Contra Costa County announced Thursday that it will partially lift its indoor mask requirements Nov. 1 for small, fully vaccinated settings.
The health order will allow fully vaccinated people to remove their masks indoors in settings with fewer than 100 people that are not open to the general public like offices, gyms, occupational vehicles, religious gatherings and college classes.
Those present in such settings must confirm their full vaccination status with the host or business, must gather on a regular basis and should not attend if they have COVID-19 symptoms.
“This will allow vaccinated people to feel safe removing their masks at the office and when they’re working out at the gym,” county Health Officer Dr. Chris Farnitano said. “Of course, people in these places can keep wearing masks if that makes them feel more comfortable.”
Contra Costa County is the third Bay Area county to make partial changes to its indoor mask requirements, joining Marin County and San Francisco. Public health officials in all three counties have pointed to declining COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations as evidence that it is safe to remove masking requirements in some settings.
Indoor mask requirements, regardless of vaccination status, will still be in effect in Contra Costa County in larger indoor spaces like grocery stores, bars and restaurants.
In addition, unvaccinated residents are still required to wear a face covering indoors in any public setting.
On Tuesday, Farnitano said the county could lift its broader mask mandate by New Year’s if the region remains on its current trajectory of declining cases and increasing vaccinations.
Health officials in nine Bay Area jurisdictions, including Contra Costa County, said last week that they would lift indoor mask mandates when each respective jurisdiction reaches a handful of criteria, including 80 percent of a county’s total population being fully vaccinated and reaching the moderate or yellow tier of COVID-19 transmission as defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
As of Thursday, only Marin County has fully vaccinated more than 80 percent of its total population.
In Contra Costa County, 71.6 percent of the county’s total population has been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Among those currently eligible for vaccination — those age 12 and older — 82.4 percent are fully vaccinated.
Like I said on the other thread, Dr. Farnitano’s heart grew three sizes! Now, may we see the concrete, scientific data to justify this new mask mandate, specifically the unvaccinated part? We must make sure that misinformation is not promulgated within the constituents…
Thank you Herr Farantino for your unwavering support of us during these trying times. It is not like you are attempting to give us back our freedoms ..
Sorry, couldn’t write anymore of that.
So if everyone shows their vaccination card, we don’t have to wear a mask .. so in other words, another beating to try and force the unvaccinated to get vaccinated.
So how will these establishments verify that that the vaccination record they are seeing is not a phony? Are they trained …
Any guesses how this is going to work out ? ? ? ?
Masks still required in restaurants and bars, so how do those wearing regular masks eat or drink, keeping in mind the straw ban ? ? ?
An why aren’t these masks being sold in mass quantities for use in restaurants and bars?
Again. Why do people with natural immunity need a mask? They keep ignoring this.
I agree…. They never talk about natural immunity, which is better than a shot.
Natural immunity is far superior. It’s all about control, not health.
“In one analysis, comparing more than 32,000 people in the health system, the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated, and the risk of hospitalization eight times higher.”
Natural Immunity????? Am I really reading this? NOBODY is immune to covid! People that make comments like these are the reason this won’t stop spreading….
Cali…It after you had Covid your body develops a immunity against it.
There are people who have gotten COVID twice. Some of them went to the hospital multiple times and it is highly recommended they get vaccinations. So no, that should not be a factor.
So if I have AIDS, does that mean I have natural immunity from HIV?
Who needs natural immunity when it was just proven a simple little aspirin cures COVID HOAX.
Natural immunity is far superior to any man made injection. It’s not even called a vaccine anymore.
Looks like “@cali” is the shill of the day. “NOBODY IS IMMUNE TO COVID” 🤣🤣 how much crack have you smoked today? People who had Sars COV 1 are completely immune for starters.
If you’re talking about the nobody is immune from The Great Reset communist infiltration, thats another story.
Oh and Let’s go Brandon!!!
I think they’re speaking of immunity gained from getting covid-19 and then recovering. But I’ve also seen research I’d have to dig up the link that stated being exposed to covid and then getting the vaccine gave you what they called super immunity which would supposedly give you protection against SARS viruses in general and possibly even covid in any of its variants again I need to find that link.
For the dummies, natural immunity from prior infection does NOT mean 100% immune…HOWEVER, it DOES offer more robust/longer protection than your leaky ADE-inducing gene therapy aka “vaccine”, which in case you haven’t noticed doesn’t prevent infection or spread, and oh by the way you’re in store for an endless cycle of boosters, sounds like fun.
You would be wrong. goatsandsoda/2021/ 09/07/1033677208/ new-studies-find-evidence- of-superhuman-immunity-to-covid-19-in-some-individuals
Ooops Chicken Little do you actually read the articles you cite? And if so do you understand them?
The article is about people who have a particularly strong immune response to the COVID agent, but here is the important part. Who are these people?
So who is capable of mounting this “superhuman” or “hybrid” immune response?
“People who have had a “hybrid” exposure to the virus. Specifically, they were infected with the coronavirus in 2020 and then immunized with mRNA vaccines this year. “Those people have amazing responses to the vaccine,” says virologist Theodora Hatziioannou at Rockefeller University, who also helped lead several of the studies. “I think they are in the best position to fight the virus. The antibodies in these people’s blood can even neutralize SARS-CoV-1, the first coronavirus, which emerged 20 years ago.”
Kind of defeats the “natural immunity” point
There are a few doctors at The Cleveland Clinic who could help you poor misguided souls.
Reinfections do happen. Breakthrough infections do happen. Neither vaccine induced or post infection immunity is perfect. Very possibly the latter is better than the former. But anyway, both are real and effective at vastly reducing chance of serious illness/death. Both reduce but do not eliminate the possibility of spreading it.
