Home » County Health Order Requiring Vaccination Proof For Gyms, Indoor Dining Takes Effect Wednesday

County Health Order Requiring Vaccination Proof For Gyms, Indoor Dining Takes Effect Wednesday


Starting Wednesday in Contra Costa County, patrons of restaurants, gyms and other indoor businesses will need to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a recent negative test.

“This order is necessary now to save lives, protect our overburdened healthcare system, and slow the pandemic enough to keep our schools open,” said Dr. Chris Farnitano, Contra Costa County Health Officer said in a news release.

The new order applies to businesses where people remove masks to eat or drink indoors, and to gyms and other indoor fitness facilities where patrons breathe more heavily due to exercise.


The order also requires workers in indoor areas of the businesses to show proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 by Nov. 1 or test weekly for COVID-19.

To show proof of vaccination, patrons need to show a photo ID and their vaccination record cards from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), or copies or pictures of their cards. Documentation from healthcare providers will also be accepted, as will digital COVID-19 vaccine records issued by the State of California.

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Dr. F is misguided and this order is unhelpful when our vaccination rate is high and cases are are on a steep downward trajectory. This order smells like a power grab and I call for his resignation immediately

On a very serious note, how can we get him to resign? I will happily sign a petition or whatever for him to be removed.

Start a petition. Farnitano is a FOOL. The majority of the county is already vaxxed, all of the Propaganda to try to get the “control group” vaccinated has failed, and rightfully so as anyone can see something is not right about this.

Have a look at channel 7 WXYZ TV who asked for “unvaxxed” stories but instead got 180,000 responses of vaccine related injuries and deaths.

1 in 61 people who have gotten COVID-19 die.
There is a 1 in 8 chance of dying if you are not vaccinated.
There is a 1 in 13,402 chance of getting COVID if you are fully vaccinated. This is versus 1 in 8 chance in you are not vaccinated.

Reminder: Even Trump has been vaccinated.

Everyone counts or no one counts.
To stand by freedom to chose, I will Not be Eating out or going to the theater or any other listed, until this order is canceled. I feel for the business but I must take a stance for freedom.
Yes, im vaccinated.

Doh…your stats are waaaaay off. Nice try, though.

Here’s the direct study to the risk of not being vaccinated and COVID.

https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/ mm7037e1.htm?s_cid=mm7037e1_w https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr /mm7037e1.htm?s_cid=mm7037e1_w

Quick info sheet shows that unvaccinated people are
5x more likely to get COVID
10x more likely to be hospitalized
10x more likely to die

I don’t know what other proof people want. Vaccination status should be taken into account for hospitalization when it comes to people testing positive for COVID. If you test positive and are unvaccinated you should not be admitted if there are no available ICU hospital beds or they should have to give up their bed if another patient is in need of that room.

The unvaccinated in California are truly lucky they don’t live in backwards places like Florida where they were just recently under 10% ICU (now at 16%) bed availability or Texas which is under 5%. California is at 23% available.


By that logic, a hugely fat man should not be allowed to have medical attention either. His heart disease is his own fault, he has no right to take away that bed from someone with covid.

Or an alcoholic. Or, an AIDS patient… You see how this becomes problematic for the left quickly.

Petition calling for the resignation of Dr. Farintano

Should I bring my mumps, measles proof of vaccination also, just to be sure?

Except those vaccines worked. The current ones don’t stop contraction or transmission. Hence the continued, though flawed, mask requirement for the vaxxed.

Where is your proof that the COVID vaccine doesn’t work? It absolutely does work and every credible study done show it does. The COVID vaccine (every vaccine for that fact) is not a magic shield that blocks COVID from entering your body. What the vaccine does is allows your body to quickly fight the infection which means a shorter transmission period and lesser (if any) symptoms. It’s just like getting the annual flu vaccine shot. You are protecting yourself from known variants of Influenza so that if you do get sick it will be a shortened sickness.

Here’s a list of publications from the CDC.

Pyrrhus – your link doesn’t work. You get a page with no content

Also – 10x, 5x etc are misleading assertations.

