The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: What’s your opinion on express (toll lanes) on the freeway? Do you like them, do you prefer regular (no toll) carpool lanes, or do you think all lanes should be open to everyone 24 hours a day?
Talk about it….
The new democrat infrastructure. Drink up !! Toll roads for everyone.
I am not a fan of the rich people lanes!
Stretches of freeway that used to be free charging more than the bay bridge or golden gate? I’m good in the regular lanes with the other plebs.
Eliminate gas taxes and just charge tolls. Everyone get a EZ Pass so we can track your every move.
I see people weaving in and out of the lanes to avoid the tolls more than i see people actually using the lanes legally.
I always hated the waste of my tax payer dollars they used to make them, and never used one aside from the free hours.
As the sibling of one of these idiot drivers, I can tell you, they get tickets.
There are cameras to catch these fools, and my sister got not 1…. no not 2…. but three different citations for this in about 2 months time.
But that was after nearly a year… however, she doesn’t do it anymore.
They should be open to all. Seeing that all of us paid for them through tax’s it’s only fair all should be able to use them and not just be another revenue for our politicians
I like one instant, I credit being in the toll lane for saving my life from a driver who was not only determined to commit a crime on the road (which was avoided by me staying in the toll lane I pay for) because it was obvious to me he had made me his mark and road rage and more was on his mind. Calls to CHP weren’t an option as fast as it went down, so he crossed over all the lanes across traffic to an exit after giving up.
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous!
Do they actually MAKE money on those toll lanes, or is this just a form of economic segregation?
Awesome. Love getting to pay for the roads that we already pay for. Double dipped. Another California tax scam
I moved back East for a spell, and this was tried and tested in plenty of other states first. It costs nearly $100 to drive on turnpikes across Ohio, into Jersey through Pennsylvania.
In Illinois, I felt like I stopped at a toll to literally get nickled-and-dimed (used all my car change) when crossing the country, .80 cents here. 1.30 there, .45 cents over there.
Check out the nightmares people are having with and without “EZ-pass” in the states back East that use it. We’re getting off much cheaper here (so far).
It’s complete BS is what they are. People don’t want to pay to use the lane, so it artificially creates traffic in the other lanes. These things did not work in Southern CA, so it doesn’t make sense why they are putting them in here. Not to mention, it’s a regressive tax meaning people with money can afford to use the lanes, but people who are struggling are more likely to avoid the lanes because their money is a lot tighter.
It DOES work in SoCal. The times I’ve driven (most recently July), it’s been bumper to bumper traffic jams, but as I’ve mentioned below, I can drive a long way and not leave a carpool lane 24/7 (not limited hours). And with a number of passengers I can pass up all the single drivers. Of people use it properly, it works. It’s the people here who abuse the lanes, jumping in/out, that cause problems.
I think these pay lanes are elitist.
If you’re willing to pay an extra $8 to $12 a day you could use them, otherwise you get stuck in traffic it’s even worse in the other lanes which are even more crowded now because of the designation of the pay lane.
I think it’s unfair and adds further frustration to your harder working laborer.
The poor and working people can sit in traffic and watch rich people speed by in the special lanes the state built for them . Yea , they are great .
We as tax payers have already paid and will continue to do so in the future for maintaining and use of Our highway’s and bridges There for We should not have to continue to pay a toll or fee every time We cross over or Use them. And since We all pay Our taxes both rich and poor We should all be able to have access to use all of the lanes equally No preference or favor should be given to someone because of their ability to pay for express .The poor Man is going to be late for work as well. We all deserve an equal chance to get where We are going without having to pay again and again to once in a while Express Our selves
High Gas Taxes + Toll Roads and we still have crappy roads.
We should have quality roads for what we are paying to drive in this state … so no, I do not approve of toll roads. I think all lanes should be open without an additional surcharge to drive on them. But what do I know, I have only driven in over 20 of the states in this country from Alaska to Texas and back up to New York. Lots of different climates and yet most of those places have cheaper gas, many have zero tolls, and yet their roads are better.
