Home » Large Businesses To Require COVID-19 Vaccination Or Frequent Tests

Large Businesses To Require COVID-19 Vaccination Or Frequent Tests


President Joe Biden directed federal labor officials this week to draft a mandate that businesses with 100 or more employees must require them to prove their COVID-19 vaccination status or test for the virus at least once a week.

The mandate will apply to roughly 100 million workers, including those in the public sector as well as health care workers and workers contracting with the federal government.

Biden argued Thursday that the policy is part of his job as president “to protect all Americans” and that compelling eligible people to get vaccinated is “not about freedom or personal choice, it’s about protecting yourself and those around you.”

The requirement is one of the largest steps the federal government has taken to address the sect of Americans who remain resolutely unvaccinated.


California has yet to issue a similar mandate for much of the state’s workers, but vaccination proof or frequent testing is already required for state employees as well as health care workers and K-12 teachers.

Local governments have gone even further, with several in the Bay Area, including Contra Costa, requiring county employees to get vaccinated or they’ll be fired.

San Francisco and Berkeley have also issued requirements that people provide proof of vaccination to dine at restaurants, work out at gyms and attend large events.

On Thursday, Biden pointed out that major businesses like United Airlines and Tyson Foods have already mandated vaccination or frequent testing for their employees across the country and that many vaccine holdouts have cited a lack of full approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a reason for their hesitance.


With the two-dose Pfizer vaccine now fully approved by the FDA and the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines likely to receive similar approval in the coming months, Biden argued that the time for waiting to get vaccinated is over.

“We’ve made vaccinations free, safe and convenient,” he said. “The vaccine is FDA-approved. Over 200 million Americans have gotten at least one shot. We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin, and the refusal has cost all of us.”

Nearly 82 percent of California residents age 12 and up have received at least one vaccine dose as of Friday, according to data from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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So when do the underground jobs start for those that are unvaccinated and for those that support them? Will we be providing/hiding them like the days of Nazi Germany? Will the unvaccinated become homeless, well if they do, the state will care for them … so be prepared for higher taxes to pay for those folks? Or will a few states break away from this disjointed union to maintain a Free America?

Just curious so I know if should buy good, silver or something else …

Yes buy something else like guns and ammo!

The approved “vaccine” COMIRNATY is not available anywhere. The only “vaccine” available is NOT approved by the FDA. This is a bait and switch. Again, the approved jab is not available anywhere on the planet.

Do not quit, make them fire you and get documentation.

Actually, It’s the same exact mRNA vaccine Pfizer has producing through the emergency use authorization, but now it’s being marketed under the new name. But it’s the same exact thing….. So yes, It’s actually everywhere.

Once again you are 100% lying.


All you have to do is call pfizer and listen to the recording.

@ me


What in the Sam Hill are you talking about? look at the official letter from the FDA, it says the agency approved the Pfizer vaccine but the vaccine is also allowed under the emergency authorization use. Clearly many of us don’t know the legal definition between “approval” and “emergency authorization use”. Since the vaccine has dual status, we can pick either status to support our limited knowledge.

Does the vaccine work under both status? Well, the fda says it does with vast amount of data from scientific. But to hell with science cuz all we need is a few cases (maybe 3?) that the vaccine doesn’t work to write of many cases that the vaccine does work because we prefer small number over big number.

Go Larry Elder!

@ Paul

Not everything is a conspiracy. The vaccine is approved for 16 years and older while for 12 years and older it is still approved under the EUA.

Hey I saw Larry Elder yesterday on the news saying that he blames Newsom for the high property values in CA. He is pledging to bring home values down. Sounds like a great plan to me but I’m not sure why you need the governor for that? You can always sell your home below value or not?

Paul didn’t read the fine print. That current Pfizer vaccine is NOT FDA APPROVED.

Corminaty and the current vaccine are identical, but LEGALLY DISTINCT, as described by the FDA: (see page 2, footnote 8) https://tinyurl.com/2b4dddr9.

If you’re confused – that was their goal – to trick millions into taking an unapproved vaccine.

I got the vaccine because I don’t like having that swab rammed up my nose. I guess some of you enjoy tho.

I guess some enjoy being a phase 3 test subject for pfizer. Nobody is ramming anything up my nose. I didn’t get the jab and still haven’t worn the mask.

But the Postal Service doesn’t have a vaccine mandate. Why?

Because if they did about 20% of its employees would quit. The Postal Service would go belly up and businesses like Amazon would have a hard time staying in business.

Stand your ground people. Many businesses can’t afford to lose employees right now. Make them fire you so you are on better footing to sue.

