Home » Newsom Signs Bill Intended To Streamline Assisted Suicide Approval Process

Newsom Signs Bill Intended To Streamline Assisted Suicide Approval Process


Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill Tuesday intended to streamline the state’s process of approving requests by terminally ill patients to end their lives.

Senate Bill 380 will reduce the current mandatory minimum 15-day waiting period between requests for assisted suicide medication to 48 hours and will require health care providers to post their assisted suicide policies on their websites.

A 2018 study by Kaiser Permanente Southern California found that roughly one-third of nearly 400 terminally ill people who requested assisted suicide medication died during the 15-day waiting period.

Newsom signed SB 380 six years to the day that former Gov. Jerry Brown signed the state’s End of Life Option Act, which first gave terminally ill but mentally capable people the option of ending their life via prescribed medication.


Assemblyman Jim Wood, D-Santa Rosa, and state Sen. Susan Talamantes Eggman, D-Stockton, co-authored the law, which received support from advocacy groups like the Compassion and Choices Action Network.

“We cannot thank Gov. Gavin Newsom enough for his support of this compassionate act,” Compassion and Choices Action Network President and CEO Kim Callinan said in a statement. “With his signature, eligible terminally ill adults will soon be able to more easily access the End of Life Option Act without needless suffering and unnecessary roadblocks.”

The provisions of SB 380 will take effect after Jan 1, 2022.


Ricardoh October 6, 2021 - 4:14 PM - 4:14 PM

What is there to improve, we just had a friend who was terminal. She went to the doctor. A couple days later she got the pills and took them within half an hour and she was gone. Sonoma county. She couldn’t get out of here fast enough.

Sancho Panza October 6, 2021 - 4:14 PM - 4:14 PM

Dr. Jack Kevorkian was ahead of his time, for sure, and would’ve never done jail time if he lived in 2022…

“Arguing for the right of the terminally ill to choose how they die, Dr. Kevorkian challenged social taboos about disease and dying while defying prosecutors and the courts. He spent eight years in prison after being convicted of second-degree murder in the death of the last of about 130 ailing patients whose lives he had helped end, beginning in 1990.”

Led October 6, 2021 - 5:07 PM - 5:07 PM

This is the slipperiest of slippery slopes. Once there’s a ‘human right’ to have your life medically terminated, more and more people will claim it or seek to apply it to others, and there’s no limiting principle.

We’ve seen this movie before: just look at who can get killed and for what reasons in Belgium and the Netherlands. Autism – sure, you get help in committing suicide. Depression? Yes, here’s your injection, good sir. Disabled infant? Yes, parents, we will kill your child for you. Voluntary euthanasia for a four year-old child? Sure, it’s a human right, here you go.

Look up the Groningen Protocol if you want to see where this logic leads.

Bob October 7, 2021 - 9:20 AM - 9:20 AM


Soylent Green, anyone???

frambley1 October 8, 2021 - 10:15 AM - 10:15 AM

But what are the downsides?

Jim October 6, 2021 - 6:10 PM - 6:10 PM

There’s no way you would have this opinion if you had watched your cancer ridden mother die in agonizing pain over the course of several weeks.

Streamline the process. This is a good thing and will help end much suffering.

Sam October 6, 2021 - 6:13 PM - 6:13 PM

When did the democrats make it legal to kill yourself? I never heard of this. I think you go to hell for that so it’s not really surprising.

So let me get this straight
Democrats want us living in fear of death of a ghost virus, killing full term babies, giving away half our labor to them in taxes, paying a toll on roads that belong to the tax payers, paying to house, feed and clothe a never ending flood of illegal immigrants, forced injections, high on marijuana, sending our children to schools that teach them critical race theory, and that men give birth. But If you would like to avoid all that, they have a doctor waiting to put you out of your misery and they will happily assist you. Way to go guys you went full ree ree. Never go full ree ree

Feel free to point out where I’m wrong.

Matt October 7, 2021 - 3:21 AM - 3:21 AM

“Feel free to point out where I’m wrong.”

The “ghost virus” has killed over 700,000 Americans and is communicable through simply breathing the same air as someone else. Taking proper precautions seems more level headed than “living in fear”.

There is no such thing as a “full term abortion”, since a fetus at full term is a baby ready to be born. Late term abortions only happen when there is a severe medical risk (I.e. death of the mother) in carrying the baby to term.

You may want to check with your employer as to why 50% of your labor is removed in taxes. Are you being garnished?

I thought you were against raising taxes? Toll roads/bridges use those funds for upkeep, only charging those who use the road instead of raising taxes on all.

California has an estimated 2.6 million illegal immigrants. 2/3 of which have been in the state for 10 years or longer. It’s hardly a flood, and they pay more in taxes than the former president.

No one is forcing you to get an injection (it’d be cool if you did though). You just can’t eat inside a restaurant or see Disney on Ice.

Yeah, marijuana is legal. It was voted on. Not even sure what your point is here.

I doubt you even know what critical race theory is, you were just told it was bad and scary. All it really is is looking at how historically and currently the law and lawmakers treat people based on their race. No, it’s not being taught in elementary schools no matter how much Fox News tells you otherwise.

Trans men have given birth. That’s a fact, no matter what your feelings are as to what makes someone a man. Your feelings aren’t facts, snowflake.

It’s doctor assisted suicide for terminal patients who choose to not suffer through an agonizing end of life. Seems pretty sociopathic to say “we could help you avoid a painful end so you can go out on your own terms, but we won’t because it weirds me out.”

