Home » DeSaulnier To Host Town Hall On The “New Energy Economy” And Contra Costa

DeSaulnier To Host Town Hall On The “New Energy Economy” And Contra Costa


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier will host a virtual town hall tonight from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

“The Bay Area, as the second largest oil refining center on the West Coast, has a unique role to play in the fight against climate change and the transition to clean energy,” DeSaulnier said.

DeSaulnier will discuss the impact the transition will have on Contra Costa, which is home to four oil refineries.

The event will be held on Zoom and will be streamed live on Congressman DeSaulnier’s Facebook page.


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This guy wants to make gas prices even higher.

From an MSN story published today, “China account[s] for 27 percent of global emissions. Already this year, it has unveiled plans to build 43 new coal-fired power plant units.” So instead of addressing the massive increase in carbon dioxide from China, DeSaulnier wants to perform environmental theater to impress his supporters here in Contra Costa.


Can we please just get rid of him. Think of the energy savings in that alone and all the hot air that comes from him

Go defecate in your sombrero markie !
Nobody cares what you have to say you SOCIALIST!

@ Martinezmike-

Here’s your chance to have Mark address the red light runners.

Sorry, I can’t believe a word you say Mark
Wait for you once, but then you went into left orbit. What you and Biden are proposing are going to decimate us here in California. Yeah the techies will all still be rich but the rest of us will be riding bicycles and going home to our powerless homes with dead lawns.
Your socialist green dreams will be a nightmare for all of us.

Ask for solution. Bet you get a blank stare. Congress doesn’t have any. At least ones that will work and not stomp on the public.

We have a “new normal” and now a “new energy economy”? What else is new?

Will he present nuclear power as option, he could get high paying jobs in his district that provide green energy. Can he be a bold leader or will he add a couple solar panels.


I think I’m busy tonight.

There has to be some grass growing somewhere.

Someone please tell brain dead marky that the fuel for the jets he flys back and fort to Dc comes from those refineries. But I guess he is important so it’s ok for him to travel.

This guy knows nothing of refineries. I have worked in one for 20 years. The amount of products that are related to a refinery would astonish you. Even the plastic for your Starbucks Iced Coffee cups is a product from there. The jet fuel you enjoy to fly to Hawaii? From a refinery. The CNG that you use in your furnace and water heater? We make it in a refinery.

Petrochemical facilities are a necessity. Marky is a brain dead windbag.

Even Yoga pants are made from refinery products, Please Mark don’t take those away

Mark should go thru his home and get rid of anything that was produced using petroleum products or by products of oil refining.



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