And remember there is no FDA approved vaccine that is currently available. The only FDA approved vaccine is Comirnaty and you won’t find it in hospitals because Pfizer doesn’t want the liability of having an FDA approved product.

I got the vaccines because it has been proven it works. Simple as that. There is just about no side effects. And if there was any side effects. You would see it in a few weeks. Side effects don’t just pop up 3-12 months or longer down the line. That’s not how side effects work. The scare tactics the anti vaxxers do is crazy. Phase 3 has been over for close to a year. Over 380 million have taken 1 shot. And over 180 million fully vaccinated. Under 20k with major side effects. “Which a lot have recovered from” 219 million total Covid cases and over 4 million dead from Covid with many more 1000’s with extreme side effects from Covid still living with it. I get some don’t like truth or don’t know how to read numbers. But vaccines are so much safer then then Covid.

Yoyo Hop

The reason why USPS is a different federal agency but, They did say the will be included.

@Fred and just how many jabs will you voluntarily sign up for? What happens if by the 8th jab you say enough is enough and now your “Vaccine Passport” is null and void? What will you do then Fred?


Again you lie. You ARE the phase 3 trials going on until 2023 while they observe the side effects. Phase 3 has been over for close to a year??🤣🤣 You’re insane. Stop shilling.

Don’t listen to me, do your research.


Stop lying and gaslighting my community. As of tonight VAERS is reporting 650,000 vaccine injuries and deaths.

https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.thebl.com/ us-news/gofundme-cancels-grieving-fathers-fundraiser-for-son-who-died-from-vaccine.html/amp

I’ll believe whoever wins in a “no holds cage match” between Sam and Me. “Me” needs to put on her big girl panties to prove she’s not just all talk and no action.

-Me- The side effect is that you lose your liberties.

The side effect is that you are saying Yes to yearly boosters and the medical tracking that goes along with that. Your body and immune system is now an operating system which is operated by someone else.

If you can’t control what goes into your body, you are a slave.

THAT’S THE REASON???!!?!!?!? Really how about not getting or dying from covid.
Latest stats for GETTING covid.
1 in 8 chance for not vaccinated
1 in 13,402 if vaccinated

About losing liberties, you shouted, “THAT’S THE REASON?”

In response to that, I agree with Ben Franklin…….you don’t deserve freedom or security.

Funny how Congress Exempted themselves, but is anyone surprised??? How about USPS – they Fought, AND WON!

Houston Methodist healthcare system also cabed and is allowing Religious exemption.

It’s just really sad that You People cannot see what this is all about. I guess you’ll wake up when you’re in the ovens.

And as for that President……everyone knows that if “Orange Man” would have tried this = the Country would have burned to the ground!

27 states are opposing this dictatorial move.

Blatantly unconstitutional. This will either collapse on itself due to widespread noncompliance and state lawsuits or be shut down by the USSC within a month.

…wondering how a large business feels about following this mandate?


Discrimination and segregation is here. Get ready for the lawsuits old bipolar Biden!.
Recall his narcissist buddy Newsom before California completely falls in the gutter..

I’d rather die on my feet then live on my knees.

You worry about yourself. We will protect your freedoms too. You’re welcome.

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Gavin Newsom dined at the French Laundry with lobbyists from the California Medical Association while at the same time publicly warning Californians not to gather with those outside their family unit. What did Gavin Newsom and CMA lobbyists know about Covid-19 that we don’t? Maybe that it isn’t the boogyman he and the medical community have made it out to be. Photos of Newsom and his wife dining maskless and yucking it up with medical lobbyists is telling, if you’re paying attention.

Gavin Newsom is a lying, two-faced elitest who has never worked a day in his life. He doesn’t know how to do anything but jump in front of the cameras and dictate his ego-inflated diatribes. If he had a conscience, he’d be ashamed of himself and would have resigned after the French Laundry incident. But he’s so in love with himself, like Biden, he thinks he’s doing a great job.

Newsom gave a Chinese manufacturer billion in California taxpayer dollars to produce masks. He could have given the job to a U.S. manufacturer at a time when American workers were struggling to stay afloat. The masks manufactured in China were defective and had to be remade, delaying the protection they could have afforded.

Newsom announced when he took office, contrary to a voter mandate, that executions at San Quentin would by suspended during his time in office. Yet since Newsom took office more people have died at San Quentin than at any other time in its history because of Newsom’s idiotic and feeble Covid-18 policies. Newsom sat back on his axx and allowed Covid-infected patients to be transferred to nursing and rehabilitation hones spreading the virus to the most vulnerable members of society and causing thousands of unnecessary deaths among the elderly and their caretakers.

