The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: What has been the biggest change in your life since the COVID-19 pandemic started? How have you adjusted to the change(s)?
Talk about it….
well obviously the pro china rhetoric
as well as lawlessness
and schools telling parents they are going to make their kids racists
as well as the flood of illegals and allowing bums and blm to raid stores like its their job
not to mention politicians defunding police
and yet hiring on our dime private police for their safety
as binbidens lackey spokes dem tells us these politicians fear for their lives
hmmm why everything they want is happening
they created this situation …why fear their dreams are coming true
and yet american families fear for their lives as dem politicians release thousands of gang members and mental ill to prey on us
as the dems defund our security they spend to ensure theirs
and yet more media bias and blackouts and lies
as americans are left in a foreign country to fend for themselves as binbiden left them high and dry
in favor of following oscamaas pupeting directions
of helping iran and sending them billions more dollars
all dem voters this is on you
you have gotten everything your politicians have wanted and this is your history
cant blame anyone else for leaving americans behind while thousands of afghans are slipped into america untested or vaccinated
your dream is here dem voters
embrace it and help us americans understand why this is what YOU wanted
still waiting on answers ….
archie bunker would have thrown all the shoes he owned by now
Spot on. Spot on.
I’ve learned life is too short, so I no longer read posts from RANDOM TASK, like this one.
Addlepate, I’ve scrolled past his comments for a long time now. They were always pretty much the same comment, no matter what the topic
We would go out for dinner or lunch 4 or 5 times a week, now maybe twice a week. Also I miss the renaissance faire.
We are on the same page, though we/I didn’t eat out quite so often. I miss going into a fine restaurant for dinner, sitting inside, and feeling pampered by a qualified staff.
Lost two jobs, one of them being my own business. Had to realign the budget and get a new gig to stay off the government’s dime. Still got screwed at tax time. Hasn’t been much of an adjustment, just reaffirming that in the end you are responsible for your own actions, and 99% of the people claiming they are there to help are simply waiting to twist the knife.
Darn! I can relate to part of your dilemma.
Hoping you can recover your business.
Me too Miguel! I relate with you too! But you seem to have kept a better attitude than I have. I’ve become bitter but I also had some major health issues at the same time that I think will result of the stress. So I’m wondering if I could even stand up again for another fight. Thanks for your posting. Thank you too Roz!
Ronald Reagan said the scariest word are,” We’re from the government and we’re here to help”.
In May 2021, I retired after 30+ years of public service.
Adjustment? I am now more mindful of my spending since I am (technically) on a fixed income.
I still live well but “top shelf” items and luxurious hotel suites are no longer then norm.
Retirement is awesome. My time is my time and every day is a Saturday!
Exit 12A~
My Hubby has just over a year till retirement, unless,….
The place he works at, has required 2 of the out-of-State Refineries for all employees and contractors to be vaccinated soon.. There is him and a handful where he works not vaccinated.
Might be retiring earlier then he thought.
Thank you Roz!
I retired after 32 years of public service in 2016. The entire money thing will work out. I’m back to having a few luxury thing now and then and I only have one income…mine. Also it is fantastic to know I will get a raise annually vs not know how screwed I will get with the next contract.
The only thing was up until the pandemic hit my time really wasn’t my time as I was doing a lot of voluntary activities (which are very rewarding, check some out) and taking art classes. Well slowly things are getting back to that point which is nice. Now if I could just figure out a way to get rid of the dang smoke that is choking us up here. I swear it’s never going to end
Not being able to go to the French Laundry all the time. At least the peasants weren’t.
My family’s livelihood was ruined. Mutliple family businesses were closed due to the shutdown, increased regulatory challenges (liability risks), and having it near impossible to get workers back to work when you could make an extra $600/week + regular unemployment – side note, those same folks were taking side jobs to supplement their income, so they could make more money this way. PPE was next to impossible to get and literally every person we would reach out (private, government official, etc.) would shrug their shoulders and basically say, “sorry, not our problem”.
But when it came time to try and fine friends who fought to stay open, those same folks were like rabid dogs…trying to squeeze out any money possible in the form of fines and saying it was for “our safety”. Funny how that works
Makes me sick
Make sure you vote yes on the recall. Governor Grease Ball deserves to be put out of politics for good. What that dirt bag has done to businesses in the state is an outrage. My dog has more brains and would do a better job and he is pretty stupid.
Whole house got a really good cleaning. Also the yards and deck.
The only change I’ve experienced is wearing the useless mask. Even though I don’t like it, I have made the adjustment, and tolerate it. Everything else in my life is the same. I still visit with friends and relatives, and do things with them without a mask or social distancing, unless it’s required.
Oh, another change is, I get ticked off at Newsom more than I used to.
Humm,…well, kind of a germ freak before Covid-19, so no change there.
