There are exceptions for everything! We have a pandemic. A serious pandemic. Thank goodness most people have common sense to realize that our government and private entities need to insure that we are protected from dangerous self righteous people that think it is ok for them to inflict their contagious diseases upon all the rest of us and enable more variants to mutate so then no vaccine will be able to stop this crazy virus! I say to you! No you do not have a right to do that! Your personal freedoms are not going to prevail! Move to Florida please! There is a cesspool of Covid-19 just waiting for you to wallow in like all the other entitled lost fools! You can be free to be on a ventilator or even free to die! I am sorry we have far too many of you folks who are dangerous. I hope you are vaccinated and wear your mask even though you don’t want your rights taken away! Be safe and smarter! Read books.
@Ilovepopcorn, As with all viruses and bacteria, it will naturally mutated when it has been in different hosts. Only those that have had it mutate it, not the unvaxed. that’s like saying I created a different variant of HIV just for being alive.
August 24, 2021 - 4:43 PM 4:43 PM
A crime created by the Dems. If they didn’t demand people show proof of a vaccine, there wouldn’t be a market for fake cards.
Wow you guys are really Einsteins. How could you figure this out.
Bank robberies are crimes created by banks, if there were no banks there would be no bank robberies. What the heck 9/11 was created by the airlines, if there were no planes nobody could have flown them into buildings……
JWB you have a vague point except making a photocopy is not up to bank robbery. Take a look at the hypocrisy of people like Pelosi or Obama. OK for them but not for you. All we the public sees is hypocrisy. I’m vaccinated but I have friends and family who are not. You can’t talk them into it. You pays your money and you takes your chances. By the way these variants are coming from the vaccinated not the unvaccinated. It is what I have always thought and now it is being proven true.
Well Ricardoh just let me know which crimes are acceptable for you and which are not. I guess making copies of $20 dollar bills is fine?
And you know that the first reported sequence of the delta variant dates back to October 5, 2020? So how did it come from the vaccinated? I don’t know where on Facebook you get your information but maybe you should listen to the experts and not to some random BS posting on the internet?
Yet they work when needed, govt finding out quickly how some people would not allow themselves to be separated from daily activities or once in awhile activities because of a non-vaccine status.
August 24, 2021 - 5:28 PM 5:28 PM
Did they think this would not happen.
August 24, 2021 - 5:29 PM 5:29 PM
Once again, this was the plan all along. The “counterfeit” cards excuse will be the reason for an invisible tattoo or implantable chip.
August 24, 2021 - 5:31 PM 5:31 PM
Isn’t this sort of the equivalent of a draft dodger showing fake war metals? If you don’t want to take the vaccine for whatever reason stand up like a man and tell people don’t lie and hide behind fake documents lol.
What if you need to show proof in order to buy food? I won’t get the vaccine, but I would buy a fake document if I had to show proof to feed my family.
“There is probably no more fundamental defense against tyranny than the ingenuity of the people in finding ways around laws they don’t agree with.”
Milton Friedman
Yoyo Hop
August 24, 2021 - 5:33 PM 5:33 PM
The FDA just admitted that the VAXX carries a serious RISK of HEART INJURY. But they are still approving the experimental drug and letting the drug companies run their own research on its safety, the results of which will not be for several years.
Page 6 says: “the FDCA will not be sufficient to assess KNOWN
SERIOUS RISKS of myocarditis and pericarditis and identify an unexpected serious risk of subclinical myocarditis.
Furthermore, the pharmacovigilance system that FDA is required to maintain under section 505(k)(3) of the FDCA is not sufficient to assess these serious risks. Therefore, based on appropriate scientific data, we have determined that you are required to conduct the following studies”…………
Yoyo Hop
August 24, 2021 - 5:46 PM 5:46 PM
And NO, the current VACCINE is NOT FDA approved yet. Read the FDA approval sheet on Comirnaty. It describes future approval for a drug that is required to be packaged and marketed in a very specific way. The submission and approval of that labeling has still not taken place.
The currently distributed vaccine are still EUA only. The media is lying.
From the FDA Approval letter “CONTENT OF LABELING
As soon as possible, but no later than 14 days from the date of this letter, please submit
the final content of labeling”
-Me- I understand that you’re confused. The FDA and BigPharma are playing a game of misdirection.
