Home » Contra Costa County D.A.’s Office Selected For Resentencing Pilot Program

Contra Costa County D.A.’s Office Selected For Resentencing Pilot Program


The Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office is one of nine counties around the state participating in a resentencing pilot program funded by a budget bill Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed into law, prosecutors said Tuesday.

In the pilot program, which is being overseen by the nonprofit For the People and starts Sept. 1, Contra Costa and the other participating counties will develop protocols to process resentencing applications from people in state prison.

The program follows Assembly Bill 2942, authored by Assemblyman Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, and signed into law in 2018, allowing a district attorney to review old sentences and ask a court to issue a new, lighter sentence.

The Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office will receive $1.05 million as part of the program, while the county Public Defender’s Office will receive $750,000 and a local nonprofit that will advise prosecutors on potential candidates for resentencing will receive $250,000.


The funding is meant to allow prosecutors to better process requests for resentencing applications and they will also create a written policy on how to recommend who can get resentenced, train staff on the relevant state laws, and track data for the resentencing requests, according to the District Attorney’s Office.

“I was proud to support AB 2942 and this funding further strengthens my office’s ability to process these requests in a timely manner,” District Attorney Diana Becton said. “Excessive sentences undermine our ability to hold the most violent accountable for serious crimes in our community. The strain on the state prison and criminal justice system is immense from these failed policies of our past.”


Anon July 20, 2021 - 4:07 PM - 4:07 PM

I just browsed through 6 months of police blotter. Way TOO MANY “cited & released” encounters. These were parolees / felons.
Translation = This is coming to your Neighborhood, I suggest you get a game plan with your neighbors now that the police have been administratively Defunded.

And remember: Loose lips sink ships.

Badge1104 July 20, 2021 - 4:21 PM - 4:21 PM

I’m suspicious of anything like this coming from Governor Gavin Newsom through Contra Costa district attorney Diana Beckton.
It will be a field day for the criminals and trouble for us citizens.

Randy July 21, 2021 - 7:22 AM - 7:22 AM
Obamavirus July 20, 2021 - 4:26 PM - 4:26 PM

Diana B does not share the values of central county
We urgently need a new DA position created for a law and order candidate to take care of central county business
This woman is a loon
County Supervisors have the power to divide the jurisdiction and hire without requiring an election for first term
Get to work mr Supervisor!

T-Rex July 20, 2021 - 4:43 PM - 4:43 PM

Why do they need money for this? We are already paying them to be at work. Just re-assign one person to get it in place.

Sam July 20, 2021 - 5:13 PM - 5:13 PM

George Soros’ D.A. installed and executing orders. When will you wake up to your reality?

Bob July 20, 2021 - 5:28 PM - 5:28 PM

“For the People” = Run like hell

Anon July 20, 2021 - 6:22 PM - 6:22 PM

Last I checked, these “officials” are NOT fulfilling their Oath of protecting the public.

While I’m on it, I would like to bring up all of the taxpayer paid for Solar arrays on city parks, buildings, schools, government buildings, parking lots…..and Yet NONE of our taxes went down.


Anonymous July 20, 2021 - 6:22 PM - 6:22 PM

Who’s the “local nonprofit that will advise prosecutors” that will receive $250,000? It would be interesting to know who they are and who the principles are so one can follow the money.

WC---Creeker July 21, 2021 - 12:41 PM - 12:41 PM

Don’t we elect officials to do this type of work. We didn’t vote for this non-profit but we give them $250K, WTF!

Anonymous July 22, 2021 - 11:57 AM - 11:57 AM

This is how Newsom feeds money to his buddies — through non-profits.

Cellophane July 20, 2021 - 6:47 PM - 6:47 PM

This is how a corrupt government works.

Might as well get used to it and call it by its real name,


Worried July 20, 2021 - 7:35 PM - 7:35 PM

We know what for the people means it means for the corrupt politicians. Our entire country has been taken over by socialists resist and fight back God bless the USA

Dr. Jellyfinger July 20, 2021 - 7:37 PM - 7:37 PM

SO simple! The answer was staring us right in the face all along.
Prison overcrowding, excessive expense of keeping offenders locked up?
Just let ’em go!

Brought to you by the voters who elected Gavin Newsom!

Thanks S.F. Brains

Randy July 21, 2021 - 7:23 AM - 7:23 AM

…. +1 …going from bad to worse… this is getting more than ridiculous 🙁

dude July 20, 2021 - 8:49 PM - 8:49 PM

What could possibly go wrong? Asking for a friend……

To Do List July 20, 2021 - 9:52 PM - 9:52 PM

I was not aware of so many mistakes made in sentencing. Next week will they announce a committee to increase the sentences of those who deserve more prison time for their vicious behavior.

