A new statewide masking order now requires everyone to wear masks in indoor public spaces regardless of their vaccination status through Jan. 15, 2022.
Since Contra Costa already has a local masking order in place, the new statewide masking mandate doesn’t affect the county – and they will retain limited exceptions for certain indoor settings not open to the general public such as offices and gyms where everyone is vaccinated against COVID-19.
“The limited exceptions we made are for very low-risk scenarios where everyone is vaccinated,” said Health Officer Dr. Chris Farnitano. “Our community already understands and is following these rules and it would be confusing to change them for just one month.”
Contra Costa’s indoor-masking order will stay in place unless the county meets criteria for lifting the local mandate.
To see the county’s progress for meeting those criteria, visit the Indoor Mask Mandate Dashboard.
As of today, there are 1,445 reported cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County, with 39 hospitalizations. The county has a population of 1.3-million.
“Contra Costa’s indoor-masking order will stay in place unless the county meets criteria for lifting the local mandate.” This criteria is designed to fail.
It’s time to demand the county remove the local mask mandate entirely, and get rid of requirements for businesses to check their customers vaccination paperwork.
Join the movement to demand the county restore normalcy and sanity in Contra Costa County.
Thanks to everyone that has signed and shared already!
✅ & shared
Or, just don’t comply.
As long as the Illegals are allowed into our Republic without mandatory vaccines and testing, then the mandates by the government are meaningless.
What would you people do if you couldn’t blame “illegals” for everything? Rapists? Illegals. Disease? Illegals. Water shortage: Illegals. High gas prices? Illegals. Etc, etc.
That’s how I’ve shut down every single Covid debate I’ve decided to end.
There’s absolutely zero defense.
@ The Masked Poster
You just don’t get it.
It’s not the illegal’s fault.
It’s the corrupt and inept politicians people like you elect to be your leaders.
Take a look in the mirror.
@The Masked Poster
You misunderstand…..no one is blaming illegals; that’s strictly all on Biden. And Cellophane is 100% correct.
So we have 0.1% of the county population with an active case. 1 out of 1000 people makes my chance of being with them for a prolonged period pretty low in just about any setting. I get Bart, the bus and a plane, but I don’t think there is any point in walking through a store in a mask.
Contra Costa County will never lift the mask mandate at this rate. The health departments need to stop focusing on “cases.” Are the hospitals overwhelmed? Are people dropping dead in droves? Why worry about how many test positive? Nearly 80% of the county is vaccinated, and many thousands have already caught the virus. It’s endemic. How about figuring out how to live w/o the restrictions? I know I’ve had enough a long time ago.
Well said! I completely agree with you!! 39 people hospitalized in CCC and we have the strictest rules as if we have the highest outbreak.
Not playing their game. Haven’t for months. Not starting now.
Dr. Farnitano’s small heart grew three time larger today! Thank you for allowing us to continue wearing masks. Wishful thinking…
“By the end, the transformed Health Director goes so mushy that he utters a profound apology to the citizens of Claycordville for his past wicked ways. “I’m so very sorry for everything,” he says as he returns all the liberties and revokes emergency health orders he has stolen to ruin their celebration.”
Stop. Wearing. Masks.
The end.
Seeing more people without them or around their chin. Its the first sign that libbies are beginning to awaken from their brain-dead status. Baby steps.
Thank you to all who comply, thus truly care about saving the lives of seniors and the immune-compromised.
You can’t comply your way to freedom, only tyranny.
Pat, this is really misinformed. The way to save lives, especially for higher risk people, is early treatment. And early treatment is available if you look hard (and you should seriously ask why ‘treatment’ as opposed to vax has been the sole focus of pharma, gov, media).
Compliance with arbitrary mask demands do absolutely nothing. The vaccinated are fully transmitting the virus. What you want people to comply with has nothing to do with saving live. Please, please look around and see.
Yes. Early treatment with hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin along with xinc, vitamin C, D. Why our politicos denied us access to these well documented remedies is well known. Money is being made hand over fist. In hospitals, pharmacy companies and don’t forget the purveyors of enforced vaxx not to be confused with vaccination.
So which will be your last shot?
A. Manchurian
B. Mao Xi Dung
C. Relevation 13 or 20?
Sorry. Not my job to protect you. Thats all on you.
5 Bay Area counties granted some exemptions to the new California mask mandate. So start exempting, you power mad a-holes.
https://www.sfgate.com/bay-area-politics/article/California-mask-mandate-Bay-Area-16704859.php?utm source=newsletter&utm_medi um=email&utm_content=brief ing&utm_campaign=sfg_theda ily&stn=nf&sid=571961d c6e4adc7b418b72d3
39 people hospitalized in a county of 1.2 million people, but let’s keep masking everyone up, causing businesses to lose customers and revenue over “papers please” mandates and keep damaging kids by making them wear masks to school. All over a virus which has an all-age survival rate of 99.74% and higher than that for anyone under age 60.
Complete, utter, idiocy.
Maybe we should ban vaccinated people. This whole thing is nuts!!!!
Eventually the businesses are going to have to tell the Communists to Pound Sand, especially once the vaccinated die off or are too sick to patronize their businesses.
Also, like what is happening in other countries ~ The Dumpster Challenge – Citizens are throwing Tyrants in Dumpsters! I guess we can just call them flash mobs having a Rally!!
From American Thinker: ‘Vaccine Passports are a Threat to Public Health’
Stop wearing masks. They don’t work. That’s why surgeons don’t wear them!
I have 666 reasons to NOT get the jab…
Kick all incumbent politicians to the curb – ALL of them.
If you vote to re-elect ANYONE, you’re part of the problem!