So there is a difference in having Covid immunity to vaccine immunity. From the data that showed. Recovering from Covid is a lower version of immunity and might last anywhere from 5-7 months. But there was no data that showed what % you start out with because it’s based on the person and their body. As for the Vaccine data. That showed that it can last a lot longer even though it does go down. But the natural immunity can go away in a half a year.
thats complete bs natural immunity is much better and there is nothing showing natural immunity only lasting half a year so far people who have had it and got better have not got it again…
Simple look up and you can find it. Not that hard… And yes, There have been a number of reports that people who got Covid once have gotten it again. Even a few cases people got it 3x.
Original G
August 14, 2021 - 2:20 PM 2:20 PM
Since vaccination cards are being counterfeited will government issue and require display at all times on your person a colored geometric shaped pieces of fabric?????
Please don’t compare being anti-science and anti-vaccine as the same plight that befell those murdered by the Nazis. You really are making light of all those lost souls, how disgusting.
It’s actually a solid analogy. Hitler didn’t get elected on Monday and then start throwing people into ovens on Friday. It was a buildup of many small things turning into larger ones. Vaccination cards are being used to identify people of being in a particular class and therefore different from the rest of society.
This is simply a more modern version of that (and defining you as a preferred class of people, instead of as an undesirable). Carrot or stick, it’s still the government coercing citizens into defining and somewhat isolating others on the basis of being part of one group of law abiding citizens or another.
– Matt – “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.” is the first sentence of the Nuremburg Code – an internationally recognized code of medical ethics, created in the response to the Nazi’s atrocities.
Both vaccine mandates and even the PCR test (also an experimental treatment) are in direct violation with this code. And you don’t think there is analogy to be made?
And no, a corrupted FDA rushing approval of the vaccine – a process which often takes a decade, will not make these mandates magically ethical.
@Bob (above).
Unvaccinated persons are being marginalized under the guise of “public safety”.
In my opinion, the unvaccinated are on their own… vaccines are available. Don’t want one? Don’t get one… it’s your decision and exercise of personal liberty.
We could compare it to showing proof that you are over 21 to buy alcohol.
We could compare it to showing a drivers’ license to be allowed to drive a car.
…showing you birth certificate to getting a passport.
Mostly because of liars out there trying to get into Hawaii without quarantining or infecting others at a concert or even in schools.
I am still astounded a mother knowingly sent her infected child to school.
SB239 downgrades intentional HIV infection from felony to misdemeanor
SB145: reduces penalties for oral or anal sex with a willing minor child if the sex offender is within ten years of the age of the victim
A 20 year old can anally penetrate a 10 year old and get off with a slap on the wrist. But don’t you dare not wear a mask or inject yourself with experimental gene therapy…
Chuckle, I sure hope at this point in your life you know that AIDS is not a respiratory disease, nor is it transmitted through the air.
Googlar, those are some nice, broad, completely wrong takes on those laws. SB239 was in acted to take away the fear of getting tested for HIV. You see, prior to this HIV positive individuals could claim ignorance if they just never got tested. SB239 made it so HIV positive people could still practice safe sex without fear of a felony. SB145 was put into effect to stop the felony conviction of people in a loving, consensual relationship. It did not automatically reduce the penalty but instead gave the judge the power to determine what, if any, sentence was given.
I know both of you simply chose diseases and laws aimed towards homosexuals because that’s the low hanging MAGA fruit, but at least put a little effort and don’t be so openly hateful.
Here is another Must Watch 9 minute video of a bunch of Doctors discussing the horrible future repercussions they expect to be felt from the vaccines! Very hard to dispute these predictions when you really understand how this mNRA jab moves around in everyone’s body, and what will eventually happen to the vascular sections of your heart, lungs and brain. Very, Very Scary. Please give it a view and comment.
I haven’t been to scumbag SF in 20 years and this stupid mandate seals the no go there ever again (not that I could foresee ever going anyway).
Looks like bogus vaccination cards are going to be worth a lot of money in the future..oops now..
And of course you can’t ask for any identification to vote in the crazy liberals world. Because after all some people groups don’t have ID, they say. But somehow they will have covid cards and ID for that? Just not to vote. You crazy hypocrites!
August 14, 2021 - 4:00 PM 4:00 PM
Congratulations libs, you have turned into “literal nazis”
This is what happens when you let social media raise your children and let your public school system teach them “history”.
democrats have destroyed our country. It has become glaringly obvious in the last 6 months what their agenda is. Hitler would be envious of what you have achieved.