Let me explain in a different way:
Comirnaty is the vaccine that has been FDA approved. It is not out yet.
It may be chemically identical to the vaccine that is already out, but LEGALLY it is not considered the same vaccine.
The legal aspect makes all the importance to Pfizer, because they may have legal liability for any side-effects caused by an FDA approved drug.
BUT the vaccines which are currently being distributed are EUA (Emergency Use Authorized) and this authorization explicitly provides them with legal immunity. They may not otherwise have this legal immunity for a drug that was FDA approved, such as Comirnaty.
As long as people believe the vaccine has been fully approved, Pfizer has no incentive to actually release the FDA approved Comirnaty because it would possibly expose them to legal liability.
So once again, unless the vaccine you’re being given is specifically labeled as Comirnaty (and it won’t be, the packaging hasn’t been submitted yet) it is not FDA authorized.
Here is the government link, describing conditions that would limit Pfizer’s legal liability.
I’m all for Voter ID requirement on the following conditions. Everyone is automatically registered to vote. ID’s are free and can be obtained on the day(s) of voting at poling places. Voting day is extended to a week of voting. Adequate voting polls are required by law for X amount of voters (This eliminates the shenanigans Republicans played in heavily poor democrat areas by closing polling stations). Everyone is given the option to vote with a mail in ballot and do not need to elect for it every time. For State and Federal elections a tax deduction can be taken for the year. We should want everyone to vote that is eligible to vote. The problem is Republicans want to make it as restrictive as possible as a form of voter suppression. They admit that the more people that vote the less likely they will hold office.
Vaccine proof should not be a requirement for essential needs. That is where it ends, work requirements can absolutely have vaccine requirements. The military has had vaccine requirements since George Washington. Medical professionals require multiple vaccines. Antivax people are the reason why we’ve seen the re-emergence of once eradicated diseases in America like Measles, Mumps, whooping cough, and chicken pox. Luckily, the US hasn’t been hit with Polio yet. However, it has been rising in other underdeveloped countries and could see a resurgence (numbers are still low for now)
August 24, 2021 - 9:30 PM 9:30 PM
Get the shot! All of the lies are .just that. Do you personally know anyone with the side effects the conspiracy theorists are promulgating?
And, why pay fo-r a fake card when you get one totally free when you get this shot.
Thank you! Well said with few words! I love your logical thinking. I wish the folks that are so full of deceptive theories would clear their poor little minds of nonsense and get vaccinated. Please folks.
Yes I know some one personally who after the shot got a high fever, spent a week in ICU and has PERMANENT heart damage. He now has to take heart meds for the rest of his life. He almost died. The ones who have died they attribute it to age related heart problems in a senior citizen.–unless it was one of the teenagers who had that problem.
“Do you personally know anyone with the side effects the conspiracy theorists are promulgating?”
YES. My sister is an operating room nurse in the Bay Area. She was jabbed w/Pfizer in Dec because it was mandated by the hospital. She developed severe stomach/intestinal issues 3 days after the jab. She spent approximately 8 weeks in the hospital (over the next 3 or so months). Inflamed colon. Heart palpatations. Couldn’t eat. Horrible pain. She even contracted C-Dif from her stays and had to deal with that. It was pretty touch and go for a bit there but they figured it out. She vowed NOT to get the second shot and every single one of her doctors recommending against the second jab.
2 or 3 weeks ago, the hospital gave her an ultimatum- Get vaxxed or get fired. She and her family need the job so she submitted. This time around, no issues (thank God).
Think a bit before you post stupid comments about things that you know nothing about. I personally do not know anyone who has died from this virus. Does that mean that it is not potentially fatal and that the dangers we hear about are “conspiracy theories”? Of course not.
You pay for a fake card because you do not want to get the vaccine. Your reasons may be religious, medical, lack of government trust and many more. However, because we have stupid mandates in California that allow government and private companies to interfere with an individuals health by mandating a vaccine or get fired, or not allowed into a business, people are doing what they need to, to survive. We are not Montana which recently passed a law stating that a persons vaccination status was a protected class under discrimination law.
