Home » COVID Reopening: Bay Area Business Owners Desperate To Hire Workers

COVID Reopening: Bay Area Business Owners Desperate To Hire Workers


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I’m in Tahoe right now and all I see are help wanted signs. The Biden administration is trying to crash the economy and slide us into socialism.

TRUMP 2024!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

When Obama was President conservative complained about high unemployment, now you complain about low unemployment, which is it? Or is it just that no democrat president can ever do ANYTHING right in your eyes?


Surely you realize that there is a rather large difference between those two scenarios, right? Obama inherited the worst recession in 80 years, and then proceeded to drag it out for ten years with heavy handed regulation and spending.

Biden inherited a fundamentally sound economy, that had been put on pause because of covid, and his first signature act was to continue to pay people more to stay home on unemployment than to go back to work.

I like a tight labor market, it’s good for us laborers at the bottom. We can negotiate higher wages when we aren’t competing with every other low-skilled laborer in the world. But how can anyone compete with the largess of the federal government?

End the covid subsidies, and this shortage goes away.

What part of what I said was not true???? Explain

As for Obama, I voted for him the first time. I wised up the second time. Obama polarized the nation by not supporting law enforcement and not holding people accountable for their criminal behavior. First of all don’t break the law and if you do cooperate with law enforcement, problem solved. Instead the Democrats manufactured racism instead of holding people accountable. He is still trying to divide the nation by pushing critical race theory.

And Hanns how can you support the Democratic Party when they were behind segregation, Jim Crow and started the KKK. Your president (Biden) did a eulogy for a high ranking klan member.

Hanns my woke snowflake wake up. The Democratic Party is destroying America. No one is oppressed.

If people were paid a living wage they’d be able to afford to come back to work. I work in childcare and while there are not as many applicants as usual, I have found great teachers in the last few months. We pay them enough and give them benefits. Those who don’t are struggling to find people willing to come off UE…I wonder why??? PAY PEOPLE WHAT THEY ARE WORTH AND THEY WILL WANT TO WORK FOR YOU. Not sure why this is so tough to understand?

I had to go into SF today. For some reason I thought there would be more people out and about on the grand reopening day. Took BART and not many cars in the lot and very few people on the train. Well BART seems to run every 1/2 hour so it may be too slow. Then I took MUNI to get to where I needed to be. That runs better than BART but again, few people. Same thing on the return trips. Last month I had to go into SF and there were lots more people out and about and on the public transit. So much for the grand re-opening day of the state.

San Francisco is dying . The streets are filthy and smell of human waste . Drug dealers and criminals are free to do their business . San Francisco is unsafe and very expensive .It is soon to be the homeless capital of the U S . Liberalism at work .

I used to take MUNI from Daly City BART to SFSU back in the day, You couldn’t pay me to ride MUNI today. I won’t even ride BART. BART was clean and safe when I rode the Concord-SF line in the 80s, The only filth was discarded copies of the SF Chronicle. I never saw a homeless person or an addict on BART. And the only drunk was me coming home on Friday night. 😉

Yes the Democratic party was behind segregation, because the after Lincoln freed the slaves, thus the south became democrats. Hardly the same democrats we have today. Both parties have changed over the years, there use to be liberal republicans, such as Nelson Rockefeller and others.

Your party(demoRats) were for segregation and now pushing for critical race theory.. wake up snowflake and learn from history.

You are what’s wrong with America. Dummy

Seems the binbiden plan is working

Starve small businesses

Leaving only huge dem supportive businesses

And push the socialist agenda

Working perfectly

Dems voters are so easily swayed by shiny edd checks

What a waste

Hey Darwin….do you consider social security socialism? It is afterall, a social program. How about medicare and medicaid?
Quit talking about the Trump talking points dude. True socialism is very different than the Biden agenda.
Is educating 3-4 year olds socialism? I feel it’s a plan to educate our future leaders and our nation.
You must be watching OAN and Fox nonstop.

You should move to North Vietnam, Venezuela, Cuba, or China and live your socialist dream. It never has worked and it never will work.

Social security is a scam, a ponzi scheme that only benefits those who already had an insanely easy life (boomers, who had high wages and low home prices) at the expense of new generations, who will never see a penny of that money themselves.

@chicken soup
This is how socialism starts. Look at what is happening with the latest example of socialism in Venezuela. It’s failing miserably. Socialism has never worked. People flee socialist countries to come here. You should speak to someone who has fled a socialist or communist country. The countries who have socialized medicine can not adequately care for their people. People go abroad to get medical treatment because it is faster and better. As for social security and Medicaid that is about as much socialism as the tax payer can afford.

How is educating 3-4 year olds socialism??? What are you talking about? There have been preschool and prekindergarten for decades. How is that socialism?

Now quit watching CNN

You are so far out of line. Social security is earned when you work. It’s not a gift for Lord Biden. This is why everyone receives different payments. You are right children should be educated at a young age but it’s not states job to provide preschool to a child. It’s the parents job to provide for there children. Btw watching or not watching OAN or NewsMax doesn’t have anything todo with it. People have sadly forgotten that we as human adults are the only people in control of our destiny. People need to stand up and provide for them selfs and the ones they are responsible for.