Example: (made up numbers incoming). If a vaccinated person has a 1% of dying from COVID and a non vaccinated person is 10x more likely to die then they have a 10% chance. Ok, some folks will take that risk, others wont. But we can agree 1% vs 10% is pretty steep.

Ok – but what if we take the base line survival rate at the 99.97%, and lets assume vaccinated folks enjoy that survival rate so chance of detah is 0.03%. That would mean a non vaccinated person has a 0.3% chance. Still 10x, but that doesn’t seem nearly as scary

Now you take those two examples and compare to potential side effects of the vaccine – the truly troubling one was increased rate of blood clotting, cuaisng infarctions, heart attacks, strokes, etc. There are benefits and drawbacks to the vaccine, but that should be a conversation for YOU and your DOCTOR.

I’m staying away from the topic of “is the vaccine gods gift or the devil in disguise?” – the real issue I have is the erosion of our civil liberties. Mainstream media has been disengenous with their coverage of COVID, and its concerning to see.

Many liberals hate the comparisons to Nazi Germany, but these mandates feel very 1937 esque. Or think of the Japanese camps we had in the USA…may fit the bill better. Massive govt overreach ALWAYS leads to pain and suffering. Big government doesn’t make this better – personal responsiblility does.

My gym say Contra Costa County still requires to wear mask inside as everyone is verified coming in. Bad messaging that we are “safer” but need to keep wearing masks as exercise!

You probably need to find a new place to woke out

Congress/Legislative branch
Congressional Staff
Judicial Branch
CDC Employees
FDA Employees
USPS Employees
NIAID Employees
Pfizer Employees
Moderna Employees
Illegal Aliens

It’s just amazing how some folks here get an internet meme and think it is a fact?

Really sad and imagine what it means if it is true that the pandemic lowered the IQ in babies born during the pandemic?

Once you realize this isn’t about health and safety, it all makes sense.

It’s about getting anyone who doesn’t agree with their agenda to leave the state. And it’s working.

It is all about the science… current data indicate that the virus will not affect you if you are a mayor of a lost cause city situated on a bay, where defecation on the street is deemed acceptable behavior, or if you happen to be a governor dining at one of the most expensive restaurants in the nation (where is the cry for “equity,” the latest fave of lefties?), or if you happen to work in the movie industry and are attending a gala to celebrate your achievements, and the achievements of those like you, or if you are a dimwitted representative from NY wearing a very expensive dress with a child’s statement while attending a gala where a ticket costs more than the annual salary of the minimum wage your inadequate degree in economics tells you is a living wage. The virus only affects those who are not elite, in other words, an average (once free) citizen of the United States.

Best reply of the day.

More tyrannical crud!

Remember, just two weeks to flatten the curve.
The government is not going to do some totalitarian over reach.
Disregard the tin foil hat people and trust the government.
If we all just do what they say, things will get better real soon.
It’s guaranteed by political promises, so you know you can trust that their edicts will work out for our good.
No reasonable person ever uses a vaccine for person protection. Obviously they get vaccinated for other people. The individual’s vaccine won’t work unless if the people around them are vaccinated too.

Well done sir. Someone needs to write a Swiftian satire on this tragi-comic farce.

Although I have been vaccinated, I don’t think it is right or even lawful for the gov’t to put this much pressure on those not wanting to be vaccinated. I will not carry my card with me and will not answer any questions as to whether I am vaccinated or not as it is nobody’s business (ESPECIALLY the government). I feel for the small business owner getting stuck in the middle on this and hope they remember this come election day.

Figure 70% of business owners voted for Newsolini and/or Knees Harris and or China Joe. So screw them. It’s what they asked for.

I have a card, and I will not be showing it to nobody for nothin’.

Eventually you’ll cave. Actions speak louder than words.

If this wasn’t so pathetic I’d be laughing, but holy moly Hitler must be smiling somewhere..
Welcome to Nazi state Kalifornia.
My neighbor showed me his fake card and it looked passable to me, but what min wage door monkey is gonna know the difference.