Maybe when Newscum is ousted on Sept 14th, maybe the replacement will look at the Montana law and see if we can bring some of that over here.
And to be clear, I am vaccinated and so is my entire family including my children. But I do believe a person has the right to choose and I do believe that a company should not mandate this.
Uh, in my sphere of friends/family it had been ~25 years since I personally knew anyone who had had a stroke…that is until a few months when two friends, both healthy in 40s/50s, both had strokes very soon after being vaccinated. But yeah I’m sure it was just a huge coincidence, absolutely nothing to do with the vaccine.
Just like the thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of injuries that have been reported into VAERS…no one ever had a problem with VAERS for the 30+ years it’s been a useful tool in the development of vaccines, but oh no not now, NOW all these reports are “unverified”, can’t be trusted, and certainly can’t be investigated. Gosh, in the spirit of truly informed consent, I wonder why the VAERS reports couldn’t be an advisement to people seeking the vaccine, along with the disclaimer “while unverified these deaths/injuries have been reported”…nah, we don’t need people thinking they have medical autonomy.
Don’t get the shot but also don’t go to your Doctor asking for medical advice or the ER room if you do get COVID. I don’t understand the logic of antivaxers. You don’t trust the medical advice of Doctors when it comes to COVID but you will run to them when you are in need.
To be technical – This was not a logical arguement – its an emotional arguement. There is a demand, a statement that cannot be proven or disproven with the data provided, and a question that asks you to review the statement through anectdotale evidence (the least reliable form)
Finally – the question on paying for a card vs a free shot is (generally) not the arguement agaisnt the shot…so it can be disproven as a reasonable argument fairly quickly
But what do I know…I’m just a guy who doesn’t agree with you. So I’m all the bad things you are scared at night.
The first rule of science is collect data. Without bias.
The fascists insist on lock step compliance. The fascists close services and freedoms to those who won’t obey.
The fascists claim their rules are science.
Pete V.
August 24, 2021 - 10:57 PM 10:57 PM
Uh, don’t need a counterfeit when there’s no shortage of people with access (and desire to make a few $$) to REAL (blank) vaccination cards, such as nurses, medical techs, frickin cleaning staff, etc. Then courtesy of idiots who so proudly posted their vaccination cards online after they got this voodoo elixir, you then have the lot# etc. that can then be filled out on your REAL card.
Just kidding, the above is pure satire.
chuckie the troll
August 25, 2021 - 6:35 AM 6:35 AM
Who, exactly DIDN’T think this would happen. Back in the day friends had fake ID’s so they could buy alcohol or get into places they weren’t old enough to be. Illegal drugs? Black market and/or counterfeit copies.
This is a crime invented by the LEFT to cover up their inept messaging and dictates re: Xi Corona Virus. Either the vaccine works, and you don’t need a mask, or else it doesn’t work and there is no point getting it.
I followed the science and got the vaccine. I followed the science and left California. And I am following the science and not masking. Say ‘goodbye’ to Gavin for me.
August 25, 2021 - 8:19 AM 8:19 AM
If you can cheat the vac., you can cheat the vote.
August 25, 2021 - 9:49 AM 9:49 AM
Run their cards thru a data base.
August 25, 2021 - 9:50 AM 9:50 AM
Makes you wonder on the percentage of people who don’t want the Jab. Seems like getting the Counterfeit Cards are very much sought after.
August 25, 2021 - 9:56 AM 9:56 AM
Florida policy statement: “The decision to get a COVID vaccine should be up to individuals. They have the power to make the right choices for themselves and their families. The government’s role is to provide information about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, and to help people get the vaccines if they so choose.”
@Doh, people can be against the passport, without being anti-vax. I have had the vaccine. But many of California’s Covid mandates have done more harm than good. Which is why Gavin’s recall has traction.
More mandates = fewer small businesses.
More mandates = more regulations and fewer opportunities for children and families to thrive (so they move to Florida and Texas instead).
August 25, 2021 - 2:41 PM 2:41 PM
I have always thought they should have looked for a cure rather than a vaccine.
August 26, 2021 - 2:54 PM 2:54 PM
Are they describing the passport or the ‘vaccine’ itself?
