Home » Slight Chance Of Dangerous Dry Lightning Early Next Week

Slight Chance Of Dangerous Dry Lightning Early Next Week


The National Weather Service is closely monitoring current monsoon conditions over the Southwest that are expected to drift north into California’s Central Coast and the Bay Area early next week and could lead to a slight chance of dangerous dry lightning storms.

While the weather service said Friday that “confidence is low for dry lightning at this time,” meteorologists also noted that such conditions are particularly worrisome during the region’s current drought.

“Lightning on dry fuels with no rainfall to quickly extinguish sparks can easily generate wildfires. In conjunction, thunderstorms can bring locally gusty and erratic winds, fanning flames quickly,” the weather service said.

While the potential for such an event remains low and meteorologists say it won’t be a repetition of the conditions that led to last year’s massive wildfires, the weather service will be keeping a sharp eye on atmospheric developments over the next few days and will send out additional alerts as the pattern moves closer.


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I’m glad it’s being described as dangerous dry lightning as opposed to safe dry lightning.

……Oh gee….I’m a scared 🐒

“Slight” chance. When did a “slight chance” of anything become newsworthy?

Quick! Claim it’s a lightning crisis and pass a lightning tax. It would be “common sense legislation”, right?

Definitely that and critical infrastructure due to climate change, global warming, hole in the ozone layer caused by cows farts and human activity. Just look at the pictures from a hundred years ago, the sea level is exactly the same so we’re gonna need a tax for that as well.


There is a slight chance you might be shot while driving on Hwy 4 and 242. News at 11.

Oh, you are all so witty! And blisteringly intelligent! If I showed any of my neighbors here In Plumas your comments it would confirm their opinion that flatlanders are idiots. Plumas is currently on fire (250,000 acres and counting) because of a slight chance of dry lightning. Hope Lime Ridge or Mt D don’t get hit. Really, not every single item on Claycord is political, but those of you with no lives are going to make every item on here be some left-wing conspiracy. So nutty. I used to think the people of Claycord were reasonable but not any more. We just received two more emergency alerts from the Sheriffs Office; more evacuations. We are packed and ready. Hope you flatlanders have lots of fun mocking us, actual human beings in danger.

well said CoCoOld. It is very sad.

CoCoOld, we aren’t all mocking you. In our household we too are very worried and so very sorry for what you and your loved ones, and your friends and neighbors are going through. We wouldn’t dream of mocking you, we are very concerned for you and all those affected by these fires. Our prayers are going out.

Hurry hurry, hurry.

Get your Covid shot today.

Then the lightning won’t kill you, only a little shocked.



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