By Tony Hicks – Walnut Creek will have a new mayor tonight.
The term of outgoing Mayor Kevin Wilk will be up, with current Mayor Pro Tem Matt Francois expected to slide into the big chair.
The council will formally hold a vote for both positions, with the choice of mayor pro tem among council members Cindy Darling, Loella Haskew (who was mayor in 2016 and 2020) and Cindy Silva, who has been on the council since 2006 and served three terms as mayor.
Wilk will speak before officially handing over the gavel to one of his colleagues. The newly-elected mayor will speak as well.
The Walnut Creek City Council meets at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the council chamber at city hall, 1666 North Main Street, in Walnut Creek. The meeting can be seen at or on the city YouTube channel at
Appears that they are rearranging the dick chairs on the Titanic.
“I” is a long way from “E” on the keyboard. And the City Council is a long way from solving problems.
Oh, joy. We get another liberal from the bunch. The people should be electing the mayor, not the city council.
We need a REAL man to step in
If only we knew what anyone from the city council stands for.
Some fresh pockets to line.
Could we please get the socialist and liberals out of city councils once and for all! We can see the damage they have done and continue to do but still get their salaries.
Enough is enough!
If they had any integrity, they would all resign. Anyone up for recalls?
moi 🙂
I’m sure NONE of you actually know Mr. Francois. I do.
He had served multiple terms on the WC Planning Commission and by his comments and voting record on a plethora of land use matters, is conscientious of his decisions which may affect both public (the resident/visitor community) and private interests (business and property owners).
His record as a Councilmember also reflects his commitment to balancing these interests.
Not so sure that is something to brag about but you do you…
I’m sure he’s as bright as Wilk, not very.
Anyone who stays registered as a democrat supports their communist agenda, or “progressive” agenda, or whatever the hell word vomit their PR machine is spitting out these days.
If they don’t have the courage to leave the democrat party then they’re part of the problem.
We need people with courage, and the first step is turning against what the democrats have become. It’s become very clear that our area has a lot of people that cower when it’s their time to step up and do the right thing.
… talk is cheap – let’s see what he does
This county is what, 70% democrat? Don’t expect anything to change just because the orders are signed by a new name.
Walnut Creek was a much better place when it was majority Republican. But now that it’s become majority Democrat, it’s being ruined. Seems that this is a mode of Democrats of every city and state. Wherever they rule 100% you have higher crime, higher homeless, higher unhappiness for the good people.
You don’t follow them, they follow you.
If you follow them, all is lost.
Spot on, Cellophane, those representing us seem to forget that! Clayton will be doing musical chairs tonight as well with the mayorship…hope vengeance is not at the forefront this time around and the most qualified council member, Jeff Wan, is appointed. Wishful thinking, though…
We need a REAL man to step in
WC politics is mayor pro-tem structure…they rotate the mayorship among 5 of the council so we don’t get to vote very often
Oh goody. Loella or Cindy might soon dust off their old business cards.
They have been locked up in Mothballs, waiting