Home » The Water Cooler – What Would You Change About Yourself?

The Water Cooler – What Would You Change About Yourself?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be, and why?

Talk about it….

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My age, make myself 35 years younger, with the assumption of having the wisdom of experience/knowing what I know now.


Sometimes I get a big case of the lazies, and procrastinate. Once I overcome the lazies and tackle a chore, I tend to be too meticulous and that can be time consuming, but at least I will get the job done right the first time. Other than that, I’m quite content with me.

Where I live. Get the heck outta California.
No water. No electricity. No pork. No ammo. No freedom.

… no leadership, high taxes, no accountability by civic leaders, etc.

@Hanne Jeppesen Is that a serious question?

Try walking away from a professional network built over 40 years, as well as friends and family. And then add potentially taking your kids out of school.

And if you leave the state as an older adult, odds are you may never see your kids or grandkids except 2-3 times a year.

That’s why people stay. Geez.

We did it. We talked about leaving for 10 years. It takes planning, careful thought, adequate assets and sober judgement. We looked at a lot of online evaluations of states (education, health care, climate, taxes, entertainment cost-of-living, etc…) before making our decision.

6 months in we are happy and no longer consider ourselves to be Californians. Ammo is short everywhere, FYI, at least certain calibers.

Be more patient with illogical people. I can’t change their illogical mindset but I can control my reaction. I’d rather avoid them, but that’s not always an option if it’s someone your work with, etc. Very frustrating.

Thanks KD

simple: weight drop. 30 lbs please.

I’ve stopped arguing on social media with all the big brain socialist millennials, Nextdoor karens and beta males so thats a big improvement on my PMA…

Promiscuous Messing Around?

yes patience ….like it

cant say i would need to change anything if given one chance

in this state i can be what ever i want

i can be a tree or a lamp post or a pelican or nothing
i can steal from you legally and break your car window to do it
i can protest your business with fire bombs
i can force a town to enact a racial board to disavow certain colors i dont like
i can take what ever i want ( errr need ) from any large store chain i want to
i can steal your daughters brand new bike
i can reduce your police force
and make them protect me only….love that one
i can pay media to silence breaking news
i can create my own news and have the media broadcast it
i can destroy monuments and historical buildings and murals
i can abort my baby ….by choice when ever i want or need ….
i can shoot up in bart elevators and jump gates and use the train cars how i please
i can use shopping carts as road trains
i can sell your stolen stuff at flea markets so you can buy them back
i can park in handicap with my tesla
i can run around naked as long as i wear a knitted hat with multiple colors
i can not work and collect money for doing so without having to look for work
i can make you put on and take off a mask when ever i want
i can make you get vaccinated to work for me
i can fire you for not
i can teach your kids about what ever i want in schools not just abc 123
i can make you pay taxes to fix things that you allready pay taxes to fix
i can give your money away to whom ever i want to stop my recall
i can pay cities money to place my employees into polling stations with full access
i can ….so why change

I would become Batman

🤣just one or two things………….


Less time logged into an auxiliary brain

Nothing. I am who I am.

To expand on my point about money. Money when it is gone, is not always that easy to replace. It is not like a boyfriend, someone else, and often better will come along eventually.

Maybe if I set a more realistic work load for myself, I would still feel happy!

My original post about what I would change about myself was that I wish I had learned to be smart about money earlier in life rather than later. I made some mistakes, eventually I learned from them, and although I’m doing fine, 401k, savings, hardly any debt, I could be doing better.

Nothing. I am who I am.

@FPN….OK Popeye!



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