Cheap? They’re free if you have a printer and a web browser…
Forcing people to take a shot they don’t want to take is illegal too.
The good people of this Republic should never be forced to take any medications, especially by anyone in Government, or any employer.
There is no reason that can be contrived that would legally or morally force medications on any citizen in good standing of our free country.
There are exceptions for everything! We have a pandemic. A serious pandemic. Thank goodness most people have common sense to realize that our government and private entities need to insure that we are protected from dangerous self righteous people that think it is ok for them to inflict their contagious diseases upon all the rest of us and enable more variants to mutate so then no vaccine will be able to stop this crazy virus! I say to you! No you do not have a right to do that! Your personal freedoms are not going to prevail! Move to Florida please! There is a cesspool of Covid-19 just waiting for you to wallow in like all the other entitled lost fools! You can be free to be on a ventilator or even free to die! I am sorry we have far too many of you folks who are dangerous. I hope you are vaccinated and wear your mask even though you don’t want your rights taken away! Be safe and smarter! Read books.
@Ilovepopcorn, As with all viruses and bacteria, it will naturally mutated when it has been in different hosts. Only those that have had it mutate it, not the unvaxed. that’s like saying I created a different variant of HIV just for being alive.
A crime created by the Dems. If they didn’t demand people show proof of a vaccine, there wouldn’t be a market for fake cards.
Wow you guys are really Einsteins. How could you figure this out.
Bank robberies are crimes created by banks, if there were no banks there would be no bank robberies. What the heck 9/11 was created by the airlines, if there were no planes nobody could have flown them into buildings……
JWB you have a vague point except making a photocopy is not up to bank robbery. Take a look at the hypocrisy of people like Pelosi or Obama. OK for them but not for you. All we the public sees is hypocrisy. I’m vaccinated but I have friends and family who are not. You can’t talk them into it. You pays your money and you takes your chances. By the way these variants are coming from the vaccinated not the unvaccinated. It is what I have always thought and now it is being proven true.
Well Ricardoh just let me know which crimes are acceptable for you and which are not. I guess making copies of $20 dollar bills is fine?
And you know that the first reported sequence of the delta variant dates back to October 5, 2020? So how did it come from the vaccinated? I don’t know where on Facebook you get your information but maybe you should listen to the experts and not to some random BS posting on the internet?
And I need one!!
Yet they work when needed, govt finding out quickly how some people would not allow themselves to be separated from daily activities or once in awhile activities because of a non-vaccine status.
Did they think this would not happen.
Once again, this was the plan all along. The “counterfeit” cards excuse will be the reason for an invisible tattoo or implantable chip.
Isn’t this sort of the equivalent of a draft dodger showing fake war metals? If you don’t want to take the vaccine for whatever reason stand up like a man and tell people don’t lie and hide behind fake documents lol.
What if you need to show proof in order to buy food? I won’t get the vaccine, but I would buy a fake document if I had to show proof to feed my family.
“There is probably no more fundamental defense against tyranny than the ingenuity of the people in finding ways around laws they don’t agree with.”
Milton Friedman
The FDA just admitted that the VAXX carries a serious RISK of HEART INJURY. But they are still approving the experimental drug and letting the drug companies run their own research on its safety, the results of which will not be for several years.
Its all buried in fine print of the FDA’s approval letter, found here:
Page 6 says: “the FDCA will not be sufficient to assess KNOWN
SERIOUS RISKS of myocarditis and pericarditis and identify an unexpected serious risk of subclinical myocarditis.
Furthermore, the pharmacovigilance system that FDA is required to maintain under section 505(k)(3) of the FDCA is not sufficient to assess these serious risks. Therefore, based on appropriate scientific data, we have determined that you are required to conduct the following studies”…………
And NO, the current VACCINE is NOT FDA approved yet. Read the FDA approval sheet on Comirnaty. It describes future approval for a drug that is required to be packaged and marketed in a very specific way. The submission and approval of that labeling has still not taken place.
The currently distributed vaccine are still EUA only. The media is lying.
From the FDA Approval letter “CONTENT OF LABELING
As soon as possible, but no later than 14 days from the date of this letter, please submit
the final content of labeling”
-Me- I understand that you’re confused. The FDA and BigPharma are playing a game of misdirection.
