Home » The Water Cooler – Will More Restrictions Be Put In Place Due To COVID?

The Water Cooler – Will More Restrictions Be Put In Place Due To COVID?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: In the coming weeks, if COVID-19 numbers continue to rise, do you think more restrictions will be put into place?

Talk about it….

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Not COVID numbers rising … but the might change based because of politics.

1. If Newscum is not recalled, he will impose more as a ‘penalty’. He will call it something else.
2. When Newscum is recalled, we may see local dictators enforce rules if they do not like the replacement.

Not before recall,
Powerful in this one, self preservation instinct is. Yes, hmmm.

Good point. Not before the recall vote!
After that, I think the Dems really do want to lock us all down again as their pathway into total government control socialism. They scare me. I will never get vote for Democrat no matter what level or office they’re running for. The mouth that they’re middle of the road, but once elected to office they go into left orbit.


This highly qualified doctor puts his entire reputation on the line to explain the facts about COVID. Meanwhile the haters and liars claim he states no context but they have none themselves, only propaganda.


this guy is a cook but glad he convince you Happy Pappy

Thank You!,…I will share with others.

I love when JWB gets triggered.
It means that the post and link is On Point.

A few days ago I said right here in River City that I am not a virologist buy logic says to me the variants comes from the vaccinated not the unvaccinated. That could also include someone treated with the wrong medicine.

Proving yet again that Ron White was right, JWB never fails to entertain us.

What will come 1st?
The 8/11 or 9/11 lockdowns, internet outages or mandated “vaccines”?? Oh, and don’t forget about the power outages to be blamed on ‘hackers’.

I really hope I’m Wrong on all of these.
If your aren’t able to see that the powers that be are Intentionally flushing America down the drain – you are blind. Just go to Home Depot or Harbor Freight and look at the empty shelves. All.contrived.

If covid is discovered on the money, will have to go to government Crypto? Toichless pay seems the only way to insure public safety.

Yes. If there was a real threat, the invasion from the border would be handled differently. As it is, millions are crossing over and not getting The Jab. Furthermore, these unvetted foreigners are shipped all over the country.
It’s political.

Justifiable languor~


Probably not as bad as the doomsayers on this site will think. Look at a chart of new cases and deaths by state and you will see California is keeping things pretty low. The mask restrictions are frustrating but they are working. I hope the rest of the country wises up.

@Chuq….Spoken like a true non-native Californian.

Moi? I’ve lived here all my life and I’m proud that our state is keeping people safe while the quacks in red states continue to pretend we aren’t certain of how effective the vaccines are.

Opening the border has been a major factor in creating more Covid in California. Regarding restrictions — Gavin Newsom is in a tough spot. Larry Elder will get more votes if Gavin issues more edicts. On the other hand, if Gavin doesn’t do anything, it will seem as though he wants to avoid upsetting voters.

Larry Elder is likely to win because a lot of voters are fed up with the hard left, entrenched bureaucrats, and woke schools.

SF Gate interview with Larry Elder (Aug 9): https://bit.ly/3fTufq2
LA Times story (Aug 10): https://lat.ms/3yEHl1I

If so, this will be the first time Gavin Newsom considered the interests of voters ever.

He is a professional looter. We let him in two years ago and all he has done is pillage California with reckless abandon. Unbelievably arrogant and narcissistic.

He blames Trump supporters for his recall. Perhaps if he looked inward, he would understand he alone created his failures. However, he can’t look inward with clarity, because he has never looked outward, ever.

Probably the most insane aspect of the border is that thousands of people, some infected with COVID are pouring in without any vetting.
Nothing. Then bussed all over the country. Gotta be a factor.

More proof of an idealogical progression towards some sort of socialism being inflicted by the Democrats.They laugh everything off
like they have already orchestrated the outcome.

The genius of George Orwell is that he accurately predicted the playbook.

Looks like Larry Elder can win, I don’t think Cox can.

Given the political climate with a Governor facing a re-call, I wouldn’t think he would do anything to jeoprodise his position. Since his dining out at the French Laundry is a foundational issue, I wouldn’t look for too much in the way of further restrictions, Whether there should be or not.

Without a doubt we will be having another lockdown or Shelter in Place period. It wouldn’t surprise me if this happens during the upcoming election. More business closing for good causing more people to lose their jobs and homes but we all know Newscum has the answer to all our problems.

My suspicion is Newsom will flush California down the toilet and if he becomes President will move out of state permanently.

There shouldn’t be. Let those not scared catch it.

Less people around for the recall vote.

@JimmyJam Move to Argentina already clown

This would include the vaccinated as they are supposedly dying as well if you believe everything that you read…

Newson not touching the restriction now since he is facing the recall.
By the county I would say yes.

