Home » CAL/OSHA Encourages Indoor Masking At Jobs Regardless Of Vaccine Status

CAL/OSHA Encourages Indoor Masking At Jobs Regardless Of Vaccine Status


The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health encouraged employers and workers Wednesday to follow the state’s public health recommendation to wear a mask when indoors regardless of their COVID-19 vaccination status.

While the state has not issued a new indoor face covering mandate that would also apply to fully vaccinated people, the California Department of Public Health still requires face coverings in certain settings like health care facilities and on public transit.

Cal/OSHA guidelines also do not require the use of a mask indoors for fully vaccinated workers, but encouraged workers to do so in an effort to prevent the spread of the highly contagious delta variant.

Unvaccinated workers are still required to wear a face covering at all times when indoors under the workplace safety guidelines Cal/OSHA approved in June.


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Masks are useless. Even the N95 is useless since the virus particles are 1,000 times smaller than the filtering ability of the N95.

N95 masks are rated to block 95% of particles 0.3 microns or larger. Virus particles are measured in nanometers. And they don’t need to attach to water droplets; they can escape the mask without attaching to anything.

There are numerous studies that say the same.

Matt, please don’t spread misinformation either.

This recent study shows that masks are useless in practice through simulation of actual measured concentrations:

You may be humored that the article highlights how N95 is the most effective and glosses over that they only reduce concentrations by 50%, and clothe/surgical masks 10-12%. Is that meaningful when sitting in an office, plane, or classroom?

Multiple recent studies also assert that around 80% of the public wear N95 masks incorrectly, nullifying any efficacy that the N95 mask may offer. Good luck getting a bearded Millennial to shave his beard to get the necessary seal to make the N95 effective. The N95 must be worn tightly sealed and they become hot and humid almost immediately after being donned.

I bought 200+ 3M N95s after SARS and they suck if you’re out and about.

I really wish they’d be responsible and stop calling this thing a vaccine when it’s clearly a therapeutic. You can still get and spread covid after getting the shots. This is why people are opting out. You might get sick to a lesser degree but you then have full spectrum immunity instead of just a partial immunity with the possibility of side-effects now or down the road with the jab.

Why am I not surprised?

So is this just a California thing … or is this the real OSHA? Why does California have it’s own version of OSHA anyways … that is another discussion.

Again, why am I not surprised? We know Newscum won’t make the announcement because that would be the final straw to remove him as dictator.

Same reason Kleptofornica has it’s own EPA. Strangling business simply is not enough. There are 40 million people in California who need the same treatment, minus Liberal Politicians who are exempt, per Gavin Newsom.

Another Org getting their piece of the Paranoia Pie!

I would rather be paranoid than dead.


Understood, you would rather live in fear. Living in fear is not living.

And that’s why Californians live in a totalitarian one-party state. Because ‘paranoid’ voters equate watching CNN, NBC etc,etc to ‘doing their research before vasting a vote.

I personally wear a mask but CAL OSHA is a money grabbing government organization.We are heading for a Dictatorship country.

Already there…

Oh this is nothing. Wait till AB 455 passes, making it mandatory for everyone to be vaxxed to work and shop.

“California Guts Transportation Bill to Create Vaccine Mandate for Private Industry” californiaglobe.com

Truly evil. If this passes we are moving out of state. Already scoping out homes.

@ Deb Shay
Thank you for the info
Just when I think it couldn’t get any worse here 🙁

Fact: The Vaxxed persons are passing the mutated Delta to the vulnerable. They alone are the super spreaders.

That is Fiction

Just another reminder that the current health bureaucracy is about as competent and trustworthy to dole out health advice as the military/ intel bureaucracy is at winning a war. Getting more difficult each day to think of an institution that hasn’t completely destroyed its credibility.

Democrats have always relied on an underclass for their survival. But this lunatic leftist crisis mentality feeds on itself, and thanks to constant pot stiring many of you live in fear of the boogeyman. It’s a choice.
Many of us choose otherwise, all we ask is that you leave us alone.

