Home » Contra Costa Health Officers Encourage Masking Indoors Regardless Of Vaccination Status

Contra Costa Health Officers Encourage Masking Indoors Regardless Of Vaccination Status


A coalition of Bay Area health officials urged residents across the region Friday to resume wearing a mask indoors regardless of vaccination status following an uptick in COVID-19 cases.

Officials in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara and Sonoma counties and the city of Berkeley issued the advisory “out of an abundance of caution” but have yet to issue a new masking mandate for shared indoor spaces like grocery and retail stores.

The health officials also stressed that fully vaccinated residents remain well-protected both from contracting the virus, including the currently observed variants, and from becoming seriously ill or dying.

Employees are encouraged to continue following the masking guidelines set by the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health and their employers. They are also encouraged to wear a mask indoors when their employers has not verified the vaccination status of their co-workers.


The recommendation comes on the heels of Los Angeles County issuing a new mask mandate for indoor spaces this week amid an increase in COVID-19 cases, almost exclusively among the unvaccinated, and the proliferation of the more-transmissible delta variant.

“The delta variant is spreading quickly, and everyone should take action to protect themselves and others against this potentially deadly virus,” Alameda County Health Officer Dr. Nicholas Moss said in a statement.

While the Bay Area is one of the most vaccinated regions in the state and country, local health officials had recognized the potential for renewed mask requirements in recent weeks as the delta variant became more of a threat, particularly for unvaccinated people.

“The Bay Area is very, very diverse and there’s hot spots, within the Bay Area, of unvaccinated populations,” Marin County Deputy Health Officer Dr. Lisa Santora said earlier this month. “So we would expect to see, especially in more rural areas (and) consistent with other rural areas across the nation, that you’ll see increased rates of cases.”


The indoor masking recommendation, the county health officials said in a joint statement, is intended to help protect unvaccinated residents, who are orders of magnitude more likely right now to contract the virus and be hospitalized with serious illness.

On Friday, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky went as far as to say the virus “is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

In Contra Costa County, the seven-day average of new cases per 100,000 residents was 1.7 for fully vaccinated residents as of July 8 and 16.1 per 100,000 for unvaccinated residents.

“The highly infectious delta variant is now the predominant strain in Contra Costa County,” Contra Costa County Health Officer Dr. Chris Farnitano said. “While vaccines remain our best tool against COVID-19, masking in indoor and crowded outdoor settings will help us curb the spread of this latest wave of infection.”


The coalition of health officers is expected to revisit the recommendation in the coming weeks after monitoring local case and hospitalization data.

State officials have also been hesitant, for now, to re-issue mask and social distancing requirements statewide, instead deferring to local health agencies to do what they feel suits their constituents.

As of Friday, California’s rate of new cases per 100,000 residents sits at 5.4.

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They’re trying to turn the vaccinated against the unvaccinated. This is a ploy to get everyone mad at the unvaccinated to put extreme pressure on them. By the way, news flash: when they say that rural areas are hot spots of unvaccinated people … they are also the places that will not be requiring masks indoors no matter what the health czars order. They don’t care, they don’t want to be protected. Follow the examples of so many other states and let masking go. People can do it if they want to.

I refuse to listen to the Ministry of Truth.

Debate and honest discussion over all alternate treatment options has been stifled. We can’t talk about scientific research on HcQ, Ivermectin, or other promising, low-cost treatments. It’s the needle, or nothing else. Forget about even viewing posts on social media… you become a persona non grata and all video evidence is being erased. Science has become a political operative since it doesn’t tow the company line.

What happened to manufacturing N95 masks for everyone? Is the treatment only good enough for protecting medical staff, and not the plebs?

Thank you, Big Brother.

@ Shiloh~
Agree with them trying to turn the vaccinated against the unvaccinated.
Don’t know how they are going to know who is or isn’t,….unless you have to show proof. It’s like power control on every group of people.
So tired of all of this and the divide it’s causing.

