Home » Contra Costa Health Services Pauses Use of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine

Contra Costa Health Services Pauses Use of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine


Contra Costa Health Services (CCHS) will today temporarily pause its use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine while federal regulatory agencies examine new information about a possible, rare side effect that can cause blood clots.

CCHS is closely following guidance issued this morning by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding this vaccine. CCHS continues to administer the other vaccines approved for emergency use in the U.S., from Pfizer and Moderna.

Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a very small part of Contra Costa’s vaccine allocation from the state and federal governments and CCHS does not anticipate cancelling any of its vaccination appointments at this time.


Patients with vaccination appointments through CCHS should attend at their scheduled time.

CCHS is not aware of any reported cases of adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccine in the county that were inconsistent with those documented during the extensive clinical trials conducted to ensure the safety of all vaccines used in the U.S.

The risk of an adverse reaction for people who received Johnson & Johnson vaccine more than a month ago is extremely low, according to the CDC.

People who received this vaccine more recently should contact a healthcare provider immediately if they develop symptoms such as severe headaches, severe abdominal pain, severe leg pain or shortness of breath – these symptoms are different than the usual, minor reactions that some people may experience in the day or two following their vaccination.


The FDA has not received any reports of similar side effects associated with the use of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.


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The chance of dying from the J&J vaccine is much lower than dying from the virus (the rate of which is also low). If the complications are hitting a specific demographic, then I could see telling those people to use a different one. But this knee-jerk reaction is going to kill people, and no one will be willing to accept responsibility. Just ask Cuomo.

6 people out of 7,000,000 people vaccinated with j&j experienced these issues. No direct link found either.

Get your shot, people

Decision makes no sense given chance are apporx 1 in 1 million!

If Covid is so bad, why pause on these numbers?


The typical meds used to treat clots seem to have a conflict with the clots in these six people. The pause is meant to give docs a chance to find a new treatment for the extremely rare chance these clots develop in others.

lmao HELL NO!!

Everything is a conspiracy theory, until it’s not.

Wait till you need the fauci ouchie every month and you need a microchip to buy groceries.

But you’re smarter then me with your stupid mask. Keep going fools

We’re smart enough to know the difference between then and than, but thanks for putting your ignorance on full display.

Oh Sam~
How sweet of you to try to warn people.
They won’t listen.,…brainwashing has done it’s damage.

If that’s ignorance of full display, How do you feel about your president?

Truly ignorant statement in the days of fast typing on a cellphone with word prediction. But yes, by all means this makes my point irrelevant. Nice try 🤡

Sam, You do know that Trump has gotten the vaccine, right?

Also I’m curious where do you shop? All stores has a mask mandate.

Yep, this is what Trauma Based mind control does to these zombies. They Question Nothing, Stand for Nothing and Fall for everything with their double Tinfoil Masks.

“Sam, You do know that Trump has gotten the vaccine, right?”


Trump got a vaccine. What is your point?

Oh what you’re really saying is, because you fall for the appeal to authority mind control manipulation, you think everyone does. You worship science who’s king is fauci at the moment. Hence the fauci ouchie slam.

Now tell me something I don’t know. Keep going fools.

Liberals think we’re lemmings like them. Believe everything the government shoves down our throat.

What does that have to do with anything?
What party gave us:
“My body, My choice”?

I don’t watch sports or political grifters, so I do not care about your team or their team…….I care about the Bill of Rights and The Constitution.

I am participating in the vaccine roll out.

I consider myself in the control group.

Gavin supposedly got his Johnson & Johnson dose, unless Gavin Bin lyin.again. Guess he thought he waited long enough for all the guinea pigs to go first.

Mike If it were one of your family members you would think differently Also we dont know what the long terms effects will be with the vax

Roz…I feel the hair standing up on the back of the neck…we all know who the kind non stone throwing people are in the Claycord family.

As a friend of mine pointed out, true we don’t know the long term effects of the vaccine, however since he is close to 80, he figures he will probably die of something else before the long term effects of the vaccine is known.

Hey Hanne,
Like I said…You people QUESTION NOTHING.
You had a full year to Wake up, but NOPE.
You couldn’t even bother to read up on Any vaccine ingredients. Instead, you take advice from Dr. Lexus.

Don’t care. Not getting the shot.

I took the advice from scientist, including my friend who is a conservative, as I mentioned in another post. He was an associate professor at Harvard, has been my friend since 1967, never steered me wrong. Common sense dictate I would listen to rather than who post here, people I have never even met, nor know their educational background. You might consider that is possible to question the vaccine and still decide to get it.

Even though I do not go along with the current regime in power I did get the the J&J shot last Thursday due to other health issues which outweighed the risk.

So far so good fingers crossed.

Truth is this….It was said that an “associate” of Trumps told a reporter that Trump and family got the vaccine. The President did advise people to get it but we don’t know for certain that he received it. Can’t imagine why ANYONE would get it who already had Covid. And none of us really knows if what Biden, et.al actually received. Maybe a placebo?



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