Oh dear oh my! Hitler would have loved this? I think only if Tweetalini were back in office. At least California has their Covid act together. Do you really want to think that having mandates is a threat to our freedom? No I think you have it backwards!! Our freedom is when we don’t have lockdowns, our hospitals are not full, and the businesses can function. If people refuse to get vaccinated they will definitely create more chaos and your home will be your prison once more. The Covid pandemic has nothing to do with politics.
August 14, 2021 - 4:06 PM 4:06 PM
Remember when they stopped allowing smoking in bars because woke people complained about second hand smoke and potential health hazards?
This sounds similar.
I should be allowed to assess these risks as I please.
Well, unlike CVOID, smoking actually does pose a risk to others. And it’s gross… so, you can keep that to yourself. Unlike a virus that everyone will get, smoking is not natural.
Bad analogy, second hand smoke kills and is utterly disgusting besides. You people belong outside. If you still smoke, switch to vaporizing, then you will find it easy to quit altogether after a year or two of using e-cigarettes if my friends are any indication.
August 14, 2021 - 4:17 PM 4:17 PM
I walk into a restaurant…
Hi, table for one, please.
Sure, and your name.
Great. And do you have your vaccination cards?
I do….Can you tell me who my server will be?
Um, looks like Brad will be your server tonight.
Great. Can you show me Brad’s vaccination card?
And also, can you provide me with proof that Brad is not a carrier of HIV, Hepatitis A or B, or any other communicable diseases?
Also, i would prefer not to be served by someone who is on or uses recreational drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, meth, fentanyl, etc, so if you could provide me with Brad’s most recent tox screen, that would be great.
Um… Let me get the manager for you.
That would be great, thanks.
Captain Bebops
August 14, 2021 - 4:25 PM 4:25 PM
In other places in the country and the world where they have tried this many of the vaccinated, appalled by such mandates, boycotted restaurants and bars that participated in the mandate. This will not be a win for businesses. We do no accept a two tier society over a questionable vaccine and questionable pandemic.
But in SF, they will celebrate being Nazis. They are trying to attract like-minded morons.
August 14, 2021 - 4:26 PM 4:26 PM
The blue state Democrat mayors and governors have been given instructions to push the envelope on authoritarian tactics and mandates from their patrons Wall Street and London billionaires who are the architects of the Great Reset plan which may or may not be fulfilled in US depending on how much public resistance is given to it and whether the military class will cooperate
Same going on in all Anglo Saxon countries
Sydney is a dystopia and all in and out travel currently banned
That loon PM in NZ is trying to go for “zero cases”
These 2 plus Canada are actually constitutional monarchy not republics
They are part of the British Royal Crown Dominion
They do not have the Bill of Rights that US has and have few legal remedies
Eastbay Babe
August 14, 2021 - 4:29 PM 4:29 PM
What is next? Body Condoms to get the full protection?
Isn’t this going to discriminate against poor black people who can’t get a vaccination card, or something like that?
August 14, 2021 - 4:59 PM 4:59 PM
What a joke
August 14, 2021 - 5:19 PM 5:19 PM
A lot of people who are illegally crossing the border have Covid. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton noted that they are being dropped off all over the country. Dallas police officers watched a couple of buses unload people in in the middle of the night. They just disappeared.
Sancho Panza
August 14, 2021 - 5:25 PM 5:25 PM
Do these elected officials ever think about consequences? I foresee ‘paladares’ which are small, private restaurants(think Cuba) popping up, speakeasies from prohibition era, private gyms in peoples homes…all no papers required and a booming underground economy!
Hayden Barsotti
August 14, 2021 - 5:35 PM 5:35 PM
Can’t wait for a party of 6 or 8 that have reservations and then one person doesn’t have the card or never got the shot. Have a nice dinner.
bathroom person
August 14, 2021 - 6:20 PM 6:20 PM
Ban them from the grocery store if no proof of vaccine.
You lefties are funny. I’ll raise my own cattle and grow my own food. You ain’t gonna stop nobody from eating. Just remember when the truckers strike because they won’t take the shot, your trader joe’s and safeway won’t have your soy products. You will be the ones starving when the time comes. We have all the firearms and all the training to use them. You ain’t getting food trying to trade your hormone blockers or your purple hair dye. Cry more lib
August 14, 2021 - 6:38 PM 6:38 PM
How are they going to implement this rule with illegal immigrants? It’s my understanding that immigrants are required to carry proof of their immigration status at all times and provide it to any law or immigration enforcement officer upon request, but we know that law is written but never enforced. Probably they will get a free pass as usual.
Seems to me that many small businesses are going to be negatively impacted by this new mandate.
