In an effort to combat the effects of harmful smoke from wildfires throughout California, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District will provide portable air filtration units for low-income residents who suffer from asthma, district officials said this week.
The Home Air Filtration Program, which is part of the national nonprofit Public Health Institute’s Regional Asthma Management and Prevention (RAMP) program, will provide the units to about 2,000 people throughout the Bay Area who’ve been diagnosed with poor-controlled asthma and are enrolled in the state’s Asthma Mitigation Project.
You know, sometimes I think it pays to be dysfunctional, to not work hard and not take care of yourselves or your affairs.
It looks like you get a lot of freebies by being dysfunctional.
Maybe I’m sorry for what I said above. After all this is for people with asthma.
It’s just that I work hard as hell , put up with horrible traffic & abuse, yet I’m just out of the range to get any of these freebies that seem to be given away to those who don’t work.
Amen, to that.
So much for “work hard, study a lot, and you’ll get ahead in life.” Now it’s “sit back, relax, and wait for others to do things for you and give you stuff.”
It all starts in elementary school now: no scores lower than 50% and no penalties for being tardy, not participating, or late assignments. Sounds like a surefire program for training kids how to succeed in real, adult life.
I agree
Totally true and accurate, here in California.
I’ve sent messages to California democrat political so-called leaders to express concerns regarding current issues; from local to the state level. I never even get confirmation that my messages were received. I shows that the California politicians don’t care about middle class taxpaying citizens. And, it’s obvious who they really care about.
So sad, but true.
Badge1104 Be happy you don’t get the freebies. Not just because you don’t need them. Paying your own way is better.
Hey Badge1104, at least you have the ability to be self-critical & analyze the initial comment you made.
I definitely understand your point of view from the first post, but we shouldn’t assume these low-income recipients are free loaders, they could be seniors or regular folks like you & I, who have been screwed over by heath insurance companies.
We should collectively focus blame on the government as a whole, and corporations Iike PG&E, Kaiser, etc. who make millions while we citizens suffer the immediate & long-term affects of their inactions.
Except by not taking care of yourself, you might end up with bad health, and I don’t for a moment believe living off the government is a picnic, if you work hard, you are probably making good money, besides you have your self respect and independence.
Every day our Democrat leaders find new ways to give away money. Imagine if these people had real jobs. With all of that brain power we would have a cure for cancer.
They would just give it to the welfare folks for free and make the rest of us pay… or die. I can’t even force myself to regurgitate all the perks that folks on welfare were getting for free while the rest of us paid for it. Massages for free, free rides to all their appointments, free internet, free top-level cancer treatment at UCSF for YEARS (just to keep someone alive who contributed NOTHING to society and only took). The list goes on from there. They could have been working themselves, but it was more profitable for them to sit there to pop out kids or file for fake disability. Most ied and/or did some shady things to get on Medi-cal too.
@ Badge1104. I respect you for taking a step back and thinking about it. And not necessarily because I think your first sentiment was wrong and needed correction. Far from it. Any rational person that grinds away year after year through all kinds of adversity paying taxes SHOULD be P.O.’ed at the people that make a career path out of gaming social programs. At the same time, helping people with breathing difficulty is probably not where we want our government to start an austerity program. Shades of gray. Public policy isn’t always a no-brainer. And I’ve said a few things on Claycord that, while obviously brilliant, I wouldn’t want my grand kids to hear.
ell, most of those low-income people with asthma are smokers or live with smokers. So, how does this help anyone????? What a stupid use of my tax money. CA keeps thinking up more ridiculous ways to abuse all hardworking folks who make good decisions.
How about helping those of us who are footing all of these new freebies for the suckers off the system who do not have any intention of going back to work or worst yet, if they never worked and are generational welfare receipents.
Law abiding and tax payers are sick and tired of this free grab that the entitlement crowd is stuffing down our throats.
Recall Newsom and all of his perpetual friends who also suck off of the system.
It’s only for people with asthma. Probably less costly to the taxpayer to give them a $20-$100 air filter for free than to deal with the medical costs constant wildfire smoke would have on people with asthma.
A portion will go unused, or will be gifted/sold to someone without asthma, but that is inevitable.