Home » Contra Costa County Health Order Requiring Vaccination Proof For Gyms, Indoor Dining Takes Effect Today

Contra Costa County Health Order Requiring Vaccination Proof For Gyms, Indoor Dining Takes Effect Today


Patrons of restaurants, gyms and other indoor businesses will need to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a recent negative test starting today in Contra Costa County.

The new order applies to businesses where people remove masks to eat or drink indoors, and to gyms and other indoor fitness facilities where patrons breathe more heavily due to exercise.

The order also requires workers in indoor areas of the businesses to show proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 by Nov. 1 or test weekly for COVID-19.


To show proof of vaccination, patrons need to show a photo ID and their vaccination record cards from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), or copies or pictures of their cards. Documentation from healthcare providers will also be accepted, as will digital COVID-19 vaccine records issued by the State of California.

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hmmm..here we go…show your papers

According to the Health Officer, Chris Farnitano – THE MANDATE IS NOT TEMPORARY!

I sat through the Supervisors board meeting yesterday, and he was asked directly – “what are the parameters for ending this mandate, especially since the covid numbers are dropping drastically in the county?” He basically said there are none, and he intends to keep this going indefinitely just in case there is a flare up at some time in the future. The Board of Supervisors said ok, and did not even question him on this. This is not ok, people need to start putting pressure on the Supervisors to stop this.

Indeed, Farnitano is acting like a tinpot dictator and we the people should put pressure on the supervisors to stop his overreach. And flare up of what? A disease that one has a 99.5% chance of surviving?

As I’ve said before they’ve blown up the common cold to be a deadly disease. Well it always was if you were weak enough.

@sc~You are absolutely correct! I, too, watched the meeting and Farnitano said this mandate is “for prevention of future surges like during the holidays and being indoors during the winter and don’t want to see another wave before we roll out the vaccine to younger kids”…that this order is “about protecting others for spread of this virus”…and that there is “no evidence of natural immunity lasting” and that taking the vaccine after a past Covid-19 infection is “extra good protection.”
Deputy Director Jenssen encouraged and implored you to get vaccinated and that “vaccine hesitancy is like deciding to stay and fight a fire at your home with a water hose,” that you need to listen to the experts!

Let’s watch the case rate plummet! 🙂

Photo ID? Well that’s bull stool!
I knew about the card but photo ID too?
Yeah… we’ll see how many people ask for it.
What’s next.. retinal scan? thumb print? anal examine?

This will be fun

Got some emails from local restaurants that stated if you’re okay with dining at their outdoor patios, then no proof of vaccination is required.

In Martinez there are a number of restaurants that have had outdoor seating all year around even before the “pandemic”. Owners of places that only provided seasonally or just for the “pandemic” might be advised to continue on.

I’ll go eat in Benecia.

What have we become?

Anyone who thinks this is a good idea is ignorant.

+1 Localmom

They’re making the kids at Alhambra HS do the same if they want to go to their outdoor homecoming dance

They have adopted the “carrot and stick” approach to healthcare. Good luck with that!

middle finger emoji

It’s pretty quick to Google 🖕

Vaccinated or not – Refuse to show your papers.

Draw a line in the sand. Without pushback, the restrictions will only get worse.

If you are still scared – Stay home.

Agreed, in the words of Henry David Thoreau, “If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law.”

We should also be quick to support those businesses that do take the risk of the government’s retribution.

Just out of curiosity, how do you feel about Voter ID laws?

Non-violent civil disobedience, Dr. F. Ever heard of Gandhi? I didn’t think so.

The only thing I aim to break is an unjust mandate from a bunch of unelected bureaucrats that hide behind “science”

Why did you say “draw a line in the sand” as a metaphor for standing up for our rights!? You know that when a line is drawn in the sand the tide can come in and erase it. The higher the tide the less like for the line drawn in the sand to remain. But, I do agree with your point.
We are being restricted from enjoying our lives while criminals are being given a free pass due to the government’s decisions.

I bet county health directors are enjoying all their GOD power control over everyone. Normally they are not in the news, and don’t do a whole lot. But with Covid, their egos and power of control gets a huge boost.

I suspect the training they got at workshops for the pandemic trained them to be narcissistic rulers. I’ve heard that is part of the program.

What’s next? Little yellow stars for our coats? Maybe an arm band warning others? America destroyed South Africa over Apartheid only to create a worse version at home.
How are there no constitutional challenges to this? By what law do we show our papers to anyone other than a peace officer or a court order?

When you purchase alcohol or enter a bar and are asked for your ID do you feel this is an abridgement of your rights? If not, why not?