August 14, 2021 - 7:09 PM 7:09 PM
Man,SF sucks! I am going stay here and support local business in this tough time
little rant
August 14, 2021 - 7:22 PM 7:22 PM
they want to mandate proof of vaccination to go to a public place,,,,yet they scream foul when asked to show proof of ID to vote….wow
Now I know this will be a little tiny bit hard to comprehend for your pea sized brain…
NONE of those places listed are public places. Every single one is private property of the business owner. Just like our home lots are the private property of yourself.
Private properties that are governed.. by… wait … for .. it… the state.
Businesses that are regulated by… hold your britches… the government.
Ah crude… JARED! get in here, he soiled his diaper again!
August 14, 2021 - 7:44 PM 7:44 PM
Me: I think I finally have all the reasons to not patronize San Francisco
San Francisco: Hold my beer and watch this.
August 14, 2021 - 8:10 PM 8:10 PM
From the folks who claim voter ID is racist….
August 14, 2021 - 8:14 PM 8:14 PM
I see a lot of comments here from the local community that are not in favor of these policies. I hope those who have voiced concern here are willing to voice their opinions in open public if/when the time comes.
A little poem that has always resonated with me.
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
Food for thought for those who might not wish to speak.
Please don’t compare your anti-science stance to the actual extermination of millions of people. I know you don’t mean to be hurtful, but it is very dismissive of those lives lost.
I’m amazed to see such misconception and ignorance. This poem is based on a confession of a Lutheran minister and what took place during nazi germany.
The point is that while some might not agree if we simply let each dismissed group get taken away eventually they will come for you and no one will be there to help.
Hopefully the poem excites emotion. That’s the whole point.
Dismissing the value of life lost? That’s a stretch and I honestly believe you don’t even believe that statement.
The Pastor’s name was Martin Niemoeller, and he spend 8 years in 2 concentration camps, from 1938 until the 1945 when the Nazi regime ended. He had earlier in his life being a supporter of the government and perhaps harbored some anti Semitic views, which he never denied. However, his views changed after being imprisoned and he felt he had not spoken out early enough, thus he came up with the above poem;
You people who don’t know history are the reason we are repeating it. Your vaccine is useless. This is a nazi takeover. I have been here saying it for a year and a half. Refuse the mask, refuse the vaccine, take control of the situation before its to late.
August 15, 2021 - 12:37 AM 12:37 AM
It’s so easy, and why do idiots want to FIGHT SO HARD AGAINST IT.
1. Get vaccinated
2. Wear a mask for the kids under 12, your neighbors who the vaccine isn’t so impressive with result. Compromised immune system within their body. Do it for them.
3. When your community has an outbreak, pull your family back and stay home for a bit.
4. Our nurses, docs and healthcare individuals are under extreme stress and duress. They are breaking…do you give a crap about them. I DO!!!
Here is another Must Watch 9 minute video of a bunch of Doctors discussing the horrible future repercussions they expect to be felt from the vaccines! Very hard to dispute these predictions when you really understand how this mNRA jab moves around in everyone’s body, and what will eventually happen to the vascular sections of your heart, lungs and brain. Very, Very Scary. Please give it a view and comment.
I don’t see this having much of an impact on San Francisco considering the type of people that go there some but not much. COVID-19 is on its last leg I believe. Between the vaccinated and the fast spread of Delta we should reach herd immunity fairly soon. Much like the UK the United States is about 6 to 8 weeks behind them and Delta just burned it’s self out. I believe much the same will happen here. Just a matter of time.
August 15, 2021 - 7:07 AM 7:07 AM
European tourist can get covid test and board the plane to visit SF, but will not be able to eat at the restaurants? On another hand my vaccination card has my name and date of birth and at the end of the dinner they will have my credit card, expiration date and 3 digit code….
Captain Bebops
August 15, 2021 - 9:31 AM 9:31 AM
I see there were protests yesterday in Los Angeles where they are proposing vaccine passports to shop for groceries. That’s when the gloves come off.
August 15, 2021 - 12:09 PM 12:09 PM
And this is where the Libs start feeding on each other.
Butter on my popcorn please.
August 15, 2021 - 12:24 PM 12:24 PM
I just saw a woman peddling fake vaccination cards outside of a grocery store. She had a handful and was gone in 5 mins probably to another location. I looked at one and looked legit to me in fact looked exactly correct.
August 15, 2021 - 1:17 PM 1:17 PM
Think about it, come to your own conclusions.
A very interesting look at data…These numbers are very interesting.
As reported by the CDC…Here are the US deaths by year and the change from the previous year.
Year 2017: 2,818,503 Americans died.