I personally love the express lane, but wish people would not use it to drive the same speed as the flow of traffic. it really take the “express” out of the lane.
It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. If the government wants toll lane’s we will have them.Before long we will have to pay an oxygen charge to breath.Until the people take this country back from the cheating crooked government we are doomed.
True! I’ve noticed that the Democrat politicians don’t really care what the people want. They have this liberal left ideology that they want to push on everyone else! They don’t care what it does or if it works they just mandate it for the population. Socialism’s coming with it next. I’m trying to figure though how this pay Lane works into their socialist ideals…. Unless that’s the lane the party bosses will use while the proletariat stay in the other lanes.
Newsom will issue free fastrac passes to low income and minority individuals. You and I will pay for that also. He despises the middle class, but needs us to pay for all his backward ideas.
It’s not just the Democrats. Republicans want our money too.
Toll lanes is a state sponsored are way to separate you plebs from the well to do. Toll roads allows quicker travel time to and from destination, and away from you.
I like how it keeps poor people out of my way.
Living in a different state now. No toll lanes here. Nice change. Guess the government here thinks the taxpayers have already paid for the roads.
If there are laws against retailers gouging consumers in times of short supplies, then why is the government allowed to do it to commuters with higher tolls during rush hours?
I like using the toll lanes. I always make sure to make a quick exit just before the cameras see my vehicle 🤣
Now, off to Coldstone Creamery in Pleasant Hill for an afternoon treat!
^ Enjoy the cockroach seasoning that place is so famous for.
^^This has been a running joke on the Water Cooler threads for a while now. Glad to have you aboard! 😉
The population was taxed to install these, so the population could be further taxed by using them, all the while the population has had their commute times increased, and a general increase in congestion from a removal of a lane, which contributes further greenhouse gases and increases fuel consumption, upon which the tax has been levied to install these dumb things.
They are laughing at us while they line their pockets, and truth be told we deserve to be a laughing stock for allowing it to happen.
… our taxes paid for the building of the freeway – now we have to pay to use it? Ridiculous! we need new leadership!
You also pay for the roads every time you put gas in your car(unless you ride a bicycle or walk everywhere or hitchhike,…). California has the highest gas taxes in the nation, thanks to the Demorats.
Adding another point. If he’d been able to get to my left side, which he couldn’t as he tried to move me over twice, who knows. It wasn’t 680 or around here. It’s another factor I’m willing to pay for, safety when on the road.
Bella, Interesting story. Can’t see how it’s relevant to public policy? But glad you weren’t hurt.
Well everyone has beat around the bush so far
So just call the lanes racist and anti equity
And offensive to wildlife and an eyesore to the lbgt clan and sometimes non denominational
The state will have to ditch them or be recalled
Wow this new cry racism works for everything
Just shout and cry
They have to listen
I appreciate your sarcasm, but it is a class issue. It’s basically an additional regressive tax for something we already paid for. So please, cry racism more and perhaps the pols will actually be forced to listen to you. Rational or not, that is the complaint that seems to work.
These are being installed on a number of roadways here. I do think it is just a step to, as mentioned by some above, actually tracking car usage, not just on the highways, but everywhere, to tax each mile. There should be no preferred lanes for use by those who can pay this extra amount, just to save 10 minutes. A four lane highway should have 4 lanes of usage, no carpool lane. If a toll must be charged to support the road, it should be charged equally amongst those using said road (I think pay for use is reasonable, in theory, but in the hands of bureaucrats, just another graft scheme).
I usually drive alone but when I have passengers then I try to use to toll lanes.
I first came across toll roads on some of my cross country trips. Only they were not just for some lanes but all lanes on the freeways. When my mom was with me she wouldn’t let me use them if it was her day to pay for gas.
