Home » Contra Costa Health Director Says Most COVID “Offenders” Now In Compliance, Claims Winter Surge Has Arrived

Contra Costa Health Director Says Most COVID “Offenders” Now In Compliance, Claims Winter Surge Has Arrived


After hearing frustration from the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors last week about not cracking down on businesses ignoring COVID-19 mandates, Contra Costa Health Services director Anna Roth told the board Tuesday that 12 of the 13 businesses previously flaunting rules are now complying.

“All but one are currently in compliance, and we’re following up with that one,” Roth said.

“Currently we have 1,458 active COVID cases in our county; this is an increase of nearly 19 percent in the last two weeks,” Roth said. “Our test positivity rate rose at the end of November but is now relatively steady at 2.3 percent.”

Hospitalizations, which were trending downward for weeks, are back up slightly — 36 from 33 — since last week. Statewide cases have gone up 47 percent since Thanksgiving, with hospitalizations up 14 percent.


Just over 76 percent of county residents are now fully vaccinated, which would’ve had the county closer to dropping indoor mask mandates, if not for the new statewide mandate going back into effect Thursday.

“California is now starting to experience a winter surge in COVID-19 cases,” Roth said.

The news was mixed for new variant Omicron, Roth said. Though no cases have officially been reported, as in other Bay Area counties, it has been detected in county wastewater samples.

“We are assuming that we will be seeing cases come soon,” Roth said.


Of the newest demographic to receive vaccines, 22 percent of the county’s 5- to 11-year-olds are fully vaccinated, with 38 percent having at least one dose. Twenty-five percent of the county has received booster shots.

County health officer Dr. Chris Farnitano said the county is still waiting to hear from the state on indoor mask exceptions, but he expects masks to be required indoors until at least Jan. 15.

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If you think it is ridiculous and un-American to force businesses to police their customers vaccination status, please sign the petition at:


Thanks to everyone who signed yesterday. You can now email the BOS directly from the site, too.



It’s cute they say only 13 businesses were flaunting the mandates ….cute.

Yes they have no clue if the actual sky high numbers..
We still go to many places that don’t check..and will continue..

That’s the number of Karens willing to ruin the lives of the employees of those businesses when they gleefully report them so they’re shut down.

Covid doesn’t stop rent/mortgage payments, utility bills, car payments, insurance payments, or put food on the table. For many, no work on a particular day means no money.


Please take the time to read this
Terrible what our county is doing to small business owners
Support Sylvia’s kitchen !

I will be there Sunday…thanks for posting Puff.

People, are you looking at what is going on in Australia, Austria, Germany? These mandates are a means to a social credit score. How many cases in the county are already vaxxed? Why do we not get those numbers? How many boosters are you okay with? Your children do not need the Vax. Why are they hell-bent on the entire world being vaxxed? Have you seen the many young, virile athletes collapsing? Does that look normal to you?

The state dashboard that shows how likely vaxxed v unvaxxed are to get covid, be hospitalized, or die is no longer being updated, that latest data is from 1 month ago!

mmm, wonder why that could be?????

Answers on a postcard to G Newsome at 1 Tyranny Place!

Contra Costa County’s dashboard continues to get updated every day. It’s at https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/vaccine-dashboard and has easy to understand charts for the case rates and hospitalization rates for vax vs unvax. There are additional vaccination related charts at the county’s overview dashboard at https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/overview Those too continue to get updated daily and include the vax vs. unvax death rates for the last 60 days.

What young virile athletes are collapsing?

WC resident – those numbers are bull. I have nurses who have taken video of wards that were being categorized as “full” and they had 1 patient.
And no, I’m not giving hospital info nor the nurses name to protect them. This is getting crazy.

Its a continual bid for control

@tired – where do you see “full” on the county dashboards?
At the moment the county’s overview dashboard is reporting 29 non-ICU and 10 ICU patients among the eight hospitals in CC county. That likely matches the one ICU patient in the hospital you know of.

They don’t have a handy easy to read chart of the hospital capacity but that information is available if you click on “Download Hospitalization Data” at the top of the page. Look at column D which is “7-Day Average COVID-19 Inpatient Bed Utilization” and scroll down to the bottom. You will discover that 2.5% of the patients in the county’s hospitals are there for COVID-19.

Last winter’s COVID-19 surge peaked on 1/9/2021. If you look at the data download thing you’ll see that as we approached the peak we were evicting non-COVID-19 patients from the ICUs. That’s how they were able to deal with the ICU capacity issue. The same thing happened around the surge that peaked on 8/17/2021.

Mom! Check on Doh! He’s playing with the computer again….
Geez… where the heck is she?

OK Doh, get this….masks are not effective.
The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material.
It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you.
That’s it.

“But BRAWNDO has what plants crave, it’s got electrolytes.”

