Home » Facebook Stock Is Plummeting Amid Outages, Whistleblower Report

Facebook Stock Is Plummeting Amid Outages, Whistleblower Report


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Wouldnt it be cool it if died entirely? I think so. People would have so much more free time on their hands.

I agree. Facebook is a waste of time.

The truth of the matter is that Facebook was “invented” by the worst kind of misogyny and hatred by a man who couldn’t get a date with a girl because he was that kind of loser.

As for him being “that kind of loser.” To the female eye, the more money a man has the better looking they become.

I liked when Facebook was a means to communicate with friends and relatives, but I hate what Facebook is trying to become.

I neither need nor want them to provide any kind of fact-checking.
I neither need nor want them deciding community standards within private groups. As long as something isn’t illegal, it should be up to the group admins.
And I absolutely do not want them giving me advice on any political, medical, or social issues.

If they would leave it alone and let people have their say and not block or remove stuff just because it doesn’t fit their narrative they may be better off!!! People are getting really pissed on how they try to control people and what they say. Getting enough of that crap from the feds

It’ll blow over and the stock price will rise again, people like to overreact.
I don’t do Facebook but I invest in it…

FB is the top POS to society and always has been.
Zuckerturd deserves to burn in hell, Gates can go with him.

I’d hardly call a 5% drop in value “plummeting,” but I was hoping for more. It’s value is still too great compared to the public good it provides.

While Facebook is a waste of time if you let it be I like seeing pictures of relatives and their children that I wouldn’t normally see. There are also some interesting things you wouldn’t normally see that are interesting. What I find funny in a way is as a conservative I get a lot of Republican info on Facebook and nothing from democrats. Other than from relatives. I wonder if democrats just get democrat stuff? If you want to get through Facebook faster get rid of all of those sites that just show up with entry after entry.

I’m not on Facebook … it might have something to do with the death threats. But, for some reason in the short time I was, I got an “All Access — Backstage Pass.” It was shocking. I saw multiple conversations of a bunch of dirty old married men chatting up all the sweet young girls, if you can call the risqué and sexually suggestive content “chatting up.” Why someone who controlled things thought I’d be interested in these private conversations, I’ll never know. But I decided right then it wasn’t for me. It took me a year to remove everything I had posted and close the account. I’d create new login info to check to make sure it was closed and it wasn’t. Facebook kept dredging up my photos and personal photo for months to keep the account open. To this day I can’t be sure they still don’t have anything of mine posted. Zuckerberg and his crew are sick people.

Yes, they are in dire straits, only up 21% this year, and only 1.5X greater YTD return than the broader NASDQ Index. Finally paying the price for their censorship.

Good! We need more whistleblowers. If Facebook shuts down, then people will go back and talk in person.

I’d say Facebook is worse for you than Covid… We need a social media vaccine next!

It cannot fail, they are in bed with international governments to help manipulate public opinion, illegally mass surveil the public, and eradicate organized dissent and protest.

It is simply too useful for those in power.

While they are hot on the mention of covid I get no democrat info on Facebook. I get Trump and guys like Shapiro though. My brother is also a person on the right and they just banned him for thirty days for something he wrote. They threatened me a couple of weeks ago. I appealed and they didn’t ban me. Maybe they forgot.

I read that facebook website (and affiliated apps) is “down” and users can not access their accounts. Looks to me like Facebook wants to prevent users from closing their accounts in response to the whistleblower report.

FacistBook. It will be NO LOSS.
Hopefully, youtube is next. They both canceled themselves.
They are Both useful idiots for “the establishment”, so I doubt the final nail is in the coffin yet.

What these useful idiots never seem to grasp: Once the establishment has used them up and they are no longer needed = they will be flushed the same way they flushed others.

If you are seeing all this violent hateful stuff in Facebook then it’s because you want to see it. You can block it, you don’t have to click on it and you sure don’t have to like it. But, you do because you don’t really care.

At market close today Facebook’s PE ratio was still over 24. Not exactly on sale……….

Social media, my backside. Never registered, never used it, always thought it was shady. Social manipulation for control and profit. Here’s hoping Mark Zuckinhimmler lose his shirt and does hard time (although I’m pretty sure that won’t happen).