I’m a nurse at a major medical center. All of us are vaccinated. We haven’t seen or cared for Covid patients since early February. Listen – do what you will with the vaccine, but please – mask up. The respiratory consequence of this strain is terrible and strong. Just wear the mask – not for your politic but for your health. Please.

That ain’t gonna happen!
The government no matter what agency says this is way outa line. These so called heath officials can stick that recommendation…

Only prudent to wear mask indoors. The variants are here and we need to deal with them, especially with other mutations coming up.

My wife and I had COVID, she had it a lot worse then I did and she should have gone to the hospital but did not, and it was not that bad. Why would you put something in your body that was rushed into the market for a virus that has a 99.7% survial rate. Once you give the goverment any additional power they are never going to give it back. Go out and live your life, because virus or not we are never promised another day on this earth.

Not gonna do it. Wouldn’t be prudent. Not at this juncture.

Thanks For Sharing,…and Amen!

Steve just showed up to this board yesterday shilling for masks. Definitely part of a marketing firm pushing propaganda. Go get a real job Steve.


These people will literally never stop. If you feel more comfortable, wear a mask, if you’re willing to take the risk, don’t. These health officials know only one tactic—fear! Don’t let them win. Do your research and make the best decision for you and your family.

Anyone else think it’s wiser to be low key and act cool when you have a cache of illegal weapons? Seems pretty stupid to commit a domestic assault and robbery when you’re violating multiple Federal statutes.

Damn iPad jumped to the wrong article.

It happens… Don’t sweat it.

If we tie a plastic bag over our heads then there is nothing to worry about. Covid won’t get in.

Better yet, just hold your breath indefinately.

You just described exactly what it’s like to have COVID. You have 2 choices. Mask up and get vaccinated or end up holding your breath indefinitely. These are not difficult decisions.

Gee that’s funny I see it differently and there certainly more choices than the 2 you so graciously allow others…

stop with the lies.
I had covid
Wife had covid
It’s is nothing more than the sniffles. Follow the “science” and just look at the stats.

Hogwash Joe. We had it. None of ever felt we couldn’t breathe.

98++% recovery rate. End of story.

Los Angeles County is making indoor masking mandatory again starting tomorrow. Just a matter of time before the Bay Area does too. 🙄

But, the sheriff’s department is not going to enforce it. They had determined that the choice to mandate masks was made out of precaution and not out of a present crisis existing, so they will not be enforcing it.

As always those that chose to not do the right thing, will affect those that did. Not doing it.

That’s rich blaming others for the obvious gov power grab

Oh Absolutely.

For goodness sake!
Please my fellow humans, wake up!
People need to breathe fresh air.
Turn off your television PROGRAMING and your censored & propagandized social media. Look around you, what’s really going on in your community.

That’s good advice.

Has any body yet got the message that wearing a mask is worthless. You might as well be breathing through a screen door.

Has anyone stoped to think how on earth they can say 99% of all new Covid cases are in unvaccinated people and caused by Delta variant? When you get a Covid test, you are not asked if you are vaccinated, nor are you informed if it’s a delta variant or regular Covid. Help me understand what I am missing.

The people getting sick are asked of they have been vaccinated.

You’re not missing anything just being lied to…

@Sara—you nailed it! Critical thinking is in short supply nowadays…

You’re missing the part about it being a complete HOAX.

See, no point in getting vaccinated and feeling like crap just to still have to wear a mask. The vaccine came out to fast and isn’t protecting people like they say it does. But I guess folks aren’t dying so the vaccine is somewhat working.

According to the county website, the unvaccinated case rate is 17.2/100K and the vaccinated rate is 2.0/100K. No vaccine is 100% effective. How is that not protecting people like they say it does?

So answer me why I, as a vaccinated person, should be concerned about those around me that are not vaccinated? If I am vaccinated, shouldn’t I be protected from Covid?

Why would I want to start wearing a mask again indoors? To me that only sends the message that the vaccination does not work or you are trying to cause fear or you were lying about stuff. Which is it?

I will not be returning to wearing a mask indoors. I would rather (and will) just shop somewhere else.

