571,831 total ADVERSE EVENTS were reported to VAERS, including 12,791 DEATHS — an increase of 425 over the previous week. There were 77,490 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 7,385 compared with the previous week.
Why does the government claim that people with Covid ALWAYS die of Covid, but people that die days after the jab NEVER die from the vaccine?
For all of you that think these vaccines are safe for all – judging others – pretending there is no one being injured by these vaccines – you are being fooled. There are safety issues, despite what the government is willing to claim.. I personally know a 16 year old that is now almost paralyzed after getting the 2nd shot, and just today we found out that my son’s friends father just died from the vaccine. He was a 40 year old man – perfectly healthy – probably next to 0 chance of dying from Covid – and now he is dead. He got the shot on Friday, started feeling really bad on Saturday, was taken to the hospital, and died last night.
The government is basing it’s safety statistics on what is best for the community – not the individual. It is perfectly willing to be dishonest with the public and sacrifice a certain number of individuals. If they wanted to be honest and sincere with their claims and gain trust – then they would admit there could be problems, be upfront with who might have problems with the vaccine, and back up their claims with a vaccine injury compensation program. Right now – no one is liable for any vaccine injury for these covid vaccines.
August 17, 2021 - 10:17 PM 10:17 PM
Vaers is just a reporting system, it doesn’t mean the reports are substantiated. If I get nausea from the vaccine and report it, it counts in your adverse effect total.
Even if the death count you report is accurate, that works out to about .00008 deaths vs. number of diesel administered in the US (about 187 million). You know what produces a lot more deaths? COVID19, about 623,000.
Most people seem to be fixated on 2 outcomes from COVID, but the reality is there are many things such as long term respiratory issues, amputation, heart damage, etc.
Simple terms: 623k is more than 12k deaths, deaths are not the only thing that happens to infected people.
But I doubt you read this far.
Paragraph 1 = discrediting VAERS with theories
Paragraph 2 = ridiculous justifications for injury and death
Paragraph 3 = fear porn (amputations, heart damage, long haulers)
Paragraph 4 = fake appeal to common sense “simple terms” (because you’re not smart)
Nothing in your post is legit. It’s all manipulation tactics. There are a lot more deaths from the jab then being reported. No they are pushing it on kids. Shilling for big pharma is about the lowest you can get in life. Find a short pier, and take a long walk.
Businesses not requiring the vaccine:
The White House
Hilarious, for 30+ years VAERS has been an indispensable tool used by doctors and researchers in the development and administration of vaccines, NO ONE ever had an issue with it, to include the morons who are now so eager to jump up and say idiotic things like “it’s not verified” or “people are lying”.
FFS, look at your CDC-issued vaccine card, on there IT TELLS YOU to report adverse effects where? That’s right: VAERS, and that’s EXACTLY what not just individual “civilians” do, but also doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who are treating the “adversely-affected” patient. THOUSANDS of deaths and HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of injuries, yet we still have vaccine propagandists in healthcare, media, politics, etc. who will claim there hasn’t been a single death from one of these gene therapy “vaccines” and they’re totally safe. Frickin school-age kids have a 99.99995% survival rate IF they do happen to get China Virus, yet there’s no shortage of dip****s who want to stick them with an unproven, empirically dangerous “vaccine”.
Sam is just a troll that never substantiates any of his statements with facts. Some people are just willfully ignorant and love spreading misinformation but think they are smart. I’ve listed study after study backing up all my statements when it comes to the reality of COVID. All Sam ever does is just blabber on calling everything a lib hoax that the entire world is in on without showing one ounce of proof from any source. I’m sure the sources he will post are from youtube, fake websites, and facebook. If I’m wrong, go ahead and show me credible sources.
Pyrrhus is just a troll that never substantiates his statements with facts..
See how easy that was? Everyone here knows I have receipts for everything I post. I don’t jump through your hoops lib, joe biden is your clown not me. Cry more.
