Home » The Water Cooler – Why Were Schools Closed On Sept.1, 2020, But Not On Sept.1, 2021?

The Water Cooler – Why Were Schools Closed On Sept.1, 2020, But Not On Sept.1, 2021?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

Read this carefully.


On September 1, 2020 (one year ago today), there were 1,190 total active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County (total for all age groups).

On September 1, 2021 (today), there are 4,210 total active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County. Out of those total active cases, 1,933 of them are 12 and under. As we all know, children under 12 cannot get the COVID-19 vaccine.

There are more kids between the ages of 0-12 with active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County RIGHT NOW, than there were total active cases in all age groups in Contra Costa County on September 1, 2020. 

QUESTION: If school closures were about the health and safety of the children in 2020, then why aren’t schools closed now?


(note: there have been 55 active cases of COVID-19 reported in the MDUSD in the past 10 days)

Talk about it….

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An attempt to avoid a recall

If it wasn’t for the recall, the whole state would be in full lockdown. After the election, the schools will be closed again.

Bingo! I knew You would have the correct answer,… 🙂

Great way to influence the vote.

Make sure you vote for the recall!!!

+1 yes – vote for the recall of MDUSD Board members and you’re right on Stove


I would add Newsom made a deal with the union, which is what the school shutdowns were actually about.

The teacher’s union is always about more $$$$$$$$$.

The kids are an afterthought.

Hysteria created by the media.


Republican pushback.

See: recall election

Agree, the recall is the only reason.

Gavin Newsom was threatening Californians with fines and arrest for gathering with people outside their “bubble” during the pandemic lockdown while at the same time yucking it up with California Medical Association lobbyists at the French Laundry himself.


Well, school closures, obviously were not based on “the science.” Closures were continued because the teacher unions hold on the Democrat party. Besides, we should be more worried about deaths and hospital capacity instead of cases. If these morons continue to base everything off of cases, we will never be done with this nonsense. But Unfortunately, with this administration, goal posts will continue to be moved.

I believe the same, Savagette


Nailed it.

Gavin Newsom was sued for abridging the Constitutional rights of California citizens when he mandated that people of religious faith were not permitted to gather. Those who brought the suit won and it was found Newsom was wrong in doing so.

How many more of his mandates winding their way through courts will overturn his autocratic decisions and policies during the pandemic, and find that he had no authority to issue them? Unfortunately, it’s a little late for those who were harmed by his pathetic ego trip.


Because the people have chosen slavery. Slavery is a choice and always has been.

“Slavery is a choice and always has been.” So ignorant.

Well if death is an option then yes slavery is a choice.

We do not have to die to be free.
We just need wisdom and no fear.

You’re either a citizen or a subject.

Because the Dems in charge are inconsistent with their lies, and their followers are gullible and credulous.

Cause the MDEA was afraid and Newscum was not. Now Newscum is worried about his future, so he is forcing the schools to open.

No science involved.

No data involved.

Just plain fear by the person who has the ‘most’ to lose.

A vaccine is available this year. Vaccination reduces, and possibly greatly reduces, the chance of serious forms of illness and death.

I agree though it’s a strange situation in that we have four times the number of active cases as last year at this time and yet community gatherings are allowed, stores , bars, and restaurants are open, schools are open, etc. I’m assuming the plan is to allow Darwinism to take its course with the anti-vax people.

My sympathies for parents that support vaccination but their children are too young for it and yet the schools are open for in-person classes. Heath authorities are not providing useful information that allows people to assess the COVID-19 risk for educators, students, and their families.

That is some funny stuff you must be smoking WC Resident.

The vaccine is NOT available for most of middle school and none of the elementary age students, but those schools are still open. So how is that the vaccine being available makes a difference to them?

Darwinism … you are a firm believer that the vaccine works I assume. But do you still wear a mask? Cause, if the vaccine works, why are you wearing a mask … o yeah, you can be asymptomatic while vaccinated and spread COVID … yeah. Sorry, people have made choices, I do not call that Darwinism, that is freedom of choice. Your words imply it is stupid that they do not take the vaccine at the same time you are dismissing the reasons that they choose not too. hmm …

Risk to educators? HA! They were all told to get vaccinated .. they sat around for a year ‘teaching’ over a computer (what a LOL that was) … and then claimed they were front line essential personnel for that year. Risk?

Yes, how strange that we’re allowed to keep our businesses open, and send our kids to school. Having the freedom to assess risk and choose for ourselves what’s best. What a weird concept.

