The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday will likely officially declare misinformation concerning COVID-19 a public health crisis in itself.
The resolution says there’s been more than 95,000 cases of COVID-19 countywide and 921 deaths as of Sept. 25, 2021.
It also points out vaccine “misinformation has caused confusion and led to eligible people declining COVID-19 vaccines, rejecting health measures such as face coverings and physical distancing, and using unproven treatments.”
The U.S. Surgeon General, on July 15, issued an advisory describing the “urgent threat” posed by the risk of false information about COVID-19 putting lives at risk and prolonging the pandemic.
The declaration, if approved, will commit the board to combatting misinformation and developing and supporting policies to promote evidence-based interventions.
The board would also discourage misinformation and give a platform to “culturally relevant medical experts and trusted messengers.”
The Contra Costa Board of Supervisors meets virtually at 9 a.m. Tuesday and can be found at or at
Is this a serious story? No way this is true….
I wish I could think this was a joke. But I have long since realized that our Health Department is the joke, along with Cody in the South Bay.
I think I will be calling in to the meeting tomorrow, but no way will they allow the public to speak on this. Not sure if I would laugh at them, or yell at them myself.
Freedom of speech includes lying. But how can we curtail people who knowingly lie about facts?
Here are recent facts from the NIH and CDC. Note the quoted sources.
Compared to unvaccinated people, “If you’re (fully) vaccinated now, your chances of getting infected go down by 3 1/2-fold,” National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins said August 1.
“Your chances of having symptoms go down by 8-fold. Your chance of ending up with illness significant enough to be in the hospital goes down 25-fold.”
Such decreases in infections, illnesses and hospitalizations are “fantastically good for any vaccine,” Collins said. “We didn’t really have a right to dare they would be this good in the real world, and they are — even against Delta.”
The Delta variant “is highly contagious, more than 2x as contagious as previous variants,” the CDC said.
Delta also appears to cause more severe disease, according to an internal presentation from the CDC.
More than 99.99% of people who were fully vaccinated against Covid-19 have not had a breakthrough case resulting in hospitalization or death, a CNN analysis of August 2 CDC data suggests.
@Doh. You asked “how can we curtail people who knowingly lie about facts?” Answer: “You can’t.” If you prefer ‘fact monitors’, move to North Korea. The ‘facts’ that you mention are reassuring, but when governments start to censor free speech, you end up with propaganda, bullying and intimidation. And ‘the facts’ become whatever the highest bidder pays to create the ‘official version of the truth.’
I watched the show and they of course passed the declaration. What else did you expect? It’s just butt covering for them. The vast majority of the call were opposed to the declaration.
Wasn’t it candidates Biden & Harris pooh-poohing the vaccine because Trump ushered it in?
Kauai Mike- No that never happened but thanks for your contribution to Misinformation.
Yes, they said they would not take the Trump vaccine. However, in true “1984” fashion, those comments have now been erased from the public memory and therefore it never happened.
You will believe what they tell you to believe.
@doh, it was indeed a lot of the democrats in office that did say they would not take the “trump vaccine”. I specifically remember that Newson and Pelosi said that they would conduct their own research on the vaccine as they did not trust Trumps’ administration
Sure was.
@Law and Order,
Per the NYTimes:
“On Monday, a spokeswoman for Pfizer clarified that the company is part of Operation Warp Speed as a supplier of a potential coronavirus vaccine.”
Lots more videos out there like this with other prominent dems. Try doing your own research and learn.
It is nothing short of amazing to me that people can just flat out deny what was said by Kamala Harris about the “Trump vaccine”. I mean we all saw it, we all heard what she said.
We are going to get nowhere as a country if we simply pretend that what we know is true and is verifiably true is not ….unbelievable.
Here is the quote from the VP debate:
Asked about whether or not she’d get a COVID-19 vaccine, Sen. Harris responds: “If Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it, absolutely. If Donald Trump tells us we should take it, I’m not taking it.”
So she was not pooh-poohing the vaccine if the Dr. Fauci and the doctors told us to take it.
Harris & BBB made a lot of Anti Vax/Anti Trump statements.
Just cherry pick your favorite.
I really like the quote JWB provided. It shows how the Democrats took something which is just a medicine, a solution in a syringe, and made it political. The medicine does not know anything about politics. It just is. The Democrats spun it so they added political characteristics to it, and then they have the amazing hypocrisy to later complain the vaccination rates are impacted by politics. I wonder what the current vaccination rates would be without Kamala’s and other Democrats efforts. Would the rates be much higher, or much lower. I don’t know, but I suspect the rates would be very different.
I agree with you that medicines should not be political and the recommendations to use them should be left to the experts with the required technical knowledge.
However, I also note how much you try to make it political. Do you note that you completely left out that as early as February 2020 Trump called COVID the new hoax of the Democrats? Sure Democrats called him out on the handling of the crisis, but that’s fair game. That’s what oppositions do and of course that’s what Republicans now do.