I have been saying that from the start. Sam never has proof. And the 1 time this person TRIED to act like they had proof by sending a youtube video of a so called doctor. That got debunked so hard I laughed and got a headache. No matter how much evidence you show that person. Their head is so far of their ass nothing matters to them. I tried saying the same thing you did and Sam came back with the same remark as he/she said to you. They are just sad…
Sam, You said discrediting VAERS with theories??? You have been doing fake theory after fake theory. You can’t say that about anything. Yes it is justified for injury and death. You have a lot more deaths and injuries from Covid then you do with the shots. You also say fear porn??? I’m sorry but haven’t you tried to flip the script many times about people having heart issues from the vaccine but you don’t want to say anything about how people do get heart damage and are long hauls from Covid? That is interesting. Yellowranger was wrong about 1 thing. The 623k deaths here in the US. We most likely have a lot more then that as people have died on the streets and home that were never counted. This was published by CDC and multiple other doctors.
Yes, No one doubts that people have died from vaccine. Nothing in his statement or any other statement said otherwise. People do die from side effects. That is with any vaccine/medicine. But having a ton less deaths in getting the vaccines compared to people who have died from covid. That is a small price to pay.
I really do feel sorry for your kids if you have any. It’s a shame that people like you spill this nonsense. You go off a falsehood that you read from twitter/fb or just make up in your head. I want you to go find a family member of someone who has passed from Covid and talk to them and let them tell you how it really was. Better yet, Go to any ER and ask to speak with the doctors who have had to deal with this on a daily bases and let them tell you. Because how you think. It’s just sad…
@Pete V
I think what Yellow was trying to say “Maybe I am wrong” is that you can’t trust VAERS right now on this as there were a lot of issues with the reporting. It has nothing to do with the credibility of VAERS. But until that reporting gets fixed with the data that gets sent to them.
As I stated to crazy Sam. No one is saying the Vaccines don’t come with some risk and that no one has died from the vaccines. But when you have had almost 38 million people who got covid and over 624k have died compared to over 160 million people who have been fully vaccinated with over 350 million with 1 shot with less then 20k reports of issues from the vaccine itself. 9/10 times you will be fine with the vaccine. You have a 10x higher chance dying from covid then you are to have any issue with the vaccine. That 10x is on the light side btw. The CoronaVirus “Not China Virus you racists POS” is a lot more deadly then people want to admit.
I don’t think you understand what a fact checker is. It’s when people like you come up with the dumbest things to say and the real science comes back and proves it wrong.
There has been lawsuits happening for over a year and all have been thrown out. I do follow science as I won’t determine on my own what is to be true and what’s not. I let the science explain that. If things change, that is ok and I will follow the science. I am open to change.
Fact checking is an industry of politically motivated activists pretending to show unbiased factual analysis while in reality twisting and manipulating information to tell narratives. These are the same politically motivated propagandists who claimed Trump told 30 thousand lies. Sorry, that industry is as useful as mood rings.
On another subject, the NY Times in a story called “Those Anti-COVID Plastic Barriers Probably Don’t Help and May Make Things Worse” now says those plastic barriers obviously needed as advocated by scientists are actually useless. I don’t have a side on this issue except to know that there is a huge amount of lying by people pretending knowledge. Do you still wash your Safeway groceries down with a bleach solution like they told us to? The Democrats did a huge amount of damage to what should be shared knowledge by weaponizing issues. Can’t even have an intelligent conversation about global warming, but hey no mean tweets.
August 17, 2021 - 10:35 PM 10:35 PM
CDC’s survival rate by age
0-19 99.997%
20-49 99.98%
50-69 99.5%
70 + 94.6%
Not sure why we are getting constant daily updates when it’s irrelevant.
@Patriot looks like you got your info from a viral tweet…go to cdc’s website and do the fact checking yourself. What you read and decided to spew the misinformation from Twitter…shows what’s wrong with people these days. Information from ANY social media isn’t exactly true. Do some deep diving yourself and if you find this info on their website…please post a link and then we can all see. Because when I went and looked at their site it doesn’t show that. At all.