Year 2018: 2,839,205 deaths (20,702 more than the previous year 2017)
Year 2019: 2,855,000 deaths (16,300 more than the previous year 2018)
***The year of the pandemic . . .
Year 2020: 2,913,144 deaths (57,641 more than the previous year 2019)
BUT WAIT: There were zero deaths from Covid-19 during 2018, and 2019 and the jump from 2019 was only 57,641?
We’ve been told that COVID is responsible now for 600,000 deaths.
Shouldn’t the 2020 number be a LOT higher?
So the question becomes: How many people died of COVID and how many died of OTHER causes and also had COVID?
Now read below; numbers don’t lie – food for thought:
A very well -orchestrated plan, or an unimaginable set of events that just fell into place with the United States front and center. You tell me!
Scare people with a virus; force them to wear masks and place them in quarantine.
Count the number of dead every second of every day, in every news headline.
*** By the way, ninety-nine and eight-tenths of the people who get the virus, recover.
About one to two tenths of one percent who get the virus, die. Most all of them have other medical problems.
*** Did you catch that? Less than 1/2 of a percent die.
Close businesses – 35,000,000 instantly unemployed.
Remove entertainment and prohibit recreation, close parks, gyms, bars, restaurants, sports.
No dating. No touching. Isolate people. Dehumanize them.
Close temples and churches – prohibit worship.
Create a vacuum and let depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and desperation set in.
Then… ignite hatred and civil unrest, creating Civil War.
Empty the prisons because of the virus and fill the streets with criminals.
Send in Antifa and BLM to vandalize property, as if they are freedom fighters.
***Undermine the law.
Riot, loot and attack all law enforcement, but tell government to order a stand-down.
Then.. Defund law enforcement and abolish police.
We are all being played by those who want to destroy America!
This is how you destroy a nation from within, and in very short order.
Will it work? I guess that depends on you and me.
Most of those numbers you state above are BS. How or actually where you copied all that from was a BS information site with BS numbers. Funny how the uneducated dumbos out there believe the crap like you posted.
Bdpirate –
Thanks for providing all those irrefutable facts to verify your claim.
Ever heard of Ron White, he speaks of you often. Based on what I’ve read in your comments, it’s surprising you can spell BS correctly.
Please feel free to post your irrefutable facts, maybe you can restore some of your dignity.
August 15, 2021 - 1:32 PM 1:32 PM
I just found a document that says all of our restrictions have been lifted, and were all free.
It’s dated 1776.
August 15, 2021 - 1:48 PM 1:48 PM
PLEASE, see my post above, and watch the 9 minute video I attached.
Here is another Must Watch 9 minute video of a bunch of Doctors discussing the horrible future repercussions they expect to be felt from the vaccines! Very hard to dispute these predictions when you really understand how this mNRA jab moves around in everyone’s body, and what will eventually happen to the vascular sections of your heart, lungs and brain. Very, Very Scary. Please give it a view and comment.
Well Bdpirate, do you even understand the science these doctors are discussing? Do you even remember anything you learned in biology class? It’s not BS and has been examined and discussed elsewhere. Or maybe you think medicine is all just magic?
Do tell what reactions are lots of people having? Go ahead start listing them..BS been following you know who’s posts, media crap and all the sheep…
Concord Guy
August 15, 2021 - 1:50 PM 1:50 PM
Excellent news. The unvaccinated are perpetuating the pandemic. Municipalities are now having to step up to compel vaccinations as well as mask wearing.
Next: Domestic airlines need to mandate vaccinations in order to fly.
We can’t sue the makers’ of the vaccines, should there be side-effects, and there are people who think vaccinations should be the law, for all. WTF?
August 16, 2021 - 4:03 AM 4:03 AM
I authorize never going anywhere near that city full of dumb Libs
(Don’t tell anyone that I was there Saturday)
August 16, 2021 - 1:10 PM 1:10 PM
It’s long past time for Biden to resign in disgrace for what he allowed to happen in Afghanistan, the covid surge, the border catastrophe, the intentional destruction of our energy independence, our crippled economy, his support of the riots and destruction of our cities, de-funding our police, and touching the little girls.
On the positive side, he doesn’t post mean tweets. Or any tweets at all because he doesn’t know how.
So people who have had Covid and have immunity are still mandated to get a vaccine.
So there is a difference in having Covid immunity to vaccine immunity. From the data that showed. Recovering from Covid is a lower version of immunity and might last anywhere from 5-7 months. But there was no data that showed what % you start out with because it’s based on the person and their body. As for the Vaccine data. That showed that it can last a lot longer even though it does go down. But the natural immunity can go away in a half a year.
thats complete bs natural immunity is much better and there is nothing showing natural immunity only lasting half a year so far people who have had it and got better have not got it again…
Simple look up and you can find it. Not that hard… And yes, There have been a number of reports that people who got Covid once have gotten it again. Even a few cases people got it 3x.