After all these years, I seem to have forgotten my MySpace login information.

It seems to be up and running now. I just checked one of my sons page.

Facebook is evil. Those who are not concerned about the type and amount of personal data collected and re-sold are ignorant about liberty and freedom.

Bring back AOL chatrooms! Now there was meatmarket pickup rooms can’t even compare

Its a broad market sell off.. FB is down just as much as almost every other company on the nasdaq. I’d bet that they’d still be down 4% even if they didn’t have an outage.


Did you watch the 60 minutes interview? The problem isn’t Facebook blocking or removing anything. The problem is their algorithm that promotes false information and divisive posts. They found that the more divisive a post is the more people interact with it. That is why there has been such a rise in hate groups and political extremism on Facebook. People click and comment on it and it fuels their hatred and creates an echo chamber.

Think about the way you interact with Facebook. What suggested posts or groups show up on your Facebook feed? Many posts are divisive articles that go against you politically or socially. We should even be questioning the content on this website. If you look at Claycord’s Facebook page they receive many more comments than this site. The majority of the news on here is political or negative in nature, more than it seemed to be in the past at least.

Back to Facebook, they lied to their shareholders and to the public saying that they do not promote negative posts and that they were cleaning up misinformation. They were promoting this leading up to the election. As soon as the election was over they turned off the tweaked algorithm and right wing extremists grew once again to the point of the January Insurrection.

Furthermore, the impact of negative posts has impacted politics around the world. You may think it’s just online and that it has no sway. You couldn’t be more wrong. For many people this is where they get their news and see the opinions of their friends. How could this not impact someone? Politicians in other countries have complained directly to Facebook saying that they have no choice but to go with negative Ads and posts because if they don’t, they get no visibility on the site. There was a good quote in the interview which I can only paraphrase. It is something to the effect that anger is much easier to manipulate than something positive or neutral.

Lastly, they touch upon how facebook conducted research that found that instagram in it’s current form has a negative impact on teenage girls. 32% of teenage girls conducted in the research said they felt insecure about their bodies and felt even worse after being on Instagram 6% of American teenagers precisely pointed to instagram as a cause of suicidal thoughts. Now, I know what you are thinking. They shouldn’t be on instagram if it makes you feel so bad. That would just show that you don’t understand the social dynamic of today’s youth. You would be treated as an outcast amongst your friends and high school classmates if you were not on social media. It may not make sense to you, but this is how kids communicate and even more so during this pandemic. So, writing it off as just quit Instagram is not a realistic expectation. Parents can ban it all they want, but we know as teenagers, there’s always ways to sneak around it.

I know this is a lot, but in conclusion, Facebook absolutely needs to be transparent with their algorithm and should actively eliminate pages/people that spread misinformation especially if they represent a foreign group trying to influence elections. Lastly the algorithm should be completely reworked for the betterment of the world. As right now, it breeds toxicity that has further divided our country.

I like Rumble & MeWe those sites don’t censor folks.
MeWe has alot of hobby links that are cool.
I like American Muscle Car/Truck Central & the Hemmings Auctions… ABC (anything but Chevy).

There are about 100 different categories, politics, hiking,parenting,camping,
social issues, military,music, food, pets, etc.

Chat, post pictures, all the stuff you can do on Face Book and more, because they don’t decide what you can talk about.

Some people need bullies like FB to tell them what to do.
I understand….
freedom is not for everybody.

About tiem they are held in check.

FB pretty much destroyed my life – I was “outed” politically (by a TDS “relative”) – I got doxxed, banned, lost over 400 ” friends” (and all my work contacts). I was in FB application as “very liberal” on purpose (because I work in tech – and they only hire liberals) – all up in smoke in one day. My crime? Defending the Covington Youth (I was against violent images created of them – being put head first in a wood chipper – and I posted a “left leaning” Atlantic Article that stated how I felt). I am still disowned by most of my family to this day. I stopped using FB as it is a toxic minefield.

I’ve come to view “social media” as an extension of a high school mentality, without the trips to the Principal’s Office for bad behavior. At some point, hopefully, you outgrow it. Unfortunately, some never do.



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