How about pushing hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, betadine gargles and so forth. If you listen to the experts they all say that there is no benefit to any of these drugs for prevention or treatment of COVID but it’s being pushed by politicians. Are you saying these politicians are solely Democrats?
JWB is consistent. He starts with a lie and continues with one lie after another.
JWB: I wish you would speak for yourself instead of trying to be Don Lemon. Trump, after enduring the Russia hoax, addressed the ferocity of the democrat’s spin on covid by calling it their new hoax. He said that it is not the virus which is fake, but the way the democrats are spinning it is fake. And, continues to be.
I wonder what the immunization rates would have been if the democrats had not politicized covid and the vaccination decisions had been made solely on the basis of whether it works and how dangerous or not covid is. That information is not recoverable especially when you see people who could have been sources of information like Fauci just spinning falsehoods for their agenda. When the statistics on immunization rates reported in the media breaks it down by political party, you know things have gone off the rails. And I think it is right to speculate on why that is.
“1984” is happening.
What liberals think this means: Removing slogans like “the end is near” and “COVID doesn’t exist”
What will actually happen: Discourse such as”What policies are in place for those who already have COVID? What treatments are available? I’d like to review the data surrounding ivermectin” will be banned
One more level of crazy
So if they are going to combat misinformation, are they monitoring themselves?
And how will they determine misinformation, anybody that decides against their (authoritarian) point of view?
How will they determine the “culturally relevant medical experts and trusted messengers”, when they themselves are not trusted?
More curtailment of free speech.
Simple Communism.
Comply comrade.
Or, face the consequences.
Oh boy, the CC Board of Supervisors are feeling their oats now. There’s no telling where this might go. We might end up with gulags right here in CCC!
Too bad they can’t take away our free thoughts! I know they wish they could!
Government is once again deciding what is “truth” under the guise of “public safety”!
Dangerous precedence!
Didn’t they declare “racism “ a health care crisis???
Socialism at its best.
This is way over the top.
Maybe if the politicos stop flapping their gums things would be way better and they actually do their jobs. Instead of finding foolish ways to spend the over taxation each and every day.
I think if they “declare misinformation concerning COVID-19 a public health crisis in itself.”, then they can enforce words or create speech penalties. I got as few words for them…
Is this an article from The Onion?
Is Gavin’s kid not being vaxxxed misinformation?
EVERYONE knows that if Orange Man was still in office and was pushing these poisonous injections as hard as this administration……The Country would have already burnt down. Prove me wrong.
I always believed CC was one of the better counties in the Bay Area. This declaration makes it formally clear that CC has turned to Sh**.
Our installed officers have no choice if they want the free money to continue to flow. Gavin will continue to sign preposterous bills until he runs out of stupid ideas. Meanwhile crime, drugs, illegals, and homelessness will continue to rally.
I think there is more then one way to skin a cat. It’s not right to shut down people’s free speech and then make them look like some sort of criminal.
Who voted for these crazy people? They are throwing free speech out the window.
So the political views and judgements of individuals, basically how they think, is to be judged by government officials and consequences imposed. One more step toward authoritarian government. Lots of countries went down this path before and in all cases later historians would marvel at how the masses got caught up in the narratives of their leaders and went along with them.
Just go to It’s the WHO database for worldwide vaccine injuries. Scroll down to the search box and type in Covid-19 Vaccine. You.will see over 3 million injuries since 2020. Then type in polio and you will see 90% less injuries since 1955 directly. Try it with MMR which is from 1971. Scary what the brainwashed will believe about what to believe.
This can’t be misinformation when its from thr WHO directly.
Same thing with the VAERS website. Deaths reported after being administered Covid vaccine are almost identical to all other 94 vaccines combined from the last 30 years
Board is a captured entity and no longer makes any relevant decisions in the interests of the county
They are minor rubber stampers for the Dem party and have to sit at the little table when the regional decisions are made from Pelosi office in SF
CCHealth is an absolute disgrace
The litigation has only just begun though
The Constitution and the first amendment still apply
They are the insurrection
Well said.
This will keep lawyers busy and lawsuits sizzling in the courts for years. As well it should. Wiping their backsides on the constitution, like elections, has consequences.
Backdoor strategy to get more funding for Covid propaganda.
Boy if this doesnt convince the holdouts, I don’t know what will.
Misinformation isn’t the problem
Idiots who believe everything they read/see/hear is
John Gioia is the main proponent of this, and also, a major spreader of Covid misinformation himself.
If you watched the last meeting, you would have heard John Gioia repeat plenty of misinformation, he is 6-12 months behind the rest of us, and still hasn’t figured out natural immunity exists, and is superior to “immunity” induced by vaccines.
Our county is run by smug, cultists who love the smell of their own f@rts. Gioia is THE WORST.