Since vaccination cards are being counterfeited will government issue and require display at all times on your person a colored geometric shaped pieces of fabric?????
Please don’t compare being anti-science and anti-vaccine as the same plight that befell those murdered by the Nazis. You really are making light of all those lost souls, how disgusting.
So Matt, what should we compare it to?
Some companies have already suggested having an area of their business for vaccinates and unvaccinated. These are big names in Biotech ….
Other suggestions have been to change badge color.
One company has already given electronic ‘patches’ to those who are vaccinated ….
Some places, the San Francisco Cess Pool, want you to provide papers before making entry.
Hmmm, you don’t like the comparison, it if the shoe fits, then wear it.
It’s actually a solid analogy. Hitler didn’t get elected on Monday and then start throwing people into ovens on Friday. It was a buildup of many small things turning into larger ones. Vaccination cards are being used to identify people of being in a particular class and therefore different from the rest of society.
This is simply a more modern version of that (and defining you as a preferred class of people, instead of as an undesirable). Carrot or stick, it’s still the government coercing citizens into defining and somewhat isolating others on the basis of being part of one group of law abiding citizens or another.
– Matt – “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.” is the first sentence of the Nuremburg Code – an internationally recognized code of medical ethics, created in the response to the Nazi’s atrocities.
Both vaccine mandates and even the PCR test (also an experimental treatment) are in direct violation with this code. And you don’t think there is analogy to be made?
And no, a corrupted FDA rushing approval of the vaccine – a process which often takes a decade, will not make these mandates magically ethical.
@Bob (above).
Unvaccinated persons are being marginalized under the guise of “public safety”.
In my opinion, the unvaccinated are on their own… vaccines are available. Don’t want one? Don’t get one… it’s your decision and exercise of personal liberty.
We could compare it to showing proof that you are over 21 to buy alcohol.
We could compare it to showing a drivers’ license to be allowed to drive a car.
…showing you birth certificate to getting a passport.
Mostly because of liars out there trying to get into Hawaii without quarantining or infecting others at a concert or even in schools.
I am still astounded a mother knowingly sent her infected child to school.
Just like showing an I D to vote . Right Doh ?
from the city that gave us gavin newsom, what a shock
Will they demand proof that people don’t have AIDS?
Of course not, that’d be an invasion of privacy and violating someone’s rights! Oh….wait….
(Just another example of the lefty liberals hypocrisy!)
SB239 downgrades intentional HIV infection from felony to misdemeanor
SB145: reduces penalties for oral or anal sex with a willing minor child if the sex offender is within ten years of the age of the victim
A 20 year old can anally penetrate a 10 year old and get off with a slap on the wrist. But don’t you dare not wear a mask or inject yourself with experimental gene therapy…
Guess who’s behind both bills…
Chuckle, I sure hope at this point in your life you know that AIDS is not a respiratory disease, nor is it transmitted through the air.
Googlar, those are some nice, broad, completely wrong takes on those laws. SB239 was in acted to take away the fear of getting tested for HIV. You see, prior to this HIV positive individuals could claim ignorance if they just never got tested. SB239 made it so HIV positive people could still practice safe sex without fear of a felony. SB145 was put into effect to stop the felony conviction of people in a loving, consensual relationship. It did not automatically reduce the penalty but instead gave the judge the power to determine what, if any, sentence was given.
I know both of you simply chose diseases and laws aimed towards homosexuals because that’s the low hanging MAGA fruit, but at least put a little effort and don’t be so openly hateful.
I was behind that scam too!
Not surprised. It’s a liberal bastion.
What happened to chants of “My body, my choice.”?
Here is another Must Watch 9 minute video of a bunch of Doctors discussing the horrible future repercussions they expect to be felt from the vaccines! Very hard to dispute these predictions when you really understand how this mNRA jab moves around in everyone’s body, and what will eventually happen to the vascular sections of your heart, lungs and brain. Very, Very Scary. Please give it a view and comment.
I haven’t been to scumbag SF in 20 years and this stupid mandate seals the no go there ever again (not that I could foresee ever going anyway).
Looks like bogus vaccination cards are going to be worth a lot of money in the future..oops now..
Just mail me the jab and registration card to prove I’ve had it. This is how we vote now, so it must be trustworthy.
Another good reason not to visit San Francisco.
It will be great for their tourism industry. lol
The last time I went to SF was 2017. I go to sight-see and don’t spend any money. I pack a lunch and bring drinks and we eat in the car or in a park.