Keep drinking that big pharma kool-aid! There’s a nice big QR code with your name on it (literally) in you’re near future and by the sound of it you’ll be ecstatic to have it! Freedom? Pfft who needs that!

@ WC Resident~
Think you are being a bit unfair, but Yes, need safety for the Children.
As I am someone who hasn’t taken the “Jab”, I am taking so many safety precautions for myself and others. Would have to say more so that a vaccinated person, who thinks they can’t possibility catch or give Covid-19 to anyone else. We can’t see the enemy, but we can keep it from invading, working together.

So sad to see irrational arguments responding to a reasonable post. Trump made the pandemic political but even he is saying today, take the jab. But his echo chamber reverberates its ignorance.

If you won’t take steps to protect yourself please protect the children.

Harris said about the vaccine, if Trump wants you to take it, I’m not taking it. Biden wanted the “Trump” vaccine checked out by experts around the country before he took it. And you want to blame Trump? Sounds incredibly irrational, Doh.

Turn off the news and live your lives.


The recall.

Otherwise Newsom would have already closed the schools as he is owned by the unions.

“If school closures were about the health and safety of the children in 2020 …”

The closures last year were NOT about the health and safety of the children. The question is based on a false premise. Teachers were worried about themselves. Others were worried about spread to older family members and high risk persons.

My mother’s entire family survived the Spanish flu without even seeing a doctor, all nine of them. The doctor was too busy at the hospital in town and they lived very far out in the country. My mother lived to 95 and her younger sister to 105. Most of her siblings lived into their 80s and 90s.

When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead. And the white knight is talking backwards. And the red Queen’s “off with her head!” Remember what the doormouse said
Feed your head… feed your head

Yes, very Slick.

Fear of the Unknown…

MDUSD is trying to avoid the recall and they are so mismanaged they wouldn’t know why if you asked them.


The restrictions will start after the recall election is done.

Because Operation Dump Trump

Supervisor Federal Glover just hung up on me.

I spoke to him yesterday about the county’s vaccine mandate for employees.

I pointed out that there were actually two Pfizer vaccines. That while they were chemically identical, they were legally distinct, as described by the FDA: 1) the FDA approved but unavailable Comirnaty and 2) the currently available but EUA vaccine also by Pfizer. (see page 2, footnote 8) https://tinyurl.com/2b4dddr9.

My questions to him were: Is the county now mandating a vaccine that is EUA? Or will employees be able to wait until the FDA approved vaccine, Comirnaty is available?

I told him where to find the aforementioned info. He said he would call me back. Today he called me back. He said, “You know the two vaccines are chemically the same, right?” I said, “Yes, I do.” I told him as much yesterday. He then said, “Good day” and hung up on me.

In our conversation yesterday he made clear that he had not heard of Comirnaty and he wasn’t even sure if the mandate allowed for reasonable accomadation for employees that did not want the vaccine for reasons other than religious or medical.

I’m not sure if he understands the legal ramifications of the two vaccines – most importantly that EUA provides Pfizer with legal immunity, but FDA approval likely does not. And as long as Comirnaty is unavailable, there is actually no FDA approved vaccine available.

I’m not sure if this is laziness, willful ignorance or perhaps just a bad phone connection on the part of Supervisor Glover. But I think my questions were fair and they are concerns shared by many others. I am disappointed that me made no attempt to either answer or at least understand the questions.

If this issue is important to you, please call our county supervisors and their staff and let them know. I talked to over a dozen in the last couple days and not one of them had even heard of Comirnaty and the issues I’ve raised. They were able to give me speculation based on news articles or on their “talking points” which are handed out to them weekly. But not one of them was familiar with the actual approval by the FDA.

This is not the way government should work.

Name Title Email Phone
Glover, Federal D. Supervisor, District Federal D. Glover 925-608-4200
Fraser, David Chief of Staff 925-608-4202
Manuel, Vincent Deputy Chief of Staff 925-608-4203
Aliano, Dominic District Representative 510-942-4206
Lee, Vivian Office Administrator Email 925-608-4205

“Goodbye!” ….. LoL!

@Yoyo, I would have hung up on you too. You don’t comprehend what you read or hear. Comirnaty is the brand name for the Pfizer COVID vaccine and has FULL approval for those 16 and older. This would be the age group that includes county employees.

Pfizer is still EUA for those 12-15 and for a 3rd dose for immunocompromised , but it is the same formulation as the brand name and interchangeable with the brand name.

I’m thinking that Comirnaty is meant to be a brand name that can be ordered by doctors and have a price attached whereas the current vaccine is free to the public and possibly illegal to charge for (since your friendly government has already spent your future tax dollars on it).

