Home » State Of CA Introduces Expenses-Paid Vacation Packages As Latest COVID-19 Vaccine Incentive

State Of CA Introduces Expenses-Paid Vacation Packages As Latest COVID-19 Vaccine Incentive


State officials introduced another COVID-19 vaccine incentive program Monday, offering six expenses-paid vacations throughout the state, including in San Francisco.

The state will select six winners on July 1 for trips for four in San Francisco, Palm Springs, Anaheim, Los Angeles and San Diego. In addition to multi-night hotel stays and dining and entertainment options, each vacation package also comes with a $2,000 cash prize that can used for expenses during the vacation.

The “Golden State Getaways” packages are the state’s latest gambit to encourage more residents to get vaccinated against COVID-19, along with millions of dollars in cash prize drawings and food and merchandise deals with brands like Taco Bell, Chipotle, the Los Angeles Clippers and the Golden State Warriors.

Some 72 percent of the state’s adults have received at least one vaccine dose, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Monday during a briefing at the Port of San Francisco.


“We have seen, week over week, … a 14 percent increase in administered doses since we initiated the vaccination incentives,” he said, adding that state officials are “confident these vaccine incentives have worked.”

The vacation packages are also an effort to aid the state’s beleaguered tourism and travel industry, which ground nearly to a halt over the last 15 months of the pandemic.

According to Visit California President and CEO Caroline Beteta, the pandemic erased more than 55 percent of the state’s $145 billion per year tourism industry overnight.

It will also take roughly four years for the tourism industry to return to 2019 levels, according to Beteta.


“One of the key issues for us to get back on track and shorten this recovery curve is to encourage Californians to travel in California,” she said. “It’s like a modern-day act of patriotism if we can spend those dollars here.”

In San Francisco, the vacation package winners will receive a five-night stay at the Hotel Nikko in Union Square, meals at La Mar, Jaranita, Wilder, Westwood and One Market and four tickets to a San Francisco Giants game at Oracle Park.

All state residents age 18 and older who have received at least one vaccine dose will be eligible for the vacation package drawings. Vaccinated residents are automatically entered into the drawings.

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Is it just me, or is this coming off as completely pathetic?

What? No expense paid vacation to the French Laundry?

The winner does get $2,000. That should cover dinner for you and your date.

Absolutely ridiculous. If a product works, you don’t have to bribe people, especially with money the state doesn’t have. I don’t understand how state officials can show their face in public at this point.

they don’t need it, they can just take it from us because the bleeding hearts among us feel that it is the right thing to do


Hopefully you’ll be able to enjoy that vacation before the myocarditis sets in.
VAERS is now REMOVING deaths from their database and replacing the death adverse events with non-deaths such as blindness, Guillain-Barre, bells palsy etc.
Maybe the State can cover your hospital bills such as the girl who racked up 500k due the adverse reaction.

Remember folks, this is NOT a vaccine.

If these vaccines are the best thing since sliced bread, why does the government have to bribe people to take the stuff?

Something stinks about this.

With Version D beating down the door and another prolonged shut down in the offing, why are people not properly protected by these shots?

Excuses run rampant, but none are real.

It’s power over the people.

Ya’ll gave that up some time ago.

Now you can reap the rewards.

What a waste of money. Is this where are tax dollars are going? It is obvious we are paying way too much. Give it back to the tax payers.

That is why we need to RECALL GAVIN IN NOVEMBER. He is spending OUR money like he is a drunken sailor.

That should read our tax dollars.

And who is overseeing the winners to ensure it is being given to legitimate winners and not Gavin’s cousins?

Bribery and discrimination against those who cannot get it or know better not to.
Must be a reward for the Governor who has the most vaccinated in their State.

We can not fix our infrastructures . Certain schools have been crumbling for years. We pay our teachers such low pay that many students suffer because we can not find good educators willing to teach for such poor pay. Gas is extremely high. Our taxes are skyrocketing . Newsome gives our money away like candy. It is tgive this governor the boot

Oh please, stop it with the BS about government aka “public” school teachers being paupers who are one step away from the bread line. Remember it’s not just their pay for 9-10 months of work, it’s their overall compensation which in most districts includes good benefits, among them being taxpayers footing most if not all cost burden of the teachers’ unsustainable pensions.