I am really done with this stupid fear mongering that are elected and non-elected politicians are trying to push on us. I cannot wait until the recall is done and Newscum is out of office. Just with I knew how we could work towards removing these unelected politicians (health dictators) from office.

You have preached a number of times on here how this is all fake. Yet you are now saying your are vaccinated? Interesting

Help me understand something. Why did you get vaccinated if you don’t know what vaccines do? A little confused on that.

If you got vaccinated. “Depending on the vaccine you got” You COULD be protected by up to 95% and if you happen to still catch it and it does give you symptoms. You are over 99% likely to stay out of the hospital. But, That is for yourself. You still have people out there that spread miss information and go to places like you do where you can still pass it on to someone else that was NOT vaccinated and get them extremely ill. They have said so many times. NO vaccine is 100%. These are the most effective vaccines ever to be made but you can still get it.

You also said “I will not be returning to wearing a mask indoors. I would rather (and will) just shop somewhere else” Well you won’t have a choice if Contra Costa County puts a mandate again “As I have said from the beginning” You have people still saying “I’ll let me body handle it, this is no worse then a flu/cold, I am not going to wear a mask or get a shot” Yet everytime we open. These same people keep getting us shut down.

@ Parent – You said it all. I completely agree.

SHAME ON YOU for trying to blame vaccinated persons for possibly making others extremely ill. According to real medical doctors, the odds of vaccinated people getting infected and then infecting others are very low. According to your logic, everyone should wear a mask forever, regardless of their vaccination status. Beyond ridiculous.


Hold up. What part of that did you get I blamed vaccinated people? I was answering what vaccines do. Not once did I Blame vaccinated people.

Funny how you just proved my point as it CAN and has happened. Please read what somebody writes before you make yourself look dumb by posting what you did.

Beyond Ridiculous.

@ ME
I think you have me confused with someone else.

I have NEVER said that COVID was fake. I have said it has been blown out of proportion by our media and politician for unknown reasons.

You are making an assumption that I do not know what vaccines do. That is a poor decision on your part. Having worked in the pharmaceutical industry field for close to 30 years, I am pretty confident in my ability to understand a vaccine, what it does and its limitations. If you came to this point of yours as a response to my first paragraph, you might want to look up rhetorical and sarcasm.

You are correct no vaccine is 100%, but I do not see the world panicking over small pox, polio or any other medical event, do you? So why this one? What is different now? Could it be the media who is trying to sell headlines so they keep pushing this back to the top? Could it be politicians who want to control more of what is going on? Scare someone, tell them that you are going to protect them, and then when the threat is over, do not relinquish what you have gained.

“me” is a shill and parroting the biden administrations cdc most recent talking point. Nothing more, nothing less. The mask and vaccine bots come hard whenever new scripts are put out. We are in an AI simulation.

Forgive me if I misunderstood you saying that if you’re vaccinated, you are over 99% likely to stay out of the hospital, but you can still pass it on to someone else that was not vaccinated and get them extremely ill. To me, that sounds like you’re blaming vaccinated folks for not wearing masks because they can still infect unvaccinated folks. And forgive me if I misunderstood you saying that since Parent will just shop somewhere else, that he/she is amoung these same people who keep getting us shut down. Again, that sounds a lot like blame.

People are responsible for themselves. If they don’t want a vaccination, then so be it.
“Pro-choice”, right?

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I have been watching this board for years. I can tell you with 100% certainty that on certain topics we get flooded with posts made to appear as something they are not. Masks, vaccines, COVID HOAX, guns, constitutional rights, are all topics you will find shill posts. A few years ago it was homelessness, affordable housing, illegal immigrants. It’s important to remember there are marketing firms hired by activist groups who post all over the internet to try and pursued you to believe more people believe in these obscure ideas. They use multiple names on other platforms however here, they can’t. I didn’t understand why, now I do. Beware.

Some may not agree with my way of posting what I believe to be the truth, but I am 100% real.

@Exit 12A
As rain!


