Home » 1,571 Active COVID-19 Cases, 81 People Hospitalized In Contra Costa County

1,571 Active COVID-19 Cases, 81 People Hospitalized In Contra Costa County


Over a span of two weeks, the active number of COVID-19 cases in Contra Costa County is down 35%, and the number of people hospitalized is down 27%, according to the health department.

The county’s population is about 1.2-million.

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Why is no one talking about the positivity rate?
Why isn’t there a metric for canceling the current mask mandate?
What happened to “science”?
What happened to flattening the curve?
What happened to “herd immunity”?
Are all vaccinated persons carrying the burden of wearing masks because some refuse to be vaccinated? Vaccines are available. At this point, the unvaccinated are responsible for themselves!!!!!!!!

I’m no rocket scientist but that works out .0009% of the population on a daily basis is getting Covid. Does not seem reasonable at all to still be masking or be worrying about it.

They actually talk a lot about positivity rate.

No metric because a lot of places in CA have actually gone up. The bay overall is doing better then most places.

Science has been involved since day one

What happens every time someone says “Open up, The curve is flatten” Once we open things get 10x worse every time.

As it has been stated for almost a year now. Herd immunity needs to get about 80% vaccinated rate. We are NO WHERE close to that. We are only at 56% fully vaccinated in the US. Herd immunity is NOT by county. It’s for the whole US.

I would love for things to open up just like everyone else. But you still have people out there that think they know everything and end up making things worse. They are the ones that get everything shut down. They want to cry foul and say “My freedom” yet those are the same people that make everything close down. It’s very sad. As long as we have people crying all the time and not helping others out. This will last longer.

@me says “people crying all the time and not helping others” Is the problem 🤣🤣 You’re a joke. People who want freedom “make everything close down” What does that even mean? The crap you post is just getting desperate. What is closed down? You sound like a chinese propagandist. You post the most insane conspiracy lies and fake news. Do you really think anyone here takes you seriously? Oh oh believe what random serial poster @me says, or trust your own eyes. Hmm that’s a tough one🤣🤣 EVERYTHING YOU SAY IS FAKE NEWS. Project Veritas has been exposing the leftist lies for years. You’re still mad they busted Planned Parenthood selling whole full term babies? Now you’re running cover for pfizer? You are a complete joke and a danger to the community as a whole. Maybe you should try and get my posts removed again karen. Just stop with the FAKE NEWS already.

As Sam just proved my point. They think they know everything yet wrong every time.

I don’t know everything but I do have an abnormally high IQ and a very large brain. I know you don’t understand what that means but it’s ok. Now go back to your thumb sucking and let the smart people talk.

.87% fatality rate.

And that’s not accounting for asymptotic or vaccinated cases.

Over 1.5% death rate. Nice try.

It’s good to see that there’s a strong demand now for the Pfizer booster. Daily shots have reached over 2,000. That should substantially reduce the number of breakthrough cases.

There are well over a million people in the county. The number of active cases is a bit under 1600. The number of people in hospitals who have Covid isn’t even in the triple digits. Both of those numbers are decreasing. Over 85% of people are vaccinated. A great many among us have natural immunity. Even if you do get it, there’s a 95+% chance to recover (closer to 99+% if you’re not old and don’t have several comorbidities).

How anyone can (honestly) say that Covid is a serious threat to us is beyond me.

How anyone can say that the government’s ongoing response to Covid is the least bit appropriate is beyond me. 🤦

36.3 million people have died from AIDS since it started. Where’s that vaccine? Just curious, it’s been over 35+ years. Weird…. Oh that’s right it started out killing homosexuals, minorities and drug users. We will get to it. But this COVID-19 one is the truth so much so that we demand your kids K-12 get it. Come in we’ve been working on it for twelve plus months! Don’t you trust us?

Personally I always wear a condom in public and maintain 10″ of social distancing… just out of range.

@ Bob Kazamakis~
Totally agree with your Post.
@Carlos Del Puerto~
Very Good Point!

Here are some interesting numbers. Started looking at the CCC Health Web site, ended up on the state site. Lots of digging.

AS OF TUE 10/05
Contra Costa County
Confirmed cases: 95890

Deceased: 937

Source: California Health and Human Services

How many of these were “breakthrough” cases???

The Charade is over. Today’s Project Veritas undercover video of Pfizer Molecular biologist and Scientists was the nail in the coffin. People aren’t going along with this.

Feel free to watch it and “fact” check it LOL.

You mean the group that creates false videos and try to lie left and right?

https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Project_Veritas

It’s the same people who spread misinformation and so many conspiracy theories it’s a joke. Explains a lot now.

Lol @Me, you think Wikipedia is a valid source of proof that Project Veritas creates “false videos?” Yikes.

Give this troll no attention. Wikipedia can be edited by anyone. Not a valid source of information. PROJECT VERITAS is doing the work our FAKE NEWS propaganda won’t do. Project veritas has nothing but credibility. @me doesn’t even know what that word is. Don’t feed the troll.


I never said once that a Wiki proved anything. Show me anywhere I said this? I posted that for people to go look for themselves at the data to go see if that stuff happened. Simple as that. Want to know the funny thing. It was true. Interesting isn’t it. Simple look up.

