Home » The Water Cooler – Should The Governor Force Public Schools To Reopen For In-Person Instruction?

The Water Cooler – Should The Governor Force Public Schools To Reopen For In-Person Instruction?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question….


QUESTION: Instead of offering money to each district who decides to reopen a few hours each week for in-person education, do you think Governor Newsom should have issued a mandate to force all public schools to reopen for in-person instruction?

Talk about it….

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He should be forced to open up the entire State!

Absolutely, yes!! But I’m afraid Newsome doesn’t have the leadership skills like Ronald Reagan did when the air traffic controllers union decided to strike–go back to work or you will be replaced! At this point, I consider teachers on strike…

Do not like the idea of offering money to reopen, it’s just wrong.
If teachers are getting full pay, the schools need to open for full time.
Would like some of our tax dollars back, please & thank you.

Yes, but the Teachers Union haunts him day and night. Breaking news: Gov Abbot ends mask mandate and completely reopens Texas beginning March 10th. But Texas is a freedom loving state. California…not so much. How about them gas prices eh?

YES! And I say that as a liberal Democrat who voted for Newsom. Yes. The MDEA is being totally unreasonable and I am convinced at this point that the only way they will fully open schools is if they are forced to by the governor.

But as a liberal Democrat, you will continue to vote for the liberal policies that perpetuate the policies that you don’t like? Yes, that was a question.

Maybe some day you and those with similar mindsets will accept the fact that CA is a mess in many ways. And then, possibly, you will realized that it’s the one party rule of “liberal Democrats” that has gotten us into the mess that we are in. And maybe you will realize that never admitting fault, blaming others for the state’s failure, and doubling down on doomed policies is a dead end street. And maybe, you will actually change your vote by voting for anybody else but the incumbant scumbags who continue to get rich while they drive us off the proverbial cliff.

But probably not…..

Pretty sure the County School Boards have the final say on how and when schools will reopen, not Governor Nuisance but the Teacher’s Union seems to have a firm grasp of the School Boards but the short hairs. Nuisance can try to manipulate the Boards with incentives and threats but in the end it will all come down to what the Union decides. Not looking good for a timely reopening at this point.

YES 100% those that want to opt out can otherwise there is no reason after a year. Their actions are not saving anybody but actually hurting people.

Would appear we’ll get to see who runs this state.
Will the invertebrate grow one or will massive bribery with tax payer dollars take place ?

‘ LA teachers union slams California schools plan as ‘propagating structural racism’ ‘

politico dot com

Some of you may be saying what can I do.

Reflect upon this, then talk to friends and take action.

No it should be the parents/teachers decision

Can he??? I thought each district made up their own rules.

100% no, they need to fix air flow in the schools. Most can’t even open there windows.
This is from many years of not keeping the schools up to date.
Bribing the school boards is just so wrong on so many levels.
The teachers want to get back in the class as much as the teachers.
What the Governor should do is hire crews to go to all the schools and get them ready.
Not leave it up to the districts.

You are 1,000% correct.

UVC lamps can be installed in HVAC air handling ducts, hole saw a couple holes, insert bulbs and power unit / bulb holder is sheet metal screwed to duct work and you plug it in. Bulbs get changed once a year.

Had work buy 72 watt units, $70 ea for office’ HVAC ducting.

We have used UVC at home for over three years.

Japan times

cnn NY transit

medical express dot com


I have volunteered for years at some of the schools in the district. Whenever I have offered to help repair minor issues (and even pay for the supplies needed) I have been told that if I did it would be taking the work away from a paid Union Employee so it was not allowed. These were minor repairs that were in need for years on top of a growing list of many other bigger repair issues on campuses.

With no exaggeration 6 years later that minor repair has still never happened. Where I am going with this is I feel that the District will say that it can only be District workers that can complete these on-site projects you mention. If that is the case it will unfortunately move at a snail’s pace.

I do however agree with your comment.

Charlie, … problem you describe is due to one single cause.
Spinless incompetence on part of middle and upper management.

Announce committee to examine contracting out all maintenance because repairs are not being made in a timely manner.

He should open the schools, if the teachers dont report for work, hold back their paychecks, no classroom no paycheck

Yes! Tired of the opposition. Let the kids return to school immediately.

Is this a rhetorical question?

Yes, he should. However, I do not think he has what it takes to do so …

He should tell them open, or LOSE your current funding. Watch how quickly the teachers flock back to the classroom when you take their paycheck away. Instead, he is offering them money to do their job …

Yes, parents can then decide if they want their kids in the classroom, but education is supposed to be supplied …

That’s a no brainer YES ! Lift all restrictions! This virus crap has run its course. Time to get back to livin and stop the BS virus propaganda

The lame duck, hypocritical, union stooge governor….that one?

Absolutely not. I understand parents are going crazy with distant learning but our children’s safety and well being is more important. I honestly cannot see a school reopening and being able to keep our kids 6 feet apart. There isn’t enough workers to monitor our kids at all times or even a set system to go by.

Please provide all the data and evidence you have from states where schools never closed, or have been open since the Fall, that shows widespread infection resulting from those schools being open. Mind you, no anecdotes – just compiled data. Thanks.