I won’t support that city financially.
They get me for a bridge toll and nothing more.
The last time I had dinner there was 1997.
Perhaps you prefer Florida or Mississippi where there are no mandates!
Personally I love being in places that insist on Covid mandates.
So they mandate you show papers to enter a private establishment. No documents required to take a dump in the street.
Strange city…
And of course you can’t ask for any identification to vote in the crazy liberals world. Because after all some people groups don’t have ID, they say. But somehow they will have covid cards and ID for that? Just not to vote. You crazy hypocrites!
Congratulations libs, you have turned into “literal nazis”
This is what happens when you let social media raise your children and let your public school system teach them “history”.
democrats have destroyed our country. It has become glaringly obvious in the last 6 months what their agenda is. Hitler would be envious of what you have achieved.
Oh dear oh my! Hitler would have loved this? I think only if Tweetalini were back in office. At least California has their Covid act together. Do you really want to think that having mandates is a threat to our freedom? No I think you have it backwards!! Our freedom is when we don’t have lockdowns, our hospitals are not full, and the businesses can function. If people refuse to get vaccinated they will definitely create more chaos and your home will be your prison once more. The Covid pandemic has nothing to do with politics.
Remember when they stopped allowing smoking in bars because woke people complained about second hand smoke and potential health hazards?
This sounds similar.
I should be allowed to assess these risks as I please.
Well, unlike CVOID, smoking actually does pose a risk to others. And it’s gross… so, you can keep that to yourself. Unlike a virus that everyone will get, smoking is not natural.
Bad analogy, second hand smoke kills and is utterly disgusting besides. You people belong outside. If you still smoke, switch to vaporizing, then you will find it easy to quit altogether after a year or two of using e-cigarettes if my friends are any indication.
I walk into a restaurant…
Hi, table for one, please.
Sure, and your name.
Great. And do you have your vaccination cards?
I do….Can you tell me who my server will be?
Um, looks like Brad will be your server tonight.
Great. Can you show me Brad’s vaccination card?
And also, can you provide me with proof that Brad is not a carrier of HIV, Hepatitis A or B, or any other communicable diseases?
Also, i would prefer not to be served by someone who is on or uses recreational drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, meth, fentanyl, etc, so if you could provide me with Brad’s most recent tox screen, that would be great.
Um… Let me get the manager for you.
That would be great, thanks.
In other places in the country and the world where they have tried this many of the vaccinated, appalled by such mandates, boycotted restaurants and bars that participated in the mandate. This will not be a win for businesses. We do no accept a two tier society over a questionable vaccine and questionable pandemic.
But in SF, they will celebrate being Nazis. They are trying to attract like-minded morons.
The blue state Democrat mayors and governors have been given instructions to push the envelope on authoritarian tactics and mandates from their patrons Wall Street and London billionaires who are the architects of the Great Reset plan which may or may not be fulfilled in US depending on how much public resistance is given to it and whether the military class will cooperate
Same going on in all Anglo Saxon countries
Sydney is a dystopia and all in and out travel currently banned
That loon PM in NZ is trying to go for “zero cases”
These 2 plus Canada are actually constitutional monarchy not republics
They are part of the British Royal Crown Dominion
They do not have the Bill of Rights that US has and have few legal remedies
What is next? Body Condoms to get the full protection?
Isn’t this going to discriminate against poor black people who can’t get a vaccination card, or something like that?
What a joke
A lot of people who are illegally crossing the border have Covid. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton noted that they are being dropped off all over the country. Dallas police officers watched a couple of buses unload people in in the middle of the night. They just disappeared.
Do these elected officials ever think about consequences? I foresee ‘paladares’ which are small, private restaurants(think Cuba) popping up, speakeasies from prohibition era, private gyms in peoples homes…all no papers required and a booming underground economy!
Can’t wait for a party of 6 or 8 that have reservations and then one person doesn’t have the card or never got the shot. Have a nice dinner.
Ban them from the grocery store if no proof of vaccine.
You lefties are funny. I’ll raise my own cattle and grow my own food. You ain’t gonna stop nobody from eating. Just remember when the truckers strike because they won’t take the shot, your trader joe’s and safeway won’t have your soy products. You will be the ones starving when the time comes. We have all the firearms and all the training to use them. You ain’t getting food trying to trade your hormone blockers or your purple hair dye. Cry more lib
How are they going to implement this rule with illegal immigrants? It’s my understanding that immigrants are required to carry proof of their immigration status at all times and provide it to any law or immigration enforcement officer upon request, but we know that law is written but never enforced. Probably they will get a free pass as usual.