@patriot well you’re asking me to do the research for you? You sound pretty lazy. You say your info is from the CDC…with no link. Just quoting something you saw on social media. I NEVER saw anything on CDC’s website about survival rates from Covid per age or anything. So please….you want to “inform” us about these “survival rates” (which btw take YEARS of information) then prove it
Link to article explaining the CDC’s update https://www.breitbart.com/politics /2020/09/25/cdc-data-shows-high-virus-survival-rate-99-plus-for-ages-69-and-younger-94-6-for-older/
@patriot I am not new on claycord. You wanted me to do YOUR research to prove you wrong. Well the only site that matters is the CDC site since you said it was a “survival rate” based on CDC reports. The CDC link you posted didn’t show any survival rates. Also…if you look more closely..it says they are “scenarios”. Giving 5 different ones that could possibly happen. Please do your research better. You apparently just want to say that Covid is “fake news”.
@patriot If you look more closely at your first link…it was dated in September of last year!! You are REACHING for articles to prove anything for your false statement.
August 18, 2021 - 2:10 AM 2:10 AM
I get why you don’t understand even though it has been explained to you over and over.
Hospital cases are going up because people are getting sick from mainly Covid. Posting these numbers means really nothing. The reason why they post the daily updates is to inform you that if it gets bad again “Which it might” These numbers will show you that CCC might not have a ICU bed if something where to happen. Just because someone survived does NOT mean that those doctors weren’t trying to save that persons life for 10+ days. Surviving is half the battle. Living with the after effects of this virus is another story. There is NO BS on this. As I stated because. I have a close friend of the family in ICU that is not doing well. She has now been in there about 3-4 days. Many others are going through this.
It’s going to be a rough time for California if the gibbering loons get their wish and install that windbag Elder in the governor’s office.
I’m certain once the hospitals fill to capacity once again when we follow suit with Florida and Texas and decide we just don’t care about anyone’s health and safety they will find someone new to blame all of their problems on.
Kauai Mike
August 18, 2021 - 2:39 AM 2:39 AM
Well, we are back to mask wearing after a brief reprieve. And there’s talk of a third shot coming – the booster for the Delta variant. Will it end there?
August 18, 2021 - 6:35 AM 6:35 AM
Over 600k dead and the majority didn’t need to die that is a fact you can not argue. It’s not about the right or left it’s about saving lives. As long as people don’t follow guidelines we will be living with this. It’s science and not hard to figure out if you can read. You want the economy to come back let’s take care of the problem.
First off, the 600K is BS since we KNOW the vast majority died WITH the China Virus (and other comorbidities), not FROM the virus. Nevertheless, you’re right a lot of those people didn’t have to die, but DOZENS OF THOUSANDS did because governors in NY, NJ, PA, etc. forced infected patients into nursing homes…plus there’s this insane and nefarious hostility to EARLY TREATMENT with HCQ and/or Ivermectin that has proven to be effective.
“Over 600k dead and the majority didn’t need to die that is a fact you can not argue.”
“It’s science and not hard to figure out if you can read.”
“Facts you can’t argue” sounds very different than the science you purpose to love.
We have all seen and READ the data. Avg. age of death above life expectancy, and deaths heavily weighted towards the old and sick.
Economy isn’t coming back until the free money spigot runs dry, and activist, centralized control loving Democrats are purged from places like the Contra Costa county health office and the CDC.
I agree follow the science. The bedrock of science is math.
According to the rules of math 51% constitutes a majority. All we need is 51% of California voters to vote YES on the recall and your BS guidelines and science will be thrown out.
Professor Newsome’s science class is about to get cancelled.
It depends upon the scientists you listen to and if you can understand the science. Scientists don’t always agree and there are many top award winning scientists who have proven this is no pandemic and is a scam. You won’t see them on the MSM because the MSM is in on it.
Yeah, people with weak immune systems can die even from a cold and have been for years. It just wasn’t hyped back then.