“The plants aren’t growing so I’m pretty sure the BRAWNDO isn’t working. Now I’m no botanist but I do know that if you put water on plants they grow.”

“But, but BRAWNDO has what plants crave, it’s got electrolytes.”

“What are electrolytes? Do you even know?”

“It’s what they use to make BRAWNDO”

This is real life now.

They’re going to keep pretending there’s a new emergency to delay the inevitable backlash from the trauma they’ve caused the last 2 years.

If they had any integrity they would have admitted by now they are incapable of doing anything to stop the case count from increasing, and should RESIGN so someone more capable can take their place or correct their course and admit their recommendations do absolutely nothing to lower case count.

If it’s not obvious by now that this all about case count and they’re basing all policy off a SPREADSHEET.

You don’t run a business using only spreadsheets, you don’t represent your voters using only a spreadsheet; and you sure as hell don’t give out broad blanket orders with a spreadsheet. They literally just sit at their computer, see a number increase, then say we need to take away income from businesses because that’s what they’re doing.

By the way, the democrats are throwing maskless, no socially distanced Christmas parties while telling you to mask up and stay away from people.

Imagine supporting a party that enjoys yanking you around on a leash, I guess some people like to be pets.

This ‘winter surge’ in Covid-19 is weak (2.3%)… last year 12/14/2020, according to the County dashboard, the positivity rate was 9.0%! And just like that, influenza and cold surges are gone this winter…c’mon man! But fear some more, the poops are indicating Omicron is floating our way…

Ignoring the open border makes our politicians and “health” professionals look like liars. I don’t even bother giving them the benefit of the doubt.


@Justifiable languor
Look like?

They keep throwing the numbers around.

Reminds me of an old saying.

Figures don’t lie but liars figure.

I won’t put on a mask for anyone.

If they refuse service, that’s their privilege.

I’ll respect that.

I won’t respect anything coming from mid-level political appointees.

OMG…not the Winter surge. We’re going to die! Stay under your bed until next year.

Are they still reporting cases of common cold and flu ? ? ? ?

Big Pharma has rebranded the flu/cold as Covid, brilliant marketing tactic, and also beneficial to the long-planned tyrannical global resetting, control and social credit score attempts.

I urge the curious to look objectively at other states and neutral/lesser developed country’s approaches and statistics. Truly eye opening and gives broader and deeper perspective.

Be curious and brave early on, my friends. History will be the ultimate judge of the early 2020s. One by one, more eyes are opening which gives us a tremendous amount of hope.

Non compliance is the only way forward.

1) if Newsom takes a vacation to Cabo last week with his family, then do you think we are in a State of Emergency?
2) If the Danville/Alamo/Walnut Creek 680 Corridor is full of traffic each day, do you think we are in a pandemic?
3) 1,458 cases in CCC, is this even newsworthy??? Come on CCC Health Director, staff and BOS, continue sticking with your doom and gloom narrative, but you lose all credibility. You are foolish for keeping this up and you are completely inept. Learn something new and read some medical journals and the latest study on masks from Harvard, the study on early intervention such as Ivermectin and the study on natural immunity. I mean, we know that Kim McCarl doesn’t believe in natural immunity, learn something and stop the mandates—we are not getting rid of Covid.

This will continue until after we all vote by mail Nov 2022.
There is no Covid zero.
So now businesses and employees are relying on children to get vaxxed?
How much is cccounty get paid to continue to mandate?
Follow the money!
There is no more common sense.

How many injections until it’s actually chemotherapy?

Or, Immunotherapy? After all, Fauci is Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease.

“All but one are currently in compliance, and we’re following up with that one,” Roth said.

Submit to whims of government, or suffer the consequences. Such a simple act, tyrannically mandated (an order said from on high in the corridors of the CCH building, in the royalty room?) upon citizens trying to make a living. How many more insignificant acts can be forced upon we (once) free citizens. A true “check your papers” situation, how Soviet-ish.

22% of five to eleven year olds fully vaccinated?

The needle on the B.S. meter is fully pegged. If they’re going to continue to lie to the public at least pick a number that’s remotely conceivable.

just for you…666 😈

Why do you believe that 22% number is a lie?

Vaccines for those kids under 12 have only been around for roughly a month and it’s two weeks between shots. Fully vaccinated is a 3 week process.

Move your businesses to Florida where we are free!


Now California has exempted San Francisco from the indoor mask mandate. San Francisco’s Health Officers claims the lift is in recognition of San Francisco citizens doing such a terrific job of staying as safe as possible.

San Francisco is one of the most filthy, unsanitary, drug-addicted, homeless-pervasive, crime-ridden cities in the country.
Still think they are telling the truth? You can’t make this stuff up……..

Maybe Ike was misquoted and he really said, “Beware of the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex”.



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