Home » Contra Costa Supervisor Karen Mitchoff Goes On Rant, Blasts Citizens Of Concord At Council Meeting

Contra Costa Supervisor Karen Mitchoff Goes On Rant, Blasts Citizens Of Concord At Council Meeting


Contra Costa County Supervisor and Pleasant Hill resident Karen Mitchoff showed up to the Concord City Council meeting on Tuesday night, and went on a 3 minute rant against Concord residents who question local “public servants.”

Watch the video above. She seems very defensive.

QUESTION: Do you think Karen has a point, or do you think Karen should remember who she works for?


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I don’t think she is wrong at all

As much as I hate the thought of building on the weapon station I agree with her! She has a right to speak up!

I do not see anything wrong with her words. Why would it be wrong for her to defend herself, her team and their ethics? Are they not allowed to call out the claims? Where is the proof that they took bribes? Are unverified allegations good enough to berate them in a public arena?

If people cannot handle someone defending themself, then they are the problem. SMH.

I agree. It sounds like she needed to say this. I appreciate her transparency and speaking out about this rather than ignore it.

She has some nerve thinking she can punch down on the public like this, especially after pushing unconstitutional mandates, locking down businesses, destroying livelihoods, violating her solemn oath, and clearly in contempt. The public isn’t here to appease her or worry about her feelings. She can literally go pound sound, punch the air, whatever she wants.

Words are cheap, actions speak louder. Scrap your pet projects and get things done that the people of the county, and city want done. Fix our roads, and get rid of the homeless population, and all the filth and litter they are leaving all over our neighborhoods. Then you can work on rounding up all the people that are in the county illegally and deport them back to their country of origin. The Monument neighborhood is looking like Tijuana, especially with the food carts on the street corners. How many of them have a business license? A better question, how many of them can legally work in the United States?
Once you deport the illegals, then we will see a drop in crime. Oh my! Does that sound racist? Well, it probably is racist, but it’s also an honest opinion. It’s an honest opinion I have after evaluating a certain ethnic group, who’s been seen in the news, living in deplorable conditions and committing crime. You elected officials treat illegals, better than Americans are being treated. Then you wonder why some are saying things about bribes.

You’re right the Homeless should be put in Jail as soon as they become Homeless . We could build more Jails and Create more Jobs It would be a Win Win .

I rather see food carts than beggars.

I like the food carts, food is great, never been sick from eating, and best of all, nobody is asking for handouts.


You can thank former Governor Jerry Brown for the food carts and sidewalk sales of other goods throughout Concord. I’ve already spoken with Concord City Councilmembers and was told this is out of their hands because Governor Brown took action at the state level allowing these carts and sidewalk sales.

A certain ethnic group? Yeah all the crimes I see are committed by white people! Let’s get rid of them!

A certain ethnic group? Yeah all the crimes I see are committed by white people! Let’s get rid of them!!!

Her Ladyship did not form her attitude of the public in a few hours of being “”tired” after a long meeting today.”” She has looked down her ever-growing nose at County citizens for too long.
Time to take a hike Karen… you’ll still get your pension!




BRAVO to those standing up to local corruption & authority.

Have you heard about the intimidation tactics being using against those who speak up? Watch this:


DISGUSTINGLY UNETHICAL if true, and I’d wager $$$ it is true.

She works for me. Thats a wannabe tyrant. She can pound sand.



As much as I disagree with many of her policy choices she has the right to stand up for her colleagues. I don’t see this as a “rant” at all either, poor word choice Mayor. Besides if there was or is bribery afoot the FBI doesn’t like that too much, i.e. prison time.

Lmao @ still having faith in the feds. They’re too busy defending the Biden regime, spying under the Patriot Act on parents that complain at school board meetings, and setting up false flags to take more rights away from everyday Americans.

Good for her. Too many politicians kiss up to every nut case that runs their mouth off. Good to see a politician that isn’t always concerned with being politically correct.

And she’s right,

Hey Karen, YOU may know of nothing, but some of us DO KNOW that they was some Quid Pro Quo for some council people.

