Home » State Of CA Has Paid Or Approved Over $1B In Rent, Utility Payments

State Of CA Has Paid Or Approved Over $1B In Rent, Utility Payments


More than $1 billion in pandemic-related rent and utility payment assistance has been paid or approved for California residents, state officials announced Monday.

More than $526 million of the funding assistance has already been dispersed to nearly 45,000 households across the state that have suffered financial losses due to the pandemic, while the remaining $474 million has been approved for payment and is awaiting disbursement.

In total, the state has received more than 243,000 applications for rent and utility payment assistance, with requests totaling more than $2.2 billion.

State legislators approved allocating more than $7 billion for rent and utility relief payments in July, offering to pay up to 100 percent of outstanding rent payments that state residents owe because of the pandemic.
The state made roughly $5.2 billion available for rent relief and $2 billion available for residents with outstanding water and utility bills.


Both landlords and renters can apply directly to the state’s rent relief program, which considers applicants regardless of their immigration status.

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Enough is enough! And on the current fiasco, those who vote no on the recall are just empowering Newsom, you’re in for more oppression and taxes and dragging the rest of us with you. THEN, you’ll be subsidizing me. The dems are the real party of depression, look back and study it.

A good percent of that money went to illegals. My question is, how does a person suffer any financial loss when they are in the country illegally? They cannot legally work, so they shouldn’t have earned any money to lose.

Tax dollars should not be used to bail out illegal immigrants.
Illegals are once again stealing funds from US citizens and lawful residents.
And you wonder why there is a recall election. This is a PRIME example.

No wonder so many people don’t want to go back to work.And every storefront window has need help now hiring.This has become the state of Newsom free.It won’t be long and this state and Country will be broke.

Ridiculous that we’re giving this money to illegals…

…… more of Newsom buying ore anti-recall votes … sad what this state has become

You wonder why many don’t want a job. We are in trouble.

You’re welcome for all of the freebie handouts that have been issued thus far by the State of Kalifornistan and the United States of Amerika. I’ve contributed to every damn one of them, haven’t gotten any handouts. Now inflation will screw us all until the Gubmint comes to bail us out again. At that point, we will all get a handout equally from our rulers who have rigged the elections and committed high treason. I cannot believe I am seeing this in my lifetime…

$526 million per 45,000 claims? That’s something like $11.5K per claim. Not too shabby, especially considering all other handouts both from the state and the feds.

I’m glad I can help pay other peoples rent with my tax dollars-not

Is this where the gas tax money goes?

Can we make a claim to get back some of the 300 billion dollars hand outs to others spent by Newsom this year to us taxpayers who never received any cash. Or will California, which used to the worlds 5th largest economy become nothing less then a socialistic state buying votes for his base…and continue to decline….this would be the time for the liberal voters to change this injustice…..

Can we make a claim to get back some of the 300 billion dollar hand outs to others spent by Newsom this year to us taxpayers who never received any cash. Or will California, which used to be the worlds 5th largest economy become nothing less then a socialistic state, buying votes for his base…and continue to decline….this would be the time for the liberal voters to change this injustice…..



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