Let me explain in a different way:
Comirnaty is the vaccine that has been FDA approved. It is not out yet.
It may be chemically identical to the vaccine that is already out, but LEGALLY it is not considered the same vaccine.
The legal aspect makes all the importance to Pfizer, because they may have legal liability for any side-effects caused by an FDA approved drug.
BUT the vaccines which are currently being distributed are EUA (Emergency Use Authorized) and this authorization explicitly provides them with legal immunity. They may not otherwise have this legal immunity for a drug that was FDA approved, such as Comirnaty.
As long as people believe the vaccine has been fully approved, Pfizer has no incentive to actually release the FDA approved Comirnaty because it would possibly expose them to legal liability.
So once again, unless the vaccine you’re being given is specifically labeled as Comirnaty (and it won’t be, the packaging hasn’t been submitted yet) it is not FDA authorized.
Here is the government link, describing conditions that would limit Pfizer’s legal liability.
Did @me jump the shark??? What the heck happened while I was out?
Guess that’d be good for them folks who can’t get to a Kinkos or OfficeMax.
Cue, . . . . creepy cackle.
Must show proff of being vaccinated, but forget about ID for voting.
I’m all for Voter ID requirement on the following conditions. Everyone is automatically registered to vote. ID’s are free and can be obtained on the day(s) of voting at poling places. Voting day is extended to a week of voting. Adequate voting polls are required by law for X amount of voters (This eliminates the shenanigans Republicans played in heavily poor democrat areas by closing polling stations). Everyone is given the option to vote with a mail in ballot and do not need to elect for it every time. For State and Federal elections a tax deduction can be taken for the year. We should want everyone to vote that is eligible to vote. The problem is Republicans want to make it as restrictive as possible as a form of voter suppression. They admit that the more people that vote the less likely they will hold office.
Vaccine proof should not be a requirement for essential needs. That is where it ends, work requirements can absolutely have vaccine requirements. The military has had vaccine requirements since George Washington. Medical professionals require multiple vaccines. Antivax people are the reason why we’ve seen the re-emergence of once eradicated diseases in America like Measles, Mumps, whooping cough, and chicken pox. Luckily, the US hasn’t been hit with Polio yet. However, it has been rising in other underdeveloped countries and could see a resurgence (numbers are still low for now)
Get the shot! All of the lies are .just that. Do you personally know anyone with the side effects the conspiracy theorists are promulgating?
And, why pay fo-r a fake card when you get one totally free when you get this shot.
Thank you! Well said with few words! I love your logical thinking. I wish the folks that are so full of deceptive theories would clear their poor little minds of nonsense and get vaccinated. Please folks.
Yes, I know many people who have been vaxxed and say that they had a fever and a headache for one or more days. I’m unvaxxed and have had neither
Yes I know some one personally who after the shot got a high fever, spent a week in ICU and has PERMANENT heart damage. He now has to take heart meds for the rest of his life. He almost died. The ones who have died they attribute it to age related heart problems in a senior citizen.–unless it was one of the teenagers who had that problem.
“Do you personally know anyone with the side effects the conspiracy theorists are promulgating?”
YES. My sister is an operating room nurse in the Bay Area. She was jabbed w/Pfizer in Dec because it was mandated by the hospital. She developed severe stomach/intestinal issues 3 days after the jab. She spent approximately 8 weeks in the hospital (over the next 3 or so months). Inflamed colon. Heart palpatations. Couldn’t eat. Horrible pain. She even contracted C-Dif from her stays and had to deal with that. It was pretty touch and go for a bit there but they figured it out. She vowed NOT to get the second shot and every single one of her doctors recommending against the second jab.
2 or 3 weeks ago, the hospital gave her an ultimatum- Get vaxxed or get fired. She and her family need the job so she submitted. This time around, no issues (thank God).
Think a bit before you post stupid comments about things that you know nothing about. I personally do not know anyone who has died from this virus. Does that mean that it is not potentially fatal and that the dangers we hear about are “conspiracy theories”? Of course not.
Think before you post.
