Home » CHP: Motorcyclist Cited For Going 140-MPH On Hwy.24

CHP: Motorcyclist Cited For Going 140-MPH On Hwy.24


A motorcyclist was cited for going 140-mph on hwy.24 this week, according to the California Highway Patrol.

A person who drives a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than 100-mph is guilty of an infraction, which is punishable, as follows:

  • Upon a first conviction of a violation of this subdivision, by a fine of not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500). The court may also suspend the privilege of the person to operate a motor vehicle for a period not to exceed 30 days pursuant to Section 13200.5.
  • Upon a conviction under this subdivision of an offense that occurred within three years of a prior offense resulting in a conviction of an offense under this subdivision, by a fine of not to exceed seven hundred fifty dollars ($750). The person’s privilege to operate a motor vehicle shall be suspended by the Department of Motor Vehicles pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 13355.
  • Upon a conviction under this subdivision of an offense that occurred within five years of two or more prior offenses resulting in convictions of offenses under this subdivision, by a fine of not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000). The person’s privilege to operate a motor vehicle shall be suspended by the Department of Motor Vehicles pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 13355.

The speed limit on hwy.24 is 65-mph.

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Hope that was fun! Good thing you didn’t wreck your fonor-cyle as your parts would’ve been obliterated. Man I hate motorcycles.

Hope that was fun! Good thing you didn’t wreck your donor-cyle as your parts would’ve been obliterated. Man I hate motorcycles.

probably spends more than that on crack!

jail time

Breaking out from the COVID lockdowns…

What a king.

J/k, lucky he didn’t kill someone.

Wait, is that the dude’s actual signature that the police are sharing out to local media? What’s up with that?

If he can do 140, I’m surprised he even stopped! Bikes can easily outrun a car, especially if there’s any traffic…

Sadly you can’t outrun a helicopter or a radio.

Oh yes you can, happens quite often it’s just not covered in media much.
The odds of a helicopter being close by are sky high and by the time one comes available the chase is over, and radios won’t help much if no one is close by and if it’s at night it’s even easier to get away unless the driver is an amateur..

So I wonder why the CHP cited for the infraction and not the misdemeanor CVC 23103 Reckless driving?

Why not take the driver into custody and impound the motorcycle under CVC 23109.2(a)(2)(C) – Immediate arrest; removal and seizure of motor vehicle for reckless driving?!?

Exactly my thought.


it seems like motorcyclists are real a$$holes these days, demanding people let them cut between them as if that is necessary like on old bikes that would over heat.

Just cause a person is going 140 doesn’t mean it’s reckless at all. Get a clue people..

Driving that fast on a public road will meet the definition of reckless to just about any jury, in California, or elsewhere.

Death Wish

Why’d he even stop. It took the cop like a mile to catch up based on location listed. Bike probably slowed down after a quick adrenaline pump on the straight part giving cop enough time to catch up. Cop probably lost sight of him at some point while pulling out to. He can argue that in court that it wasn’t him if he didn’t admit to it. yeah Officer that guy passed me a mile back. He scared me while passing me so fast. Haha

Just 140? He still had a gear to go I’m sure..
140 is no big deal for the majority of all bikes and high performance cars that are out now right off the showroom floor. So the CHP caught 1 while another dozen were doing 140 elsewhere locally.
Showing stories like this won’t slow us down, if we want to go that faster faster we’ll do it no problem and 99% of the time there won’t be a cop around to stop us and honestly we’ve been doing it for 40+ years..

Just fill out our organ donor card so your death won’t be total waste to society.

You all whine about cars not looking out for you and then drive like jebronis all over the place when it’s unnecessary. Review the CHP fatalities twitter feed sometime — a lot of motorcycle-caused accidents and/or reckless driving that leads to their own fatalities and endangers others.