I won’t repeat your second to last line, but you should probably take your own advice.

Sam October 7, 2021 - 12:46 PM - 12:46 PM

I proved my point. That is, we are dealing with crazy people.

Yes full term babies mean the abortion of babies that are born. Happing now exposed by Project Veritas.

The 50% taxes is overall, broken into thousands of separate taxes. You know

Tolls on the bay bridge were supposed to end once it was paid for. Toll roads are privately owned. The express lane is owned by the people and profitized by the state.

I thought my license and registration went to fix roads? weird

You’re right I should have just said critical theory.

See how smart you are.

frambley October 8, 2021 - 10:16 AM - 10:16 AM

“Feel free to point out where I’m wrong.”

Um..the whole thing.

Cellophane October 6, 2021 - 8:06 PM - 8:06 PM

Perhaps if the Grease Ball could show us all that worked?

Just a step by step guide including everything.

Gosh, that would help so much.

Jeff (the other one) October 6, 2021 - 8:58 PM - 8:58 PM

This is not a decision taken lightly by the patient, but it is creepy how our elected representatives are managing to draft legislation on how long a terminal individual must wait before assisted suicide. The state is approving (authorizing) someone to be allowed to end their life. And then my brain goes to how much money was spent to install suicide nets on the GG Bridge to prevent individuals from terminating their life.

Oh, please October 6, 2021 - 10:07 PM - 10:07 PM

People should have an inalienable RIGHT to kill themselves if they want to. I do believe in my body, my choice. Same with the vaccines. My body, my choice. This is not, however, the same for abortion. The baby’s body is NOT your body. But, I do support abortion because it prevents the creation of more things like the thing that would kill an innocent.

It is crazy that politicians have to legislate every single aspect of our lives. Yes, a form to release the doctor from liability. But, then, boom. It should always be the person’s choice after a quick eval. After all, they would only be harming themselves physically, emotional harm to others aside. This is coming from a heavily conservative woman working in healthcare. I am suprised that more Republicans do not support this? This woudl be in line with less governement control and more autonomy for people.

Oh, please October 6, 2021 - 10:08 PM - 10:08 PM

Aso, I want to throw up that I support anything Gavin does… He is usually a hypocritical monster.

Lovelace October 7, 2021 - 12:28 AM - 12:28 AM

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
This goes for all of our political leaders.

Simonpure October 7, 2021 - 8:16 AM - 8:16 AM

Thanks Matt…a voice of reason

Dana Estates October 7, 2021 - 8:19 AM - 8:19 AM

This is great! I’m a huge supporter of medically assisted suicide for terminally ill patients. I say go out with dignity on your own terms. However, isn’t it funny that the same Governor that touts “my body-my choice” when it comes to abortions or assisted suicide, mandates we get vaccinated against our will and wear masks? Isn’t this contradictive? Make up your mind Democrats, do we get to choose what happens with our body and OUR medical decisions, or don’t we? You’re sending mixed signals here.

JWB October 7, 2021 - 8:53 AM - 8:53 AM

I don’t think your analogies work. Are you against DUI laws? They don’t prevent you from drinking but you cannot operate a vehicle when you drink, similarly you may not be able to keep your employment if you decide to show up drunk.

Same with the vaccine. Nobody is going to enter your home and forcefully inject you, but if you decide to not have the vaccine you may be restricted from certain activities or your employer may decide to terminate your employment.

RT October 7, 2021 - 8:51 AM - 8:51 AM

First kill the babies, then kill the old and sick. Thanks for nothing comrades

chuckie the troll October 7, 2021 - 9:25 AM - 9:25 AM

I guess people now have a choice. They can kill themselves, or they can have one of the felons released by Newsom and Becton do it for you. That seems to be their idea of “choice”.

Lynne Ellis October 7, 2021 - 9:43 AM - 9:43 AM

Thank you very much

Graceful October 7, 2021 - 10:52 AM - 10:52 AM

Devils advocate here…I have been for the laws that decriminalize aiding people to help end their suffering. All of this has gone on for years, undocumented. Painful agony filled dying process, you are narc’d up, otherwise, its one big schitz show for you..like a punishment for your life, you must die in agony..uh…no thanks. Thank goodness they do narc you up. However, now that we see death panels at work “NO COVID SHOT NO KIDNEY FOR YOU” we are seeing what happens when govt. is given an inch. How far would they take this now?

The Fearless Spectator October 7, 2021 - 3:23 PM - 3:23 PM

She used the words “compassion” and “Gavin Newsom” in the same sentence. Apparently they have not met.

How about providing this same service to death row inmates, er I mean assist with “incarcerated persons health”.

Mike October 8, 2021 - 1:17 PM - 1:17 PM

Lots of ignorant and uninformed comments here. You might see this differently if you watched a loved one die a slow, agonizingly painful death from terminal cancer. Even the most powerful pain medications can not stop that kind of pain. Their decision is between them, their physician, and their maker.

Glad to see this passed.

Chris October 8, 2021 - 4:59 PM - 4:59 PM

This should help address the shortage in organ donors after our Chinese supply dried up.

Chris October 8, 2021 - 5:07 PM - 5:07 PM

Matt, you are wrong about the number of illegal aliens in California. According to a RAND study in 2019, they believe approximately 6 million are in the state illegally. Remember, that was two years ago. Add another 300,000 at least. There is a house on my street where at three families reside in a 3 bedroom house with some of their friends living in the storage shed in the backyard.

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