You pay for a fake card because you do not want to get the vaccine. Your reasons may be religious, medical, lack of government trust and many more. However, because we have stupid mandates in California that allow government and private companies to interfere with an individuals health by mandating a vaccine or get fired, or not allowed into a business, people are doing what they need to, to survive. We are not Montana which recently passed a law stating that a persons vaccination status was a protected class under discrimination law.
Maybe when Newscum is ousted on Sept 14th, maybe the replacement will look at the Montana law and see if we can bring some of that over here.
And to be clear, I am vaccinated and so is my entire family including my children. But I do believe a person has the right to choose and I do believe that a company should not mandate this.
Once again……those who have been injured by the vaxx were obviously Not “anti-vaxxers”.
Nice how you gaslight them and label them conspiracy theorists.
Uh, in my sphere of friends/family it had been ~25 years since I personally knew anyone who had had a stroke…that is until a few months when two friends, both healthy in 40s/50s, both had strokes very soon after being vaccinated. But yeah I’m sure it was just a huge coincidence, absolutely nothing to do with the vaccine.
Just like the thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of injuries that have been reported into VAERS…no one ever had a problem with VAERS for the 30+ years it’s been a useful tool in the development of vaccines, but oh no not now, NOW all these reports are “unverified”, can’t be trusted, and certainly can’t be investigated. Gosh, in the spirit of truly informed consent, I wonder why the VAERS reports couldn’t be an advisement to people seeking the vaccine, along with the disclaimer “while unverified these deaths/injuries have been reported”…nah, we don’t need people thinking they have medical autonomy.
Don’t get the shot but also don’t go to your Doctor asking for medical advice or the ER room if you do get COVID. I don’t understand the logic of antivaxers. You don’t trust the medical advice of Doctors when it comes to COVID but you will run to them when you are in need.
To be technical – This was not a logical arguement – its an emotional arguement. There is a demand, a statement that cannot be proven or disproven with the data provided, and a question that asks you to review the statement through anectdotale evidence (the least reliable form)
Finally – the question on paying for a card vs a free shot is (generally) not the arguement agaisnt the shot…so it can be disproven as a reasonable argument fairly quickly
But what do I know…I’m just a guy who doesn’t agree with you. So I’m all the bad things you are scared at night.
The first rule of science is collect data. Without bias.
The fascists insist on lock step compliance. The fascists close services and freedoms to those who won’t obey.
The fascists claim their rules are science.
Uh, don’t need a counterfeit when there’s no shortage of people with access (and desire to make a few $$) to REAL (blank) vaccination cards, such as nurses, medical techs, frickin cleaning staff, etc. Then courtesy of idiots who so proudly posted their vaccination cards online after they got this voodoo elixir, you then have the lot# etc. that can then be filled out on your REAL card.
Just kidding, the above is pure satire.
Who, exactly DIDN’T think this would happen. Back in the day friends had fake ID’s so they could buy alcohol or get into places they weren’t old enough to be. Illegal drugs? Black market and/or counterfeit copies.
This is a crime invented by the LEFT to cover up their inept messaging and dictates re: Xi Corona Virus. Either the vaccine works, and you don’t need a mask, or else it doesn’t work and there is no point getting it.
I followed the science and got the vaccine. I followed the science and left California. And I am following the science and not masking. Say ‘goodbye’ to Gavin for me.
If you can cheat the vac., you can cheat the vote.
Run their cards thru a data base.
Makes you wonder on the percentage of people who don’t want the Jab. Seems like getting the Counterfeit Cards are very much sought after.
Florida policy statement: “The decision to get a COVID vaccine should be up to individuals. They have the power to make the right choices for themselves and their families. The government’s role is to provide information about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, and to help people get the vaccines if they so choose.”
Impact on SF businesses.
Gavin Newsom’s Covid edicts are why ‘Former California Democratic majority leader endorses Larry Elder’
The more anti-vaxxers, the less anti-vaxxers.
@Doh, people can be against the passport, without being anti-vax. I have had the vaccine. But many of California’s Covid mandates have done more harm than good. Which is why Gavin’s recall has traction.
More mandates = fewer small businesses.
More mandates = more regulations and fewer opportunities for children and families to thrive (so they move to Florida and Texas instead).
I have always thought they should have looked for a cure rather than a vaccine.
Are they describing the passport or the ‘vaccine’ itself?