You bet your bippy!….but will they be followed?….nope.

nytemuvr, “verrry interesting”

As long as there are credulous people who believe everything Fauci, the self-appointed experts in the media, and the Democrat politicians are telling us, there will be restrictions. Masks do not protect against a tiny virus, and a six-foot distance is a laughing joke because a cough or a sneeze travels a lot farther than six feet, but the gullible are willing to believe anything without thinking it through.
Everything the Left is telling us is true, and everything the Right is telling us is misinformation. GIVE ME A BREAK!
Frankly, I have my doubts about both sides.
Do not touch your face until you have washed your hands.

Unfortunately Dawg niether side can be trusted and that is sad because when one side has accurate information it is taken with a grain of salt. Fool me once and that is all it takes.

Yes, more restrictions are coming ‘for your safety” because the leftist nanny government officials in charge believe the public are stupid and cannot make decisions on their own.
Hail Newsolini!

The cases do not justify another lockdown as we are following the trajectory of the Delta variant in the United Kingdom. But, since you asked this question, and your questions are usually a prelude (not to a kiss)…then, it depends on Newsome’s recall as others have said here.
The county dashboard for cases in vaccinated and unvaccinated clearly shows a steep slope decline, which began on 7/29 when we peaked.

If there is, it will be before the recall election because there will be a limit on the number of poll workers.
Last year the primaries had enough people working at the poll, but social distancing limited the number of workers allowed at the election.
This allowed people with provisional ballots to put them into the ballot tabulator and not verified.

Of course it is part of the master plan to control the public.As long as the Democrats are in control it will continue.

We may be in control of the democrats while they are out of control in everything they do. I have never seen the country being run so stupidly, even taking account of Jimmy Carter’s time.

I don’t understand why if covid19 numbers are rising, how come immigration including illegal immigration isn’t being stopped? I thought that social distancing was supposed to priority number one for the interest of safety?

I think after Obama’s huge bday bash we’ll be in the clear 😂

We didn’t lockdown during the first go round. We traveled to our vacation home in Tahoe Nevada every few weeks and frequent trips to Jackson Hole as well.
You people can lockdown and follow the other sheep but we choose what we wanna do on our own. Oh and bye no one in our family traveling above ever caught anything.

Lockdowns and mandates..bunch of BS.

If Newsom survives the recall, the teachers union will collect in kind. They’re basically going to say, “Hey, we got you elected last time and you screwed up and caused this recall. Now we had to dump another $5M to keep your dumb a** in office. We expect to be compensated……big time……and soon”.

Chris, I believe there will be more (powerful politicians) to follow (fall) this and the coming years. Finally being exposed.

The Fearless Spectator, well said.

Of course there’s going to be more restrictions never mind the fact that face mask never worked there’s over 33 studies that prove they do not work against a virus and vaccinating people when the virus is running rampant goes against science that’s the perfect way to create more variance once you give Democrats power any politician for that matter they do not want to let go of it if you think you’re going to get your rights back once they take them you are sadly mistaken we’ve already lost our right to free speech and assembly it’s very unfortunate that our country has been taken over by communists things are only going to get worse

I’m curious since PCR test do not identify covid-19 and there is no test for the Delta variant how do we know that these things are going around and infecting people what are they using as a basis for fact it’s certainly not a test where are the lab samples of covid-19 I’ve yet to see one I see some pretty fascinating computer generated images but nothing physical

Newsom is political toast. He failed as Mayor of S.F. Then his embarrassing attempt as Lt. Governor, accomplishing nothing under Jerry Brown, and finally his completely failed leadership as Governor of California. Look for your own ways he has failed this State. His highly paid political consultants from our tax dollars cannot save him now! Recall Newsom with aplomb….

There will be nothing except the constitution. We have rights and no unelected public service peon will ever tell me what to do. Masks are for slaves and halloween. Anyone who thinks they can tell me anything can go * themselves. I owe nobody nothing and will do whatever I please. Newsom is an idiot and should hang for what he did to the people of this state.

Remember when they told us that “they did want to overwhelm the hospitals with covid patients”.

Well, what about all of the health care workers who are now being fired or quitting for refusing the jab? If the hospital is missing 35% of their employees = they’re going to be overwhelmed!!!

BTW, the same thing is already happening with the airlines…..staff shortages from either: death from the v (refer to the 4 British Airways pilots dead in one week), sickness from the v, or refusing the v and not being allowed to work.

Probably. People don’t know how to behave, so because of a few, the rest of us may need to back on punishment. Politics has NOTHING to do with it @Parent. It’s pure selfishness.



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