Home » COVID-19 Daily Update From The Contra Costa County Health Dept.

COVID-19 Daily Update From The Contra Costa County Health Dept.


Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Tuesday Feb.23, 2021.

All information is from the Contra Costa County Health Dept.:

  • Total cases (since March) – 61,865
  • Recovered cases – 59,407
  • Deaths – 653
  • Total active confirmed cases – 1,805
  • Nursing home deaths – 295
  • 16 active outbreaks in nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • Patients currently hospitalized – 81
  • Occupied ICU beds –  127
  • Available ICU beds – 33

The State will move Contra Costa County to the “Red Tier” once the following three criteria have been met for two consecutive weeks:


  • Case Rate: Less than 7 new cases per 100,000 residents – (currently 14.0)
  • Positivity Rate: Less than 8% of tests countywide are positive – (currently 4.1%)
  • Equity Metric: Less than 8% of tests for residents of the lowest quartile of the Healthy Places Index census tracts are positive – (currently 6.3%)

K-6 School Reopening:

Contra Costa County is currently in the Purple Tier. Schools may not reopen for grades 7-12 while in the Purple Tier. K-6 school may reopen for in-person instruction in the Purple Tier if the adjusted case rate has been less than 25 per 100,000 population (currently 12.6) per day for at least 5 consecutive days (schools can now reopen) and the school has an approved COVID Safety Plan. Local school officials will decide whether and when to reopen once these criteria are met.

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Case Rate will never be at 7%….. ridiculous.

The State uses the “adjusted” rate to determine tier assignment. The State and the County’s numbers can vary slightly, but the State says our number is 12.5 this week.

The State makes new tier assignments once a week on Tuesdays. Since we have to get down to an adjusted rate of 7.0 or lower, and stay there for two weeks, it looks like our earliest chance to move down to the red tier may be March 16.

Breaking News: Marin Co and San Mateo Co get to open limited indoor dining and also gyms.

According to the State Metrics site that I went to:
The case rate for Marin Co is 10.7 per 100K (not under 7%)
The case rate for San Mateo is 11.1 per 100K (not under 7%)
The case rate for Contra Costa Co is 13.9 per 100K


The State uses the adjusted rate, not the actual rate for the rest metric.

Marin = 7.4
San Mateo = 5.6
Contra adjusted = 12.5

7% would be 7 per 100, not 100,000. This is 0.007% – not exactly pandemic numbers. this has all been a lie.
And to get to Tier 4 it’s supposed to be 1% – 1 out of 100,000. Again 0.001% – this will never be achieved with the misleading tests that have been run incorrectly from the start with up to 90% false positive tests. From medical journals – not TV science.

Yet another article from daily mail on spread of Covid.

Looking at pictures it does not appear any of the masks shown are N95 but not sure. Would be interested to see same tests redone with properly fitting N95 masks worn by both people in pictures.
Show us difference between masks.

An I better never find out politicians and bureaucrats lied to us !

Educate me so I understand the risks and I’ll be more likely to cooperate. Threaten me with fines or arrest because you can’t be bothered to educate like daily mail can and I’m not only angry but am unable to make informed choices.

Sad politicians and bureaucrats of CA couldn’t be bothered to put out detailed educational information which daily mail has been doing for months.

IF daily mail can do it why can’t a state do as good or better at educating the public.


The American Journal of Medicine now (Jan. 2021) recommends Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Zinc for the treatment of Covid 19 outpatients.

The irony is this is the treatment that former US President, Donald Trump promoted last year. The timing, right after the election, is interesting.

Isn’t this astonishing!! How many deaths could have been prevented? And economies opened so businesses not closed and people unemployed?
Who should be charged with crimes against humanity for allowing people to die when there were effective treatments all along?

this whole thing is sickening and disgusting!!! manipulated numbers, lies, mistruths – all to destroy the average people.

When will the real truth come out? not the “ministry of Truth” deceptions.



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