You are pathetic. Retire already.

I watched this live last night. Her remarks were inappropriate and last nights meeting was not the time to discipline the public. Yet, not one person on the panel even acknowledged or addressed all of the calls/emails in regard to Dominic’s inappropriate behavior (where he called someone’s employer). Every time I Hear Karen speak she is always talking down to the public. It just amazes me (not sure why) how these people/politicians get elected time and time again

The fact is, some politicians are open and honest with sincere intentions to make their community a better place for all. And…some are secretive, defensive, take bribes in cash or services or votes from special interests. Some support redistricting to block opposing public viewpoints. Some vote themselves raises and perks and exemptions from rules and laws that they heave onto the public. The fact is, there have been too many examples of corruption to justify complete faith in politicians…unfortunately.

Mein Furher!

Sorry that you are “tired” of being a public figure, Mitchoff. Maybe you should resign…

We’re tired of you shutting down our restaurants…


nothing she said is wrong.

That’s who’s ruining concord? Ew clearly she doesn’t take care of herself well which I would correlate to her treatment of concord. Nobody wants more housing except contractors, big corporations, and bankers. She’s for sure corrupt and needs to be investigated with the rest of the council members. I agree with dawg on monument. They let invaders set up a huge hive on monument that should be a firm indicator of her and the other traitors loyalties. The entire Bay Area is riddled with these corrupt parasites at every level and it’s about time they all be held accountable with long prison sentences when found guilty of fraud, embezzlement, etc.. her and these other self appointed politicians are for sure getting kick backs

Lol, no one wants more housing. That must be why prices have skyrocketed and all homeowners in Claycord have doubled their net worth. Yeah, nobody wants housing around here! The prices just go up naturally!

Citizens!! When people you elect morph into these type of personalities “vouchers, smokescreens, cover,” you know there is fish in the soup.

– Was there impropriety in the initial Lennar deal, yes! (See Willie Brown/Grayson connection)
Was there a suspicious death of an important Concord public figure during this time, yes! (No new clues?? – zip?
Could Seeno, Grayson, or others be bribing these people ( Edi, Dom, McG) using money or political promises for votes? Absolutely!!

Keep asking questions, speak loud in public, and if impropriety exists, vote these suckers out before buildings are raised. Karen’s power play is nearly up if you are tired of her antics.

BFF Out!


Outright bribes are not the only reason these folks support or oppose some issue. Favors later come into play, especially when the person has political ambitions. What she and every other politician doesn’t understand is that this bastardized version of democracy we have isn’t really what we want. Having someone elected to represent your interests is not the same thing as your interests being represented. I cannot see how a majority of the people of Concord (and the nearby communities) would want another 10,000+ homes and another huge commercial development built when we’re already struggling with power and water shortages, significant traffic congestion, poor air quality, and the loss of open spaces. The elected too often think about financial benefits for a select group rather than the needs of the people, typically equating the former with the later. They seem to support quantity of life instead of quality of life every time. I would rather vote for or against the issues being considered, not rely on someone else whose motives are either not clear or all too obviously against the will of the people.

I can’t help but wonder how much someone paid Karen to put on that little show.

However much it was, they got gypped.

It’s hard to vote politicians out when the elections are rigged.

Karen has always been self-centered and outright mean to constituents that don’t contribute to her wealth.

Which is about 90% of the population in her district.

Yup, she caters to her wealthy contributors and demeans everyone else.

She needs to resign today.

Not a fan of Karen. At all. Or her high horse act here.

But plenty of people want there to be more housing. What do you think keeps driving the cost of housing up?

Isn’t this the COVID authoritarian that was demanding businesses out of her regulations faces $20,000 fines?

She’s welcome to retire as a member of the Board of Egos. She has no sympathies for the working stiffs of this county. She seems to think she’s above the rest of us.

Karen’s going to Karen.