A complete under utilization of the lane. I’m on this part of 680 almost daily and can tell you it just creates more traffic. People don’t under stand that Lane #2 becomes the Passing Land. If they’re in Lane #2 moving slower than the flow of traffic they must legally MOVE OVER! Make the lane open to all in off hours and help fix this waste of taxpayers money.
@NoMoreFreeRide….You don’t seem to understand, there is no “passing lane” in CA. I’m old and I’ll drive at what speed I deem safe in whatever lane I want. If you don’t like it pass me on the right or pay for the toll lane. Flash your lights at me or ride my tail and I’ll slow down. Again, I’m old and I don’t care. Have a blessed day.
@Fred….I never said I drive slow or at the speed limit, quite the contrary. It’s a generational thing, I used to think like you at half my age, you’ll get over it if you live that long.
@nytemuvr – Your part of the problem not the solution. You’re breaking the law and can be cited for your actions. In fact I had a CHP neighbor that loved giving people tickets for for sitting in the “passing lane”. I now better understand why the DMV makes people your age take a test more often.
At your age I’ll be smart enough not to impede the flow of traffic.
I will admit, when traffic is extremely bad, it is nice to just drop $5 and get home 20 mins faster. I do take issue with the government profiting off the roadways like that. It raises ethical questions. Are the higher prices intended to reduce traffic? I thought it was supposed to be an environmental thing. One day from Crow Canyon to Livornia I think it was like $15.00 .. that’s just insane.
Mandate proof of vaccine to use the toll lanes.
BTW, there is pending legislation by DeSaulnier in Sacramento to charge all drivers a per-mile tax.
The taxe would allegedly replace the per-gallon gas tax.
Do you know what your legislator is doing?? Is it really in your best interest?
Not a fan of the guy, but he is a California rep in the Federal Government not a State rep in Sacramento. So Sacramento isn’t where he would propose legislation.
The haves vs the have-nots.
I only approve of toll house cookies. Those are yummy.
The toll lanes are primarily social engineering, as car pools, electric vehicles and “clean air vehicles” (hybrids) get a free ride. However, since the “free riders” pollute less in heavy traffic, they should be prohibited from using the toll/car pool lanes and only gas guzzlers should be allowed to use them, as that would lower the overall pollution levels. Of course that is a fantasy in Demifornia. I say, make them open for everyone and it will raise the average speed for all and lower the total pollution levels, as well as reducing frustration levels.
Also, since they either record your FasTrack ID or license plate number when you go between the toll sections, they know how fast you are going and since most are going over the speed limit in those lanes, they can just mail you a speeding ticket. That would raise a LOT of money to pay for roads that we’ve already paid for, as well as raising revenue for car insurance companies.
thank your local democrat politicians
Toll lanes: Another example of how the California democrat government, from Newscum on down, taxes and bleeds honest, law abiding, middle class working people. They do nothing for the working class citizens. But, what they excel at is thinking of new ways to tax us. We get taxed over and over again for the same thing, and we get nothing for it.
By the way, how is that democrat 12 cent per gallon fix the roads gas tax working for everybody? That’s the where the(lying) democrats promised roads would be fixed. Where is that money going? What roads are being fixed? The roads I’ve seen and traveled are a disaster. Period.
Didn’t we already pay for the construction and maintenance of these freeways with our tax dollars? In my case, since this is a local issue, generations of my family have. This is infuriating because I don’t recall being given the option to vote on it. This is basically an additional regressive tax. I can either pay more to commute to work in one lane with the wealthy carpetbaggers who live along that corridor, or spend additional time and gas with the other lower-middle class schmucks.
I feel like it’s a bunch of crap that caters to the rich people. Not everyone has the extra money to pay to drive on roads that they already pay for in the first place. Plus there goes all the incentive to carpool, so why even have a diamond lane then. More Ca lawmakers B.S. because the people who make these kind of laws most likely will never have to pay to drive in them themselves. I hear now the wonderful Democrats want to tax people by the miles they drive. I’m definitely unlocking my odometer.