WC July 21, 2021 - 7:06 AM - 7:06 AM

Who is this ‘local non-profit?’ Sounds like another Democrat money-laundering scheme to me.

Jeff July 21, 2021 - 8:33 AM - 8:33 AM

I’m your huckleberry.


chuckie the troll July 21, 2021 - 8:39 AM - 8:39 AM

Because Contra Costa needs more felons on the streets? No doubt this ‘resentencing program’ will use “New Math” to make their calculations.

Once again, I am so glad we escaped Kleptofornica this year. BTW- Our house here has already appreciated by $100,000. Lot’s of competition and not many houses on the market. So if you think you are going to make more money by selling your California home at a later day, you might want to rethink that strategy.

Pepe July 21, 2021 - 9:02 AM - 9:02 AM

Crime is getting worse so fast it ‘s getting scary . D A Becton is directly responsible for it . She has made car break-ins , shoplifting , looting pretty much legal . The solution to crime is simple . Put criminals in prison . If the prisons are over crowded then build more prisons ,very simple . The idea of releasing criminals back into society over and over again to hurt more innocent victims has to stop . Victims of crime should sue Becton personally for damages . She wants to hold police officers responsible for their bad decisions right ? She should be held responsible for hers.

bdml July 21, 2021 - 10:41 AM - 10:41 AM

Oh another ploy to pad the dem voting base

Ricardoh July 21, 2021 - 10:50 AM - 10:50 AM

You have to understand that while they call themselves progressives they are actually marxist. Their goal is to get rid of capitalism. They will do anything disruptive to obtain that objective. They have been working on this by taking over anywhere there is power for many years. They will corrupt any institution they get into. I have little hope they will be stopped..

Strad July 21, 2021 - 6:01 PM - 6:01 PM

Thus the birth of the cancelled culture.

chuckie the troll July 21, 2021 - 11:51 AM - 11:51 AM

The solution is quite simple. When death row (Definitely need that operating again) population reaches 101, the prisoner who’s been there the longest walks the Green Mile. Appeals are no longer heard.

Violent Felons (3 Strike types) get the same deal.

This should reduce recidivism and free up some money for an ‘awareness campaign’ to discourage felonious behavior.

American Citizen July 21, 2021 - 4:16 PM - 4:16 PM

Keep your guns close and your powder dry people. It’s going to get crazier than ever.

Fed up July 21, 2021 - 7:11 PM - 7:11 PM

California is in deep trouble. We need to stop giving criminals special breaks .

Lars Anderson July 23, 2021 - 8:55 AM - 8:55 AM

Becton will be re-elected easily. Her policies are in line with changing views on criminal justice in our county. The rumblings about a coup happening at the DA’s office – a well financed opponent emerging from the ranks of current Deputy DA’s – is a pipe dream.
If a Deputy DA runs against Becton he or she will get crushed. Most of the discontent you are hearing about at the DA’s office is coming from former bigwigs in the Mark Peterson era. Peterson, as many recall, was arrested and prosecuted for theft of campaign funds. Peterson is a convicted criminal now, and he has been disbarred from the practice of law. (I heard somewhere Peterson is now selling real estate in Florida, but I am not sure if that’s really true or not).
There were a number of bigwigs at the DA’s office, like Paul Graves and Mary Knox, who were powerhouses at the DA’s office – due to their close ties to Mark Peterson. Graves was Peterson’s right hand man, and Knox – she was his left hand gal. However, their careers are on the downside – at least at the DA’s office – due to the fact they were so closely associated with the disgraced Peterson. After Peterson was arrested and he resigned from office – he was later prosecuted by state officials – some of these people, like Knox and Graves tried to claim ” Uh, we never actually liked Peterson” but few believed them. I didn’t, that’s for sure. They were in thick with Peterson, let me tell you.
Becton has been a breath of fresh air at the DA’s office. Significantly there is no more covering up of police misconduct, as was the case in the Mark Peterson era. She is not afraid to confront police misconduct, which is something voters are calling for all over the US. At the same time she is very supportive of rank and file officers, the 99.9 percent who play by the rules. I think Becton will be re-elected easily, she has done an outstanding.

The Fearless Spectator July 24, 2021 - 1:17 PM - 1:17 PM

She is funded by George Soros, and as such is pro-crime. Her breath of fresh air has been accompanied by a breath of fresh crime.
She will be re-elected because Soros will fund her 5:1 over what her competitors have to spend. It’s a money thing.

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