This is not about the virus anyway. It’s about population reduction and the greatest crime perpetrated in the history of the human race. That’s not tin foil hat territory, it’s “paying attention” territory.
@captain show me who has PROVEN there nothing going on here. How many people must die to make it a reality. No body I know has had a bad reaction from the vaccine but I did know someone that died from covid.
Possibly JRocks but I do wonder, what are you hoping will be accomplished if that sack of crap Larry Elder is made governor? Do you think schools will go back to normal? Because… have you seen what is happening in Florida schools?
“Sack of crap” wow sounds racist to me. Crap is brown, Elder is black. Thats you being racist again chuckie. You should stop that, it’s not a good look if you want to be the morally superior democrat you keep trying to be. 🤣🤣🤣 Who am I kidding, everyone knows democrats hate black and brown people. What a joke you are.
You’ll be happy to hear 72% of blacks aren’t vaxed. Meaning they won’t be able to eat at restaurants with you without their papers.
@Snakekeeper, we have been keeping track here on this site for over a year the stats for covid including local stats. That included having to teach remedial 4th grade math for percentage calculation. Many articles have been posted too. Just because you took a break from your “confirmation bias” sources such as CNN and MSNBC to drop in and look around doesn’t mean we haven’t been posting facts here.
I heard from people who said they got the virus last year and hence have anti-bodies who don’t want to deal with the vaccines. Theoretically they don’t need the vaccine if they already have anti-bodies. At least one company, Mologic, which is a UK company that developed the inexpensive pregnancy tests you can buy at dollar stores has developed a covid antibody test they intend to make available over-the-counter also for $1 pending FDA approval. Unfortunately Gates and Soros swooped in and bought the company. What do you bet they want to keep that test off the market so these two money junkies can continue to rake massive profits on vaccines (Gates bragged about it on video last year)?
Mr. Keeper: You have several times asked people to prove something is not happening. It is difficult to prove a negative. Look up Russell’s Teapot in Wikipedia, and he gives the example that try to prove there is not a small teapot orbiting the sun in between the earth and mars. You can’t. You can’t ask people to disprove things, the burden of proof is on the ones saying something is true.
August 18, 2021 - 8:42 AM 8:42 AM
Curious, how many here have had friends that had horrible outcomes with the vax? I know a few personally, from being rushed to the ER with blood clots, and another being bedridden and multiple hospital stays for over a month. Completely healthy before the jab. Another now has an arm that is numb to the fingers still.
These are not friends of friends cousins uncles I saw on the web.
My bs and guidelines. I am not a brain washed republican or left wing sheep. The ignorance on covid is what scares me. The great thing about conspiracy theorists is they need no proof they just flow the bs out and people eat it up like candy. Just look at Florida and you will see how not to handle a pandemic. l know people don’t believe what is happening but they are just very delusional
A few months ago, TWO friends (40s/50s very good health) had strokes a couple weeks apart, and I’m sure just mere coincidence that both these people had strokes within days of getting vaccinated. After that happened I had to think, when was the last time anyone in my family/circle of friends had a stroke…couldn’t think of anyone except I think an elderly great-uncle like 25 years ago.
But yeah, perfectly normal and not weird at all that all of a sudden two fairly young and healthy people I know would have strokes, and both just days after injecting an experimental elixir into their bodies.
Last year, a neighbor under 60 had a stroke that he still hasn’t completely recovered from. Last week, he mentioned that he still hasn’t been vaccinated.
Strokes and other afflictions can have a sudden onset for no immediately obvious reason. Whatever caused my neighbor’s stroke, it sure wasn’t the vaccine.
August 18, 2021 - 11:23 AM 11:23 AM
VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences to CDC and FDA. VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem, but is especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine.
571,831 total ADVERSE EVENTS were reported to VAERS, including 12,791 DEATHS — an increase of 425 over the previous week. There were 77,490 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 7,385 compared with the previous week.
Why does the government claim that people with Covid ALWAYS die of Covid, but people that die days after the jab NEVER die from the vaccine?