SHUT UP Islandgirl! You are a moron. Parents are going crazy? No, idiot. Have you not seen the numbers that came out this week? Based off numbers provided by insurance companies, Children aged 13-17 admitted to emergency for trying to harm themselves was up 96% in 2020. I suggest you look up the report. Keeping kids out of school is literally killing our children. Now, if you want to keep your kid in a bubble,then so be it but it is time for these POS bureaucrats to get a backbone! This country is going to hell in a handbasket!

@ islandgirl15

Blah blah blah you sound like pelosi or any other politician. Stay home if you want but stop making decisions for others you are certainly not qualified based on your post.

All public schools SHOULD reopen. Their closure disproportionately harms low-income families and students of color.

But this was never a reason for Newsom and his buddies to abandon their Animal Farm. His kids go to private school, after all. And there is no way Newsome will go toe-to-toe with the teacher unions.

Only if they go back full time. There is no point in me dropping off my kids for 1 hr of school 3 days a week. I’d rather they just stay online if that’s the case.

Open full time next year and be done with it. This is ridiculous. Stop holding our children’s education hostage already.

Yes! A lot of us still have to go into work. Some of us don’t have the option to work from home and if we do the employer says no. There is absolutely no reason why ALL schools can’t be open. These teachers are going to lose a lot of support from parents. Foothill was asking for donations for white boards to prep for when they open. Sorry but I am not donating anything when they only want to open for two hours twice a week. And I definitely didn’t donate $400 at the beginning of the school year when they weren’t even going to open!

Yes, but he doesn’t have the nards to go against the California Federal of Teachers and California Teachers Association.
No spine. No gonads. No political courageto do so.
Recall coming up!

He should resign as his leadership skills are non existent. He should not do what his party tells him to do as he is only after running for president.

The billions of dollars in State and Federal school bailout money is THEFT, FRAUD, and IMMORAL!!!!!!!


Newsom is held hostage by the political donors that got him elected.

Anyone see the movie Crossroads?

Let’s hope during the recall election a well qualified non-politician enters the race. The best way to straighten out California is to start with someone who doesn’t owe any favors.

Heck yes!! Open the schools!!!

Let’s be clear, he is not forcing schools to re-open, he is bribing school districts to re-open their schools. Big difference!

Absolutely NOT! WE need to listen to science. This whu flu is killing millions according to dementia joe. Gavin is bribing the schools and teachers. He’ll smile for the cameras and the females will do whatever he says.

So Chris

What science says we should not open the schools?

The CDC says open ..
Many schools have been open since last August with *GASP*, no cases.

Curious, what science are you referring too?


Thanks for the sarcasm. Maybe @Parent can re-read your statement and laugh along with us.

@ Chris,
I saw no sarcasm in your post … if that is what you intended per the Professor’s interpretation, that would be great and I would laugh at it. Unfortunately, I know folks who really believe what you wrote to be true …

The PTA is supposed to be nonpartisan but in reality they are liberal Democrats that are for the equality act. The equality act is not really about equality, the way it is worded boys will be sharing locker rooms at school, men will be allowed in women’s shelters and you cannot discriminate against sexual orientation. But what if their sexual orientation is towards children. And it will allow doctors to give prepubesent kids hormone blockers, opposite sex hormones, and surgery, without parental consent.
Go to congress.gov and look at the text, not the summary for H. R. 5. Every Democrat backs it and not one Republican.

… yes he should – but he won’t … doesn’t have the strength to stand up to the union or teachers .. lacks in leadership in many areas… EDD, Power, water, covid, campaign promise to get under the gas price gouging in the Bay Area by the oil companies, voters wishes . directions, etc.

Newsome should close the schools and fire the teachers. Kids aren’t going to get any kind of *good* education there anyway. If you love your children, hire private tutors – martial arts academy, piano, team sports, religious ed, and/or teach them yourself. All subjects are available online and by building a co-op with like minded parents, each parent can offer group instruction in the subject that is their strength. Also, nature hikes and field trips. Your children will bless your name!

The schools’ continued closures are about MONEY, nothing else. The union is trying to sell the closures as a safety issue. Don’t be fooled.

Gavin’s latest ploy is not a bribe either. This is nothing more than a shakedown. Give us more $ and we will reopen. Don’t give us $ and we will sit on our butts and harm the kids.

Tell these self-serving unions to get back into the classrooms or funding will disappear. And if you don’t like it, then feel free to strike. It won’t solve the problem but at least we will all know where everyone stands and can apply pressure where needed.

Then we can hire real teachers that actually care about teaching not politics.

@ parent

If that is what those parents who clearly can’t read and understand a simple sarcastic point think then who cares what they think to be true or not.

Start laying teachers off and they will be back in shool real quick like.


The financial incentive ploy didn’t work in January, why would it work now? Get all the teachers vaccinated, and then let’s see what happens. I suspect the teacher’s union for MDUSD will still hold out, but they’ll be out of excuses and the fallout will be tremendous. I think we’ve already seen some significant damage to the relationship between the teacher’s union and parents, and people leaving the district. I was at a sports practice yesterday and two parents were discussing going private, and that the wait list was over 400 people long.



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