Home » MDUSD Meeting – Tonight At 6 p.m. – School Board To Give Reopening Update

MDUSD Meeting – Tonight At 6 p.m. – School Board To Give Reopening Update


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Because parents need their babysitters back so they can smoke marijuana

Lol. Not only did they insult parents, they insulted teachers and degraded public education with that comment.

🤣 🤣 🤣

Get ready for another Everest climb…MDUSD return to work.
Check out this article by an idiot who wants folks to stop shaming teachers. Oh those poor babies had their feelings hurt. In short the author offers a solution to get the lazies (MDUSD teachers) back to their job.
1. The US government needs to give every family or people enough money to live on while they stay at home for SIP. Wtf? This has been going on for a year, the author suggest to pay each citizen enough money to stay home. What is enough? Let’s see 200 million people need to get $50,000 a year to stay home…okay that’s around 100 trillion dollars.
2. Medicare for everyone? What’s this, another Trillion dollar wish?
These 2 talking points are reasons for holding up MDUSD return to work?Funny that didn’t stop 49 other states from reopening their schools along with Lafayette usd, san Ramon usd and recently wcusd. Keep dreaming teachers.
Finally the author suggest that us parents relent on the teachers ‘duty’ to stop
teen pregnancy, drug abuse, food insecurity and hunger, systemic racism and generational poverty. Riiighht. As if any parent has recently asked a teacher to help end these serious plights.
Nope that is not a current agenda for parents asking for schools to reopen and is merely a scapegoat technique to shift the blame.
Now we know the moronic agenda of teachers and the wish list needed from them to go back to work. Might as well ask for world peace while they are at.

BTW. Racists school boards should stop with their pent up racism, blaming white parents. Racism is a two way street and it’s a global problem.


@momosfriend~Thanks for sharing this incredibly asinine article…so shaming teachers into being human shields for their students during a school shooting event is also on the list of grievances towards parents! The author: Mitchell Robinson is associate professor of music education at Michigan State University. His research is focused on music education and education policy.

This professor should stick to playing music.

Hmmmmm, maybe a third party mediator is needed. These Teachers Union dumb dumbs and School Board clowns are too inept. Open the schools 100%.

… front page headlines of the EB times today – Calif is 49th of 50 states in getting kids back to school….. quit dragging your feet district & teachers! … 2 x 2 hrs a week isn’t enough… we should start furloughs and layoffs asap if this is the plan… and what is the plan to catch the kids up for 1 yr of missed classroom instruction? Classes over the summer? longer days? both?

Snooze fest

1. Hold all of the kids back one year.
2. Don’t pay property taxes for the portion going to the schools.
3. Any teachers refusing to go back to work should be fired.
4. Teachers need to take a stand AGAINST their union.

My oldest daughter is a Vice Principal at an Intermidiate School in CoCo County and she is worried that it is not safe to reopen schools since all of the Teachers have not been vaccinated yet. I worry about her since she will be exposed to over 500 people daily five days a week. She hasn’t been vaccinate yet. Let’s be safe and not put teachers in harms way until we have all safety measures implemented. We have come this far, what is the rush?
Safety first.

All of the other states have opened schools without the teachers getting vaccinated and they haven’t had a problem. We need to get vouchers on the ballot for the next election and dump the teachers union. California schools are not teaching our kids they are brain washing them. Do they teach the constitution anymore? The most important document in the world and our kids graduate without a clue of what it means.

Her feelings are certainly valid. However Doctors, Grocers, and Big box retailers have been open since last year and they are exposed mostly to adults.

Perhaps the rush is citizens feel betrayed as California Government withholds data and changes the rules in an arbitrary way. Trust is out the window. Statistically we are lagging the nation in important metrics. Further, most people realize the nation’s economy will be better off letting people go back to work instead of hurling more stimulus money at special interest groups and other nations. In short, citizens are sick of a health crisis being managed with a political focus.

So what makes your daughters school any more special than the 1000’s of other schools that have opened for in person classes? Just asking? Just cause she is your daughter?

Well, I have three kids in this district. Their lives and education are worth it to me. My kids deserve to be in an Environment where they can learn, not this half assed distance learning BS or this joke of an offer by a union that has outgrown their position.

CDC and many others have already said that teachers DO NOT need to be vaccinated prior to open the schools safely. So the teachers should follow the science … shouldn’t they?

Many store employees were face to face with hundreds of customers everyday since this all started. They didn’t have the option of staying home.

Your daughter is not cut out for this type of work. Not everyone gets to do the job they want in life. I hear there are some pretty good schools where she can learn to code. Or door dash is always hiring.

Oh please! As an assistant principal will your daughter be “socially distanced” from the “over 500 people” that she will see every day? Of course she will, and every one will have masks, etc. However, our nurses have been on the front line caring for people (and in close proximity to them) during this and previous pandemics, often times without knowing what type of diseases the patients have, how the disease is spread and without proper protective gear.
Please stop this hysteria. Our most important resource is our children. Our children who are our future. Let’s educate them!

Coco so tell your daughter to find another job and get out of the way. Kids are first & teachers that don’t want to teach find another line of work period.!

If it is too dangerous for teachers to actually teach in person, then they should not be able to go into Safeway, Ace Hardware, get their haircut or nails done. No out of state travel, no shopping in-person.



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