Chickensoup doesn’t know the difference between socialism and social programs.

Others here have explained it here – but you just don’t get it.

Sadly, no amount of education is going to help you.

If you just drive east towards the foothills you’ll find that most are not masking and you hardly know there’s all the fear porn going on here in the Bay Area. You don’t have to drive far

Only a lunatic or an imbecile would choose to go to work for the same or less money that he could make from his couch. While we’re hyperinflating our currency we should give all that extra free government welfare money to the essential workers retroactively.

or check this out, it could be someone with a strong work ethic who places great value in the sense of pride and self-worth of having a job and actually working for a living, wanting to get ahead in life, not being an able-bodied lump of s*** willing to accept the spirit-sapping and indignity of govt welfare.

I don’t think that is true, most people want the sense of accomplishment and being productive. Those you decide to take EDD and not seek work, might be in for a rude awakening, EDD only last so long, and if they had a job with a 401K and medical benefits that goes away with EDD. Also many who are not returning to workforce were close to retirement decided to retire now. I have one girl friend that was working 4 days a week as an assistant manager, she is over 70, when they offered her a job again, she would have to commute from Novato to Berkeley, (the job she had was in Corte Madera) she declined. I worked with about 4-5 ladies at Macy’s one as a second job, others part time, retired from a career in various fields, they choose not to come back. Some of the less productive workers were not called back, instead now Macy’s is hiring again, instead of calling former workers back.

I remember reading in a history textbook a famous quote: “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” A democratic president said that.

End the unemployment and more people will be forced to go back to work. Hopefully they took advantage to learn how to better themselves so they don’t have to work again at fast food restaurants.

Capitalism at work! The supply is low, the demand is high, so of course you need to pay more for the scarce commodity. I hope they figure this out soon, I want my hamburgers quickly.

Get with the program, the business owners should all know how this works, they claim to be business people. You get what you pay for, so fork over the dough so you can stay in business. Of course, you’re going to need to raise prices, but that is how capitalism works and I’d expect nothing less.

I mean really, do business expect people to work for less than they can live on? They want to use MY taxes to support THEIR business? They want to not pay enough so your workers need to use those d**m socialist programs like SNAP, Section 8 housing, and all those other d**m socialist welfare programs just so they can keep working for them? What, are those business owners freeloaders wanting a hand out? Are they socialist hippies or something?

Utter ignorance and stupidity. The government aka Uncle Sugar becoming a competitor for those business people in that the govt is literally paying people to sit at home is anything but “capitalism”.

What Pete said.

When the government steps in, and basically hires away a significant portion if the workforce to eat hot pockets and pay Call Of Duty, that is the opposite of capitalism.

But don’t worry, businesses are starting to offer more pay and hiring bonuses in attempt to compete with Uncle Sugar. Which, along with mass money printing, is causing the inevitable rise in inflation as too much money chases not enough supply.

The end result will be the rapid decline in value of the US dollar, totally shafting any and all responsible people that actually saved their money and planned for the future. It is a blatant theft of money by the political class of the productive class, but it’s done through the invisible hand of inflation, so no politician will have to ever answer for it.

Why do you think Bitcoin is going so crazy, or the stock market, or durable commodities like housing? People are attempting to put their hard earned money into something Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi can’t devalue with their printing press.

If you pay them, they will come. (or stay away)

The lockdowns hit minimum wage workers the hardest. I think many saw how vulnerable they are and decided to take steps, like learning a trade or going to school. And many decided why work when they can get the same money staying home and receiving enhanced unemployment?

I expect the Democrats will insist we import more Mexicans and Central Americans to “Take the jobs Americans won’t do.” (TM)

Importing hoards of unskilled labor is always good for business, but it’s hell on the taxpayers and our schools.

For every business that is having trouble hiring, I have one question, what is your pay and benefits?

I work for a union retailer that pays above market wages and benefits. We can’t get anyone.

When much of the laid-off work force is getting nearly as much, and sometimes more money, to stay home, why would they want to go get a job? Even if it pays a lot more to work, you lose 40 hours of your life every week, and get a sore back or carpel tunnel. Why not just make a little less on unemployment and enjoy your leisure time? You can’t be evicted for not paying rent, so what’s the worry? Fire up the bong and turn on The Bachelor and let other people do the working.

A good case for Sister Kamala not going to the border or really focusing much energy down there is that it will allow millions of low wage workers to prop up businesses both small and large that lack needed workers while the ones who worked there before the wuflu hit can sit at home getting fatter watching Netflix while collecting unemployment and other freebies from uncle Joe and 2some newsom.

Simple fact from last employment report:

10.1 M unemployed collecting benefits.

9.25 open jobs in the US.

Regardless of political affiliation it is easy to understand this is a complete failure!

@chickensoup – Apparently you don’t know the difference between social programs and socialism.

Mike – it’s up to the parents to start with the education….it’s not the government’s job to take the role of parents… and it’s certainly NOT the role of teachers to push political agendas. Show me where in the Constitution that education is a basic (human) right. Which of the first ten amendments?

As I’ve said before – if you know your teacher’s politics, they ought to be fired.



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