Most don’t believe in what you write because it has Zero bases in reality with Zero evidence. I have seen things you write and prove 99% is false. I also sent something on here asking a serious question but you ignored it. Which tells me you can’t answer it.

EVERYTHING I have posted has proven to be accurate. You asked me a stupid question and I ignored you. Sorry your feelings got hurt. Why do you get deleted regularly for attempting to post with different names?

I do like the chat here on this board because it is more free wheeling. But the Mayor should really get an SSL certificate for it. I know GoDaddy charges a lot for one but they can also be free due to Let’s Encrypt but you have to know what you’re doing with the free ones and you have to renew them every 90 days. There are a few companies that will do a 1 year SSL for around $12 and renew it for you.

Lol. The power-trip Contra Costa Health Karens will never know the ecstasy of that kind of power again. They’re like the ex-girlfriend who still comes around because it was never as good as that first time.

Power Trip Contra Costa? What world do you live in. What about LA? What about all the other places that had to shut down because things are bad? Are they all on power trips? If you’re thinking of this as ex gf’s. Then you need to let them go cause they still in your mind

@Me – Metaphor much? They CCHS Karens lost their power to control people and they want it back. Controlling 15 cats is not as orgasmic.

My wife and I had lunch today in a Walnut Creek restaurant that tends to draw an older crowd, a demographic that the County reports has been mostly vaccinated.. Although we’ve been fully vaccinated for months, we prefer not to push our luck.

The major Covid hotspots in our county are Antioch, Pittsburg and Oakley, cities with a low rate of vaccinations. For the time being, we’ll stay west of the Willow Pass while the virus burns through East County’s many unvaccinated people.

I am also more comfortable in highly vaccinated populations such as Walnut Creek. However, the population skews older so the vaccination rate skews higher.

The county reports total overall vaccinations by those 12 and older (80.1% partially, 74.4% fully).

On the other hand, it appears that the county vaccine by location data is based off of total population for each of the cities and does not account for those residents under 12 who cannot be vaccinated in their percentages. So, that is partially the reason why cities such as Antioch, Pittsburg, and Oakley have lower vaccination rates.

I have been to all those places routinely for the last 1 1/2 years you say are hotspots and claim to be full of unvaccinated people. You are being fed a line of crap but you do you.

The virus is not burning thru unvaccinated people..Geezus I swear the Kool Aid drinkers are the problem

Rossmoor Diner?
Good food.

@The Observer
You better get your booster shot, and then your booster booster, and then your booster booster booster…….🤣🤣

But we flattened the curve, what happened???

Masking Children: Tragic, Unscientific, and Damaging – AIERhttps://www.aier.org/article/masking-children-tragic-unscientific-and-damaging/

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BOOM! And another one attempting to convince the public there are more people with far left fringe ideas then there really are. If your ideas were so popular joe biden and the communists wouldn’t have had to cheat in the election. Remember that.

@Sam – lol That’s a great way to frame that argument. Unfortunately, the fact the far-left agenda is almost universally rejected across America is the reason why Democrats steal elections and fight like cats to keep their judicial people in place. Activist judges and prosecutors are their only way to force their insanity upon rural and suburban voters who would never vote for it.

The real question should be — are these “cases” of COVID being reported even serious at all, requiring hospitalization? Or are they mild or even just asymptomatic? Because if the latter is the case, no one should be worried at all. I’ve noticed though that the media NEVER asks that question, it’s all fear mongering for further control. Wake up.

I’d like to know why one vaccine contains cholesterol, another sucrose (a form of sugar), and the third a form of alcohol (ethanol). No one ever asks why the manufactures have included these substances in a vaccine for a virus. These three substances represent three diseases that are troubling to the medical profession because they can be controlled and often avoided by a strict regimen of avoidance, to wit, heart disease (cholesterol), diabetes (sucrose), and alcoholism (ethanol). How they play out in the individual receiving the vaccine is anybodies guess. At the least, the scientific community should have massive amounts of data to advance RNA mapping when all is said and done.

anybody’s guess … I should know better.