the newscums powers are coming to an end so he has to appease his aunt and force us to pay for the maximum amount of vaccine

that is why after this whole time of no the children are safe mantra

now oh they need to juice oh yeah or be forced to wear the lockdown masks

yeah we need more people vaccinated even one or even showing up and backing out what ever it takes to put more on the books

ever placing us behind the eight ball paying for this or not paying and then they can install their komi socialist regime as planned out for them by a chinese delegate that laid out the game plan of proding the carrot for us to get so the dems can force us into servitude by us paying top dollar for the vaccines that china released on us …hmmmmm

so anyway yes bring your young children and lets experiment on them with a vaccine … the way no claim can be made against a death or maiming
vaccines dont fall under drug restrictions

lol so get to it hey 3 year old non binary step up and take one for the dems

now doesn’t that feel good …yes your parents voted for these experiments on you ……enjoy

Is it just me or is there something sinister about the government bribing citizens to get a experimental vaccine? Call me crazy but I’ll keep passing on the Jab

Wise choice, Tomato

@Tomato Girl~
Agree,….Ditto,….I’m with you Girl,…. 🙂

The democrats just keep getting dumber and dumber. Their voters refuse to accept reality. It is pathetic.

See Greasy Gavin the game show-host spinning the big wheel to award people money taken away from hard working, honest and struggling citizens who live paycheck to paycheck.


what is diminishing returns, Alex?

I’m not sure I understand what is happening ! If you were a good citizen and got your shots, who cares. However if you were not a good citizen, fought the system and refused to get your shots you get rewarded !??!! A prerequisite to be a politician should include common sense.

Good citizen = getting an EXPERIMENTAL injection???
More like a Good Slave.

Everyone who is 18 and older and has been vaccinated will be automatically entered in the drawings. It doesn’t matter when you got vaccinated. If you were, as you put it, “a good citizen and got your shots” when first eligible, you have been entered in the drawings. So are the folks who are just getting their shots now.

Anon, Who was it that forced people to get the shots? The military? The police? Secret government enforcement squads? I guess I wasn’t home when they came to my town and rounded people up and made them get the shots.

@Bob–What exactly is your definition of a good citizen? I enlisted into the United States Marine Corps and served in Vietnam. In 1994, I went back to school and got a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing because I wanted to help people and serve my community. Before the pandemic, I was a volunteer at Children’s Hospital in Oakland, entertaining some very sick children. But I guess I’m not a good citizen because I refuse to be a guinea pig. You pass judgement on people you don’t even know, and you have no idea what’s going on in their lives, or why they make certain decisions.
People like you disgust me.

Bob, have fun virtue signaling from what you believe is the moral high ground. What a putz.

The most populous state in the nation.
The most taxed state in the nation.
The most acres of land torched in wildfires in the nation.
The most people on welfare in the nation.
Soon to be the smartest voters in the nation to RECALL Newsom…….

AMEN, Brother!

“Smartest voters”…HA, what a crock. Yeah, the majority of these “smart voters” are the idiots who have voted in a supermajority one-party system. As for the recall, I will be shocked if Newsom does lose, but even if he does, it’s like a band-aid on a sucking chest wound because you’ve still got that leftist supermajority in the Legislature, plus bats*** crazy loons in city/county government/school boards, etc up and down this entire state.

Imagine a ‘vaccine’ so important you have to be bribed to take it.

No death jab for me, thanks

Imagine a ‘vaccine’ so important you have to be bribed to take it.

No death jab for me, thanks

“The American Republic will endue until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s own money.”

Alexis de Tocqueville

Win a weekend in SF? Haha, who the hell wants to go to SF now days?
Bribery to get vaccinated what a joke…


Follow the money…Vaccine Companies.
Johnson & Johnson
Astra Zenaca

PCR tests

Abbott Labs

The “Please don’t recall me” campaign continues.

Newsom’s premise for his vaccine lottery caper is that all Californians are prostitutes, and he is haggling with us over price. He sees in us what he sees in himself. He’s mentally ill, and has zero self respect.

It’s for a California vacation. The money will go right back into or economy. Lighten up people, you sound like you could use a vacation.

This is not just a California thing. My company, located in the Southeast U.S.,, is offering cash prizes for being vaccinated totalling $1 million (prizes starting at $25,000). This is because it’s financially advantageous for them to have a healthy workforce that will not be transmitting more virus which has been devastating to their bottom line.

Yet another waste of my tax dollars. When’s the recall election?

One of the key issues for us to get back on track and shorten this recovery curve is to encourage Californians to travel in California,” she said. “It’s like a modern-day act of patriotism if we can spend those dollars here.”

Patriotism includes duty to country, not your home state.



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