Vaccine WHISTLEBLOWER steps forward: https://tinyurl.com/4jf8j7ev

Many bars and restaurants and workout facilties are still struggling to survive after the last 18 months of covid-related shutdowns. This new draconian Nazi brown shirt “mandate” by CoCoCo will cause them to struggle even more and many will simply go out of business. What small business can afford to lose 20% – 30% of their customer base and survive? The smart ones will completely ignore this vaxx papers please “order”:.

A lot of restaurants are still serving people outdoors. Not only in the US but across the world people have rejected such rules and are avoiding dining rooms in favor continued outdoor dining with the vaxxed joining them. If they try to shut down outdoor dining then the gauntlet will be thrown down.

Just remember to tell anyone who asks for your vaccination card that we don’t need the fun police monitoring everything we do. You should be good to go then, since London Breed is setting the example.

As I have stated before, I will politely ask to view the server, employee, or manager’s health records and or vaccination verification. Once I am satisfied with their answers, I will thank them for their cooperation and then leave. I wish them well. And people wonder why our government is making so many angry.

The more you comply, the more restrictions they pass.

Refuse to show your card. Not even once.

One of the highest vax rates, rapidly falling case and hospital rates, yet they decide to pass this new restriction now, right after the recall.

If restaurants and gyms want to turn away customers and comply with a county health office and BOD who hate them and want them out of business, let them go out of business.

Nobody in that health office or on that board should ever get served a meal in Contra Costa County again.

Good post, Mitch.

Does this also cover movie theatres? Unclear on that.

You can still enter a business to pick up food without being vaccinated.

What none of these health officials seem to explain is why the two options are 1. show proof of being fully vaccinated or 2. show proof of a negative COVID-19 test from the past 3 days. You can still carry, catch, and/or spread the virus when you’re fully vaccinated, so shouldn’t everyone who enters these establishments show proof of a negative test if they’re trying to “stop the spread?”

Please wake up everyone, this was never for your safety. This is just another way for the government to permanently close small businesses, cause further division in society, and make people more dependent on big pharma due to the adverse effects from the COVID gene therapy injection.

Did everyone see the video of Mayor London Breed without her mask?

Don’t you dare talk about the fun police!

Good thing I have a restaurant in my own home.

Me, too! I’m a great cook, enjoy it, and we never get food poisoning.

Why not require all unvaccinated or vaccinated (your preference) to wear on their person for all to see, a geocentrically shaped piece of cloth as was mandated last Century in a “DEMOCRAT Socialist” country.

After all isn’t “teaching”, liberal media and swamp dwellers these days continually bloviating about “them” ? ? ?


Wow, a lot of complaining above. I took a pic of my vaccine card and i have my phone with me, so i’ve got nothing to worry about. Good luck with all your complaining! Hope it makes you feel better.

Thank you Bobohead for identifying yourself as a mindless drone who unquestioningly follows orders.

So I can enter a place with my vaccine card even though I may have Covid? I they were really worried about the spread of Covid they would require a negative test to enter a place. Otherwise you end up with a bunch of Covid vaccinated people spreading the virus.

Actually it’s starting to feel like the Nuremberg Laws created by the nazis in the mid 1930s. They specifically enacted laws to separate out the targeted population in order to lay the ground work to later remove them from society.

Baby steps Tom…..

Restaurant manager, and about to jump into the craziness tomorrow. Yes, unvaccinated patrons can dine outdoors (whether there is a host to show you to a table or not). Patrons are not required to show proof of vaccination or a negative test if they are simply entering to use the restroom, pick up food for takeout, etc. Hope this helps.

Hi Tom!
Before Jews and many others were slaughtered in death camps, do you know how they were treated in Nazi Germany? They were bullied, mocked, and generally vilified for causing all the ills of society, and prevented from participating in the fruits of the society. Does that sound a little familiar, or no? You might do well to follow your advice and crack open a history book or two.

Tom. You really need to educate your self. Better research how they got into power, then take a good look at how the Democrats are operating. The national socialist German workers party is and was the designer of what our democratic socialists are becoming.

Middle finger extended.

I’ll double that.