All vaccines contain inactive ingredients to stabilize the active ingredient (modified mRNA for Pfizer and Moderna and adenoviral vector for JNJ). You can find all the active and inactive ingredients for the three Covid vaccines here


The amounts included in a dose of vaccine will not make alcoholic, give you diabetes or clog your arteries.

I have no clue what you mean by “the scientific community should have massive amounts of data to advance RNA mapping when all is said and done.”?

Yawn…now jwb the shill is a vaccine scientist. Give it up, nobody is buying what you’re selling.

The ingredients in the three vaccines were published on the CDC website months ago. I’m not saying the vaccine will make one alcoholic, give one diabetes, or clog one’s arteries. Nasal swabbing a huge percentage of the population has the potential to collect huge amounts of DNA and RNA data for further analysis as it relates to those diseases, otherwise know as “mapping.”

@Gittyup you’re not saying the vaccine will make one alcoholic, give one diabetes, or clog one’s arteries?

So you didn’t say earlier about “these three substances”, how they play out in the individual receiving the vaccine is anybody’s guess?

And your comment about RNA mapping had nothing to do with the vaccine but with COVID testing using nasal swabs? I guess you just like conspiracy theories, because why would one not be able to map your DNA or RNA anytime you give any bodily fluid sample at a medical laboratory?

Lies lies lies

‘We’re not gonna take it, oh no, we ain’t gonna take it, we’re not gonna take it anymore!”~Song by Twisted Sister
That should be our new battle cry against these health officials and the impending mask up/lock down…

I encourage Contra Costa health officials to perform anatomically impossible acts.

Dr. Farnitano: That quack’s yearly salary plus benefits is a whopping
$945,000!!!??? We sure aren’t getting our taxpayer money’s worth!

His ill gotten gains will be his downfall. Mark my words, little chris will suffer for eternity and will never enjoy that money. Same with roth. Trust me.

What happened to the “herd immunity” we were promised if we were vaccinated? More BS from the CDC/Fauci talking heads. We are all supposed to pretend we were never told this.

Actually there was no BS. They stated so many times Herd Immunity is hopeful at 80%. We are barely over 50%. Only a few people on here say this BS on here and try to flip it

@Me Recorded cases is likely 50% but there is for sure a high number of additional cases where people had it and didn’t report it, didn’t get tested, or didn’t even know they had it. Herd immunity is definitely a possibility at this point, but because it doesn’t fit the agenda it’s dismissed or ignored all together.

A virus so deadly, you may not even know you were sick before you “recover”. Total insult to people who use the grey matter between their ears. Do you people even listen to the things you believe? Please stop this insanity now.

I’m not the kind of man who likes to gloat.

So I won’t.

But it’s hard not to…

I bought a box of masks when this nonsense all started and it says right on the box that it does not protect against viruses I think we are all tired of the nonsense and the politicalization of this plandemic. I certainly do not care to hear one more thing from fauci he has been wrong and completely inconsistent this whole time not to mention the fact that he had a lot to do with the covid virus to begin with he’s knee deep in it

I wonder what happened to the antibody tests? One was announced a couple months back and the article said several other companies had them in development. The initial company wanted to make them available over-the-counter. Bet BP shut them down. This is all about money not health. IOW, if you haven’t been vaccinated and were able to buy an antibody test at the store which shows you have the antibodies why would you bother getting vaccinated? Get the picture?

We left Kleptofornica precisely because of the panic pornographers from the Left. We got the vaccine ASAP. Our new state made that very simple. Only the infirm, mental or physical still wear a mask. The mask causes people to be rude and angry. Almost got run over by a guy at Safeway in Concord. The mask-wearer tried to hit me.

If yet more mask mandates doesn’t convince you to leave, that’s on you.

Never. Nope. Unh uh. Stick it Commie Contra!

I think someone figured out how to start smoking the vaccine.

