Home » Senator Wiener Introduces Bill That Would Decriminalize Psychedelics

Senator Wiener Introduces Bill That Would Decriminalize Psychedelics


State Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, on Thursday unveiled a bill to decriminalize the use and possession of some psychedelic drugs.

Senate Bill 519, would legalize psilocybin — the key ingredient in magic mushrooms — psilocyn, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), ketamine, dimethyltryptamine (DMT), ibogaine and mescaline with the exception of peyote.

It would also expunge the criminal records of people convicted of having or using those psychedelics.
The bill would also create a commission that would issue recommendations to the California Legislature about how to further regulate the substances.

The bill does not include peyote because of its status as a threatened species.


Most of the drugs the bill would decriminalize are ones the federal government considers Schedule I drugs that are the most dangerous type of substances due to their high potential for abuse. Marijuana, which is legal in California, and heroin are also Schedule I drugs.

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Again, this guy can’t miss, how can someone so consistently come up with idiotic bills like this? It’s amazing.

incredible stupid.

If this actually passes, 50% of the police Force would quit immediately. This is the dumbest thing I have ever read.

A similar bill passed in Oregon, and 50% of their police didn’t quit.

Weener is just trying to turn the whole of California into the San Francisco experience…
life will be so wonderful! *NOT*

thank goodness is up for this, that must mean it is a dangerous idea!!

Someone please take this idiot’s pen away.

Wiener strikes again,,,,,He’s an example of what happens when you use that S—. Your brain burns out. The people of SF need to put him in a room by himself.

Keep them high and keep them voting Democratic.

Oh great, ! ! !

More entertainment while driving.
Watching the guy ahead avoiding his White Rabbit.

It would still be illegal to drive under the influence, same as alcohol or marijuana.

Welcome to CA!

I also just read an article that said that the SF DA is seeking clemency from New York Gov Cuomo for his own father who was responsible for $1.6million Brink’s heist in 1981 that left a guard and two police officers dead.

This should be a wake-up call for voters. Our once beautiful CA continues to circle the drain right before our eyes.

About time

It booze can be legal – all of this stuff can be legal also.

99% of the fights I’ve seen at parties involve drunk people.

Alcohol, a girl, or drugs are 100% reason people fight at bars and parties.

This clown needs to go away. The damage he is doing is beyond belief, and he seems to get his way through back door deals to get his stuff passed. We need to remove all democrats while we are at it. They have destroyed this state and there seems to be no end to there stupidity on what they will do

I remember when LSD was legal and all the propaganda that was published about it until the state made it illegal. It was the propaganda and distrust of the government that made a lot of people curious to try it.
One time we were at the Carousel Ballroom in San Francisco where Big Brother And The Holding Company was performing, and Owsley Stanley was there handing out free LSD to everybody. Owsley Stanley was known for his pure LSD (Owsley acid) and furnished it to some of the great rock groups, like the Greatful Dead.
Fun times, but alas, I don’t do things like that anymore.

He can already get legally stoned for fun on weed. What others does he want to use?

Wiener is on drugs.

Someone’s high on his own supply.

Words cannot describe the level of ignorance that abounds in Sacramento and especially with this moron.

I am a survivor of parents on psychedelics (LSD) – it made my father suicidal (and he tried to jump out of a window). The police put both parents in jail for child endangerment / but this behavior continued for decades (throughout the countercultural era (here in San Francisco bay area)).

I state this – not to condemn (and point fingers) – but to suggest there is psychological fallout here – (that our community might want to consider if this law were to pass).

Both parents are perfectly fine with what went on – but I’ve required mental health services – (and my sister is on full-time disability due to the trauma we went thorough).

Our tax dollars cover my sister’s needs – but I pay thousands of dollars in co-pays and deductibles for mental health care I’ve needed throughout my life.

We both suffer from PTSD due to going through the psychological torture and trauma of what we want through. Not one day goes by that I do not have traumatic flashbacks – as I too was “dosed” for the amusement of drug abusers allowed into the family home.

There are costs that need to be considered here. I will submit my story to the appropriate contacts (too graphic and upsetting to spell out here).

@Clam Bake, I am so sorry. I am dealing with a young family member who took LSD. The after effects have destroyed her future and enjoyment of life.

Everyone involved in trying to get this legal should read your story. My bet is by far there are many more with a similar background. Thanks for sharing.

Not to diminish or question the authenticity of your story…

But alcohol is legal, kills 6 million a year, and fuels an incalculably larger amount of inter-family violence than every schedule 1 drug combined, if you want to be realistic. Every single person here knows an alocholic or 12, and probably knows of a family destroyed by alcoholism. This is an edge case.


That’s some great logic you have there.
99% of the fights you’ve seen at parties
were caused by alcohol, so let’s legalize
all drugs. Glad to know you wouldn’t mind
having your children or other folks children
(even if they require you to be 21 years of age)
drop acid or take mescaline. Hey why not.
You’ve seen drunk people fight at parties.

I hope to do more great shootings and be a famous pornstar” Read the rest of this entry She is 27 and comes from Lyon in France and she’s a revelation for Dorcel.


The app has launched in San Francisco initially, with plans to expand to other markets. Flirty pick up lines, used by both men and women, are used as an icebreaker when you meet someone you are interested in or attracted to. Impress her and get her on a date.

