The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it!
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
Does it frustrate you that we’re asked to conserve water while thousands of new homes are being constructed throughout the state?
Talk about it….
Yes. It exemplifies hypocrisy.
The liberal politicians and their appointees to various State commissions and boards just do what they have to do to stay in power.
And then there are the so-called “environmentalists”… more hypocrites!!!
Yes, it is Frustrating! I refuse to cut back anymore that I have, since we are down to the bare bones…last month got it down to 47 gallons a day and it was not worth to pain. Plus, the price of water is up, so there isn’t even a savings on the cost.
Wow, that is seriously low water consumption. I will say congratulations that must have taken serious effort.
I’m not frustrated over California’s building as I have come to expect nothing less than complete and utter stupidity from elected officials. California is unprepared for the future.
That is pretty darn good Roz…no way we could do that with all the munchkins running around. Lucky it’s just the two of you love birds.
@ The Fearless Spectator~
I agree with you on California is unprepared for the future.
@ Simonpure~
Yeah, since it is just the two of us, it’s easier to control. Laundry & dish washing not so hard. Cutting back on showers or hair washing, not so fun. Going back to 60 gallons day. Yard is well water.
I wouldn’t use the word “frustrate,” I use the word, “distrust.” Anytime a government agency says or does the complete opposite of what they are demanding of its citizens, it reinforces my distrust of the government.
It’s the same as the mask mandate, the citizens are required to wear a mask and social distance, while governors, and mayors are partying it up maskless.
It also reinforces the thought that they know more than they are telling us. They know masks are useless, and they know a cough or a sneeze travels a lot farther than six feet. They also know we will not be running out of water anytime soon.
What’s really frustrating to me is the low flush toilets. There isn’t enough water to flush everything down in one flush, so a second flush is usually required. How’s that saving water? Trump addressed this problem, and he was going to lift restrictions on toilets, shower heads, and faucets.
100% yes.
They are also not building any more water holding facilities to keep the extra water needed, just keeping us in drought on purpose to perpetuate the crisis.
Yes, it does. But don’t expect any sanity from Sacramento.
It’s not just the water though, it’s the electricity while we have rolling blackouts during peak hours and the infrastructure which hasn’t added any capacity, and schools that are struggling.
and PGE is about to take a power plant of line forever that supplies 10% of their electricity. Go figure how that helps meet power demand.
Yes it bothers me. Frankly I don’t see why it wouldn’t bother each and every person in this state. It is ridiculous and if anybody wonders why it is difficult to get everybody on board as far as conserving water goes this is one very obvious reason.
Yes, it does. Aside from the water issue, the new housing they build is not made for the budget of an average working person. I’d like to add that there are too many people here already. Frustrating indeed!
of course..it’s absolutely ridiculous! we have limits – no new water sources – and the politicians approve more housing?! … does anybody have any common sense? …. sorry – rhetorical question … the folks here do but we are the decision makers
All government is theft.
Without question. Our supposed leaders are indeed building thousands of housing units especially around the transit hubs like Bart, eventually the former Concord navel weapons station and beyond. All the while, they are asking and will soon demand the existing homes lower their water usage during our current drought. To add injury to insult a large portion of the new housing units will be subsidized by the very taxpayers who will suffer these water restrictions. What a Joke!
More housing.
More water restrictions.
More impact on sewer and water systems.
Less electrical power for additional housing.
More traffic problems without addressing infrastructure.
Given remote work capabilities, there is mo need for “transit hubs.”
Increase in population without addressing schools.
The only “benefit” to additional housing is more property taxes flowing to the government.
Yes, it is incredibly frustrating California’s “do as I say and not as I do” attitude. My family has conserved water every year and there is just no more ways for us to save on our water usage. We do not have lawn; however, we do have a pool and plants. We are not going to damage our pool by not keeping it filled and we are not going to let our plants die after all of our hard work (both financial and labor) in creating a nice front and back yard. I also run the dishwasher, washing machine and dryer at the hours that are convenient for me – not during the time frame that the state recommends. How is it that these politicians say CA is one of the largest economies and greatest state around; yet, CA has limited water, rolling blackouts, smash n grabs, horrible roads, schools that are rated extremely low, etc. The list goes on and on.
Damn right!
CA has become a communist entity with single party control and sham elections on the surface but which is ultimately controlled by international billionaires like Soros, Steyer and Bloomberg and they want to follow the UN Agenda 21 plan and the Davos plan to deindustrialize the US economy and initiate a financial system of universal basic income but complete surveillance and micro management of daily life
What ordinary people want no longer matters
Local government does not really exist because they receive instructions from higher up people in the party or international billionaire policy makers NGO
For instance Bloomberg gave Sierra Club 100 million dollars so they have gone silent about rapid deforestation in the Sierra and have moved on to a divisive racially woke agenda
The only way out is to defund the government and deregulate
It bugs me that this had been a problem for years yet no one in government has taken any steps to fix it. Or at least make it better. We haven’t had enough water for all the building for years. Not only was this predictable, people have been screaming about it.
+1 ..and it will still fall on deaf ears… even if all of our comments were forwarded to Newsom do you think he would do anything about it? no way… he has his own selfish agenda
Yes. Water supply is decreasing, yet the bozos in Sac want to increase demand. What could possibly go wrong? Las Vegas had serious water issues back in the ’90s, when the hottest market for new home construction was in the middle of the desert.
No, because I moved out of socialist CA. I no longer pay taxes that support blatant lies and hypocrisy.
We all keep talking about the same thing every time this topic comes up.
Complaining does nothing.
Action speaks loud and clear.
So true!
If more people would put their “team-feelings” aside for a few years, and stop voting democrat, that could be a step foreword in solving many of California’s problems.
@jjshawk……. I’m not optimistic. Transforming California’s zombie Democrat voters into Republican voters would be a miracle, and I’m not sure we’d want those people on our side anyway.
They are low info voters, they don’t care.
If they actually cared or thought about the things they are voting for then they would never voted for Democrats like Newsom or Pelosi in the first place.
Even after exposing all the lies and wasted money apathetic D voters just go ahead and vote for the same slimy politicians year after year…. it’s hopeless.
There are none so blind as those who will not see……
(or even bother to look!)
Not exactly. The water management is a disaster, so that part outrages me. But I don’t think the state is building too many new homes. Not by a long shot!
… where is the water for these new homes coming from? There’s no new sources and drought is the forecast for years to come… oh – it will come from you & I having to cut back again or pay high fines… we’ve been talking about desalination but has Newsom / Brown any of them done anything about it? noooooooo
Just drove up the back way from San Diego. Highway 19. New developments all over the place. Cities where none existed before.
Leave the Concord Naval Weapons Station to the cattle, wild turkeys and other (non-human) creatures!
There were voter approved bonds to build additional water storage “Reservoirs”. Does anyone know where these new facilities are located? Was this just another bond where the money goes into the General Fund because there is no oversight, then Newsom sees it as extra money he is free to spend?
If we are in a major drought all new housing construction should be put on hold.
When in doubt, follow the money!
It is the usual money grab. I am tired of taxation without representation as are so many others of us.
What I think is ridiculous are all the golf courses using up water. Think about that. If it’s a choice between housing for people or a golf game…
Housing is needed, McMansions are not.
Many golf courses use reclaimed water,Xioujet.