For all of you that think these vaccines are safe for all – judging others – pretending there is no one being injured by these vaccines – you are being fooled. There are safety issues, despite what the government is willing to claim.. I personally know a 16 year old that is now almost paralyzed after getting the 2nd shot, and just today we found out that my son’s friends father just died from the vaccine. He was a 40 year old man – perfectly healthy – probably next to 0 chance of dying from Covid – and now he is dead. He got the shot on Friday, started feeling really bad on Saturday, was taken to the hospital, and died last night.
The government is basing it’s safety statistics on what is best for the community – not the individual. It is perfectly willing to be dishonest with the public and sacrifice a certain number of individuals. If they wanted to be honest and sincere with their claims and gain trust – then they would admit there could be problems, be upfront with who might have problems with the vaccine, and back up their claims with a vaccine injury compensation program. Right now – no one is liable for any vaccine injury for these covid vaccines.
Vaers is just a reporting system, it doesn’t mean the reports are substantiated. If I get nausea from the vaccine and report it, it counts in your adverse effect total.
Even if the death count you report is accurate, that works out to about .00008 deaths vs. number of diesel administered in the US (about 187 million). You know what produces a lot more deaths? COVID19, about 623,000.
Most people seem to be fixated on 2 outcomes from COVID, but the reality is there are many things such as long term respiratory issues, amputation, heart damage, etc.
Simple terms: 623k is more than 12k deaths, deaths are not the only thing that happens to infected people.
But I doubt you read this far.
Paragraph 1 = discrediting VAERS with theories
Paragraph 2 = ridiculous justifications for injury and death
Paragraph 3 = fear porn (amputations, heart damage, long haulers)
Paragraph 4 = fake appeal to common sense “simple terms” (because you’re not smart)
Nothing in your post is legit. It’s all manipulation tactics. There are a lot more deaths from the jab then being reported. No they are pushing it on kids. Shilling for big pharma is about the lowest you can get in life. Find a short pier, and take a long walk.
Businesses not requiring the vaccine:
The White House
Hilarious, for 30+ years VAERS has been an indispensable tool used by doctors and researchers in the development and administration of vaccines, NO ONE ever had an issue with it, to include the morons who are now so eager to jump up and say idiotic things like “it’s not verified” or “people are lying”.
FFS, look at your CDC-issued vaccine card, on there IT TELLS YOU to report adverse effects where? That’s right: VAERS, and that’s EXACTLY what not just individual “civilians” do, but also doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who are treating the “adversely-affected” patient. THOUSANDS of deaths and HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of injuries, yet we still have vaccine propagandists in healthcare, media, politics, etc. who will claim there hasn’t been a single death from one of these gene therapy “vaccines” and they’re totally safe. Frickin school-age kids have a 99.99995% survival rate IF they do happen to get China Virus, yet there’s no shortage of dip****s who want to stick them with an unproven, empirically dangerous “vaccine”.
Sam is just a troll that never substantiates any of his statements with facts. Some people are just willfully ignorant and love spreading misinformation but think they are smart. I’ve listed study after study backing up all my statements when it comes to the reality of COVID. All Sam ever does is just blabber on calling everything a lib hoax that the entire world is in on without showing one ounce of proof from any source. I’m sure the sources he will post are from youtube, fake websites, and facebook. If I’m wrong, go ahead and show me credible sources.
Pyrrhus is just a troll that never substantiates his statements with facts..
See how easy that was? Everyone here knows I have receipts for everything I post. I don’t jump through your hoops lib, joe biden is your clown not me. Cry more.