Wearing the mask was the only change I (we) had to make until this week.
For myself to go to the doctor today (8/19), since I’m not vaccinated, had to get Covid test Tuesday (8/17), came back negative (8/18). Might have to cancel Cruise to Alaska, May 2022, since they only want people vaccinated on board. Just hope it doesn’t get so crazy with the vaccine ‘passport’ crap, that we can’t go drive across to other States.
Hi Roz. Are you saying your doctor would not see you unless you got a negative covid test first? If so, are you with Kaiser?
Yes,…Kaiser,…But this was the weird strange part for today.
They had, had people stationed at the doors a few months ago, checking your temperature. No one there anymore, plus I didn’t get ask to show my negative Covid test. It seem that some folks there haven’t received the ‘new’ memo. The notice was not from my doctor,…it was from Kaiser. Also, my doctor is pregnant and maybe she is not vaccinated at the point too.
Government intrusion into all manner of life from where I go, who I can be with, what I have to wear, and private business contracts that I engage in.
Having to tolerate people who are apparently unaware that whether or not I choose to be injected with synthetic biology, it is not a question one should ask, or be required to answer.
We stopped buying anything that wasn’t an essential, made us look around our home and find that we had so much stuff we never use. We made it a priority to get rid of the extras and now we have a clutter free lifestyle and surprisingly find we don’t have the desire to buy something unless we need it. No more impulse shopping.
Sold our home and left California after living there all my life. The Democrats have transformed the state into Kleptofornica, and we just couldn’t stand it anymore.
We are finally free.
Nothing’s gonna chase us out of California. We just ignore all the BS and enjoy life..
chuckie the troll~
We know Family & Friends who live in other States, and some who just move out this year. They all feel free too.
I agree. What state? I’m thinking maybe Texas next year but it’ll eventually become a rat hole like California within the next 10-20 years or so. Dallas, Houston, and Austin all left wing puke breeding grounds that spreads the communist virus.
The left has ceased hiding who they are, and what they seek.
Increased blood pressure…
The limitations placed on travel. Work and school at home with zoom and such.
Hating life more than I did before
Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do to you.
The biggest change is my daughter moving out and the most positive for her and for me. One other is my 85 year old mother wants to move into a Senior Community. On the first point, that means adjustment wise, I’ve taken steps regarding self defense in my life now and am glad to have done so. Adjustment regarding my mother’s wishes, it will eventually mean handling either the sale of two homes and properties she is currently on or work a deal another way.
I order more often online.
Not a darn thing..no really we still traveled sent out to eat, gambled in Reno and vegas on several trips by vehicle and plane. Took a trip to hawaii right when everyone told us we couldn’t do it we would catch Covid before we were vaccinated…didn’t happen.
Yea nothing changed…
Biggest change? Completely lost all and any trust in the Govt, Pope, school and medical institutions .
Probably forgetting a few more but you get the idea…
Me too!
Unfortunately, that happened to me well before the COVID BS. Not so much the medical institutions, but the spokes holes for these places are starting to demonstrate that it is more about satisfying expectations of public figures and media, and less about practice.
History should have told us all to never trust them. Why just ask Native Americans, blacks people, the Vietnamese who survived the fall of Saigon and now the Afghans who manage to fly out of Kabul on a air craft wing. I have no idea who would trust these clowns running this country into the ground. The debt meter fast approaching 30 trillion. Afghanistan is definitely the place where empires go to die and America is next. Unfortunately, it’s a sign of things to come.
Realized that being told to cover my face before going outside, by a government I do not want in charge, is similar to what women in other countries are going through. The reasons are different, but you have to admit there are parallels. Submission to authority. I choose independence and free will.
I will be sharing your sentiment with others.
It rings a cord in my book.
The biggest changes were that I realize how stupid even smart people can be… we also realized what hogwash public schools are and switched to private. It is an adjustment and some catch-up is in order, but we will be better for it. I also know I cannot count on the other “smart” people at work to be functioning adults who understand APPROPRIATE risk management and I cannot count on public school teachers to have any insight into their OWN biases or to actually care about kids. It was 18 months of enlightenment and we know to only count on ourselves now.
I take offense to your teacher comments. My daughter has worked at both private and public schools for many years. She is an outstanding teacher, and parents have requested her more times than I can say. While I agree that some teachers have drunk the Koolaid from the liberal left, she is not one of them. That is why the parents like and respect her. Her job may be in jeopardy some day, or sooner, but she finds ways to keep the kids from being corrupted. She is a blessing to all her students. We are very proud of her.
You can take all the offense that you want. But, the harsh reality is now MOST teachers are terrible. My Mom was a teacher and that was a different era. Obviously, if your daughter is not like that, then she was not who I was meaning to insult. But, you went ahead and took offense anyways. On her behalf…
Well, so far, I haven’t had a respiratory illness (cold, flu, Covid, pneumonia, etc.) since the pandemic commenced. Remarkable, if nothing else.
