The Water Cooler is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The Water Cooler will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
Today’s question.
As we previously reported, all residents who go out to eat inside a restaurant in Contra Costa County must show proof of vaccine, or a negative COVID-19 test within 72-hours.
QUESTION: When you’ve recently gone out to eat in Contra Costa County, do restaurants check for your vaccination status or a negative COVID test? (please, DO NOT name restaurants)
Talk about it….
I haven’t tried. I have noticed some busy places have doubled their outdoor tables, while no one is eating inside.
We’ve been out to eat all over Contra Costa County and outside the county, and not one place has asked for a vaccine mandate. The most “interesting” restaurant was the one that had a sign “No restrooms available. Please don’t ask.” I used the ladies room. I was a paying customer, and I drink a lot of water. I did abide by the sign. No reason to ask – just use it.
Businesses are in business to make money. They want happy customers who will return. They’re placating the county by putting up necessary signs in a highly vaccinated county.
We all want to return to normal. This has gone on too long.
The French Laundry is checking your papers. But for the ruling class they are not. Only for peasants.
Yes and yes.
…And I ask to see the food servers’ vaccine card.
3 of 6 servers were fully vaccinated. Those that were not vaccinated were replaced by someone who was.
Fair game, right?
WOW. Thanks. I wonder how their employers justify the non-vaxxed.
The mandate only affects companies with in excess of 100 employees most restaurants are privately owned small business. Peet’s in Clayton is only asking for proof if you state you are dining in. Homeless are not asked and can just use the restroom without proof of vaccination. You can also just grab your drink and sit down after stating it is to go and employees are not allowed to ask. My wife was the store manager but got fed up with the BS and quit. Most businesses are staying out of people’s personal health status as they should.
@bdml let me know if your wife wants a job hello@rootedcoffeeco.com
Dumpling Hours checked our cards but The Counter did not care to.
They checked at the Veranda
Yes, we were carefully, but courteously checked. And bot, have prices gone up!
Been out to a couple of places … have not been asked yet.
Went to see James Bind today in Walnut Creek…didn’t require a vaccine card to get in but you had to show one to get popcorn…really?
@DubC, You shouldn’t question things. Newsom has said we are following the science. Apparently Covid can be transmitted by unvaccinated people when they buy popcorn, but not when they enter the theater.
Who knew? Science is fascinating!
Maybe because it’s difficult to eat popcorn with a mask on?
@JWB, The comment wasn’t about masking, it was about being asked for a vaccination card.
What is logical about requiring proof of vaccination to buy popcorn but not to enter the theater? The answer is…nothing. Nothing is logical about showing proof of vaccination, because vaccinated people can spread Covid just as much (and arguably more) than unvaccinated people. It’s really about control.
My comment was about eating popcorn. And a possible reason for being asked about vaccination is because you obviously would not wear a mask while eating popcorn. Was that so hard to understand?
And no vaccinated people do not spread virus more than unvaccinated.
Was not asked at the entrance but was asked by the server. They had signs all over that stated you must show there server.
Yes, and I observed that there were more people at this particular restaurant than the few times I had been before, which had been twice in 2 months.
I’ve avoided going to restaurants on purpose because I will not “show my papers” to eat inside a restaurant! Restaurants are losing my family’s business for sure. I was walking by some places in Todos Santos recently and noticed indoor dining in some were absolutely EMPTY!!! I know a popular coffee chain that are going to be required to start asking for proof of vaccine this week. Just remember, don’t take it out on the workers, they just work there, mostly for minimum wage. They’re just doing their job. Don’t yell at them. If you don’t like the mandate, don’t give them your business. Send a message, we won’t be controlled, we will withhold spending until you give us back our freedoms! And maybe we’ll all save a few dollars and lose some weight by not eating out! hahaha.
I’m glad the restaurants are empty of the people that refuse to show id etc, no wait times works for me.
If you’re vaxxxed, I would be surprised……your comments are usually of someone who is Awake. Not “woke”, but Awake.
And yes, Crecent Plaza restaurants have all be empty for inside dining.
The point is I’ll eat in a card/Id checking place whether I’m vaxed or not preferring empty to a wait line, and I’m speaking for millions of people..