I have been saying that from the start. Sam never has proof. And the 1 time this person TRIED to act like they had proof by sending a youtube video of a so called doctor. That got debunked so hard I laughed and got a headache. No matter how much evidence you show that person. Their head is so far of their ass nothing matters to them. I tried saying the same thing you did and Sam came back with the same remark as he/she said to you. They are just sad…
Sam, You said discrediting VAERS with theories??? You have been doing fake theory after fake theory. You can’t say that about anything. Yes it is justified for injury and death. You have a lot more deaths and injuries from Covid then you do with the shots. You also say fear porn??? I’m sorry but haven’t you tried to flip the script many times about people having heart issues from the vaccine but you don’t want to say anything about how people do get heart damage and are long hauls from Covid? That is interesting. Yellowranger was wrong about 1 thing. The 623k deaths here in the US. We most likely have a lot more then that as people have died on the streets and home that were never counted. This was published by CDC and multiple other doctors.
Yes, No one doubts that people have died from vaccine. Nothing in his statement or any other statement said otherwise. People do die from side effects. That is with any vaccine/medicine. But having a ton less deaths in getting the vaccines compared to people who have died from covid. That is a small price to pay.
I really do feel sorry for your kids if you have any. It’s a shame that people like you spill this nonsense. You go off a falsehood that you read from twitter/fb or just make up in your head. I want you to go find a family member of someone who has passed from Covid and talk to them and let them tell you how it really was. Better yet, Go to any ER and ask to speak with the doctors who have had to deal with this on a daily bases and let them tell you. Because how you think. It’s just sad…
@Pete V
I think what Yellow was trying to say “Maybe I am wrong” is that you can’t trust VAERS right now on this as there were a lot of issues with the reporting. It has nothing to do with the credibility of VAERS. But until that reporting gets fixed with the data that gets sent to them.
As I stated to crazy Sam. No one is saying the Vaccines don’t come with some risk and that no one has died from the vaccines. But when you have had almost 38 million people who got covid and over 624k have died compared to over 160 million people who have been fully vaccinated with over 350 million with 1 shot with less then 20k reports of issues from the vaccine itself. 9/10 times you will be fine with the vaccine. You have a 10x higher chance dying from covid then you are to have any issue with the vaccine. That 10x is on the light side btw. The CoronaVirus “Not China Virus you racists POS” is a lot more deadly then people want to admit.
The fact checkers debunked….that speaks volumes. Thanks for playing.
There are lawsuits being filed all over the world. You won’t be able to hide the truth. What then?
I don’t think you understand what a fact checker is. It’s when people like you come up with the dumbest things to say and the real science comes back and proves it wrong.
There has been lawsuits happening for over a year and all have been thrown out. I do follow science as I won’t determine on my own what is to be true and what’s not. I let the science explain that. If things change, that is ok and I will follow the science. I am open to change.
Fact checking is an industry of politically motivated activists pretending to show unbiased factual analysis while in reality twisting and manipulating information to tell narratives. These are the same politically motivated propagandists who claimed Trump told 30 thousand lies. Sorry, that industry is as useful as mood rings.
On another subject, the NY Times in a story called “Those Anti-COVID Plastic Barriers Probably Don’t Help and May Make Things Worse” now says those plastic barriers obviously needed as advocated by scientists are actually useless. I don’t have a side on this issue except to know that there is a huge amount of lying by people pretending knowledge. Do you still wash your Safeway groceries down with a bleach solution like they told us to? The Democrats did a huge amount of damage to what should be shared knowledge by weaponizing issues. Can’t even have an intelligent conversation about global warming, but hey no mean tweets.
CDC’s survival rate by age
0-19 99.997%
20-49 99.98%
50-69 99.5%
70 + 94.6%
Not sure why we are getting constant daily updates when it’s irrelevant.
Math doesn’t lie.
Enough with the constant barrage of bs
not until you eat ze bugz
@Patriot looks like you got your info from a viral tweet…go to cdc’s website and do the fact checking yourself. What you read and decided to spew the misinformation from Twitter…shows what’s wrong with people these days. Information from ANY social media isn’t exactly true. Do some deep diving yourself and if you find this info on their website…please post a link and then we can all see. Because when I went and looked at their site it doesn’t show that. At all.
@Factcheck – Why don’t you prove me wrong with your data? Huh?
Besides, Jack Dorsey removes all misinformation from Twitter and I trust him like I’m sure you do too!