I remember the motorcyclist that dies on Concord Blvd after clipping a Prius and being thrown from his bike and runover by a truck coming the other way. Everyone talked about how kind and nice he was, but he didn’t seem very kind or nice needing to tear down Concord Blvd so bad and dangerously that he clipped the car in front of him into oncoming traffic.

Please get a freaking grip, my dude.

The punishment for this infraction is not harsh enough.

Years ago you would go to jail if you rode that fast.

The best local stretch of freeway to do a high speed test of a vehicle is on I-680 between Bollinger Canyon Road and Alcosta Blvd.
Keep it short!!

I got pulled doing 60+ in a 35 in concord. Got a warning 🙂

Were you wearing your short shorts?

Guessin’ potential for high speed wobbles air a thing of the past

There’s a time and a place for everything….. and that place is Hwy 4 in east county….. whenever.


First reaction: Whaaaaaa? Is this a delayed “April Fool’s Day” tale from Mayor???

Next thought…… “Where are all the potholes when you need them?”

Real question: How did they make him stop without anyone getting hurt?

Lol the second the police broadcaster the stop

The DA was allready printing plea deal and self rehabilitation papers

By the time the binary or non binary entered the station
They signed and we’re released to their carbon or non carbon (not sure ) based machine

Nothing to see here
And what difference does it make now
Come one man

Officer: Sir, I clocked you going 140 mph. What’s up with that?

Motorcycle rider: Sorry officer, but last year my wife ran off with a CHP officer, and I thought you were trying to return her.

Officer: Have a good day…

reckless driving isn’t funny, and that is one damn good joke!!

22348(a) CVC. 108RS

Should have been taken directed to jail. People like that are a menace. I’ve been a paramedic a long time. These guys are a hazard to everybody on the road.

Street races were full on last night thru San Ramon/Dublin last night. 3-4 wide 160+ for 3/4 mile. Went on for 30 minutes both directions but no general public in the mix of the runs.

Just can’t stop it..

If he put down 140 for a speed, that is probably just a guesstimate and he was actually going faster. It’s the one place where an officer has an opportunity to cut someone a little slack if they warrant it…
Pull over, be polite and accept the consequences of your actions like a civilized human.

I think 140 mph is reckless driving, but it’s officer discretion. At that speed on a motorcycle the only person he’s going to hurt is himself. Even if he causes an accident, the vehicle will always win. The officer definitely cut him some slack. It happens all the time.

@ KD ~ May I be the first to call “Horse sh*t” on your post.

Motorcycles average about 600 lbs.
Rider will add another 150 – 200 lbs.
Imagine either bike or rider, maybe both….traveling at 140 mph and crashing thru the windshield of your car….. “the only one he’s going to hurt is himself”?
Unless you are from the planet Krypton, I believe you will be injured or killed.

Dr. Jellyfinger — The only person he’s going to hurt is himself — as in if a car hits him. Try thinking outside of the box And, yes — the vehicle will always win whether a vehicle hits someone on a motorcycle or a bicycle. It happens all the time.

Motorcycles usually don’t go crashing through the windshields of cars on Hwy 24. They do get hit and killed by vehicles all the time.

I’m NOT defending the motorcyclist. I would rather see him arrested. I’m giving my opinion (which I’m entitled to) as to why the officer let him go.

I did say it was reckless driving in the first sentence. Try reading comprehension next time.

@KD- (DR.J reply)

You ever see what a deer strike looks like? Try physics comprehension next time.

The vehicle does not necessarily win. Sometimes they both lose.

KD ~ My reading comprehension is just fine.
” the vehicle will always win ” “The only person he’s going to hurt is himself ” …….that’s what you said and I understood you.

Maybe this link will illustrate my point and my opinion for you:


Always huh?

Whenever jerk bikers speed and think they are above the law, I play chicken with him and fake a swerve or turn my wiper spray on.

@Gordy….I’d be careful doing that, old school bikers used to carry a Bull Durham bag full of ball bearings tied to their handlebars for people like you….some still do.



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