These are corporate actions that are generally not understood by the public let alone journalists.

DLO and Captain: This is from the FDA: “The licensed vaccine (Comirnaty) has the same formulation as the EUA-authorized vaccine and the products can be used
interchangeably to provide the vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. The
products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness.”

“Legally distinct” is the key phraseology here. In this context it means Comirnaty is FDA approved and the other is not. If Comirnaty is not currently available to the public, there is no FDA approved drug available to the public.

It doesn’t matter that the drug is the same formulation. FDA approval means the company may be held responsible for damage caused by the product. With EUA the company has legal immunity.

@Yoyo Hop,

Are you licensed to practice law? Have you any legal training?

It has been my experience that laymen rarely understand the law or the legal meaning of things that are outside their expertise.

If people only work in the public sector or small businesses they may not understand procedures of global corporations. I worked at one and learned the works including filing patents.

You guys don’t understand how vaccines work. They AREN’T “silver bullets” unless most everyone is vaccinated (the “herd immunity” you keep hearing about). Prior to herd immunity, vaccinated people who get enough viral load can become symptomatic, but not the levels of the unvaccinated.

Civil War surgeons were frantically vaccinating troops, and many surgeons contracted multiple cases of variola (minor), a less sever case of smallpox. But it eventually worked, we’re all vaccinated and smallpox and variola are pretty much gone, even though the virus still exists.

This is what you guys don’t understand. The virus will ALWAYS be with us now. We can put it behind us if we all get vaccinated, but only when extremely high rates of vaccination are achieved.

(don’t trust the government or the vaccine?, but you’re ok with some fake youtube doctor telling you to take horse de-wormer)

, there is a version ivermectin for human use. It’s lower potency because humans need less. The stupid thing that was happening was taking it at a potency for a horse. The drug has been used on humans for decades to treat various diseases (look it up). It like hydroxychloroquine was politicized because Trump talked about it.

There’s no reason to think we can eliminate this virus – the countries with the highest vaccine uptake in the world have had spikes of cases, and there are massive animal reservoirs as well (as there was not in the case of smallpox). You can’t eliminate the virus, and you don’t need to – you need to prevent its causing widespread death and serious illness, and the overloading of medical systems. Which is pretty much already the case in places like the Bay Area.

Recall, teachers unions overplayed their hand, and NONE of this has a damn thing to do with SCIENCE (e.g. masks in schools) because these moron politicians and “health officials” are demonstrably ANTI SCIENCE.

Questions, here are some questions:
Why are we using a test that has been proven to be inaccurate and produce false positives in testing for this virus?
How many children were getting tested last year at this time?
How many children are getting tested now that they are required to get tested or miss 10 Days of school because of any physical ailment experienced remotely resembling the myriad of Covid symptoms?
Why are we letting our children be freely abused by the school system?
What is considered a case?
This is a numbers game folks, the media and those in control can spin it anyway they like. Try this, for the next week follow the articles you usually scroll through. Do a little, just a little, research on the articles, a lot of the time you will see the spin just from reading the full article.

The big difference is vaccines. Last year we did not have a vaccine. This year we have a highly effective vaccine available to everyone 12 and over., which covers many middle schoolers and all high school students, as well as all teachers and staff. 78% of Contra Costa residents are fully vaccinated. 85% are at least partially vaccinated. We also have more evidence about how Covid spreads and how to limit the spread. We know masks and ventilation are effective. We also have more evidence that children tend not to be as severely ill, although some certainly are. We also have evidence that most spread in schools was due to unvaccinated adults spreading Covid to children, not child to child spread. We have more children sick this year because the Delta variant is twice as contagious as the Covid that was spreading last year. It is everywhere.

I think this is going to be around forever, unless they cure it.

Going forward, every year they will formulate a shot just like flu and hope it hits the mark.

And a slave calls the freeman ignorant.

Because the anti maskers would cry about there liberties that King Gavin has taken away

While Gavin envisions himself as “king-like”, practically speaking he is more of a Dictator. Yes, Gavin Newsom puts the di** in Dictator.

As Mayor of San Francisco, Newsom visited a scourge on the city that it still has not recovered from.


2 reasons. Newsom trying to avoid recall and an opening to mandated the vaccine on children. LAUSD teacher’s union is already calling for it. MDUSD will fall in line.

Let’s think about this, the state has been in a constant influx for last two years as Newsom has been our fearless leader. If you want this to continue then by all means let’s continue spending hundreds of billions of our tax payers dollars on his social programs on everyone except for the very people who actually pay for his for voting base…..



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