlines than actual science. Viruses become better at infecting people by becoming LESS deadly, not by making their hosts extinct.
Phil, if the vaccine ( which isn’t a vaccine by definition, until the dictionary definition was literally changed to include gene therapy) does not prevent transmission how is that our ticket out of the pandemic? Not arguing just curious to your logic. Wouldn’t Prevention protocols and healthy lifestyle end it? Vitamin d, c, zinc are a good start
This will still be a topic during the 2024 election.
I’m just not letting it upset me the way it did initially. It seems very distant and irrelevant to me, at this point. Sort of like most any other disease. I’ve already got all I can handle, so I just don’t think it is a realistic threat for me. I’ll worry about the stuff I’ve already got. I feel like “All this pandemonium over Covid-19 can just go on without me.” I’m numb to it.
Whatever the year I always hope for the new year to be better than the one we leave behind. Sometimes that is a tall order, other times not so much. Yes I do believe 2022 will be better, we are much better equipped to deal with the virus, many are vaccinated, and people are out and about, taking necessary precautions. We have learned to deal with the virus and life moves on.
Not in California. Newscum will never give up his authoritarian ways. I predict we will see more loss of liberty, common sense, and ignoring science in 2022. As for the nation, more division, violence, and loss of human decency.
And more loss of population in California should Newsom be re-elected. As far as the middle class are concerned, California will be a lost cause with four more years of Gavin. Eventually it will just be the wealthy and the people who serve them.
Of mice and men and many things;
2021 was a very bad year
2022 be like, Hold my beer
Why not look at the glass half full? 2021 was much better than 2020, no lock downs, stores and restaurants open. There will be no more lock down, no one has the stomach for it, nor is it no longer necessary.