Seems to me that many small businesses are going to be negatively impacted by this new mandate.
Man,SF sucks! I am going stay here and support local business in this tough time
they want to mandate proof of vaccination to go to a public place,,,,yet they scream foul when asked to show proof of ID to vote….wow
Now I know this will be a little tiny bit hard to comprehend for your pea sized brain…
NONE of those places listed are public places. Every single one is private property of the business owner. Just like our home lots are the private property of yourself.
Private properties that are governed.. by… wait … for .. it… the state.
Businesses that are regulated by… hold your britches… the government.
Ah crude… JARED! get in here, he soiled his diaper again!
Me: I think I finally have all the reasons to not patronize San Francisco
San Francisco: Hold my beer and watch this.
From the folks who claim voter ID is racist….
I see a lot of comments here from the local community that are not in favor of these policies. I hope those who have voiced concern here are willing to voice their opinions in open public if/when the time comes.
A little poem that has always resonated with me.
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
Food for thought for those who might not wish to speak.
Communists, socialists, and trade unions are a cancer upon this nations.
They could disappear along with Antifa and BLM and we would all be better off.
I like how you throw Jews in there. Well, I guess to some, communism, socialism and trade unions are their religion..
Please don’t compare your anti-science stance to the actual extermination of millions of people. I know you don’t mean to be hurtful, but it is very dismissive of those lives lost.
I’m amazed to see such misconception and ignorance. This poem is based on a confession of a Lutheran minister and what took place during nazi germany.
The point is that while some might not agree if we simply let each dismissed group get taken away eventually they will come for you and no one will be there to help.
Hopefully the poem excites emotion. That’s the whole point.
Dismissing the value of life lost? That’s a stretch and I honestly believe you don’t even believe that statement.
– Matt – The Nazis quarantined the Jews in ghettos. The NAZI signs warned the public of a PANDEMIC – that the JEWS were “CONTAGIOUS”.
It was only after the Jews had been removed from society that they could be moved into the concentration camps and killed by the millions.
The Holocaust Museums were built so people would never forget.
Have you forgotten, or merely denied?
The Pastor’s name was Martin Niemoeller, and he spend 8 years in 2 concentration camps, from 1938 until the 1945 when the Nazi regime ended. He had earlier in his life being a supporter of the government and perhaps harbored some anti Semitic views, which he never denied. However, his views changed after being imprisoned and he felt he had not spoken out early enough, thus he came up with the above poem;
You people who don’t know history are the reason we are repeating it. Your vaccine is useless. This is a nazi takeover. I have been here saying it for a year and a half. Refuse the mask, refuse the vaccine, take control of the situation before its to late.
It’s so easy, and why do idiots want to FIGHT SO HARD AGAINST IT.
1. Get vaccinated
2. Wear a mask for the kids under 12, your neighbors who the vaccine isn’t so impressive with result. Compromised immune system within their body. Do it for them.
3. When your community has an outbreak, pull your family back and stay home for a bit.
4. Our nurses, docs and healthcare individuals are under extreme stress and duress. They are breaking…do you give a crap about them. I DO!!!
‘The spike protein in Vaccines can …’
Here is another Must Watch 9 minute video of a bunch of Doctors discussing the horrible future repercussions they expect to be felt from the vaccines! Very hard to dispute these predictions when you really understand how this mNRA jab moves around in everyone’s body, and what will eventually happen to the vascular sections of your heart, lungs and brain. Very, Very Scary. Please give it a view and comment.
I don’t see this having much of an impact on San Francisco considering the type of people that go there some but not much. COVID-19 is on its last leg I believe. Between the vaccinated and the fast spread of Delta we should reach herd immunity fairly soon. Much like the UK the United States is about 6 to 8 weeks behind them and Delta just burned it’s self out. I believe much the same will happen here. Just a matter of time.
European tourist can get covid test and board the plane to visit SF, but will not be able to eat at the restaurants? On another hand my vaccination card has my name and date of birth and at the end of the dinner they will have my credit card, expiration date and 3 digit code….
I see there were protests yesterday in Los Angeles where they are proposing vaccine passports to shop for groceries. That’s when the gloves come off.
And this is where the Libs start feeding on each other.
Butter on my popcorn please.
I just saw a woman peddling fake vaccination cards outside of a grocery store. She had a handful and was gone in 5 mins probably to another location. I looked at one and looked legit to me in fact looked exactly correct.
Think about it, come to your own conclusions.
A very interesting look at data…These numbers are very interesting.
As reported by the CDC…Here are the US deaths by year and the change from the previous year.
Year 2017: 2,818,503 Americans died.