Don’t they realize they are undermining the effort to get people vaccinated even more by this stupid requirement? I am fully vaccinated as is my whole family. Science shows that we are protected from severe illness caused by the virus. If you are under 12 and unable to get vaccinated, you wear a mask. If you choose not to get vaccinated, well you are (likely) an adult & you take your chances. Why do I need to wear a mask to “protect” people who don’t want to get vaccinated? Enough already. We have to stop infantilizing people. I got vaccinated so I don’t have to wear a mask & worry about getting sick! If another adult wants to take their chances, that’s on them. Maybe seeing that 99% of Covid hospitalizations are of unvaccinated people will change their mind. Making everyone wear a mask again sure as sh$$ won’t!

I agree with you, Happy Squash…you’re damned if you do get vaccinated and you’re damned if you don’t! This is being done ‘to ensure easy verification that all unvaccinated people are masked in indoor settings”…they are doing this so that all children, including adults will mask up when they go back to school in the fall.
Here’s the County Health news release:

Oh and hell no I am not going back to wearing a mask after I’ve been vaccinated (unless on an airplane). No more. I’m done with that.

If you’re listening for the county to tell you how/where to mask up, you’re doing it wrong.

CAUTION: Asking me to wear a mask could be hazardous to your health. Possibly more hazardous then catching COVID HOAX. Granted the “could be” is only .0001 but it’s still possible.

The new masking requirement/guidance is meant to reduce/eliminate the ability of the unvaccinated to go without a mask. Right now, with no one wearing masks, the unvaccinated can present themselves as a unvaccinated and go without a mask.
If the unvaccinated wear a mask, they are helping to protect children and others who are not able to get the vaccine.

My best friend was
Murdered by Covid. Over 63,693 deaths so far. You need to have some sympathy for all the loved ones who are suffering these loses.

Get help. Literally no one is suffering losses due to COVID HOAX. NO ONE.

Chief of Propaganda Fauci is at it again.

Fauci: US might ‘still have polio’ if media back then opposed vaccine
Fauci was responding to a CNN interviewer who asked if he thought “we could have defeated the measles or eradicated polio if you had Fox News, night after night, warning people about these vaccine issues that are just bunk.”

Blacks and Hispanics are far lower in vaccination rates than whites. I guess they’re all watching Fox News and buying into the evil conservative “misinformation”?

And funny he should mention polio.

From Wikipedia
In April 1955, soon after mass polio vaccination began in the US, the Surgeon General began to receive reports of patients who contracted paralytic polio about a week after being vaccinated with Salk polio vaccine from the Cutter pharmaceutical company, with the paralysis limited to the limb the vaccine was injected into. The Cutter vaccine had been used in vaccinating 200,000 children in the western and midwestern United States.

Later investigations showed that the Cutter vaccine had caused 40,000 cases of polio, killing 10.

In response the Surgeon General pulled all polio vaccines made by Cutter Laboratories from the market, but not before 250 cases of paralytic illness had occurred.

Wyeth polio vaccine was also reported to have paralyzed and killed several children.

It was soon discovered that some lots of Salk polio vaccine made by Cutter and Wyeth had not been properly inactivated, allowing live poliovirus into more than 100,000 doses of vaccine.

In May 1955, the National Institutes of Health and Public Health Services established a Technical Committee on Poliomyelitis Vaccine to test and review all polio vaccine lots and advise the Public Health Service as to which lots should be released for public use.

These incidents reduced public confidence in polio vaccine, leading to a drop in vaccination rates.

That last sentence: “These incidents reduced public confidence in polio vaccine, leading to a drop in vaccination rates.”

History repeats itself. And the polio vaccines were far better tested and provided protection against a disease orders of magnitude more dangerous and debilitating than COVID-19.

It is beyond shameful how this has and still is about politics! How could you believe anything the Health Officials say anymore?

They can go pound sand. It has been almost 2 years since COVID arrived it’s clear both the mask and vaccinations are suspect and if you’re still standing due to the care you provided for yourself…I don’t want or need the so called health officials advice or demands. Time to remove all from office that are making decisions to the detriment of the citizens.



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