As Lt. Governor, Newsom made it clear publicly he simply didn’t do parts of the job he didn’t like. Fast forward to the Employment Development Department loss of billions of taxpayer dollars in unemployment claims, some sent to prison inmates, while legitimate claims went unpaid and you get the idea exactly how Newsom manages the State.

Newsom literally was on television for an hour every day from the beginning of the pandemic spouting his egotistical dictates and furthering his autocratic agenda on a Democratic power grab that he hopes will put him in the White House.. He did nothing else for months. This was helpful? No, Newsom has to go. He’s like a wrecking crew. Newsom has bungled absolutely everything he has done since he took office and a trained monkey could do a better job. Voters have nothing to lose by recalling him and maybe it’s not to late to salvage what is left of the State. End Newsom’s political career now before he does any further damage.

A number of state governors have essentially told Biden to “stuff it” and some businesses too. All Biden is doing is trying to stir up more division. We should resist that urge and focus on those who are profiting from this disaster. They are the ones whose future should be in a prison not a castle.

So 82% have at least one dose. That means that by the end of September, they will be fully vaccinated. Once upon a time it was said that 75% of the population would have to be fully vaccinated to reach herd immunity. Does this number still count or did they move the goal post again?

It’s so funny when people post this because it shows how people just don’t listen. 75% as you said is US population. Not county or just 1 state. We are just barely over 54% right now. We are only at 63% at 1 dose. I don’t know where you got 82%. We will probably not hit those numbers because of the scared anti vaxxers. And it’s ok.

So ME …

“We will not hit those numbers because of the scarred anti-vaxxers.” hmm .. ever consider that some (a lot) will not take it because the medically cannot, or are you to self centered to consider that?

“And it’s ok”, hmm … you seem to want to accept wearing a mask, hiding in your home … etc. Well, ever consider that some of us do not want to hide?

Is there a badge or patch for this “sect of Americans”? I need something to go with my other neck tattoos, maybe a pin for another nose piercing.

Out of 1,154,000 people in CCC 906 have died of covid since it started. That is .08% of the population. That leaves 1,153.094 that haven’t died.

Wake up people this has nothing to do with a virus anybody that’s done 5 minutes of research knows that the vaccines are about 40% effective or less and masks do not stop a virus it’s all for show

In the past 3 weeks, I know of 3 people who have tested positive for Convid. Guess what? All 3 fully are vaccinated and wear masks religiously! Plandemic Scamdemic!

Sadly, you are terribly misinformed.
40% effective for what exactly?

The Pfizer Covid vaccine that I received is not 40% effective at preventing laboratory confirmed infection. It’s 95% effective in that regard.

The Pfizer vaccine also has demonstrated reducing severe illness by 90% or more, for people that are fully vaccinated.

Please stop lying and spreading MISINFORMATION.

Ivermectin is safer and has a greater success rate. Plus, no booster is needed. It also doesn’t change your DNA.

It also doesn’t cost as much per dose and doesn’t feed fascists or commies. Nor does it cause bloodclots and other grave injuries.

It also does not pass along to the next generation through DNA mutation, nor does it mutate into delta or MU, or whatever is next…which is contagious and responsible for the current spike in illness and death’s.

We no longer even care…
You people can argue over all this BS forever we have let it go and enjoy our lives once again not giving a damn about much of anything anymore.

Companies with more than 100. Thousands of illegals cross the southern border every day and they are exempt. Explain that?

Kamala gets on TV to discuss the wonders of abortion and claims the right to choose what a woman does with her body in “non-negotiable”. Is she suggesting women aren’t obligated to get a Covid shot?

As for patience wearing thin, the Biden administration has screwed up every thing they’ve touched.

This is all a distraction from the election audits. Arizona has a 270,000 vote discrepancy. Wisconsin and Georgia are next. The 2020 election will be decertified. biden didn’t win everything he does is nullified.

If we are going to go down this road, why don’t we mandate that all Americans must conform to healthy weight standards (groceries and eating out will be monitored and limited until you lose the weight)? Overweight people are filling up the ERs and ICUs and we are all picking up the tab. How about people who drink too much, eat too much sugar, etc? Are we going to start mandating health standards for everyone?

Isn’t that the point of mandatory weekly Covid-19 testing. To collect data on who is susceptible to heart disease from higher bad cholesterol intake, those eating too much sugar destined for diabetes, and those consuming alcohol thought to be alcoholic.

Then, one can be cajoled, pressured, and manipulated to change their behavior, their insurance rates raised to exorbitant amounts, or be refused medical treatment. Because you know how the medical professionals gets “overwhelmed” doing their jobs. Abstinence from the offending substances would solve the problem. It would be like a weekly drug test. The National Institutes pioneered the work in this area.