Oh, was Karen doing her ranting at yesterdays Board of Supervisors meeting! She was upset because Anna Roth had not given violations for the month of November and has been informing/educating those businesses that were ratted on for not checking vaccinations…that it is “enough with that–time to do something about that!” She does not like to make the 5:00 o’clock news…

Ahhhh! Once again the very people stupid enough to repeatedly vote her into office are chastised by this nasty, arrogant, and abrasive piece of work.

Guess what Karen, taking money from unions and other special interest groups, who are donating specifically to gain your favor (and vote), is a legal form of bribery. As someone who has happily done this over the years, you have no place to talk. So, get off your high horse, take your meds, and go away. The citizens that you “represent” are tired of hearing your nasty rants. Although, given you are not concerned about re-election this time around, I’m sure we’ll be subjected to more of these rants before you leave! Good riddance!

With all the money collected from the good citizens of Concord, we still have the worst streets in our beautiful city. We The People want to know, where is the money??????? You snotty pig. You forgot you are a public SERVANT.

I can’t believe after that HUGE tax hike we still get NOTHING. Where is the money??????? I bet we hear about a raise soon.

Money in their pockets along with Seeno’s. Yes HUGE tax hike that they said the citizens of Concord voted for. HELL no, I don’t know anyone who did or would. These people do whatever suites them and yes probably for “favors”. I shop in other cities when I can. She is worse than a snotty pig. Get her out. This isn’t the first time she’s gone off on us. Take Hoffmeister with her. She was appointed Vice Mayor??WT…………….. get some worthy New blood in here.

So…. just because she claims she didn’t get any, how would she know that nobody got bribed? It isn’t something you’d tell others.

Right about 1:38 you can hear a toilet flush… that seems appropriate.

Karen living up to her name?

The person who excuses themselves accuses themselves.

Bla Bla Bla if can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen!

The same constituents that voted her in are the same lame brains that continually vote to renew Pelosi for spot in the SF district! Look what has happened to SF??!!
Keep it up folks and we will continually be a Sanctuary city and state!!


Sounds like Karen needs to resign. You work for US.

Love that toilet noise in the background. I wonder if she did this meeting while siting on her throne ? Hey if you gota go you gota go.

LOL, love it! And it wasn’t going well for her that’s probably why she was angry and red faced. Ha ha ha

Perhaps she needs stool softener?

Sorry Karen, but public comment is part of the democratic process no matter how much you dislike it. It helps keep those in office in check so they don’t become corrupt. That’s the way it is and if you don’t like the heat in the kitchen then get out!

Blahblahblah, shut up Karen, you’re part of the problem. “Get so tired of public members….” How about you go find a safe space and dial 1-800-WAA-AAAH.

Drain the swamp.

OH, and take friggin Dominic with her. Come on Dominic, who’s pulling your strings or should we say doing favors or paying your A_ _ off too.

I would like to know just how does she know that what she says is true?????

She doesn’t…

Weakness. Do your job or step down. No one forces anyone into public service. Weak sauce.

How many times have we seen Mitchoff rant about how she resents the general public?

When you can no longer hide the hatred for the people you serve, its time to quit.

So I cannot Stand this lady, want her OUT of the County role, BUT, I think she has a valid point! I actually agree with her on her rant. Just because someone votes a certain way, does not mean they are bribed or criminals. Now do I think they vote a certain way because of politics and party preference even if their heart says otherwise, Yes absolutely. They’re too scared to vote against their party.

You get what you vote for. We would be better off with a drunken baboon.

The woman imposed unconstitutional mandates, which makes her a monster.

Not to mention her and her ilk take contributions from unions, private interests, and under the table, likely from criminal interests and illegal alien related interests. It is a form of legal bribery.

Nice work Karen! The best part about all this is that she basically pulled a Trump. Trump could not stand any bit of criticism, not even the slightest. He would go out of his way, even at the worst possible moment, to address any type of criticism. All you regular Claycord commentors defended him to the bitter end. Now another politician is taking a page from the Trump playbook and actually pushing back on ridiculous allegations, and none of you can stand it. Well done Karen, speak your mind, thats why you were voted in.

