Home » Retail Theft Suspect Arrested In Walnut Creek, $2,000 In Stolen Goods Returned To Stores

Retail Theft Suspect Arrested In Walnut Creek, $2,000 In Stolen Goods Returned To Stores


An Oakland woman suspected of organized retail theft was arrested Sunday in Walnut Creek and police recovered about $2,000 in stolen merchandise, authorities said.

The arrest came after an officer patrolling downtown noticed a suspicious car with no plates parked near Broadway Plaza, police said on social media.

With the help of other officers, 24-year-old Eriona Mclothan was taken into custody and the merchandise from various retailers at Broadway Plaza was returned, police said.

Approximately $2,000 in merchandise from various retailers in Broadway Plaza was recovered and returned.


Extra Walnut Creek police, along with officers from Lafayette and Contra Costa County Sheriff’s deputies are patrolling the downtown area due to an uptick in retail crime.

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Can we keep up on what her punishment will be? A little follow through.

Being arrested and being prosecuted are not the same, let’s see where this goes…

The trash from Oakland, Richmond, Antioch, and Vallejo will continue to hunt for easy targets in the retail stores. We all know they are emboldened by weak laws and woke D.As. Expect this to be the norm. They caught one, but there are 1,000s more of them prowling the area.

Profile much…every city has some undesirables.

Yes, don’t forget the looters from Blackhawk and Alamo.


Smell the reality, face the truth. 108RS

She has at least 3 priors for various offenses. She also has a PPP covid loan for $12k+ for her sole “employee” “taxi” service “business” Her name is spelled wrong here, and on the walnut creek pd post (missing the “g”). It’s Eriona Tayzhanae Mcglothan

No plates is a violation of Vehicle Code section 5200. It’s also evidence of another crime. Good job!

From Oakland?
Say it ain’t so!!!!
Libby, get over here and pick up your trash.

Amen brother. Where are the BLM apologists now?

good one!

I may be the only one to see it, but there seems to be a pattern here. The name, the city, the lack of license plates.
Any problem, not just crime, can’t be solved until the source details are formally acknowledged. Only then can an efficient solution be executed. That may not always be politically correct, but the truth is more important. Don’t expect city leaders to understand this.

Why was all the stolen merchandise immediately returned to the stores? I thought stolen items were held onto as evidence. Is this not the case anymore? Seems curious.

It’s not held as evidence because they won’t be tried or convicted of anything, slap on the wrist by our weak criminal system. “Catch and release” , it’s fun and games for the perps, they probably brag about how many times they do this.

The court will often accept photographs as evidence in this type of case.


No merchandise, no charges.

It is routine to take photographs of recovered stolen property and then return it to the owner after it has been identified.

A perfect example is a recovered stolen vehicle. The police do not store recovered stolen vehicles until the case has been adjudicated. The vehicle is recovered, released to the owner or towed and stored until the owner/insurance company can pick it up.

There is no reason to make the person a victim twice. One by the thief and once by the police keeping their property as evidence for a case that might take years to fully adjudicate.

Arrests are one thing, prosecution/incarceration is another. We’ll see how this plays out.

No doubt she has already been released. Catch and Release – it’s the California way. Arrests mean nothing in this state.

Tinted Windshields, no license plates, no drivers license, no insurance, on parole, prior felonies……sounds like the California way!

Big whoop de doo that the city is increasing patrols at malls…….the flash mobs will be in your neighborhood next, which is why the gun stores have all been packed and sold out of everything.

She is a typical day thief
They walk around the mall with huge overstuffed bags from different luxury stores as if they have just spent thousands of dollars like Kardashian or black China
They usually work in groups and are loud and obnoxious and often try to start arguments with retail staff
They have various counter measures to employ against the security systems and believe me everybody in the store knows who they are the minute they enter
This is why one major retailer is losing close to a million dollars each year from the BP location
WC has a very big problem on its hands because many honest people are insulted when they see these people stealing so obviously while they are in line waiting to pay and some just stop going to the plaza altogether so it’s a loss multiplying effect
The stores themselves are part of the problem and must stop coddling these people and let security do its job
Diana is the biggest problem though and she needs to make it clear that she will prosecute all retail theft to the fullest extent
If she won’t do this then she should resign
If she won’t resign then she must be voted out next year
The vote must be watched and a full recount and audit will probably be necessary because of the high possibility of fraud

Should have got a rope and made an example of her. To ward off other prospective thieves.

Activist DAs won’t convict. Slap on the wrist at worst, maybe probation or 60 hours community service.

The SF DA is the child of extremist communist terrorist members of the Weather Underground, for god’s sake.

Doesn’t do one damn bit of good to arrest these pieces of $hit if the DA doesn’t actively prosecute them.

It’s all window dressing from the politicians who want to hire more police; yet the politicians pass laws that decriminalize the existing crimes. Then the DA refuses to prosecute the miscreants. Hire all the police you want – but let them do their job. Then force the politicians and DA to do their respective jobs.

More blah blah blah. If you believe the soft on crime politicians and the DA about taking more action, then you deserve every bit of crime you get. If you want proactive change instead of reactions, then ALL incumbents need to be kicked out.


So true. So how does one get Prop. 47 repealed?

It’s time to bring back racial profiling.

Limp-wristed liberals will cry in their soy lattes, but it will decrease crime and make the streets safer.

I’ve already brought it back! Keeping my distance from most of the 13%
Many good friends doing the same.

She’s already out of CCC jail. No longer in custody there.



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