Home » 13-Year-Old Concord Boy Arrested For Oakland Carjacking

13-Year-Old Concord Boy Arrested For Oakland Carjacking


A 13-year-old Concord boy led police on a wild chase early Sunday morning in a stolen car that ended when the carjacking suspect lost control of the vehicle in Oakley and crashed into a decorative boulder in front of Starbucks.

Antioch police spotted a car at 2:55 a.m. that was stolen during an Oakland carjacking, driving on L Street near Sycamore Drive. Officers were notified the suspects in the carjacking had firearms.

The driver led police on a pursuit through Antioch into Oakley, where he lost control of the stolen vehicle, drove over the center median, and collided with the Starbucks bolder, located on the 2100 block of Main Street.

Officers arrested the 13-year-old running from the vehicle. Anyone with information regarding the incident can contact Antioch police at (925) 779-6874 or text the key word ANTIOCH to 274637 (CRIMES).


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Parenting fail!!!

Probably don’t have parents… Unfortunately being that a gang is. Work in your community and save a child.

Children often emulate their parents.

It wouldn’t surprise me if this was true in this case.

Looks like this kid needs a good ole-fashion whooping across the backside. Maybe one for the parents too. Hey! I had a few of those in my younger day. I turned out just fine.


Isn’t this way past his bedtime!
Where the hell is their parents?… Or more likely single mother??

There was a recent teen from Illinois from a single mother who was also out past his bedtime and crossed state lines.

I assume you feel the same way about that kid?

Concord Resident, the kid you’re talking about didn’t do anything illegal, it’s not illegal to cross state lines.

Dawg – Badge’s comments were about a kid being out past his bedtime and possibly a single mother, just like Kyle.

@Badge1104, wow, really. Kyle was visiting his father, watch Court TV for actual facts.

Sorry the comment was for Concord resident.

Concord Resident

Please, pretty please with sugar on top explain to me what crossing states lines has to do with anything?

What legal jeopardy did Rittenhouse put himself in by crossing state lines?

Inquiring minds would like to know.

The parent(s) should be charged and convicted for derelection of basic parenthood.

But according to the liberals in charge, he’s just a misguided youth who needs “restorative justice counselling”.


Good opportunity for a harsh “Decisions and Consequences” type of lesson.

Parent accountability. Our politicians should be working on charging parents when their kids F-up. We would see a lot less if this crap.

@ Local Lady … Usually when someone carjacks someone there is a weapon involved… Just because he’s “some stupid kid” doesn’t mean that the kid didn’t have a weapon… If anybody is trying to get this kid killed, it’s himself… People blame the parents but I’ve seen first hand that some kids, no matter how strict the parents are, will just do bad things… Parents have limited rights when it comes to disciplining their kids now days. Everybody can speculate and point their finger including me because society has made it the way it is today… Nobody is held accountable for their actions anymore and if they are people claim abuse…

That kid has played too much Grand Thefts Auto! Cut him off

Of course our DA and others in the “progressive” crowd want to close down Juvenile Hall. We certainly wouldn’t want to separate the predators from their prey.

Looks like we’re on the road to a dystopian society. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.

“Officers were notified the suspects in the carjacking had firearms.”
Suspects? As in more than one? And firearms. Sounds like someone is trying to get this kid killed.

@ LL

“ Sounds like someone is trying to get this kid killed.”

What exactly do you mean? He’s pretty much doing that to himself. Think about it. The vehicle was carjacked. Most carjackers use weapons in their crimes. Most likely the victim told the police the carjackers had guns. Oh but wait. I see. You think the poor misguided angle was the victim, not the person who got their car taken!

Using a gun in a crime can have deadly consequences. Even for the angels committing the act!

You mean the victim and/or witness(es) of the carjacking or are you insinuating the police just made it up?!?

What I mean is that someone told the police that there were armed suspects, not just one stupid kid. Imagine if they shot and killed him. Do we really want to go through that again? Some people benefit from that sort of thing, but not the police.

So the victim is lying? Exactly how would you know?!?

Explain to me what the benefit is to the victim to lie? A robber is by force or fear. No weapon is needed for the crime of robbery.

I’m sure this has not occurred to you but simply because there was only one person in the car when it was stopped does not mean there wasn’t more than one person involved in the carjacking. The same goes with the firearm.

The article is very sparse on details. It starts out with suspects and fire arms in Oakland, and ends up with a single child from Concord in Oakley. There is no menion of the other suspect(s) or firearms. Where are they? It looks to me like the kid got left holding the bag while a more culpable companion ran off. Also, notice the passive sentence structure in the sentence, “Officers were notified the suspects in the carjacking had firearms.” Notified by whom? What kind of car was it? Was it stollen for a joy ride, or was it on its way to a chop shop? There are a lot of ways to fill in the blanks in this story, but they all end with an unarmed minor, who could have died in the crash, or been shot because police thought he was armed.

Yes it is sparce because it is a synopsis of the incident, not the crime report itself.

As to the other suspects, who know where they are. Perhaps the suspect in custody will identify them and they can be arrested. Wouldn’t that be nice?

You accept without question that APD knew the vehicle they were following had been stolen in Oakland earlier but you are mystified and suspicious that they also knew it was taken during an armed robbery. You don’t think the former is directly related to the latter?

Let me clear this up for you. When OPD took the report, the victim signed an affidavit under penalty of perjury that their vehicle was stolen. OPD then entered the vehicle into the Stolen Vehicle System with a V-Stop placed on the registration. It lists the vehicle as having been stolen in an armed carjacking. Suspects considered armed and dangerous, Approach with caution and notify OPD or for the sake of brevity, “officers were notified”. Once again it is a synopsis of the events not the crime report.

Explain to me what kind of car, what kind of firearm or what the robber’s motivation for stealing the vehicle has anything to do with the crime of armed robbery?

You spend a lot of time and mental gymnastics trying to convince yourself that somehow the person in custody is not responsible for his own actions. Trying to make kid out to be the victim when in fact he is the bad guy.

What about the mental turmoil and anxiety of the person who was the victim of the armed robbery? They have to live with that for the rest of their lives. Always wondering if it will happen to them again. What about the safety of pubic when the kid was driving around in a vehicle by himself and during the pursuit?

You like throw around what ifs: what if during the pursuit the kid had driven the vehicle into the bedroom of a occupied home instead of a wall? What if the kid had hit a vehicle turning off a side-street during the pursuit or crashed on the freeway on his way from Oakland to Antioch? What if during the armed robbery the victim was shot and it became a robbery-homicide?

Here is a news flash for you. The kid could have broken the chain of events anytime he wanted to. He did not have to participate in the armed robbery. He did not have to drive the vehicle (all by himself I point out). He did not have to flee from the police. He did not have to crash into a wall. He did not have to be arrested a gunpoint by the police. No one forced him and HE IS NOT THE VICTIM in this story.

Where it not for his actions none of this would have occurred.

There are some people that just don’t belong on this earth.

13 years old and already hit a brick wall

Haha, Sycamore Dr, how *SHOCKING*, the nice neighborhood that was turned into a ghetto in less than 10 years once a certain Section 8 element started moving in during the mid-80’s.

Fun Fact: Sycamore Drive ghetto on the west side of L Street is why the neighborhood on the east side of L Street is no longer known as Sycamore Drive and instead is William Reed Way,..they were so stigmatized by the trash associated with the name Sycamore Dr that they petitioned to change their street name.

Send home to mom, mom will deny her baby was capable and sue the cops for stopping her child from exercising his rights



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