Politicians with integrity?? Ha! OK lady you may not call it bribery, but lobbying is just a legal form of bribery, no one can argue that this doesn’t happen at all levels of government.
Rarely do we see elected officials look out for their constituents best interest. Show us you care by improving our once-beautiful city. Fix the roads, fix the crime, make it safe to just out walking around.
Instead lobbyists got their way and are going to cram even more people into Concord, just adding to the mess.
And BOOHOO!! Aww you had a long day and you’re tired?? Quit then, if you can’t handle the extra load let someone take your spot. Whiny baby, get over yourself

I have attended metings of women in political office where Karen Mitchoff has come in and ranted about the men in the county. She clearly thinks she should be the queen of all she surveys. I remember one woman who questioned her about her negativity towards the men and her reply was that a real woman wouldn’t support those men. Definitely a negative force.

Doesn’t sound like much of a rant to me.

It’s become very clear in our area and all over the country these people in these positions got there when times were easy and they were able to float since the rest of society was stable, however now that times have gotten hard and it’s time to STEP UP these people are cracking and blaming everyone else because they are INEPT and shouldn’t be in their position at all.

I hope everyone remembers this crap as the years go on so we never ALLOW it again. Ultimately it’s our fault for allowing these snakes to slither their way to these positions, but we can correct our mistake by getting these psychos the hell OUT.

Shake those jowls!

Bribes are disguised as “campaign contributions”
Sorry, but I grew up with all the stuff you mentioned and I’ve seen politician after politician lie to get elected and stay in office. 99% of politicians are self serving. I’ve seen the same lies and BS for decades. The only thing that changes are the faces!


@ 1:38.

That was one long toilet flush.

It shows me just how much Karen respects her constituents.


And that’s a mighty big IF,

Karen had any good character values she wouldn’t rant as she did and has done over the years.

Like so many on the left, they blame others for their own failings.

Has Karen resigned yet?


Too bad.

She no longer has a place in public service.

Her value to the community is now worthless.

Kind of like dead leaves in the gutter.

That was one long flush, odds are it’s not a water efficient one. Time to call the water police on her.

Congrats Mayor for putting this out. Although, it may get you removed from Karens Christmas card list. ( and put on another one ) Her attitude reminds me of certain school board members who would happily lable those who push back as “domestic terrorists”

She has a valid point/concern, however, as a politician, she certainly could have addressed it in a more civil, political manner, than ranting. I am not sure if the process of selecting the developer was publicized, or rationale for selection, but perhaps instead of saying she was tired of these accusations, she could have explained that the process of selection is based on procedures, is open, or what ever. I get it, I understand it is frustrating to be accused of a number of things (and there could be some winks and nods involved, bribery is more than just passing money in a brown envelope), but as @yoyohop stated, though, she has a history of ranting against her royal subjects for anytime they disagree with her proclamations. So, agree with reacting to accusation, disagree with method.

Wow….it’s clear she’s covering something up because she’s so defensive. What a joke of a public servant. As someone pointed out earlier, her lack of self-care shows what type of person she is. She oobviously has no self respect, seeing how unhealthy she looks. I am no longer shocked about the fools that bay area voters put in office.

“Lack of self care”? She looks OK to me…”oobviously” not anorexic, but she looks healthy enough.
“No self respect”?
Does everyone have to look like a TV star to hold public office or have self respect?
Be fair!

Well gee, I wonder who paid her for that.

She has no business telling us anything. She is basically saying we are not allowed to question local politicians authority. That’s exactly what a tyrant would do. Who does this woman think she is?


Jay Leno called and he wants his chin back.

Good one…..my fist laugh of the morning


Maybe not an outright bribe but quid pro quo for sure. It could be to be able to rub elbows with the local long-time mafia-type family that has run Pittsburg and most of Contra Costa County for a century, even though they are crooked as f&%#.

It’s the easiest thing ever to call people crooks, especially politicians. Some of the big mouths posting that are so sure that politicians here are being bribed should contact the FBI. Please don’t waste their time with silly rumors or paranoid theories. You will just vote them.

Put up or shut up .