Year 2018: 2,839,205 deaths (20,702 more than the previous year 2017)
Year 2019: 2,855,000 deaths (16,300 more than the previous year 2018)
***The year of the pandemic . . .
Year 2020: 2,913,144 deaths (57,641 more than the previous year 2019)
BUT WAIT: There were zero deaths from Covid-19 during 2018, and 2019 and the jump from 2019 was only 57,641?
We’ve been told that COVID is responsible now for 600,000 deaths.
Shouldn’t the 2020 number be a LOT higher?
So the question becomes: How many people died of COVID and how many died of OTHER causes and also had COVID?
Now read below; numbers don’t lie – food for thought:
A very well -orchestrated plan, or an unimaginable set of events that just fell into place with the United States front and center. You tell me!
Scare people with a virus; force them to wear masks and place them in quarantine.
Count the number of dead every second of every day, in every news headline.
*** By the way, ninety-nine and eight-tenths of the people who get the virus, recover.
About one to two tenths of one percent who get the virus, die. Most all of them have other medical problems.
*** Did you catch that? Less than 1/2 of a percent die.
Close businesses – 35,000,000 instantly unemployed.
Remove entertainment and prohibit recreation, close parks, gyms, bars, restaurants, sports.
No dating. No touching. Isolate people. Dehumanize them.
Close temples and churches – prohibit worship.
Create a vacuum and let depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and desperation set in.
Then… ignite hatred and civil unrest, creating Civil War.
Empty the prisons because of the virus and fill the streets with criminals.
Send in Antifa and BLM to vandalize property, as if they are freedom fighters.
***Undermine the law.
Riot, loot and attack all law enforcement, but tell government to order a stand-down.
Then.. Defund law enforcement and abolish police.
We are all being played by those who want to destroy America!
This is how you destroy a nation from within, and in very short order.
Will it work? I guess that depends on you and me.
Most of those numbers you state above are BS. How or actually where you copied all that from was a BS information site with BS numbers. Funny how the uneducated dumbos out there believe the crap like you posted.
Bdpirate –
Thanks for providing all those irrefutable facts to verify your claim.
Ever heard of Ron White, he speaks of you often. Based on what I’ve read in your comments, it’s surprising you can spell BS correctly.
Please feel free to post your irrefutable facts, maybe you can restore some of your dignity.
I just found a document that says all of our restrictions have been lifted, and were all free.
It’s dated 1776.
PLEASE, see my post above, and watch the 9 minute video I attached.
Here is another Must Watch 9 minute video of a bunch of Doctors discussing the horrible future repercussions they expect to be felt from the vaccines! Very hard to dispute these predictions when you really understand how this mNRA jab moves around in everyone’s body, and what will eventually happen to the vascular sections of your heart, lungs and brain. Very, Very Scary. Please give it a view and comment.
It’s very easy to dispute these predictions when
a bunch of doctors no one has ever heard of spout off BS..
Well Bdpirate, do you even understand the science these doctors are discussing? Do you even remember anything you learned in biology class? It’s not BS and has been examined and discussed elsewhere. Or maybe you think medicine is all just magic?
Great video! Glad I decided to wait just a bit to see if it was safe because as it turns out, lots of people are having weird reactions.
It’s still BS…but if you wanna believe it go for it, you’re one of those types born everyday..ya know you’ve heard the cliche..
Do tell what reactions are lots of people having? Go ahead start listing them..BS been following you know who’s posts, media crap and all the sheep…
Excellent news. The unvaccinated are perpetuating the pandemic. Municipalities are now having to step up to compel vaccinations as well as mask wearing.
Next: Domestic airlines need to mandate vaccinations in order to fly.
Hey C GUY ….. check out that Link that’s above your post. Hard to dispute those stats and the conclusion.
Where are the “my body my choice” advocates though? oh wait, I forgot. Leftists only use that phrase to justify killing unborn children.
Imagine injecting something with zero liability.
We can’t sue the makers’ of the vaccines, should there be side-effects, and there are people who think vaccinations should be the law, for all. WTF?
I authorize never going anywhere near that city full of dumb Libs
(Don’t tell anyone that I was there Saturday)
It’s long past time for Biden to resign in disgrace for what he allowed to happen in Afghanistan, the covid surge, the border catastrophe, the intentional destruction of our energy independence, our crippled economy, his support of the riots and destruction of our cities, de-funding our police, and touching the little girls.
On the positive side, he doesn’t post mean tweets. Or any tweets at all because he doesn’t know how.
Agree. However, the laughing bagpipe who will take his place will do even worse job, for sure.
Well, this escalated quickly..