With possible record-high temperatures forecast for today, the state’s grid operator has called for afternoon and evening energy conservation throughout California as one way to make sure that the supply of power stays ahead of demand.
The Flex Alert, called by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), has been issued for Thursday from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. The grid operator is predicting an increase in electricity demand, primarily from air conditioning use due to the heat wave.
Saving Energy at Home
Here are five ways Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) customers can cut their power use and help keep the lights (and air conditioning) on for everyone:
• Set your thermostat at 78 degrees or higher, health permitting.
• When it’s cooler outside, bring the cool air in: If the outside air is cool in the night or early morning, open windows and doors and use fans to cool your home.
• Close your shades: Sunlight passing through windows heats your home and makes your air conditioner work harder. Block this heat by keeping blinds or drapes closed on the sunny side of your home.
• Cool down with a fan.
• Clear the area around your AC: Your air conditioning unit will operate better if it has plenty of room to breathe. The air conditioner’s outdoor unit, the condenser, needs to be able to circulate air without any interruption or obstruction. Also, dirty air filters make your air conditioner work harder to circulate air. By cleaning or replacing your filters monthly, you can improve energy efficiency and reduce costs.
Customers can actively help by shifting energy use to morning and nighttime hours. Conservation can lower demand and reduce the duration of possible power interruptions.
PG&E is prepared and, based on forecasts, doesn’t anticipate any issues meeting the increased demand for power.
PG&E does not project a need for a Public Safety Power Shutoff due to this weather, but conditions will be continuously monitored.
PG&E also urges customers to stay safe during this heat wave. The company funds cooling centers throughout its service area to help customers escape the heat and cool off. To find a center near you click here or call 1-877-474-3266.
will pg&e not give out bonuses and then declare bankruptcy?
Just fire up those peaker plants designed and built for circumstances like this,
Oh wait, . . . . they don’t exist any more.
Seems to me…
A power company should be a public utility with its only objective being to provide safe, clean, and abundant power to its subscribers.
PG&E is a public company with stockholders to answer to rather than the subscribers.
Well, the people voted for it, so now ya gotta live with it.
When was that vote to make PG&E into a public stock holding company?
As far as I can remember it has only answered to its stockholders and never to the locked in subscribers. Even being declared a criminal corporation hasn’t change that. So you have that part right.
Do people actually keep their thermostat lower than 78 in the summer? I’ve never really felt the need to go below that but I’m starting to get the feeling that I’m an outlier.
I keep mine at 82 degrees on the hottest days. I’m no wimp at 54 years old and the whole fam can handle it. Just trying to do my part. Other days we don’t go lower than 80 degrees.
Mine is at 80 and an overhead fan is perfect
At one point in our lives, we were poor grad students and couldn’t afford A/C in New Orleans. It was hot, but a fan and a cool shower usually made sleeping possible.
Here in CA, with the lower humidity, and the usual cool nights, a ceiling fan is plenty. Ours is usually at 76* upstairs, only because our crappily built Seeno Oakhurst home has poor ductwork, and the temperature upstairs can vary a few degrees, depending on where the vents blow.
Downstairs is usually 78* and is quite comfortable. I guess it’s all a matter of perspective, eh?
California Independent System Operator (CAISO) – people appointed as a political favor from Newsom that no nothing.
Hey Gavin, hard to roar back when we don’t have enough power!
How the heck are we going to survive when everybody is forced to have an electric car, and they’re all being plugged in at the end of the day?
We can’t even keep the power on the way it is now!
And what’s annoying, we’re told not to use electricity between 4:00 and 9:00 p.m. right when we need to cook meals and use the AC to cool down the house. This is like living in third world California.
Morons in charge, always reactive, never proactive…
Badge 1104, Exactly!
New homes are all electric (no gas).
Transitioning to all electric cars.
No new power generation plants to be built?
I have my A/C running balls out when it’s triple digits.
Ts – Exactly!
… this is ridiculous…. not enough power?! how many years do we have to go through this? and Newsom wants everything electric and won’t have oil / gas fired plants? …..another reason for Recall
This is getting to be a regular thing, more frequent too, with people and industry departing CA we still have alerts ? Power Supply sounds like it’s in death spiral
Recall Newsom. Perhaps he can become Governor of some other state that prefers idealism to reality.
Recall Newsom, and send him packing for “greener” pastures.
After all, he is “out………standing in his field.”
If you think rich people with huge houses listen to this you’re joking.
We at home are asked to conserve electricity and water, while amusement parks, sports stadiums, golf courses, etc, can go on as if nothing is happening?
Only California could run a state’s electric grid into the ground like this. We should all move to Texas, the Republican-run fossil fuel capital of the USA, where they know how to run a power grid. Oh wait……
Sounds like you forgot the reason Texas had power issues was a freak weather event this past winter.
One of many reasons I left CA and finally moved to AZ. Hot yes 115-118 but NO power issues. CA also has far more water issues (population) with drought than AZ who has planned for reductions long ago as well. No water rationing or conservation efforts until 2023 earliest. Pool filled, pump running, AC on life is good! Only worry is I need a floating cooler for the pool, gets chilly getting out of pool even in these temps. Do that today!
No…. I pay my bill. I’ll do what I want with the electricity I pay for.