Home » Gas Prices Stabilize In Bay Area, Inch Up Throughout The Rest Of The State

Gas Prices Stabilize In Bay Area, Inch Up Throughout The Rest Of The State


While prices at the pump stabilized nationwide and in the Bay Area in the past week, statewide the figures continued to inch upward.

According to figures shared Monday by the American Automobile Association, the national average for a gallon of regular gas is $3.394, down from $3.409 on Monday, Nov. 24. One month ago the national average was $3.401, and one year ago it was $2.128.

Association officials said recent fluctuations in the price of crude oil have helped to stabilize and put downward pressure on prices.

Average prices in much of the Bay Area changed only slightly from a week ago, going up or down a fraction of a cent in most areas, according to the figures from AAA.


However, average prices in the Bay Area are 15-20 cents higher than the statewide average in San Francisco, San Mateo, Marin, Napa and Sonoma counties. The average prices range from 6-8 cents above the state average in Contra Costa, Alameda, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties, while Solano County is right at the California average.

In California, which has the highest average gas prices in the country by nearly $1 over the next-highest state, the average price rose a half-penny in the last week to $4.711, but fell two-tenths of one cent below the record high of $4.713 measured Saturday. One month ago the state average was $4.588 and a year ago it was $3.186, both slightly more than $1 above the national average.

Prices in California are higher due to taxes and environmental fees.

The state’s average price for mid-grade fuel rose a full cent in the past week to $4.897, compared to $4.769 one month ago and $3.362 a year ago.


Premium fuel prices in California climbed to $5.024 from $5.017 over the past week, compared to $4.891 one month ago and $3.484 one year ago.

In the past week, the average price of diesel fuel rose to $4.849 from $4.833. One month ago the price was $4.721, compared to $3.370 one year ago.

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$6.09 in Modoc County.
Gorda, CA (Big Sur) is $7.59.
You broke your own record, California. Again.

A year ago, my middle Tennessee neighborhood was paying under $2 per gallon for gas. Now, Sam’s Club is $2.839 and Shell and Exxon are $2.999.

What does OPEC have to do with our higher pump prices?? It is the Demos and fund speculators that drive the prices up! I remember seeing an article that indicated that we import less than 20% of crude from the Mid-East. And that crude is mainly used for accessory production like plastic containers, etc. It is not used for refining as fuel!
I cannot substantiate this info as I believe it was quickly squelch by Obama and I do not remember the author of same.

In California, gas prices are impacted by the high cost of refining. California has a special blend of gasoline that’s unique from the rest of the country. The state also has higher taxes and environmental fees, the federal tax on gas is only 18.4 cents per gallon. California adds another $1.18 in fees and taxes.

When does the special blend come off? I thought that was only for summer and to end in November. Or did Newsom extend it’s use? It contributes to higher prices in California.

Well the President released oil form our reserve.He thinks that is the solution.Can someone slap his ugly face and wake him up from his dream.

It still remains a fact that senile Joe(or whoever is pulling his puppet strings and all those that voted for him) are responsible for historically high gas prices.

The new multi trillion dollar infrastructure bills payed by us for by these gigantic gas and other tax increases are wonderfully designed to supposedly improve our crumbling roads, bridges, etc.
Funny how those same roads are still in the same shape they were the last thirty years or more. Let’s just say the word (infrastructure) equates to the word (socialistic) spending and be done with it,
Once and for all….

Misappropriation of funds by the democrat by taking money promised for other projects (schools, roads, etc) and putting it into the general fund. That’s why CA has a budget surplus.

More proof that the democrat politicians are lying, and more proof that the idiot voters are directly responsible for this by contiguous re-elect them.

You can thank the idiot democrats for those high prices. Cancellation of the pipeline and high taxes…

Not to mention the sky high cost of ammunition!

***by continuing to re-elect them.”

I hate “autocorrect.”

The Dems want to make gas-driven vehicles obsolete by out-pricing the fuel. It’s part of the grand ‘transformation’ they promised. No problem if you sacrifice your family budget as long as the party’s goal is served.

Of course, their chauffeur-driven, government paid vehicles and security entourages require petrol – they are the important people.

We are merely ants in their afterbirth ….

Wrong. Just went up on Treat and Clayton to $4.99. Fake news. Plus. It’s your fault. You should have an electric car. The progressives-I mean regressives- answer to high gas prices.

And what a shock. Add to the narrative, most of the Bay Area bridges will soon go up another dollar. Hello Bay Area liberal progressive voters. Are you starting to see the light now, or do you want these policies to continue? Your call, your money…..

I’ve come to expect this sort of B.S.
If one in 100 people buy the story it’s worth it for them to put it out their I suppose.



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