Just one of the many reasons this is wrong: it ignores natural immunity even though it is now well-established that it is much more effective than vaccine-generated immunity against Covid. So people who got through Covid and have excellent immunity have to get vaccinated (with any side effect risk) even though they are more protected – or else they live as second-class citizens.

The vaccination rate in CCC is already super high. This is just harassment of a minority, for minimal benefit to the majority, if any. If you’re already vaccinated, you don’t need to worry about this.

Fully agree, are ignoring natural immunity at almost all levels 🙁

🙌 Yes exactly!

Luckily I have a valid license and can drive to another county to avoid the hassle. I feel sorry for any CoCoCo business having to deal with these continuing madates.

Our civil liberties are being taken away and if you’re not worried by now…you should be!

At the Board of Supervisors meeting yesterday Dr. Farnitano was asked at what point/indicators determine lifting of this state of emergency…replied” hospital impacted levels down, schools impacted down with less quarantine, and vaccination rate up—still not clear wha level we need.” And they predicted this pandemic 5-10 years by modeling the vaccination rate of the whole world! Also, Supervisor Gioia said they are working on a resolution to declare misinformation as a public health crisis and that “if members of the public stand in the way, they have to correct that.” It is evident to me that garbear hit the nail on the head!

We will perpetually be under a state of emergency with those in power saying, “So let it be written, so let it be done!”

The five civil liberties are religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble, and freedom to petition the government.

It’s important to note that all of these have limitations on them. Freedom of speech does not include libel or screaming fire in a crowded theater, freedom to assemble does not mean people can hold a protest in a hotel lobby for example.

The vaccine mandate for restaurants and gyms does not limit any of the above.

@Chuq~Yes, you keep telling yourself that..all your liberties are intact while doing your daily affirmations…

@Chuq, by that logic Jim Crow laws didn’t impede anyone’s civil liberties either…

Also, that zombie quote about “shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater” – you know where that comes from? Schenk vs. United States, and the judge who wrote that line was using it to justify the conviction of a man for distributing leaflets encouraging people to resist the military draft. So antiwar speech = shouting fire in a crowded theater… You should be able to see where that tendency would go…

It’s textbook political science that a perpetual state of emergency is a sign that self-governance has died, and is a tool of authoritarian leaders. If there is no off-ramp, then it’s no longer a legitimate use of emergency limitations on the citizens.

Unelected Country Costa County bureaucrats have no end date? Did they think through their little edict before they stuck it to the public?

A Florida court has granted a temporary injunction preventing the city of Gainesville, Florida, from forcing employees to comply with a vaccine mandate. Gainesville “did not put on any evidence, at all, at the injunction hearing” that would allow the court to consider whether the vaccine mandate “meets a strict scrutiny test, a rational basis test, or whether it meets any other standard.”

The attorneys general added, “Your vaccine mandate represents not only a threat to individual liberty, but a public health disaster that will displace vulnerable workers and exacerbate a nationwide hospital staffing crisis, with severe consequences for all Americans.”

From the Daily Caller: https://bit.ly/3u2fYgJ

Your right to refuse any medical treatment offered you is protected by law.

@Gittyup. True, but now they making doctors refuse to treat patients who don’t have the vaccine. Their alternative of a 72 hour window for a negative COVID test, is far stricter than we have seen for months.

They are eagerly adapting Biden’s bullying tactics.

People have a right to express their disapproval of some police officers actions or any political issues BUT freedom to assemble doesn’t give disgruntled people the right to destroy private property and attack people who happen to find themselves, unwittingly, caught in the mayhem. That goes for both Democrats and Republican.

Need to show a photo ID too just go in and eat or have a drink or work out BUT God forbid if you are asked to show a photo ID to VOTE!!! What a bunch of BS!!

Went out for breakfast this morning in a pretty well-packed well-known restaurant nobody asked for a vaccine card or ID.. we’ll see what lunch curtails today when we go to a different restaurant.
We seriously doubt many businesses are going to follow this so-called babysitting mandate.

The county health hotline rep just gave me this number for Dr Farnitano: 925 957 2679.

No answer. Mailbox full.

Seems like the perfect metaphor for our current democracy.

RECALL Farnitano !!!

March on county offices!

When people stop taking phone calls, you have to go over their head. Who does Farnitano answer to? If necessary the California Medical Board should be available to hear complaints and critiques.

There are people out there practicing medicine who didn’t renew their license, or complete required training, for the period Newsom mandated they didn’t have to renew their license. That’s a pretty good reason not to get an experimental vaccine in itself, at least until the matter is resolved.. It’s just one of many “holes” in the pro-vaccine argument.