Same here….I got the vaccine, but I will not show any vaccination proof to eat inside. So I’ve just decided not to go out to eat until this is all over in this county. But if I were to, I think it totally fair to ask the manager/owner for proof of vaccination of every staff member present (servers, kitchen staff, etc.) in return.
Sure. I just tell them I’m a Haitian Immigrant and per the Biden administration am not required to get the vaccine. Simple. I may have even been upgraded to a nicer table……..
No papers required in our Free-State. We go out maybe 3 times a month. Have my elderly mom and/or our son here at least twice a month. No papers, no mask, no problem. But many restaurants are having a difficult time getting people to work. So some are takeout only. We avoid takeout. I don’t know how you folks live like that.
*I was carded at one restaurant.
*At another, where I was known, the person at the entry desk asked, “You good with the papers?” I was wearing a mask, said “yes”, and was seated.
*The third was the most fun. The chef/owner (with whom I’ve become friends over the years) happened to be out in the dining room when I entered.
He boomed, “Hello, (my name)!!! YOU BEEN SHOT???”
“Yup! Done been TRIPLE shot!!”
“Set yerself down, Pardner!”
(What made it so hilarious was that this is a rather posh Italian restaurant, and he was in full chef’s hat and crisp apron regalia. Lots of chuckles from diners.)
Was checked twice; once at La Tapatia, where we were allowed to eat outside, the second was at Back Forty BBQ, where the sign at the door merely stated proof of vaccination was required, and to please not take out your disagreement on the servers. No outdoor seating offered. Having to eat outside at La Tapatia was my own fault, because I forgot my card.
Only one pizza/Italian place so far. Don’t eat out often but it was a special occasion.
Haven’t eaten out in CC County since the proof-of-vaccine requirements started. But we’ve been getting to know a lot of great restaurants in Benicia in the last couple of weeks – no proof required there.
I just show my card whether they ask or not. Why waste negative energy.
Been to 4 places, 2 asked for the ‘paperwork’.
I’ve been out to eat once since the “show your papers” requirement went into effect. I was not asked to show anything.
Have not been out to a restaurant but I have gone to other businesses and NO ONE has asked me for my vaccination card.
Yes, we have been out dinning and a few bars. All places that we went to had signs stating indoor customers must show proff of vaccine. No one asked us. The businesses figured it out. Put the signs up required by the health nazis and then apply the middle finger.
Hmm, let’s see, what places don’t I like and want shut down… hmm.
The following places let me dine and even enter without mask or my “papers”
Taco Bell
Jack in the Box
However, ALL mom and pop places obeyed, so please close all of the above immediately. They are killing people.
Haven’t eaten at a restaurant or purchased take-out since March 2020, and don’t intend to ever again. Circle of friends and family have followed in suit and we have all lost weight, lowered our cholesterol, and generally feel far better; can’t believe the amount of money we have saved as well. We purchase most of our produce from Farmer’s Markets, so we are still supporting the local economy.
I’ve been to 3 or 4 restaurants and none of them have checked, but all of them have signs saying they do check. The only place I’ve seen checking is the SunValley Mall Food Court, so no one restaurant in particular.
I am a homeless person who is trying to get back on my feet, the only way I can even get in contact with anyone is through email, now I lost my vaccination card, however, thanks to the US GOVERNMENT of California I was able to download a copy of my vacines , however STARBUCKS,PETES COFFEE said and I Quote” oh we don’t do bar codes, and oh yeah I see you have your dates of vaccination but we cant let you inside. As a Jewish man I don’t like discrimination so I am going to sue Petes coffee co; its just like the gestapo. wheres the bear jew when we need him
Haven’t been out to dine in a year and a half. Every time I think about it California and that dumbass in the Whitehouse come out with some new stipulations on dining requirements. We used to go to SF every Friday to a different restaurant. But who wants to smell urine and feces? Not I. Doordash allows me to still feed needed funds to local businesses and sit on my patio enjoying the weather. Newsome can’t take that away from me… yet.
Havent been to a Commie costa restaurant since the madness began and refuse to do so until this stupidity ends. Solano county gets all my business.
Yes, we unknowingly went out the first night the rule went into affect and had to download our information and show it to the server. We went out to lunch recently and started outside but moved inside because it was cold, no one asked.