This is just another money grab by the government. Bridge tolls were increased to pay for making more toll lanes. I’ll bet the parking and traffic ticket fines have also risen again.
Why has the I-680 and SR-4 interchange project taken so long to build and complete? This might be one answer…
#Recall Newscum
I’m tired of Executive Orders: Newsome, Biden, Trump, and Obama have skirted the will of the people too often with a strike of the pen. Never vote for more taxes, because they either get used elsewhere, or money that was already going to something specific like roads gets diverted.
@Yoyohop. Thank you so much for the reply and kind words. As far as relevance to Public Policy, I see it first related to Budget & Taxes, the Economic side, and specific to my experience a possible crossover to Criminal Justice Policy in regards to Gun Control. As, I stayed calm, never looked at him, knew a bullet could hit my vehicle at any time or hit me possibly from an individual/criminal who had an illegal weapon. That’s a reach re: Policy, but it had gone thru my mind at the time.
No toll, carpool lanes. And it should be like LA/SD county. Carpool enforced 24/7. I can drive from the Tejon Pass to San Diego and almost never leave a carpool lane. Some parts have a small berm to discourage people from jumping in/out of the lanes.
I’m split on this issue. I agree we have already paid for the roads. However, when I worked in Palo Alto and lived in Concord, I used the lanes occasionally so I could get to work on time. Most of the time I didn’t start work until noon or later, so traffic had died down, but sometime there were an accident, and the toll lane meant I could get to work on time, I never paid more than $1.50-2.00 so it was worth it.
I am not rich but I use the toll lane as it saves me time driving from Walnut Creek to Fremont and back. I really don’t see a lot a speeders in the toll lane as most are driving around 80 mph and as long as you don’t tailgate or weave in and out the CHP really don’t give out tickets.
You don’t see a lot of speeders? 80 MPH is over the speed limit everywhere in the US.
While 80 is over the California speed limit it must be okay as the CHP has never stopped any car in the Fast-trak lane and they are usually parked on the shoulder next to the fast lane.
Another non-question/statement-question. Obviously, it’s a travesty as our fuel prices, highest in the country, have already paid for our FREEways and the majority of Clayclordians (95%j are aware of that. Unfortunately, outside this little Claycordtopia, the 95% are moronic carpetbaggers who elect stooges, who hire sub-stooges, who continue to make life miserable.
Personally, for me I am not at all bothered by toll lanes. I am thankful they don’t charge extra for all the lanes. I stick around here anyway. That is because I do not need to commute. Yea! So for the average person in the Bay Area I would think if they go to Starbucks and use Doordash they will shell out that extra buck for toll lanes. No big deal.
More taxation of the working class that is forced to support all of the losers and illegals who suck off of those of us who do more than our fair share.
Toll lanes slow down everyone who isn’t in it. Another stupid idea.
HOV lanes are a failure. Toll lanes are robbery. Put up some signage for slower traffic to keep right and let us all use the lanes that we have all paid for. And let’s ditch metering lights on on ramps while we’re at it. It seems like a decent idea until you realize that #1 – you have made everyone stop which is not fuel efficient and #2 – people are entering traffic at 40mph which is just dangerous.
HOV lanes usage should only be allowed if the people are old enough to drive, but are just a passenger. A Mom and two kids under 16 shouldn’t qualify.
Soon the fast lane will be $1 a mile, next lane in will be .75 a mile, then .50 for the next one. The slow lane will remain free, well not really as we pay a ton for gas tax per gallon. #recall
Damn, there are a lot of whiners here who are snowflakes and cam’t cope with any changes of any kind. Other than a few select roads (like 880 and 580), if you have 2 people, it’s free to drive 24/7 in the commute lane. It’s free on the weekend in east CCC. And the prices are clearly marked if you are 1 person. It is optional to pay or not pay. There’s just no more free lunch in the left lane. If you are not in a hurry or want to save a few bucks, then stay in the ther lanes. What a bunch of old stick in the mud cranks.