There are also drugs that can be prescribed, even surreptitiously, to an alcoholic, for example, that makes them violently ill when they consume alcoholic beverages.


“The recipient or their caregiver has the option to accept or refuse Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.

Fauci and Biden are ignoring “the science” which guided the manufacturer of these vaccines, the government agency which approves their use, and the law which protects recipients of medical treatment.


He had to do something big, they thought the Arizona audits were coming out (again). Every time it’s hinted they are coming out something major happens 🤣🤣. Not only that, he needed to take the focus off the drone murder of kids and innocent civilians in Afghanistan.

Kamala is coming real “presidential” in her last couple speeches. I think they are getting ready to make the swap.

We all know this mandate is illegal as can be and will never fly. Besides, mandates are two dudes having lunch.

bonus** biden just got trolled by a bunch of kids in MAGA gear🤣🤣🤣 This dude is clueless

This is what happens when Joe is no longer allowed to sniff hair. He gets feisty and mean. Hopefully, someone will give him a nice bowl of ice cream.

Just two weeks to flatten the curve.

There is nothing more permanent than a temporary government program.

Nakedly political. It’s about a president in free fall (Afghanistan debacle) defining his political adversaries as the guilty ones, the ones responsible for the continued pandemic. Scapegoating is the oldest phenomenon in human history and it’s particularly common in times of plague. Identify the guilty ones and purify ourselves by putting the guilt on them.

This is totally unconstitutional but the media are happy to serve as Biden’s PR team. Right now the NYT is saying that GOP governors are inconsistent for opposing a federal vax mandate since their states have mandates for other vaccines. A child can see what’s wrong with that argument, but no sophistry is too low for the media right now. They see it as their job to help out Biden.

Any voter remorse yet ? Biden supporters.

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Proof “vaccines” don’t keep you from getting sick or have diminished symptoms. Proof “vaccines” injure and kill people. Proof masks don’t do anything but make you feel special.
It’s all a farce. Simply effing amazing how many people are still buying into this..

Everyone needs to purchase this eye-opening book: The Poisoned Needle by world renowned researcher, Eleanor McBean. For decades as a vaccine researcher, she chronicled all the facts (with hundreds of testimonials by top epidemiologists, doctors, etc. confirming her claims) regarding vaccines and proves that almost all diseases and deaths for at least since the late 1800s forward, world wide, were due to vaccines. In fact, no diseases were ever diminished or eradicated through vaccines and, statistical data proves that the vaccines were instead the culprits causing every single disease including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc..Amazon banned the book but you can find it elsewhere. This book is extremely well cited and referenced and leaves no doubt that we as citizens have been greatly duped by Big Pharma, Government and many powerful lobbyists within our scientific communities and universities. Profits win out EVERY TIME!

@Jim Jankowski….Did she believe in “geo-engineering” and “chemtrails’ too?


Ivermectin is the cure for the COVID HOAX. It’s called TREASON, CONSPIRACY and RACKETEERING BABY


This is a fact I looked it up on several sites. Every person brought into the US from Afghanistan is given Ivermectin. The government says it isn’t for covid but so they don’t bring in strange bugs. You be the judge.

well that’s pretty easy. Here is from a 2012 New England Journal of Medicine article:

“On the basis of these findings, the CDC has expanded its presumptive therapy recommendations to include treatment with praziquantel and ivermectin in certain refugee populations before departure for the United States.”


Why would they recommend these drugs prior to 2012 for anything else than for what they are used. namely parasites.

Yes JWB it apparently works on the flu and “covid” 😉 as well. They say it’s a wonder drug. Double plus good aye

If you don’t feel safe and the vaccines work so great then get it but leave those that are unvaccinated alone…. They know the risks its their body their choice and anyone who is afraid of the virus has had plenty of time to get the vaccine by now and be “protected”…

Kamala time to change his depends.

Amazing, but if you want to go into Mexico then come over the border without ID and pretend you can’t speak English, you will get a pass and be released back into the U.S. Or off a plane from Afghanistan or are a member of the Congress, White House etc..you are exempt as well, because well, you don’t have to do anything imposed on the peasants.

More children seventeen and under have been shot and killed in Chicago than the number of those that have died from covid in the US since covid started. Yet children in Chicago are not wearing bullet proof vests.

It’s funny how adults can be cry babies. It’s scary that a lot of you probably have kids. This country is doomed because stupidity is spreading like a disease and idiots are allowed to procreate. Too bad there’s no shot to cure stupidity.

You are sorely mistaken, the shot IS the cure you’re wishing for.



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