Pathetic and clueless!! They don’t have any clue or science behind these mandates and it’s all political!! Don’t support these businesses that mandate a vaccine for entry! Hope business lose customers and have to close due to lack of sales. I won’t be purchasing any items or service in contra costa county, will shop in counties that have common sense and don’t mandate vaccines.

. Can we get some clarification on the “other businesses” of the mandate. Like specifically movie theaters. As masks are removed to eat.
Thank you.

From the county heath services website:

At which businesses do I need to show proof of full vaccination, or a negative COVID-19 test, to enter?
There are two types of places that require proof of full vaccination, or a negative COVID-19 test:
Businesses serving food or drinks indoors, such as restaurants, bars, theaters, and other entertainment venues
Indoor fitness facilities where people breathe heavily during exercise, such as gyms, recreation facilities, swimming pools, yoga studios, and dance studios

This health order does not apply to places of worship, residential facilities, childcare facilities, or K-12 schools.

A potentially COVID positive person can gain access to any of these establishments by simply showing their card, but a potentially COVID negative person is denied entry without their card.

Am I missing something?

This is even more ridiculous considering what we’ve learned over the last week.

1. Almost 85% of CCC is fully vaccinated.
2. Cases are down 50% in the last two weeks.
3. London Breed doesn’t even believe her own lies.
4. Indoor mask mandates are only for people like you and me, not wealthy celebrities attending the Emmys.

You can preach everyone must comply all you want, but the facts above say the motivation behind these mandates should, at a MINIMUM, be questioned. You aren’t going to convince people to get vaccinated with mixed messaging, name calling, and hypocrisy.

Benicia (Solano County) is minutes away. The restaurants there are so happy about this, Im sure. They will have all our business!

Comparing the vaccinate requirement to what to the Jews and others during Hitler’s regime is disrespectful to those who died in concentration camp. You have the freedom to not be vaccinated, however that means you cannot get into certain establishments. Seeing that most in this area are vaccinated businesses most likely won’t suffer to much. As those of us who are vaccinated enjoy going out to eat etc.

@ Hanne

You have the freedom to not be vaccinated (not in all cases .. but you dont care) but you cannot get …

Do you not see the hyprocrasy in what you are saying? You are free, but not really …

The Holocaust didn’t happen overnight. It started when freedoms were slowly taken away from one group, while everyone else went along with it thinking, “oh well, it doesn’t effect me. I’m just going along with orders.” It started when a certain group was labeled as unclean. If you can’t see where this is headed, please try to look at the big picture of how this is beginning to segregate our society.

Just imagine, a daughter of a nazi collaborator defending nazi behavior on a message board in 2021.

“Screw your freedoms” right hanne

We all know who you are and why your opinions don’t count.

How is this London Breed’s fault?

Always looking for someone to blame.

You can’t comply your way back to freedom.

You’re delirious man you don’t have a clue do you.

Ha ha ha ha

If one were to go by this, one would think that Californians are up in arms about the response to Covid but the results of the recall election overwhelmingly reject that notion.

You guys are the minority. Deal with it.

@ Stewart ~ and you guys are the clueless majority who keep this state fumbling along like a stampede of drunken ducks.

@Pine Barrens,

It’s London Breed’s fault in that she is complicit in this new order that allows her to do as she pleases while the rest of us have to comply.

We went in to our favorite restaurant today for lunch and they told us they will not be checking vaccine cards and IDs. Good news they don’t fall for the BS from CCHS.

Something tells me a lot of businesses won’t. They don’t want to lose business. At the sole discretion of the business owner, and that’s a good thing.

Looks like its back to home cooking again….it’s worth it.

Lucky for me my wife is a good cook. I’m not eating at any restaurant that asks for ID of any kind. I pay cash and all the staff knows me by the name “Sir.”

I’ve been wearing my card on a lanyard since I got it .
The oldsters I work with are more at ease knowing I’m double vaxxed
(for all the good it will do).
It does provide some measure of reassurance.