My money will see the door with me.

Hope any business that turns away people for no vaccine ends up closing due to lack of business. I won’t support any business that mandates vaccines, will lose my business for good!!

No.I’ll just ignore or break the rules whenever and wherever I can. I’ll take the rules as seriously as newsom, or breed, or pelosi, or the dozens of other elitists who break them whenever they think the cameras are off.

#resist (or is that not applicable anymore?)

How is this order not racist when the largest demographic of unvaccinated americans are black

It’s a time ripe for new political alliances. Just sayin.

Blacks are lowest percentage wise. But, if you do the math on the county’s vaccine demographics, whites are the most impacted number wise even though they have a higher percentage vaccinated.

Everyone should be outraged and ignore this tyrannical bullshot. CoCoCounty can suck it. I will not comply.

I would think the immunocompromised folks who have been stuck at home for 18 would not be “outraged.” Just an opinion.

wow…dems want photo id to go eat indoors, but balk at photo id to vote????
and you wonder why people are thinking this whole thing is outta control…

That is an outstanding observation little rant!

I will be eating out of Contra Costa County. Simple!!


This is raycis to blacks n mexican cause they don’t know how to get photo id. This is raycis discriminashen.

@Googlar….Do you have spell check on your phone or computer?…. Your comment actually hurt my eyes, just sayin’.

I mean not that your comment isn’t funny and what we’re all thinking, but maybe English isn’t their 1st language??

I wash born here, an I wash raished here, and dad gum it, I’ma gonna die here, an no sidewindin’ bushwackin’, hornswagglin’ cracker croaker is gonna rouin me bishen cutter….. right Googlar?

When I find places that will not be enforcing this stupid (and questionably unconsitituional) mandate, I will give them all the business I can.

When I find a place the will be following these requirements, I will not spend one cent there.

Lumpy’s Diner in Antioch is a good place to start 😉

Yep, and anyplace east of Oakley.

These people are acting as if Covid is the only thing that could kill us.
I have been out to eat and in more than one occasion and the person handling cash is the same person serving the food without wearing gloves nor washing his/her hands after handing the money.
Criminals are being released and people are driving negligently but nothing is done about that despite the danger.
Another thing that is happening is doctors are refusing to see patients in-person unless the patients has been vaccinated and are being given phone or video appointments instead. Phone or video appointments can’t substitute for hands on medical care. Video or phone appointments also exposed patients to have their identities and medical information to be stolen.
I hate to see restaurants going out of business but the idea of having to provide ID is over reaching.
It is illegal to ask for proof of citizenship or of being legally in this country and we have read that people illegally crossing the border aren’t required to be vaccinated. Why rules for some but not for others.
I’m yet to hear what is being done to stop this pandemic besides the same old push of getting vaccinated and wearing a mask. There are those of who might already had Covid and could have some immunity but I haven’t heard of testing being done to find out if that’s the case so people aren’t given too much of the Covid vaccine. How are they testing how much of this vaccine to give out based on a person’s medical history?


What a bunch of snowflakes you all are. Make a copy of your vaccine card or put it on your phone. You carry an ID anyway. Or do those of you who are whining about this also run red lights because it infringes on your civil liberties?

You want to go outside of CoCoCo to shop or go to restaurants? So you want local businesses to fail?

Somebody doesn’t understand the usage of “snowflake” 😂😂

@Fed UP
Speaking of fed up, I am, with people like you attempting to make comparisons to having to show your personal medical information so you can eat a sandwich indoors, to a drunk driver…..or in your case, someone who runs red lights. That is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard, and there is NO COMPARISON. No one, NO ONE is required to show ANYTHING walking across our border. So you take your copies of your vaccine card and do something with them. Use your imagination.

Just another way to hurt businesses. That’s the plan!.

Regardless of your thoughts on whether this is right or wrong, don’t hassle front line workers about this. It’s hard enough for businesses to hire people right now. If you want to complain, complain to the County Board of Supervisors. But don’t harass front line workers and small business owners over rules they didn’t create.

Agree that no one should hassle the workers; however, the business owners should not be having anything to do with this. It’s not based on science, whatsoever. It is not a law. They need to stand up against this.


Line is the sand is a desert term not a beach term.

Regardless, I still think is not a strong metaphor but I do agree with your point about pushing back and that those who are afraid should stay home.

This is so mess up!
Let us have ours freedom. If there is a surge that lead the hospitals to rationing the icu beds, we allow our healthcare professionals to pull the plug because we love ours freedom and won’t back down from getting the jabs or masks! Thank you Idaho hospitals for being the first to implement health care rationing!