@patriot well you’re asking me to do the research for you? You sound pretty lazy. You say your info is from the CDC…with no link. Just quoting something you saw on social media. I NEVER saw anything on CDC’s website about survival rates from Covid per age or anything. So please….you want to “inform” us about these “survival rates” (which btw take YEARS of information) then prove it
@Factcheck –
Link to article explaining the CDC’s update
https://www.breitbart.com/politics /2020/09/25/cdc-data-shows-high-virus-survival-rate-99-plus-for-ages-69-and-younger-94-6-for-older/
Link to CDC data –
You must be new to Claycord and don’t know me very well. I don’t bullsh*t
@patriot I am not new on claycord. You wanted me to do YOUR research to prove you wrong. Well the only site that matters is the CDC site since you said it was a “survival rate” based on CDC reports. The CDC link you posted didn’t show any survival rates. Also…if you look more closely..it says they are “scenarios”. Giving 5 different ones that could possibly happen. Please do your research better. You apparently just want to say that Covid is “fake news”.
@patriot If you look more closely at your first link…it was dated in September of last year!! You are REACHING for articles to prove anything for your false statement.
I get why you don’t understand even though it has been explained to you over and over.
Hospital cases are going up because people are getting sick from mainly Covid. Posting these numbers means really nothing. The reason why they post the daily updates is to inform you that if it gets bad again “Which it might” These numbers will show you that CCC might not have a ICU bed if something where to happen. Just because someone survived does NOT mean that those doctors weren’t trying to save that persons life for 10+ days. Surviving is half the battle. Living with the after effects of this virus is another story. There is NO BS on this. As I stated because. I have a close friend of the family in ICU that is not doing well. She has now been in there about 3-4 days. Many others are going through this.
It’s going to be a rough time for California if the gibbering loons get their wish and install that windbag Elder in the governor’s office.
I’m certain once the hospitals fill to capacity once again when we follow suit with Florida and Texas and decide we just don’t care about anyone’s health and safety they will find someone new to blame all of their problems on.
Well, we are back to mask wearing after a brief reprieve. And there’s talk of a third shot coming – the booster for the Delta variant. Will it end there?
Over 600k dead and the majority didn’t need to die that is a fact you can not argue. It’s not about the right or left it’s about saving lives. As long as people don’t follow guidelines we will be living with this. It’s science and not hard to figure out if you can read. You want the economy to come back let’s take care of the problem.
First off, the 600K is BS since we KNOW the vast majority died WITH the China Virus (and other comorbidities), not FROM the virus. Nevertheless, you’re right a lot of those people didn’t have to die, but DOZENS OF THOUSANDS did because governors in NY, NJ, PA, etc. forced infected patients into nursing homes…plus there’s this insane and nefarious hostility to EARLY TREATMENT with HCQ and/or Ivermectin that has proven to be effective.
“Over 600k dead and the majority didn’t need to die that is a fact you can not argue.”
“It’s science and not hard to figure out if you can read.”
“Facts you can’t argue” sounds very different than the science you purpose to love.
We have all seen and READ the data. Avg. age of death above life expectancy, and deaths heavily weighted towards the old and sick.
Economy isn’t coming back until the free money spigot runs dry, and activist, centralized control loving Democrats are purged from places like the Contra Costa county health office and the CDC.
I take it you completely discredit the success of therapudics that have proven successful AND leave the immune system intact.
I agree follow the science. The bedrock of science is math.
According to the rules of math 51% constitutes a majority. All we need is 51% of California voters to vote YES on the recall and your BS guidelines and science will be thrown out.
Professor Newsome’s science class is about to get cancelled.
It depends upon the scientists you listen to and if you can understand the science. Scientists don’t always agree and there are many top award winning scientists who have proven this is no pandemic and is a scam. You won’t see them on the MSM because the MSM is in on it.
Yeah, people with weak immune systems can die even from a cold and have been for years. It just wasn’t hyped back then.