Here are the anti-mask snowflakes. Have you had a flu or cold this year? Most likely not, why? because more people are wearing masks. It is not such an inconvenience that you can’t wear one while at work or in indoor public spaces. I have no issue wearing a mask. Quit whining about it.

Do you think nobody going to school, working in an office, playing sports, eating indoors or seeing friends and family had anything to do with that?

Additionally, we’re talking about COVID and cases exploded from thanksgiving to Christmas. How is that possible if wearing masks work?

Nobody had a cold or the flu this year because everything was labeled as Covid. The seasonal flu miraculously just disappeared. The lack of illness overall has less to do with wearing masks and more to do with many people isolating themselves at home—no school, no work, no church, no parties, nothing. Covid isn’t going away so it’s time to start learning how to live with it. If that means you wearing a mask for the rest of your life, fine, but there should be a choice.

> Have you had a flu or cold this year?

I have had one flu in the last 10 years. In 2018.

> because more people are wearing masks

A May 2020 meta-study on pandemic influenza published by the US CDC found that face masks had no effect, neither as personal protective equipment nor as a source control. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/5/19-0994_article

Do you know why? Because influenza particles fly through masks. Even if you triple mask, they just fly on through.

Masks are a talisman, you’ll be better off wearing garlic around your neck.

Stop getting your knowledge from CNN, TV watcher.

How many people even know that OSHA has guidelines for wearing masks in the workplace, or that they require a fit-test and respirator physical? There is a lawsuit just waiting to be filed when someone keels over at work while wearing one.

Yes good practice. The only way when there is a pandemic on steroids out there.

If you talk on phone alot, even if in cube with walls, just mufflers your voice to no real benefit.

There is no pandemic. There have been less deaths in covid years than in preceding non covid years.

Instead of arguing with various facts and conspired motivations why not do all we can to eliminated COVID-19? With real effort this virus could go away and not mutate into another variation. Get vaccinated and wear a mask.

“Just two weeks to flatten the curve”

Going from “hospitals will be overwhelmed” to trying to eliminate a virus that’s already gone global is the definition of moving the goal post.

The response to Covid has been worse than Covid itself.

Hmm, are they admitting Swedish approach was correct one after all ? ?

Rather than incentivize with cash sending covid positive not sick enough for hospital into facilities with large elderly population, Swedish officials took care to protect their elderly and let economy stay open.

Guess Sweden isn’t infested with “public servant’s”, viewing themselves as almost all knowing and god like.

There were more deaths in the US in 2020 than in past years. In fact, from 2019 to 2020, the rate increased by almost 16%. Googlar, this death rate since Covid even exceeds deaths during the Spanish flu. https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/2021/04/25/is-it-really-true-that-the-u-s-death-rate-in-2020-was-the-highest-above-normal-since-the-early-1900s-even-surpassing-the-calamity-of-the-1918-flu-pandemic/

Adult mortality 15-60 DROPPED from 2015 to 2019


40+ Mortality rate DROPPED 2015-2019


2020 Death Percentage was lower than every year 2015-2019


2020 Crude Death rate LOWER 2020 than 2015-2019


60+ Mortality Rate very slightly increased 2015-2019


Where is the pandemic? Is the pandemic in the room with you, right now?

2019 – 400,000 Influenza (FLU) hospitalizations. 22,000 FLU deaths.
2020 – 165 Influenza hospitalizations.

WRONG! CDC US CDC found that face masks had no effect, neither as personal protective equipment nor as a source control. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/5/19-0994_article




“Researchers show that mammalian cells can convert RNA sequences back into DNA”
ACTUAL STUDY: https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/7/24/eabf1771


Yolanda: I don’t follow the numbers you are reporting. According to the US death rate over time per 100,000 population chart, the death rate has been in a long downward trend, and the 2020 bump in covid simply brought it back to the early 2000’s death rate. This chart could actually be support for the people saying covid is a hoax. The first chart you mention with the 16% number is cooked, subtracting their forecast from the actual so just reflects their forecast, not reality.

Small correction, where I wrote 2015-2019 should be 2015-2020.

Japan is now successfully using Ivermectin for all covid patients.
But the CDC claims it doesn’t work?
What else do we need to know about the CDC.



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