Home » Contra Costa County Opens COVID Vaccine Clinic Along Monument Corridor

Contra Costa County Opens COVID Vaccine Clinic Along Monument Corridor


Contra Costa County opened a drop-in vaccination clinic along the Monument Boulevard corridor Thursday to get access to the COVID-19 vaccine for residents who have been hardest hit by the pandemic.

The clinic, located at 1034 Oak Grove Road, has the capacity to administer up to 500 vaccine doses per day to people age 16 and over, according to county officials.

Roughly 70 percent of the county’s eligible residents have now received at least one vaccine dose, according to data from Contra Costa Health Services. However, only 53 percent of Concord residents have received at least one dose.

The clinic will operate from noon to 7 p.m. on Tuesdays and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday.


Walk-in appointments will also be accepted from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesdays and 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday.

The county will also offer mobile clinics in Concord and Bay Point next week that will not require appointments and be staffed by the California Office of Emergency Services in partnership with Contra Costa and Alameda counties.

The mobile clinics will offer vaccinations from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday at the Meadow Homes Elementary School at 1371 Detroit Ave. in Concord and the Ambrose Recreation Center at 3105 Willow Pass Road in Bay Point.

People who live and work in the county and are 16 or older can schedule a COVID-19 vaccination appointment by visiting https://covidvaccine.cchealth.org/COVIDVaccine or calling (833) 829-2626.


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I wonder why they put it down there? The hardest hit area is immediately north of Monument Blvd. from the canal trail east to Ericson Road. Though it’s on the south side of Monument, I believe the old Monument Crisis Center space is available or any of the shopping malls on Monument should have space. I suspect the city of Concord would have allowed the county to use Cambridge Park. MDUSD may have allowed the county to use Cambridge Elementary School. Both the park and school are in the middle of the hot zone that the county is trying to target.

1034 Oak Grove Road is in a fairly well off area, COVID-19 wise.

that is convenient for the illegal aliens

Yes, a convenient vaccination center is the point. So more people can be vaccinated. What are you missing here?

Pandering to the illegal aliens? They’d be better served giving them the polio, DTaP and MMR vaccines, since these are actually dangerous diseases that spread very quickly.

How is providing a public health service pandering?

I am glad that you agree that basic health services should be provided to everyone, even outside of COVID related care.

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink…

You can also lead a horse to slaughter.

You can generally expect and get a mixed bag of responses on this site. No exception here-
As expected the snide and politicized driven guaranteed players and another one showing thought and concern ….

Get vaccinated and do your part – thanks to all….. ✔️

I thought the Monument Corridor was a great place for the clinic. The more people vaccinated the better. Some of the posters may have missed the point that we are talking about people.

The vaccine manufacturers specifically state in patient information that some individuals with allergies to ingredients in the vaccines, or those with certain medical conditions, should not get the shots. There will not, therefore, be 100% of the population vaccinated, nor does there need to be.

Michael- People actually have a purpose. Many folks on that corridor are actually just parasites.

I can’t even begin to understand why people are still lining up even after the former VP of Pfizer said that its “entirely possible this will be used for massive scale depopulation.” This is not fake news people. The “vaccine” is not a vaccine at all by definition- it’s an experimental gene therapy which is NEITHER EFFECTIVE OR SAFE. You can justify it all you want, tell yourself it is safe… it absolutely is not.

Another fact: that WERE animal trials done in 2005 for Covid mRNA “vaccines” on ferrets. THEY ALL DIED. LET ME REPEAT. THEY ALL DIED.

If you haven’t got the jab yet, please do some serious research (and don’t use Google for that, obviously)….before you put this in your body, know what it is made out of (aborted fetus tissue, jellyfish) and the process it undertakes once it enters your body.

And don’t forget the ferrets… THEY ALL DIED

More help on the way…….


The Arco Gas Station at the corner of Loveridge/Leland in Pittsburg is now giving the vaccine shot. So now you can get gas and the shot together. No thanks.

The vaccine is being given at CC Health across the street from the Arco station. There is also a walk up clinic at the community center on Stoneman. You could have looked this up yourself instead of spreading misinformation.

It’s a shame that so many Democrat Politicians questioned the safety of the vaccines developed through the leadership of President Trump and his operation Warp Speed. Harris, Pelosi, Newsom, Cuomo, etc…planted the seeds of mistrust and suspicion last year, and now many people refuse to get vaccinated.

I am strongly against illegal alien anything, but getting them vaccinated (for everything) just makes sense and keeps the rest of us safer.

Trump did finally get the vaccines started….. then he and the Republic party just abandoned us. Thanks don……

You said you are against “illegal alien anything” but in the next breath recognize that this is a good thing for undocumented immigrants in your community to be vaccinated.

Please reflect on why the line you draw in providing basic services to other human beings is the potential impact on your own personal health, rather than other forms of help which you don’t perceive to have an impact on you.

We do need 100% of the population vaccinated. Certainly if someone has allergies or a medical condition that their physician recommends they don’t get vaccinated, then they should not. I got mine the end of March, and glad I did. Being busy at work I often forgot the sanitizer etc. At Macy’s we have seen a return of our older customer’s, they tell me they have not bought clothes in a year (many don’t shop on line, like younger people do) but, since getting the vaccine they feel safe venturing out, and are in a mood to buy clothes. We are very busy all the time.