There profound explosion of a new form of comedy … corporate news.
Went from 120 pounds to 180 pounds. 🤷♂️ Woops
I heard that from several people. I was furloughed for 3 months and actually lost a little weight. Mostly because I had time to exercise almost everyday, and I ate on a normal schedule. Since I work retail, I often work late, so I have lunch late and then when I come home at 8-9 p.m. I snack. Being off work I had a fairly hearty breakfast, a light lunch, and a decent dinner around 6-7 p.m.
Lost a lot of weight, saved a lot of time driving are the 2 biggest changes, and I have to say I have adapted quite well. Hard to complain or look down on losing weight (when you happen to be large….too large), and not having to drive in to work, also hard to look upon negatively..
The main negative for this COVID BS (yes, I am on the this is BS side) is we have not been able to spend time with our dear friends (more because of their concerns, which we naturally respect). Really do miss the good times with them, and really cannot wait until we can resume our good times.
Biggest change was to my social life. Missed a big fancy anniversary party with the Scandinavian Club, also 2 great Christmas party with same club, both which I have attended every year since I joined the Club in 1984. Also could not take advantage of get away to the Club’s 2 cabins, one open from May to October at Clear Lake, and the other open all year round in Tahoe, close to Tahoe City, it is open now, but before you could book a week end for 2-3 people or just yourself, now you have to book the whole cabin which is more like 15-17 people. Also missed frequent visits to see my daughter and grandchildren in Pasadena, fortunately no longer was just there a few weeks ago, and will go again in October.
My sons wife committed suicide because she had to be quarantined.
She suffered from severe mental illness. And he chose to follow her.
Follow her as in follow suit? I’m so sorry for your loss.
It’s me~
My Heart hurts for You.
That is heartbreaking, and I am so sorry for you and the rest of your family!
Unfortunately, I know of several teens and young adults who have taken their own lives during the lockdown.
… the “working from home ” syndrome…. the “woke” culture is bringing about the degradation of life in general and the decrease in position of the US to the rest of the world… (Biden handed Afghanistan to the Taliban, Taiwan gift wrapped to China next? Ukraine to Russia? Israel to Iran? …and the current US leadership just sits by and watches).
@Random Task and @oh please-
You both nailed it!!! And if we don’t make a stand, we could be completely locked down for NO reason like Australia! At least we have the 2nd amendment going for us! I hope and pray more and more people wake up to what is really going on. It stopped being about Covid along time ago. If Covid is so damn dangerous why are they letting thousands of illegals in every day Who are unvaccinated and untested?!!! How Does that make any sense?
@KD, What in the world are you so upset about? Put on your mask so you don’t spread disease to others. Walk in to any pharmacy and get a free vaccine to protect yourself and others from Covid. Go about your daily life as free as a bird. What’s so difficult about that?
So much whining and complaining instead of being grateful for the blessings we have. Thank the good Lord for guiding the scientists to create a lifesaving vaccine. Thank Donald Trump for have the foresight to support its development and purchase the vaccines for us. Be glad that the scientists finally figured that masks actually do reduce disease spread. Thank your lucky stars that you live in the USA. Get out there and enjoy your life, KD. The only one stopping you is you.
I feel like a lab-rat, I wake up and go to bed angry because of it.
I wanted to let you all know that today I choked down all my resistance, trepidation, and reservations for the Covid-19 vaccination as an affront to my freedom of choice and violation of my legal and Constitutional rights, and got the shot. It was painless except for some mild and transitory muscle soreness in the area of the injection. I’m glad it’s over with. I don’t want to be responsible for some child suffering respiratory illness like I did growing up because I refused to be vaccinated. I encourage you all to get the shot, your health permitting, so that we can bring this long nightmare to a conclusion.
So who got the $100 bucks?
There is no shame in choosing the Jab. As of today, the Vaxx is labeled safe by the FDA. Not that I approve of their methods.
I am still researching the experimental trials and found out why certain folks are afraid of the jab. Historically, certain races have higher injury to vaccinations. Not to be confused with the Jab / or Vaxx.
The FDA granted full approval to the Pfizer vaccine today. Those of you who were hesitant because it only had an Emergency Use Authorization can now get the shot knowing it has full approval.
No thanks. Hydroxichloroquine, has a 65 years of safe use reputation. And for your information, those vaxxed are the superspeaders that politicians and journalists threaten us with. So, keep your mask on and get your booster shot regularly.
Plus, certain well known money pigs won’t become wealthier from enforced poisoning. Hope your grandchildren won’t suffer from your irresponsible behavior! In all sincerity.