Is the health dept going to deploy inspectors to the various businesses or force this new duty on the workers. If so, have they been trained to perform this function? And now that they have new responsibilities are they receiving remuneration for doing this vital job?

businesses need to know that the community will stand with them if they refuse. what we need to find out is if they are going to get paid by the county to enforce.

they called us conspiracy theorists for 18 months, and now look. they are enforcing ‘show me your papers’ nazi mandates. look at who is the backer of the QR code based app and verification system. The ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION. https://thecommonsproject.org/about

now with these damning veritas HHS, and just today FDA leaks of what they’re hiding, this is ABSOLUTELY criminal activity committed by our local officials and police should arrest these people for pushing mandates that they know will harm businesses and kill people.

I count 53 negative comments so far, so that’s 53 people I don’t have to worry about infecting me when I got to a restaurant. I do hope you are all serious about staying away from the restaurants who are following the law, because it makes we vaccinated people feel like its much safer to go to these places now, so more of us will go. And since there are a lot more of us than there are of you, I expect the patronage of these businesses will go up and they will succeed. As for the restaurants that refuse to comply, those will be the only places the unvaccinated can go to, and as more and more of their customers are unvaccinated the virus will spread more rapidly and as their staff and customers get sick, and some even die, their business will go down and they will sadly fail.

Dianne, these restaurants are not following the law, as you put it. THERE IS NO LAW. WAKE UP!!!

Nailed it Dianne!! I could NOT agree with you more.


Perhaps you missed the fact that vaccinated people can spread the virus?

“By Associated Press
Published: Sep. 21, 2021 at 2:45 PM UTC
NEW YORK — A new study of Texas prison inmates provides more evidence that coronavirus can spread even in groups where most people are vaccinated.”

So good luck to you amongst all the fully-vaccinated people.

Disclaimer: I am fully vaccinated.

Dear diane, you have let your irrational fear completely override common sense and respect for others. You are so blinded by how virtuous you are in your pretend world of “protecting others” that you cannot see how disingenuous and unkind your opinions are. And please remember that even fauci has stated that vaxxed carry the same viral load as unvaxxed, they do spread the virus to others, and the vaxx does not prevent you from contracting it. Your diatribe against the unvaxxed is not rooted in facts or science. I wish you all the best, bless your heart.


I think you have missed that a lot of the negative comments come from people that are vaccinated…

They just know this is a huge overreach and not backed up by science, or indeed any law.

Small businesses are going to end up policing a mandate enforced how? we do not know and put in place by unelected people, people whose salaries we pay for.

Now, if you are correct, everyone in these businesses will be vaccinated, therefore we will see no transmission of the virus…. That just is not going to happen, vaccinated people are catching it, they’re much more likely asymptomatic and actually spreading the virus unknowingly. Vaccinated people make up the largest percentage of our population, so it’s reasonable to assume they spreading it the most (using CDC logic).

What we know is that a vaccine offers YOU, the best protection from serious illness, so YOU have the vaccine to protect yourself!

Also, what has happened to the huge rise in cases we were told was coming when the kids went back to school? The case numbers are down and yet most all kids under 12 are not vaccinated and 13-18 still has a significant number that have nnot had it either?

This is flat out unethical.

@The Truth
According to you, if someone doesn’t like the rules, they can see the door. Well, I don’t like the rules set up at the border, allowing millions of unvetted illegals into this country. What door should I see for that?

So today breakfast restaurant did not ask us for vaccine card and I’d lunch restaurant did not either. Dinner place was asking so me people and not others, seemed they didn’t have enough staff to play bouncer at the door. We did not get asked but people behind us did but they didn’t have vaccine card with then but they let em in anyway.
So today’s outing tests were pretty much a CCHS mandate failure but in my book successful.

Look at the footage from AUS yesterday, peaceful protestors beaten, run over, maced, and shot with rubber bullets by an army of black-clad Fascist police, all while there are clearly visible women and children present.


We are headed toward the same fate. Soon we won’t be able to leave our homes outside of a certain radius, won’t be able to even visit the store without explicit permission.

3% of rubber bullet injuries are lethal: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/at-close-range-police-fire-rubber-bullets-that-can-maim-or-kill-protesters

Remember that the authorities don’t work for you, and they don’t care that they swore to uphold the constitution. They will take away your freedoms gleefully if it protects their pension.