I walked passed a walk-in vaccination tent in the The Mission area of San Francisco last Saturday. A friendly attendant asked me if I already had my vaccination. I kindly replied: “I’m listening to our Gov. and he is requesting to get the people of color, the marginalized, the poor, the illegal aliens-she didn’t like that, the LGBTQRSTUs, the prison population, the homeless, and our most vulnerable population before the rest of society to ensure ‘fairness’.” She turned and walked back to her station.

In addition to being absurdly rude to a stranger, everyone 16+ is eligible to receive the vaccine, so you’re also just spouting nonsense.

Just chill out my guy. Why are you so angry?

Those of you getting these injections of synthetic, foreign DNA with these spike proteins are transmitting them to others. You should self-quarantine – only it is not known for how long as the the spike protein production in your body may never turn off. Your body could just keep on producing them. People are reporting blood clots, bruises, headaches, rashes and other abnormalities after spending time with those who are taking these injections. It is still too early to know exactly what is going on, but it is very concerning.

Before you got the injection did you take the time to read the white papers on what happened to the ferrets in the control group the last time they tried to make this “vaccine”? Hint – there is a reason they skipped animal trials and went straight to humans. You are the trials now.

Praying for you all who are choosing this route. I will stick with the immune system God gave me and not defile it. No transhumanism for me.

My Aunt contracted polio a few years before the vaccine was developed. She never had the opportunity to opt in/out. She spent several years in an iron lung, then hospital and rehabilitation center. Spent the rest of her life in a wheel chair.

I jumped at the chance for this vaccine. Now I don’t have to worry about catching or spreading it. Nor potential long-term damage from getting the Wuhan Flu.

This claim isn’t just untrue, it’s impossible. Nothing is getting transmitted to others, because it can’t be. Good luck with your wonderful immune system. Fortunately, there’s plenty of room in the hospitals for ant-vaxxers, now that so many of us have gotten vaccinated.

https://covidvaccinereactions.com There is a link at the top that takes you to two woman who are compiling stories of people who are not taking the jab of synthetic DNA with disrupted menses, blood clots, etc after coming into contact with those who are taking the injection. There is also a nurse who has a website where she is compiling the data – I didn’t save that and now I wish I did.

This is just one website. There are medical doctors speaking out about this phenomenon and now they are being lambasted because the gov’t doesn’t want the truth to come out.

You are part of the experiment.

Also, tired of the polio lie. They just renamed it. RESEARCH IT.

Go to Children’s Heath Defense or ICANDECIDE.org websites to learn more.

I don’t know what flavor of Kool-Aid you’ve been drinking but please switch to water, turn off your CNN or whatever mainstream media you read/watch, and do some real research.

The future of humanity depends on you waking up. All. Of. You.

They are not lies. Go to Dr. Sheri Tenpenny’s site. She has citations from medical journals and research that backs up all of her claims. They admit they do not yet know what is being transmitted because these shots are under Emergency Authorization Use they (pharma) DO NOT HAVE TO TELL YOU EVERYTHING THAT IS IN THEM. So, while there are thousands of cases of people not taking the injection being in proximity to those who have and they are getting sudden strange symptoms, something is being transmitted.

These are NOT lies. You are having cognitive dissonance. Get your heads out of the sand and pay attention.

Why do you need an injection that was RUSHED for a virus that will 99% not kill you? THINK. Use the brain God gave you. THINK.

Check your sources …. multiple sources for newsfeed my friend.

Vaccine the masses for population control ✅ Bill Gates and the Party of Davos are all in on killing at least 30 billion off the face of the planet to achieve their Globalist vision … Suckers!!!

Please explain to me how someone who has received a vaccine can then have their free will usurped from them.

Also, you do know that you’ve overestimated earth’s population by about 22 billion people, right?

As of today 50.7% of Contra Costa County is fully vaccinated. Over 220 Million shots administered across the country. And Millions more shots worldwide. And still no zombie apocalypse from the shots.
Why not put a vaccine delivery site on Monument Boulevard corridor? They need it as well to minimize infections that impact everyone and not all of those living around there are undocumented.

@chickennoodlesoup….You sound more like Chicken Little (Henny Penny) than soup, you must be related.

People who contracted the wuflu have a 99.75% chance of survival here in the U.S. Not all, but an overwhelming number that die or end up in the hospitals are:
Now we can’t fat shame about one third of our population. Perhaps its time to make an attempt to eat a little better and exercise. I know, its easier to blame Trump, systemic racism, and inequality instead of taking some personal responsibility.

You are bad at math.

5/3/2021, per NYT COVID tracker:

US Cases: 576,638

US Deaths: 32,448,723

Case fatality rate = 1.78%

About 7 times deadlier than you are claiming here in the US.

@ chickennoodlesoup

Yes, I do know that (although, I am not actually fat irl, its just a username).

And I am absolutely 100% in favor of mass vaccination, for COVID and for a multitude of other diseases. What did I write that led you to believe otherwise?



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