Home » Sheriff’s Office Investigating Shooting Near Wendy’s In Pacheco

Sheriff’s Office Investigating Shooting Near Wendy’s In Pacheco


The Contra Costa Sheriff’s Office is investigating a shooting that occurred around 9:25 p.m. near Wendy’s on Pacheco Blvd. and 2nd Ave. S., in Pacheco.

A male inside a vehicle fired shots at a female in another vehicle, following a “heated” verbal argument.

The aggressor then fled the scene in a larger white SUV.

It appears that there were no injuries.


A county-wide “BOLO” (Be On Lookout) was issued to all other area Police Departments and the CHP.

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So nobody had a problem describing the suspect’s vehicle as a
“White SUV” ?

I suppose if it had been a VOC (Vehicle Of Color) that would have
been mentioned?

OK then……Let’s keep it PC !

So sad this has become an everyday thing. With little if no punishment involved we will see more of this. THe criminials have the guns and the law abiding citizens are being told they should not have the ability to defend themselves. Really!

At least they did nto cuase harm to innocents.

Next election and subsequent elections vote to eliminate those who do not prosecute and pander to the current entitlement issue of the day.

Just don’t vote democrat and the problem will get much better. I’m about personal accountability not victimhood, manufactured oppression or manufactured racism. The democratic platforms.

There is no voting to fix California anymore. The machine is firmly in control and consolidating power to make sure there will be no more recall type Insurrection.

Further, the large majority of people in this state like it this way, and will continue to vote for more of it. More money flushed away on subsidizing homelessness; more restrictions on gun rights for the law abiding; more tax hikes on the productive to hand out to useless people for votes; more environmental stranglehold on policy making building housing impossible, driving up the cost of living; more billions spent on renewable energy, making our electricity the most expensive and least reliable in the nation. And on and on.

The people of California like it this way. The only choice now is to leave.

@ Wage Slave

Sadly I think you’re right that unless you like the way California is being run politically the only recourse you have is to leave the state. Voting will not change anything in this state. The course has been set and it will not be altered. The people that like it will stay and those that don’t had better relocate.

As “Wage Slave” stated current Californians like to be masochists!!
The recall is an example of how Californians do not want change or is benefitting from the Demo influence!

Good Luck, Elder!

These gun carrying thugs just start shooting over a verbal argument with a woman now a days? What gutless garbage! I guess she was lucky stolen guns don’t come with target practice classes.
They’ll probably find this guy asleep in a drive-thru with his gun on his lap. The cops will try and wake him, and you know what happens next!



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