Unless there’s solid evidence, don’t publicly call out anyone for being unethical. Even if she’s in the right, Karen Mitchoff handle this poorly, appeared too defensive, and showed way too much emotion for someone in a leadership position.

Having a literal Karen go out and do a mini rant on how you had better not dare question if there was any level of bribery, only lends me to think that there was definitely some level of bribery going on.

The idea that there would only be the pure of heart working in local government is also absurd.

What was that noise in the background? Washing Machine? Toilet?

How’bout nooooo!

She went on a rant last December using some pretty foul language from a letter that was written to her…. And it was broadcast over the CCTV network, which meant that she violated the FCC rules.

Apparently she thinks that she can get away with anything.

Mitchoff – you do not have the temperament to be in that position. You don’t understand who you work for.

It’s time for you to resign – right now.

Mitchoff is a TYRANT. I value nothing she says.

Ex-Contra Costa elections chief pleads guilty to perjury, grand theft….guess we just forgot about this lmao when politicians say something just assume the opposite.

This is classic Monster Mitchoff, if you don’t share her views you can expect to be yelled at and berated.

When we have former Contra Costa County Clerk-Recorder Joe Canciamilla forced to resign for misusing campaign funds, former Contra Costa County District Attorney Mark Peterson forced to resign for misusing campaign funds, former Concord City Councilmember Helen Allen elected to and serving on the Council while being a resident of another city and other Councilmembers were in on her fraud and signed her nomination papers, former Concord City Councilmember Tim Grayson accepting improper campaign donations, and Concord City Manager Valerie Barone violating the law by meeting with 3 Concord City Councilmembers to suppress the staff report and staff recommendation that Catellus be chosen as Master Developer of the CNWS property instead of Lennar as examples of wrongdoing at the City and County levels and the fact that Concord City Councilmembers willingly accept campaign funding from the CPOA, Garaventa family and their garbage company, and the Seeno family and their construction company which are viewed as corrupt people and entities by many Concord residents it’s no wonder so many residents smell corruption in the selection of the Seeno’s and their partners as CNWS Master Developers.

For those of you concerned about our water situation, it was Contra Costa County Supervisor Karen Mitchoff speaking at the California Water Conference that said residents of the Contra Costa Water District want to share the excess water the CCWD has in storage with other water districts in need throughout the State of California. It is only the CCWD and 3 other California water districts that have excess water and are able to expand their storage capacity by expanding current storage.

News flash: she was. She served one term. It was only a stepping stone to be on the Board of Supervisors.

The Peter principal in action. She topped out.

She is a professional politician. Worked as an aide to a politician so she could become one. She is Joey junior.

NO, we don’t want her! Plus she makes really big bucks at the County level.
Karen led the secret, unnecessary closure of Pleasant Hill’s old Library. The City had a document on their website that said the old Library would stay open until our wonderful new library is completed. Then Karen plus several PH Council members worked to secretly close it 2 years early! We are now the City without a library, thanks to Karen.

If the shoe fits wear it. Stop making excuses as if you can’t stand the fire stand down.

The current council does not have the citizens as their top priority. They only care about what they can get out of it and how far they can rise on the liberal and socialist ladder. Best you change your ways as elections are coming up and we are sick and tired of your acting like you give a damn when you could care less about the citizens who pay taxes and obey the law.

You all pander to the current political party in control. Admit it.

She’s a nutjob. Get rid of her. Time for new blood.

She has literally NO FACTUAL EVIDENCE to claim that none of the other members are corrupt and collecting bribes. She can certainly make the -claim- that she isn’t, but she cannot make claims that they are not. She has as much control over their bribery as she does over the sun and moon!

Disgusting woman, hard to look at, worse to listen to!

How has this blowhard not have been recalled yet? I’ll be the first to sign on the petition!

I’ll take “All of the Above” for 100, Alex.

She kinda has a point: it’s easy to just lob accusations of bribery. But she clearly needs to adjust her attitude and spare us the sanctimony and lecturing. Petty authoritarians have brought the nastiest side of their personality out into the light during this Covid mess.



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