I had to contact my gym today to let them know that I will pause my membership fees until this madness ends. And you no there is no end in sight at this point. I was already going to pause my membership before this new rule because the previous mask mandate requires all to wear masks indoors, even if vaxxed. Have you tried doing burpees or jumping jacks with a mask on? The only reason I ended up joining this gym several months ago was because they had outdoor tents for classes and there was a mask optional rule for those outside. Most of my classes were moved indoors when the mask mandate was dropped. Now, even if vaxxed, a mask is required. This is just the final straw for me. And according to one of the gym managers, I’m not alone. There are a lot of people at my gym doing the same. So I’m just going to have to duplicate my classes here at home or follow something online. It just sucks because I really enjoyed going to the gym again and being part of a class and meeting nice people. Not to mention, the health benefits of keeping fit.

There are some gyms across the bridge in Benicia…no masks required.😉

@Earl. I’m afraid you got it backwards. I am being respectful of other people by wearing a mask and being vaccinated. It is the people who are willing to endanger the lives of others by not wearing masks and not getting vaccinated that are disrespectful. And of course I’m fearful of getting a deadly disease. It would be irrational to not have a healthy fear of such a thing. I have no desire to take the chance of dying a very miserable death if I can avoid it. I think both children and mature adults should be afraid of something like that, and they should also not want to inflict that on others. So, you see, it is actually you who is being childish and vile by not really caring if you give someone a deadly disease when you could easily avoid it.

Never before in history have the unvaccinated been blamed for getting the vaccinated sick. Face it. Your vaccine does not work.

@Cyn. You’re right. I misspoke. It’s not a law. It’s a health order, and personally, I’m glad someone is looking out for my health. It makes me sad that so many people are not looking out for each other’s health, but I will continue to look out for the health of others. It’s actually pretty easy. Just a few common sense precautions.

Dont worry about my health. Just manage your own dang health Alice…

My apologies for posting multiple times. This was my first time ever posting. I was not trying to take up so much space, I already know my letter is long.

CR ~ Do you think anybody has the time and patience to read your entire manifesto ? (over and over again at that !) and force feeding the religion….geez! Nothing wrong with religion but you practically beat us over the head with the Bible….. way too much !
Your point is lost, you’re all over the place!
Too many ingredients.
Try some focus,
to the point
of the

I think the time has come where we need to all go to city hall and protest this. WE need to remove all of our city hall members and start over again.

So far none of the establishments I went into yesterday were enforcing this.

Which was exactly two but still.

Fake cards are the new norm. They have no enforcement plan other than business self compliance. And theres nothing the Dianes or Karens of the world can do about it but sit there with a smug air of superiority thinking theyre” safe”

The 19yr old asking to see your papers is just going to give a cursory glace and take your order.

@ Bean Burner……yep! If even….

Dianne The only person responsible for your health is you. This is definitely violating your civil rights I think it’s high time people go to these meetings and start pulling antifa tactics on these communist since they like to pull them on conservatives. Also refuse goods and services to all these councilmembers including this health official He wants to make it hard on everybody cool you can’t purchase anything because of your Hitler move. People need to protest in front of this health officials office and home.

Every once in a while I have asked people on this site who are upset about COVID restrictions what measures they think would be reasonable. I’m happy to find compromises (for example there is no reason unvaccinated people shouldn’t be able to eat outside since the possibility of transmission is so low).

But whenever I have asked that, the answer has always been “There should be no more restrictions, no masks requirements, no quarantines for students who are exposed, no working from home, just go back to the way it was in 2019.”

And that is how I know there is no reason to take you folks seriously. We have seen what happens when there are no restrictions – it’s what is currently happening in Florida. You don’t have a sensible plan and you’re not looking to develop one so we will just have to continue with these (yes) very stringent, very inconvenient, often uncomfortable measures. I don’t like wearing masks everywhere and I’m tired of working from home but until a better plan arises I can live with it.

Chuq 99 % chance of surviving this. Good odds if you ask me. Stop being a mouthpiece of the state

You know what has an even higher survival rate: getting the vacccine.

You folks who are pleased about this mandate do realize that only the patrons have to be vaccinated, right? The employees do NOT yet have to be vaccinated. So the person serving you could very well be serving you a dish of Covid-19.

Being vaccinated does not mean you can’t spread the virus.

This Global Health Pass system seems eerily like China’s Citizen Social Credit System. The CoCoHealth website has a tool for businesses with a link to a Smart Health Card Verifier App offered for “free” worldwide by the The Commons Project. As well as globally, the US “leadership” of this group has many pharmaceutical companies and drug stores amongst political leaders and the medical industry

YA know… for The Common Good.

Why so many lines on the Vac card? Did they know boosters were in the works

Next up- limited movement until Flu Vaccinations


Time for FOIA requests for the Supervisors…



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