I agree with your statements, Mitch. He talks down to his constituents and says they are a ‘vocal minority’ that call in…that there are very few things in life that you get 90% participation/agreement (taking vaccine)..that you are in the minority when 90% of the residents in this county disagree with you”—that’s a false premise when you are coerced to get the vaccine to go back to college, keep your job, etc. and there are those vaccinated that agree it should not be mandated!
He also says, “when you say 2 + 2=5, I disagree with that- you are not entitled to those facts, they are opinions.”
Dr. Erika Jenssen addresses deaths from vaccine to say that “VAERS investigates cases to find out if deaths are incidental or from the vaccine and current reviews show that there are no links/or information between covid vaccines and death”…basically no deaths thus far! CDC website reports from 12-14-20 through 10-4-21 there have been 8,390 deaths reported to VAERS but they do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. You all think autopsy have been performed on all cases?
Fact check me, start at 4Hr, 35 minutes or D4 section
If there is such a problem with misinformation, well then, the Health Department should start by citing their own data sources for all orders going forward…
Does that mean they will censor Tony Fauci?
In order to determine what is and what is not misinformation, they would have to select a group of people to make these determinations, perhaps they might call this benevolent group of government workers “The Ministry of Truth”.
Is it okay to say “Let’s go Brandon!”?
Not on Yahoo.
“Let’s Go Brandon!”…. “Let’s go Brandon!” 😁
This shows that there is a significant amount of worry that the public is waking up to the truth, and that the agenda being pushed on people is in danger of being exposed for what it is. Don’t relinquish your freedoms and liberties under any circumstances.
Baloo….. that is purely anecdotal evidence. I could post this as ‘proof’ to not get vaxxed:
Instead, go to which is the WHO’S database of vax injuries and search Covid-19 vaccine. Then compare the injuries to polio and MMR and hopefully you are logical enough to understand the hesitancy.
Always trying to point the finger and distract from their own failures and lies. Declaring Covid-19 misinformation a health crisis will do nothing; it’s strictly become the “cool” thing to do. This is just another way for them to convince you to hate you unvaccinated neighbor and blame them for your problems. Don’t fall for it!
@mitch It sounds as if you have some experience in this area.
This is the same Board of supervisors that permitted BLM (Burn, Loot Murder) crowd to vandalize and remove traffic markings from in front of the courthouse downtown Martinez.
The recent attack on Facebook was really meant to get Facebook to stop allowing free speech for adults than it was for controlling children. The Marxists want free speech curtailed unless it is to their liking. They pretty much control other social comment sites. This is not a minor story. Do not underestimate the Marxists in our White House, Congress, Senate and the news media. Think twice before sending your child to a Marxist College.
The left has been trying for years to declare guns a public health crisis as a means to institute mandates banning guns just as they did for COVID-19. Their plans have failed so far. Now, they are trying to use the same mandates to curtail free speech.
This is why it’s so important to rollback the emergency powers granted to public health departments. Those powers were granted so public health departments could act quickly and decisively in fighting actual deadly pandemics. COVID-19 is not one of them, but it’s been good practice for them and has given the public insight as to who these people actually are: power-crazed megalomaniacs.
We need new legislation to curtail the powers of our public health departments.
The resolution says there’s been more than 95,000 cases of COVID-19 countywide and 921 deaths as of Sept. 25, 2021.
Anyone do the math on this statement?
That’s no pandemic.
Check out
97.89 recovery rate.
Compare that to H1N1.
I declare the board a public nuisance. I also declare them a threat to my freedom. I also declare that I have the right to defend myself against threats to my well being and freedom. I will say anything I damn well please. My rights shall not be infringed by a lunatic cult of criminals who think they found a work around to the constitution. These fools better quit using “public health” to try and undermine the constitution of the United States of America. I’m ready to file lawsuits and make citizens arrests any day now. I don’t care who these tyrants think they are or who they think they’re fooling. We ain’t taking it anymore. Better check yourself before you wreck yourself.
We could have been done with this. All could be in the rear view mirror had not about 1/3 of our population lost all reason and rationality. But here we are in year two and counting. Nice work America, way to be great again.
Wrong on all counts. For goodness sake, educate yourself.
Well India sure got a handle on things & has practically wiped out that Covid Delta Variant…….is that misinformation?
No….. So how’d dey do dat?
So – does this include the media??
And who decides this? I mean —- we heard so many different things from the health department that they are part of the mis-information. Moving goal posts and all.
Misinformation? Why was the fact that the County placed this couple there withheld? They were using this hotel and others to place homeless. Why was it omitted that County medical & homeless staff were also staying at the hotel yet this abuse went undetected???
Here is what Kamala Harris actually said in 2020 regarding the not yet available vaccine:
“Well, I think that’s going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump. And it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he’s talking about. I will not take his word for it. He wants us to inject bleach. I — no, I will not take his word.”