Home » CoCo District Attorney: Five Police Officers Acted Lawfully During 2019 Detainment Of Man Who Died

CoCo District Attorney: Five Police Officers Acted Lawfully During 2019 Detainment Of Man Who Died


The Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office has concluded Concord Police Department Officers and a Sheriff’s deputy acted lawfully in the 2019 in-custody death of Steven Hankins at the homeless shelter on Arnold Industrial Way.

The following is from the Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office:

The DA’s Office released a public report about the fatal incident today. No charges will be filed against any officer involved in this incident at a homeless shelter located at 2047 Arnold Industrial Way in Concord.

On February 8, 2019, at approximately 4:09 p.m. staff at a homeless shelter called emergency dispatch to report an individual, identified as Steven Hankins of Martinez, acting in an unpredictable and aggressive manner with staff and residents of the shelter. Hankins was believed to be under the influence of drugs when the emergency call was placed. Shelter staff reported that Hankins was becoming increasingly violent “punching the air and yelling.”


Concord Police officers arrived on the scene and found Hankins in the men’s restroom exhibiting symptoms consistent with objecting signs of drug intoxication. When officers tried to speak with Hankins and obtain medical assistance for him, he became uncooperative. Hankins engaged in a physical struggle with the two officers. Additional officers arrived at the shelter, including Deputy Shields, to bring Hankins into custody.

In the confined quarters of the bathroom, the involved personnel carefully restrained Hankins and lowered him to the ground. Once on the ground, Hankins continued to resist, forcibly lifting the officers who were attempting to place him in handcuffs. Officers were preparing to apply a leg restraint device when they noticed Hankins was not speaking and felt for a pulse on Hankins’ neck. Officers on the scene started lifesaving measures. Officers gave Hankins chest compressions and performed rescue breathing on him, and even used an Automated External Defibrillator in an attempt to revive Hankins. At approximately 5:19 p.m., emergency medical personnel from American Medical Response pronounced Hankins deceased on scene.

The forensic pathologist who conducted the autopsy determined Hankins died from complications of cardiac dysrhythmia likely caused by the large amounts of methamphetamine in his blood. A blood sample collected during the autopsy revealed Hankins had ten times greater than a lethal dose of methamphetamine in his system.

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In the 60’s there was a saying, “speed kills.”


As with any profession, 99.999% of cops do the right thing, even when nobody is looking. We as society and the media s*** on them constantly. They leave for work every day not knowing if they get to come home alive to their families the next day. Bless our peace officers and dispatchers !

I second that

Wow, maybe finally a turn around for the police finally to do their jobs again without fear of reprisal.

No , the midterm election is coming up and the democrats will throw law enforcement under the bus again . They think that is how to get the black vote .

And why did it take over 2 years to come to this conclusion?!?

Those peace officers had this hanging over their heads for years and for what reason Ms. DA?

It took 2 1/2 years to clear these officers of any wrongdoing??? Sounds like Becton was trying real hard to find something or she finally figured out the political climate is changing. That should have taken weeks and what if the toxicology report wasn’t so damming. The left must be disappointed.

It never fails to amaze me that the homeless have money for drugs yet we continue to pay them instead of getting them off the “Stuff”.

When everyone gets upset with folks saying some homeless just want to be homeless face the truth that is the case in many instances. Unable to play by the rules so be it.

Sorry that LE has to deal with this as it takes a toll on them also.

I think Diana is just waiting for the next opportunity to get national attention
She needs to showcase her Soros values which will require a racial angle
It will be an embarrassment for cc county like the Martinez mural fiasco
Soros is one of the most politically active billionaires just like Zuck and Bloom
They are at the forefront of a globalist conspiracy and they use fake and biased media as the means to wage war against traditional American values
Turn off the media and delete your Facebook account
Boycott global left corporations to the extent you can

You are right, “Pepe”, re: playing up to the Black vote. But maybe Becton is concerned like what is taking place with Newsom that could occur to her!! If al that occurs with Newsom, Barbra Lee, Chesa, Pelosi and Swalwell should be next.
Its also not clear if Hawkins was a large individual or the two officers were smaller and had difficulty to apply proper force to subdue Hawkins. Overall, the activist that raise cain re: brutality should be called out to handle these dispatch(s)!

Yes, and while unfortunate, Miles Hall had to die.


I wish we had a tool besides physical force and tasers to de-escalate these situations. A tranquilizer, maybe.

Did you read he had 10 times the lethal amount of meth in his blood?

He was dead before the police were called. He just didn’t know it.

When family or friends cannot control someone who they are aware has mental health issues of course they call the police and scream you have to do something.

Then when the violent or irrational person attacks not only the family members but outside assistance then the red flag of lawsuit immediately is sent up the flag pole.

You can not have it both ways. Yes, have had to deal with this issue in the past. If you do not want help then don’t call for it. Deal with it yourselves.

LE is alway put into the spot light. These situations take a large toll on LE personally. It is not right to constantly beat up on them. If someone is being out of control weigh your options before you call for assistance.

How would you like it if someone in your family is in LE or a firefighter or paramedic and they are constantly being name called and being attacked, maybe then the public would change their tune.

God bless 1st responders for all they are subject to and will continue to be subjected to.

I guess him mumbling “I can’t breathe” didn’t work against the officers..



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