Home » Bill Signed Into Law Allowing Public College Students To Have Chosen Names On Diplomas

Bill Signed Into Law Allowing Public College Students To Have Chosen Names On Diplomas


A bill by a state assemblymember has been signed into law to give California public college students the ability to have their chosen names printed on their diploma.

Assembly Bill 245 is meant to avoid having diplomas “deadname” students, particularly those who are transgender or nonbinary, according to Assemblyman David Chiu, D-San Francisco, who authored the bill.

The legislation, which Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law Wednesday and will take effect at the start of 2022, also standardizes the process for updating records after someone graduates and clarifies what forms of ID are needed to update records, according to Chiu’s office.

“Deadnaming a student on a diploma can put up barriers to future employment and out a person in an unsafe situation,” Chiu said in a statement. “I’m grateful the governor signed this bill to ensure we are protecting and lifting up all of our students in California.”


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So I could put recallNewsom Jr on my diploma?

If that’s who you’ve always known you were in your heart of hearts, than who am I to judge your personal journey? I think we should all applaud your bravery.

Is this like deworming?

Oh Goody!!!
I’ve always self identified as Marilyn Monroe.

I’ve always thought of myself as a Joltin’ Joe type. We should meet.

Joe Di Maggio Playground.
Has a sandbox.

If we hadn’t reached peak leftist absurdity yet then this should do the trick.

…if you only knew… May you live long enough to see how very wrong you are!


And those who still can’t read or write can have a big X on their college diploma participation certificate.

This state has really gone off the rails. How did we allow these idiots to make it this way. Let’s make all documents worthless outside of this backwards state.

Does everyone realize how many other crazy bills the governor has signed just in the last month since he avoided recall? He’s on an insane march trying to remake society to a woke leftist’s dream! (Nightmare)

So I’d be interested to know what percentage of people living in California really think that this is an important issue that needed to be addressed.

Maybe I’m wrong but I’d guess that the percentage is very low.

Virtue signaling is the coin of the realm in liberal circles. And I say that as someone who is quite liberal on some issues, quite conservative on some others. I have been scorned a few times by friends when I call empty showboating out for what it is.

Only very foolish people will applaud this nonsense.

I see these jackasses have nothing better to do. Makes one wonder how stupid these people are. Everyday they seem to come up with something else to effect our lives. Keep voting for these trash candidates because this is what you get. Shame on all of you for allowing this to happen.

Chiu said in a statement. “I’m grateful the governor signed this bill to ensure we are protecting and lifting up all of our students in California.”

by lowering accreditation of teachers
and imposing crt and denouncing whites as racist and allowing teachers to preach and abuse children with communism

great job chiu

forcing american children to love china over america

and then forcing the doj to arrest parents who oppose you

They paid for the degree, they should get to put whatever name they want on it. Just like a coffee mug. But this won’t get posted cause the mayor isn’t interested in actually offering a forum for multi perspectives, but rather seeks only to stoke fear and resentment.

I understand where you’re coming from, but I think a coffee mug is a poor analogy. Should I get to sign loan papers with whatever name I want because, what the heck, it’s just like a T-shirt? Surely the oppressive patriarchal society we live under can have a reasonable expectation that a person’s identity be a reliable means of establishing… their identity? I think we all have a communal interest that people maintain the same identity from one day to the next.

But I do understand that people change their names, and identities. But can you change your name, gender, race, religion, every day of the week, or change it for whatever is convenient? I would LOVE to maintain an alter-ego that comes out just for when I get pulled over. I THINK identity fraud used to be a recognized legal concept. I am curious what limits, if any, you think there should be to changing one’s identity.

Truth and facts > opinions and feelings

There is reality, it exists I promise. Some of you are so damn lost because of propaganda. It’s really sad. It will take generations to put this thing back together again.

Say a transgender students enrolls in college under a birth name that no longer reflects their gender identity, and is only able to legally change their name after enrollment. Should the degree they earn, that will stay with them for the rest of their life, reflect a name they no longer use? That to me would be the real tyranny of patriarchy.

The name on the degree should be their legal name at the time of graduation. I don’t think it would be terribly smart to put on your diploma that is not your legal name.

I would put Harry P Ness on mine

Like hell you will. I’ve been putting that name on anything I can for decades. If I ever win that Hawaiian Vacation Sweepstakes, it’s mine, I tell you, all MINE!!!

Rolaids, Sorry I did not know you used that name. I will use my back up name instead….. Mike Hunt

@The Wizard. Atta peppa! My fictitious names are the only source of joy in my miserable life!

In all seriousness, I understand that people sometimes legally change their names, for various reasons. I believe this is already “a thing”. I am ignorant as to why this additional action is necessary. Also, “deadnaming” is an asinine new word to coin. I agree with all you right wing wing nuts on this: Any political faction that habitually attempts to alter the political discourse by inventing new vocabulary words should be viewed with suspicion.

Our tax dollars once again at work. Gov Moonbeam actually seems sane and articulate in the current state of disarray. Even he used to veto this nonsense.

As a side note, I petition that all proposed bills to our legislature from idiots that started political careers in San Francisco be immediately flagged with a “moron initiative” status. I believe history is on my side on this topic.

You know what it all comes to, if what someone else does, does not affect you financially or physically who cares.

5 years from now on this website “No more college admission scandals, as
the game has switched to college diploma swaps. Instead of paying 500k for entry, rich parents are now paying poor kids to attend college for their offspring and just swap the diploma name to the paying recipient upon graduation.”

Wouldn’t it simplify things to refer to everyone as “Pat”?

Newsom makes Jerry Brown look like Richard Nixon………

That will be fun when they apply for a job with their legal name, and the diploma does not match; it will not mean anything. Why the hell don’t they get their name changed??? Simple.

Those ‘gender study’ and the infamous ‘underwater basket weaving’ diploma’s won’t mean a whole lot in the real world anyway.
Maybe change their name to something like ‘money wasting kid’….
Wait till they go for their ‘Real ID’ whooooooooowho..

And in the meantime, California continues to crumble; thanks to the feckless and corrupt Demorat politicians, and the morons who voted them into office.

And California continues be the joke of the Divided States of America…

It’s interesting…it seems that the intent of the bill is what is upsetting people versus the actual practicality or fairness of it.

20 years ago DVC allowed me to have my “chosen name” printed on my diploma (it was an option provided on the application). In my case, I was born female and identify as female, yet my parents thought I’d enjoy the uniqueness of having a traditionally male first name (at that age, I did not). I definitely appreciated hearing the name I actually went by called out during the commencement ceremony and seeing it typed on that special piece of paper that I had rightfully earned.

It has never been an issue for a potential employer to check my electronic transcripts and confirm my degree. And since I’ve married and changed my last name to my husband’s (so now both my first AND last name don’t match what’s on my printed diploma), it hasn’t been a problem either.

Ultimately, if I would be granted the courtesy of having my chosen name printed on my diploma, I see no valid reason why others should not be granted the same.



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