@Sam you say for them to ignore me yet you keep responding to my posts. You should really take your own advice and go lie to others. I don’t fall for your fakeness.

Nice try ‘Me’, but the cat is already out of the bag, NOBODY trusts your various Controlled “fact check” sites LOL.

Project Veritas just dropped another bombshell of Pfizer Scientist Nick Karl scurrying away like a COWARD when confronted over his confessions!!

‘Me’, You have got Nothing. I’ll expect the usual ad-hominem response from you.

Look at ‘me’… I have so much misinformation to spread.

Loot at ‘me’ … telling everyone that they are wrong, but really it is ‘me’ who is wrong.

Look at ‘me’ …. thinking someone has proved my point, when they haven’t.

Anyone whose first reference tyring to prove their point is Wikipedia .. wow … just not sure if you can ever take them seriously.

Citizen talking to Government,

We followed all your mandates, got the shots, wore the masks and did everything you told us to do.

Now you tells us all of the restrictions are over.

Now I want my freedoms back.


What freedoms?

You won’t have freedoms if you give them away. Trading freedom for the illusion of security, you will have neither. If you were born free then show it. DO NOT COMPLY. Don’t wear the mask. It’s the first thing to break the programming.

Cellophane -Sadly many people did not comply. Trump called it a hoax and early on Trump said a few times it will just go disappear like magic.
We should be over this by now but look at the comments to see how many don’t want to do the right thing. .

Do you seriously believe our freedoms will be returned? Ha! Even if all covid and varients were wiped off face of earth, you will still be taking your boosters…just in case.

The elephant in the room is this….less and less people are buying the bullhockey. Less and less are brow beating those who are anti jab….and the Drs. are not able to hide the side effects. So now, what do we do?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Plandemic Scamdemic!

.0000675%. If my math is right, that’s the percentage of people in this county hospitalized with the virus. Its so infinitesimally small it defies the logic of any mandates. This has nothing to do with health, folks.

81/1200000 = 0.0000675 then multiply by 100 to get the percentage or 0.00675. Still a very small number. 😉

700,000 dead Americans is a big number.

@Doh, compared to what? The yearly death rate? How many flu deaths did we have in 2020?

Doh… Democratic leaders in the House and Senate are hoping to pass a $1 trillion bill to fund infrastructure and a $3.5 trillion bill to fund new and expanded entitlement programs….. 1 trillion + 3.5 trillion = ?
Use your fingers, it’s OK… so it’s 1+3 = 4 and what else? that .5 thingy means half, so it’s …… 4 and a half……trillion… dollars!
That’s a REALLY big number! Yay!

The illegals pouring over the southern border are not tested. They are transported by planes and busses to many places in the US to spread what ever they are carrying, on purpose to keep things going to keep the people in control with their mandates. Wonder why a place that had little virus spread suddenly has outbreaks?

Yes,…it’s all about keeping people in control.
We do the right thing, but then the wrong thing is let loose.

Multiple Pfizer scientist confirm that natural immunity is superior to vaccine. . Vaccine mandates violate HIPPA laws says another.


Project Veritas is NOT a reliable source.

Project Veritas is NOT a reliable source. They have been busted previously a few times for false stories.

Wow yoyohop that’s some great thinking there. Let’s assume it is correct that immunity caused by infection is superior to the vaccine. What’s your suggestion we should just infect the people rather tan use the vaccines?

You have been whining about the side effects for the vaccine, do you think there are no side effects from infection? Have you checked I think we have about 710K deaths from it and not to mention the people who are still suffering from the disease and all the folks needing treatment in ICUs.

Isn’t the point of vaccines to reach sufficient immunity without the ill effects of the infection? And it has been shown that these vaccines actually do this.

Natural immunity has always been found superior particularly with mumps and chicken pox. No surprise that it would be superior for a coronavirus. Doh and JWB are Simpson’s characters. 😀

An what’s with this “double layer” or “double masking” ? ? ?
Is it an admission masks other than N95, are ineffective ? ? ?

Given coronavirus size is about 0.12 microns in diameter, N95 (masks) protect down to 0.1 microns, with 95% efficiency. When cloth masks are talked about, if you’ve noticed, they almost never mention filtering ability in microns.

Most articles out there talk of “percent”, while neglecting to mention particle size cloth masks are capable of stopping.
daily mail dot com article

The Daily Mail tabloid is rated low on accuracy.

Quit offering sources that don’t satisfy Doh’s rigid standards of journalistic excellence.

For those who distrust the Project Veritas videos, just go watch. The latest video has three Pfizer employees. At least one says natural immunity is better than their vaccine, which is waning in efficacy. Says that monoclonal antibodies are pushed aside for the vaccine, which of course brings in billions of dollars. One man refers to Pfizer as evil. It’s stunning. Tomorrow’s drop will be an actual Pfizer whistleblower.

This is Wrong.

Commercial after Gunsmoke reruns in 2034 at 11 am: Were you or a loved one vaccinated with one of the COVID 19 vaccines during 2020 and 2021, and experience, death, injury, illness or permanent disability? you maybe entitled to compensation…call 1888 888 xxxx to talk to a spokesperson. Millions of settlement costs have been set aside during this time. Please call to see if you qualify..



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