But one of them gets you access to public accommodations and the other one is treated as non-existent by our overlords.
This is more like a rewards system to make people get vaxxed than a rational policy. People who are vaccinated can still spread it to others. People who aren’t vaxxed don’t pose a huge risk to the vaxxed. So… this only makes sense in terms of punishment and control, not in terms of controlling the spread of the virus.
The whole bay area is so vaxxed now that Covid is now an individual health risk, not a social health risk. Make your own decisions at this point! We don’t need Farnitano to be in charge of our lives. If we ever did (a big if) that time is long past.
Wow, they made it a whole 24 hours before changing their minds on requirements for indoor mask mandates. Shocker. 🙄 These new requirements, by the way, are completely ridiculous and not helpful. Keep hitting it out of the park Contra Costa County Health Officials! Clowns.
So if you include the people who have recovered from covid we’re at probably 90-95% which would put us in the green!
That would be true if any of this were actually about peoples’ health and SCIENCE, but over the past ~20 months the soy-infused betas of our society (e.g. Farnitano) have got a huge taste of power & control and have zero intent on giving it up.
It’s also good to remember that science is not a religion and scientists are not priests. Science a field that is often in a state for flux.
Meanwhile in other parts of the country people are living without any of this bull…
I don’t think “they” planned on ‘The great reset’ becoming the Great Awakening!!
Thank GOD that police will Not uphold or enforce this tyrannical overreach.
Perhaps the unvaccinated could be made to wear an arm band.
Better yet a tattoo on the wrist right?
I wear a t-shirt that proudly states my very Unvaccinated status. The words are prominently displayed right across my double D’s. You cant miss it!🤩
@Deb Shay……So the words are displayed a little lower than waist high?
It will never end. This is about fascist control, not a virus.
Funny how it looks like it was all set to be a “2 year” experiment now, doesn’t it???……didn’t we pretty much start this whole fiasco January ’20 ??
Bet you most all restrictions will be stopped by the end of January ’22
Completely planned, all of it. What a shame. We have all become experimental rats.
Wow…..So sad
In your case, I would dare say, an experimental monkey.
Meanwhile, in the free states…….
Well it seems that’s been the norm for the last several months so this is nothing significant to report and “start” on Nov 1st.
99 people is OK but 100 is risky? Who comes up with these arbitrary numbers anyway?
The problem with natural immunity is that it varies amongst different people and they don’t know how long it lasts. Delta provides better immunity than the original strain.
@Anon, Israel is an anomaly. They used only the Pfizer vaccine and stuck to a strict 3 week protocol. If you read the article that you linked to, it also said that having COVID along with one dose of Pfizer provides better protection than getting COVID without vaccine. The article also states that people should not get deliberately infected as it puts them at risk of long COVID, severe illness, and death. They acknowledge that the sample size is small and that natural immunity is far from perfect. If people get COVID more than once, they are at a higher risk of severe disease and death.
None of what you wrote changes the fact that post-infection immunity is real and highly effective. All immune responses vary from person to person – that includes vaccines. And nobody knows how long vaxxed immunity lasts either. We have longer term data on natural immunity than vaccines.
Somehow we are supposed to accept that vaccines are effective even when they are imperfect. (Which is true, btw.) But any imperfections in natural immunity mean that it doesn’t exist. How does that make sense?
It’s fine to recommend that people get vaxxed even post-Covid. Mandating it is something else. The benefit is probably marginal. You can’t impose a mandate and take away people’s jobs and right to go into public places because they didn’t get a jab with marginal (if any) benefit for them or for society.
Go to southern CA. Most people are not wearing masks indoors and businesses are not asking you to put one on. It’s like it’s a different state in LA and SD counties.
My daughter lives by Pasadena, l visited for a few days late July, people wore masks and it was required in stores and the hotel l stayed at.
I was in Orange County last week. They have no mask mandate, but the mask wearing was about 50/50.
That’s right, we are! Left Commiefornia over two months to a free state. Worth every penny of the move and then some. Get out while you can! We uprooted our family after living in CA for decades. Not worth it.
Hey Dr. Farnitano and CCC BOS, don’t try to make yourself look magnanimous by allowing the unvaccinated into churches without a mask. The California Constitution and U.S. Constitution already bars you from interfering with worship.
You know what I just found out? …… when you get out of the shower you can step into one of those little blue & white masks & hike it way up and it works just like a hammock for your boys.
It isn’t comfortable or anything, but put on a shower cap & latex gloves then chase your wife around the house and toot a kazooo like crazy… it won’t arouse your wife but it gets her mother to leave.
I’ll give that a shot next time the MIL stops by.
It has been stated that those with a medical or religious exception don’t have to get the vaccine but nowhere have I read what the procedures are for claiming such exceptions. It’s my understanding that this vaccine, regardless of maker, it’s on a trial phase and haven’t been fully approved, right?
How do doctors know if a patient can be given an exception from being vaccinated when there hasn’t been enough trials done to account for any adverse interactions?
Could someone claim to belong to the tiktokgram religion claim exception?
These people have been making up rules as they go and leads to distrust and confusion.
Health officials need to start promoting that people get tested to find out if they have had Covid so that they can be added to the results. Not counting those who have already had Covid is skewing the herd immunity results.
Not everyone is an antivaxxer, people just don’t want to be forced to take this vaccine and base that decision on arbitrary information.
I was asked how it was happening all over the world if it was a HOAX. OK it’s not a HOAX, it’s a globalist takeover run by big corporations. Make sense now? Contra Costa Health is just following orders. They are peons. This is bigger then most of you realize. For God’s sake do some research, it’s all there.