This is not about the virus anyway. It’s about population reduction and the greatest crime perpetrated in the history of the human race. That’s not tin foil hat territory, it’s “paying attention” territory.
@captain show me who has PROVEN there nothing going on here. How many people must die to make it a reality. No body I know has had a bad reaction from the vaccine but I did know someone that died from covid.
Possibly JRocks but I do wonder, what are you hoping will be accomplished if that sack of crap Larry Elder is made governor? Do you think schools will go back to normal? Because… have you seen what is happening in Florida schools?
“Sack of crap” wow sounds racist to me. Crap is brown, Elder is black. Thats you being racist again chuckie. You should stop that, it’s not a good look if you want to be the morally superior democrat you keep trying to be. 🤣🤣🤣 Who am I kidding, everyone knows democrats hate black and brown people. What a joke you are.
You’ll be happy to hear 72% of blacks aren’t vaxed. Meaning they won’t be able to eat at restaurants with you without their papers.
@Snakekeeper, we have been keeping track here on this site for over a year the stats for covid including local stats. That included having to teach remedial 4th grade math for percentage calculation. Many articles have been posted too. Just because you took a break from your “confirmation bias” sources such as CNN and MSNBC to drop in and look around doesn’t mean we haven’t been posting facts here.
I heard from people who said they got the virus last year and hence have anti-bodies who don’t want to deal with the vaccines. Theoretically they don’t need the vaccine if they already have anti-bodies. At least one company, Mologic, which is a UK company that developed the inexpensive pregnancy tests you can buy at dollar stores has developed a covid antibody test they intend to make available over-the-counter also for $1 pending FDA approval. Unfortunately Gates and Soros swooped in and bought the company. What do you bet they want to keep that test off the market so these two money junkies can continue to rake massive profits on vaccines (Gates bragged about it on video last year)?
Captain fyi I have not watched cnn MSNBC fox or any other news for years. I am still waiting for proof!
Mr. Keeper: You have several times asked people to prove something is not happening. It is difficult to prove a negative. Look up Russell’s Teapot in Wikipedia, and he gives the example that try to prove there is not a small teapot orbiting the sun in between the earth and mars. You can’t. You can’t ask people to disprove things, the burden of proof is on the ones saying something is true.
Curious, how many here have had friends that had horrible outcomes with the vax? I know a few personally, from being rushed to the ER with blood clots, and another being bedridden and multiple hospital stays for over a month. Completely healthy before the jab. Another now has an arm that is numb to the fingers still.
These are not friends of friends cousins uncles I saw on the web.
My bs and guidelines. I am not a brain washed republican or left wing sheep. The ignorance on covid is what scares me. The great thing about conspiracy theorists is they need no proof they just flow the bs out and people eat it up like candy. Just look at Florida and you will see how not to handle a pandemic. l know people don’t believe what is happening but they are just very delusional
A few months ago, TWO friends (40s/50s very good health) had strokes a couple weeks apart, and I’m sure just mere coincidence that both these people had strokes within days of getting vaccinated. After that happened I had to think, when was the last time anyone in my family/circle of friends had a stroke…couldn’t think of anyone except I think an elderly great-uncle like 25 years ago.
But yeah, perfectly normal and not weird at all that all of a sudden two fairly young and healthy people I know would have strokes, and both just days after injecting an experimental elixir into their bodies.
Last year, a neighbor under 60 had a stroke that he still hasn’t completely recovered from. Last week, he mentioned that he still hasn’t been vaccinated.
Strokes and other afflictions can have a sudden onset for no immediately obvious reason. Whatever caused my neighbor’s stroke, it sure wasn’t the vaccine.
VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences to CDC and FDA. VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem, but is especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine.
Source https://vaers.hhs.gov/about.html
VAERS is indeed a passive reporting system.
And once again, the people who are pushing their “narrative” are unable to comprehend what VAERS actually is and how it was designed.
Meanwhile, the Religious Right continue to chant “My Body! My Choice!”
Oh the irony.