Home » The Water Cooler – What’s Your Favorite & Least Favorite Food On Thanksgiving??

The Water Cooler – What’s Your Favorite & Least Favorite Food On Thanksgiving??


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: What’s one dish you wouldn’t want to live without on Thanksgiving, and what is one dish you’d like to never see again?

Talk about it….

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fav: mashed taters; although is a tough choice.

least fav: pumpkin pie, without question

Fav: Turkey and gravy
Least Fav: Pumpkin Pie 🤮

I agree I don’t like anything pumpkin, even though my dad use to grow them. However, in Denmark we pickled them, and of course we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.

Not sure why I’m getting a thumbs down for not liking pumpkin. As for not celebrate Thanksgiving, it is not a European holiday. I do and have since I came here always celebrated Thanksgiving. In fact it is one of my favorite holidays.

Rhubarb pie and keylime pie.

Favorite: stuffing
Least favorite: turkey


Dressing is paramount, Frogeye Salad….yuck!

Least favorite is turkey … I usually opt for ham, instead, if it is available.

Most favorite is Pumpkin pie. I’ve put away two already this Thanksgiving and have the fixings for two more. I can eat it breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


Fav – combo turkey. stuffing, & gravy ……. never to see – cauliflower or brussel sprouts

I like pretty much all of it, especially if I do my own cooking. I make my own cranberry sauce, and stovetop stuffing, the combination of stuffing, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce is really good. There are so many differnt recipes for stuffing, I usually do the breadcubes, add butter, broth,
onion, celery and apples, and then of course spices.

For years I made an eggnog pie, with a pecan crust (Gourmet Magazine 1976) it is sinful, but delicious it is also quite a production to make. I have alsa made a cranberry upside down cake, served with whipped creame.


Hanne–Eggnog pie sounds wonderful. I love eggnog, I even pour in on my cereal.


Everyone raved about my eggnog pie. You can probably find the reciped online. I do a pecan crust, ground up pecans in the food processor, then mix it with butter and sugar, and bake it for about 15 minutes. The filling is like a mousse, lots of eggs, cream, and of course bourbon and rum, add gelatin so it becomes a mousse. I have seen several recipes, some add cinnamon, but I prefer this one. I serve it topped with whipped cream and shaved bitter chocolate. Like I said it is sinful.

Is the Cranberry Upside Down pie American or a European recipe? Sounds yummy. Not to sweet.
Are U able to point out where to find the actual recipe?
Happy T/G to Y’all on Claycord.com

Everyone raved about my eggnog pie. You can probably find the reciped online. I do a pecan crust, ground up pecans in the food processor, then mix it with butter and sugar, and bake it for about 15 minutes. The filling is like a mousse, lots of eggs, cream, and of course bourbon and rum, add gelatin so it becomes a mousse. I have seen several recipes, some add cinnamon, but I prefer this one. I serve it topped with whipped cream and shaved bitter chocolate. Like I said it is sinful.

Not sure why I’m getting a thumbs down for not liking pumpkin. As for not celebrate Thanksgiving, it is not a European holiday. I do and have since I came here always celebrated Thanksgiving. In fact it is one of my favorite holidays.

Carol. The cranberry upside down cake is from a Gourmet Magazine I think from the eighties. Upside down cakes recipes I think are American, I don’t remember them from Denmark. However, I developed my love of baking in this country, so not sure. You should be able to find the recipe on line, unlike the eggnog pie this one is pretty easy to make.

I used to be a purist when it came to my egg nog (the addition of brandy, from a purity stance, broadened my mind a bit), but I’ll be d#$%ed if egg nog pie doesn’t sound very interesting…Happy Thanksgiving!

Anything this year would be just dandy…least is cranberry and beets.


Good: toss up between good mashed potatoes and good green bean casserole.
Bad: yams


Turkey and cranberry sauce.

Don’t understand green bean salad, sorry.


TURKEY but I will take those sides.

Well, my favorite is the turkey of course, with cranberry sauce.
Least desired is the mashed potatoes. Anything else as a side dish please.

Least favorite would be canned cranberry sauce. Most favorite is stuffing with gravy, and the garlic mashed potatoes my daughter makes.


Dawg, Make your own cranberry sauce, I make it every year, another recipe from Gourmet Magazine. However, you don’t really need a recipe it is very simple to make. After washing and picking over the cranberry’s to cook them with a little water, on low to medium heat. As they start to pop the will jell, then I add sugar to taste, some orange rind, and juice from an orange.
P.S. You and other got me to write about one of my favorite subject, cooking and baking. Happy Thanksgiving

Favorite ~ If it tastes good, I’ll eat it.
Least Favorite ~ Taste Yuck, goes in the garbage.


Plain and simpleton Big Sis…I like that thought process.

Favorite: Butterball turkey (shame they only sell it for a couple months a year)

Cannot think of a dish I would do without; I like pretty much all that my families have had on Thanksgiving.

We are Thankful, and celebrating, with Grace, and gusto!

Nobody mentioned mincemeat pie. I’ve never liked it but I will still try it if it’s there.


Stuffing is my favorite but I don’t have any Turkey Day regular side dish I don’t like….okra isn’t for T-Day is it?

@DR. JELLYFINGER..…Okra is year around food, just fried some last night…mmmmm.

Stuffing and homemade cranberry sauce are my favorite. Also like leftovers next day when its quiet. Please keep the yucky green bean and canned soup casserole thing far away. I like fresh greens with almonds, thank you. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE.



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