If Covid is such a threat why aren’t there news about what is being done to put an end to the pandemic? I only read about wearing masks, getting vaccinated and excluding the unvaccinated from society.
Why isn’t there any discussion on testing people to determine if they already had Covid and what to expect in regards to recovery?
I haven’t found information on what people who have had Covid should expect in regards to being immune. I’m one of those people who believes to already have had Covid.
The government knows everything yet they know nothing regarding the pandemic.

The border situation should answer every one of those questions.

Moving closer to Nazi Germany…

With a series of key decrees, legislative acts, and case law, the Nazi leadership gradually moved Germany from a democracy to a dictatorship. The role of the legal profession in general and the actions of judges in particular were critical.

Don’t think it can’t happen again


time to cancel the gym memberships..or go ahead and swim with a plastic air tight mask over your mouth and nose…have fun ladies

I have eaten at restaurants and bakeries where the same people who are ringing up customers orders,(ex; handling cash) are also the ones serving the food. Not once did any of those employees took the time to wash their hands nor put on gloves after ringing me up and they touched the food they served me. Did I complained? Yes, of course! Their response was them getting angry and pretty much telling me to take it or leave. Needless to say, I won’t be eating at those places again though this is a clear example of a narrow perspective on the part of health “authorities” who are so obsessed with Covid and mask wearing that they don’t address other health issues. Touching cash and food is cross contamination and that could get people sick.

Cook at home. Make these restaurant owners sue the county then advertise freedom to try and win you back.

Over here in our free state, we ate out a a restaurant this evening. No masks worn by anyone I noticed. You could take out, eat outside at a bench, eat in your car or eat inside at a table. We ate inside at a table. Freedom is something I could get addicted to.

I really feel bad for the people we left behind in the dystopian state of Kleptofornica. Some of you don’t have much choice but to stay, some like the nasty-nanny state, and some remain on that painful fence.

I’m currently visiting back east and its AWESOME to be able to go anywhere with no commie vaxx checks or masks! And guess what? People aren’t dying in the streets nor are the hospitals full. Rather, they are smiling and happy and businesses are doing well. I’m dreading having to return. I’ve come to detest CA.

Babylon bee had a hysterical article (for anybody who doesn’t know, it’s a satire site) that has the solution. The title is, “New York Restaurant Adds Voting Booth So They Can Allow People In Without ID.” ROTFL

That’s brilliant!

People can complain all they want.

Until people take some action,

nothing will change.

Nobody is found dead of coronavirus in their home they all die in the hospital let that sink in.

That is untrue and very easy to verify.

Lisa Steadman of Florida was hospitalized with COVID and came home to discover that her husband Ron Steadman had died of COVID while she was there. It was horrifying and very tragic and easily preventable. Neither had ben vaccinated but Lisa vowed to get the vaccine as soon as she was eligible.

Stay home!

So wear a mask at the gym, but not at the Emmys. I understand…

I would also be interested I finding out what the process is for getting rid of Faritano. He’s been a disaster since the start and is among the highest paid employees in the county.

I believe he’s appointed by the board of supervisors, do we start by recalling them? Would love to see Karen Mitchoff replaced by someone who actually cares or is willing to listen to what constituents have to say.

Show Your Papers….let that sink in….I have people that don’t remember what happened from the early 1980s..or every other disease that passes through the world. I don’t see healthcare workers that went through the AIDS crisis made hero’s with THE most deadly disease at the time. oh by the way, remember when you couldn’t ask for the patients AIDS status? It was against the law to ask for a patients AIDS status, and if you were exposed to a patient you couldn’t ask him..when did the public start getting the right to ask about COVID status (swabs)

We went to breakfast this morning and a semi-packed well-known restaurant we were not asked for any vaccine card nor ID and neither at anyone else. We’ll see what lunch holds for us when we try a different restaurant but we seriously doubt many places are going to follow this nanny babysitting mandate.

I hate allergy season. I took Claritin, but nobody else did so my allergy medicine isn’t working.

And yet…
Cases are DOWN and trending DOWN
Case rates for unvaccinated and vaccinated are DOWN and trending DOWN
Hospitalizations DOWN and trending DOWN
“Surge level” Mild
Rolling positive tests are DOWN and trending DOWN

There are NO “scientific” reasons for these “mandates” period.



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