Home » The Water Cooler – Will Gas Prices Hit $6 A Gallon In California?

The Water Cooler – Will Gas Prices Hit $6 A Gallon In California?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: Do you think gas prices will reach $6 a gallon in California in the near future?


Talk about it….

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Probably. But with Californians love for their vehicles I doubt that driving habits will change any.

Of course it will – this is California.

Yep,…California always leads the way.

I’m sure Kamala will get right on it, like she promised 6 years ago to have Senate hearings regarding big oil price gouging.
None of that matters now that the “Woke” are in charge.

… and it was one of Newsom’s campaign promises to get underneath the oil company gouging of Cali residents and fix it… yeah… like how he said he would stop the billions we’re spending on the high speed rail to nowhere…

Yep, probably even higher. I read that gas in a small town in Monterey County is $7.59 for a gallon of regular. Their plan, (the Dems) is to make it so expensive, that people will resort to public transportation, or buy an electric car, even though there isn’t enough electricity in the state to charge the car. They don’t care that it will increase the cost of everything we buy because they don’t care about the American people. Once they achieve their goal, they will find an excuse to take away your electric car. Fossil fuel, COVID, and racism, is all they ever use as justification to take away our rights, and erase the American dream. It’s the beginning of communism in America, and it’s a shame that Democrat voters don’t understand what’s happening before our very eyes.

Spot on, Dawg! I enjoyed reading your commentary.

Meanwhile, as costs of housing, education and medical treatments skyrocket far ahead of salary increases the Republicans…


@ Dawg~ so True
@Sancho Panza~ Agree

So true! What you said, Dawg!
Unfortunately so true in your average Democrat voter does not see it. I guess they need to suffer a lot before they wake up. And that suffering is a comin’!

dawg – You should tell it to Alex Jones. He loves conspiracy theories.

everyone should stop getting smog checks until the dems
lower gas prices

Gas prices, bare shelves/backups at the ports, border chaos…it’s not just some random confluence of events, this is the execution of a planned strategy. But of course there remains a huge number of smooth brains, many comprising the electorate of this state, who believe otherwise.

100% correct-the chaos being created during the “Biden administration” is part of the master plan to destroy the America that
people around the world migrate to when things get bad. Redistribution of wealth is the one of the goals. Ultimate control is another.

Who knows how expensive it can get?

It’s actually not the price per gallon that I pay that I’m concerned about. It sucks, but I can suffer through expensive gas for my commute. I’m concerned about the compounding effect of more expensive fuel on every step of the supply chain for EVERYTHING. I can deal with expensive gas. I can’t deal with expensive EVERYTHING.

Grape. You’re correct.

No one that voted for Joe Baby or any democrat should be complaining. You are getting what we said you would get.

6 hours ago in Bridgeport, CA
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Maybe baby!
Higher fuel prices will impact the costs of most everything people buy and consume. Then there will be Inflation through the roof…

If the nominees biden has up get put into place…the nominee for comptroller Saule Omarova wants small oil and gas to go bankrupt, for the sake of green policies. After the small go bankrupt, more draconian measures can be meted out to the few large companies. Saule Omarova also wants the fed to control prices for fuel and natural resources (oil). If this commie gets approved, count on prices of oil/fuel going up everywhere, which would easily put the average California gas price well above $6 before the end of 2022. Can CARB and our “benevolent” legislature raise state imposed gas taxes for 2022, or do they have to wait for 2023?

…. yup… I say by March 2022

I’ll bet gas will reach $10 to $12 dollars a gallon.

Just like European countries.

Just wait, the VAT is coming soon.

But, but I thought EVERYONE wanted to be just like Europe.

Everything is soooooo much better in Europe.

Be careful what you wish for.

It already has hit $6 in some places in California. It’s going to go up at lot more.

I’m quite sure that senile Dopey Joe and the rat Greasy Gavin hope that they do.

Absolutely. They like the carrot and stick game, but without the carrot.

EV prices will skyrocket also; there is a lot of petroleum used in their manufacture. Once the prices are sufficiently high, the Feds will offer their own financing. And like FHA home loans, the internal fees will be high and buried in the disclosures. The uneducated only consider the monthly payment. Imagine a Tesla, a ten year asset amortized at a 30 year rate. You get the picture. Quite the racket.

The UN Agenda 21 and 2030 plan is what the democrat party are working for
It is a communist plan with the aim of deindustrialising the US and destroying the personal auto and fossil fuel economy
There is no desire to provide electric cars as a replacement in any capacity other than public transport for majority of “the little people”
There is no viable plan to generate the electricity required to replace all the gas powered cars or to build out a public charging infrastructure
The climate hoax delivered by constant fake news narrative is the gateway to globalist authoritarian government and they are cynically using the good nature of most people that care about the environment
They are almost to the finish line but one problem has thrown a wrench into the works and that is the extreme incompetence of the Brandon regime and the hysterical BLM movement that has repulsed a majority of population



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