Since Jenny Durkan announced she is not running for re-election, Seattle may have just found its next mayor……….he’s perfect. Sometimes you have to think outside the box.

I could have guessed who introduced this bill, even if his name wasn’t mentioned. Seriously, what is this guy’s agenda?

Big Pharma is figuring out how to utilize psychedelics. CMPS and MMEDF are two of the public traded corporations trying to get psychedelic meds on the market. This bill would no doubt remove some hurdles for them.

And when scores of dopers inadvertently lie on question 21.E of
ATF Form 4473, little do they know they just committed a Federal felony, because all of those substances are still illegal at the Federal level.

I’m for it personally, I work too hard for my money just to have it wasted on victimless crimes.

I work too hard for my stuff to have it stolen by drug addicts.

Alcohol is legal but is the most destructive drug of all. Destructive to employers, drivers, families, etc. As long as alcohol is legal, what difference does any other mind altering drug make?

Yes, this is so important to spend time on right now. Super high priority for society to legalize these things. Thank you Mr. Wiener for your trailblazing. Don’t let the haters stop you.

Yep, he’s a tailblazer.

This would free up a huge sum of taxpayer money. No need to lock up acidheads if they aren’t hurting anyone but themselves, it’s just a waste of horribly needed funds.

brought to you by the same guy who like pedophiles

California’s new law is a big win for pedophiles


Not sure where this “liberal thing” started, other liberal jurisdictions have legalized. This clown is playing, knee jerk follow the leader.
Adds to his resume on his quest for higher offices.

When it becomes common place, will have many instances of unsuspecting people being dosed as a prank.

Hell, why not? Burglary under a certain amount is no longer criminal, defecating in the street, camping where ever your drug addled body wants, all seemingly penalty free. I wonder if we asked him, would Weiner decriminalize failure to pay state income tax?

People here knocking LSD likes its a killer yet no mention of alcohol. Alcohol is responcible for thousands of deaths per year here in the US. It is a muliti-system destroyer, (Brain, heart, liver and pancreas to name a few). Lets not forget all those inncoent lives lost in accidents by drunk drivers and the spouses as well as children abused. Mika hit the nail on the head.

Yes, let’s use an existing substance abuse problem and justify it as an excuse to expand our overall addition/abuse problem by opening up more express lanes on the Crazytown CA highway. Utterly absurd logic, but thanks for chiming in. Two wrongs apparently do equal right in your logic.

Thanks to the posts here, I now know why we have elected officials like Senator Weiner. We are now officially surrounded by idiots.

@Mika, wow what a great solution? Your mentality is right up there with Senator Weiners. You should run for office.

@Pacman, you need to think big. People will always do these drugs, if they are forced into the black market they will often be given bad or dangerous or false drugs, and the cost can be immense to the taxpayer in terms of $ when those people end up in an emergency room or on disability or unable to work and pay taxes themselves.

Alcohol is 100% worth mentioning, the cost of it is immense. I guarantee you yourself know some alcoholics, everyone does. Tobacco kills 6 million people a year, yet is legal. Alcohol kills 2.5 million, yet it is legal. The monetary cost imposed by the negative effects of alcohol and tobacco are practically incalculable. Have some consistency.

Got to be kidding… Throw this guy in jail.

Well Pacman, I never said it was right to make LSD legal, just saying alcohol too is a serious abuse problem that peopole tend to overlook. You assume my post was something its not. Next time you want to lecture someone get the facts right.

Mika hitting the nail on the head was an hallucination?

Somebody’s wishing this was Twitter where comments can be deleted.

Hey Weiner. Let’s make a trade.
People can have the freedom to do drugs, and I get the freedom to choose where my kids go to school, and the freedom to carry a gun.

Whatever Wiener is for, I’m against. The guy is a nut. Just look at the measures he has written. Shame on San Francisco.

How is this helpful? Why do they so badly want to hurt people? You tell them no and give punishments for their own good if you truly care. Shame on the Senator

Is there anything that numbskull won’t touch and destroy?


Please note the current news story about the Richmond teen who is currently missing and presumed to have jumped from the San Rafael bridge after taking some sort of hallunicingen.
Let’s not even talk about people getting behind the wheel whacked out.
What say you Wiener ?

Interesting edge cases. How many deaths were linked to psychedelics last year?

Tobacco killed 6 million, and alcohol killed 2.5 million.

Victimless crime? I don’t think so. As I have mentioned before, I had a cousin who took an LSD trip in the 1970s and never came back. Spent the rest of his life mentally disabled, unable to care for himself in a group home. I watched people do peyote and psilocybin and turn into idiots right before my eyes. The “bad trips” were happening right and left and terrifying to watch. Whether they realized it or not, most who used psychedelics became emotionally detached as a result.

If the elected representatives for our area in Sacramento aren’t voting against Wiener’s brilliant ideas, it is time to vote them out. There is no excuse for the way this guy is dominating the process of introducing these controversial and radical left-wing bills. He is too young to have lived through the psychedelic era and seen the damage it did.. His inexperience can be equated with his ignorance.

Well said.
I’m not sure these people have much interest in facts, experiences of knowledgeable people, or documented history. Take a drive up 6th street in San Francisco and it’s clear substance abuse is a terrible problem. Why introduce new opportunities?
There is a real arrogance about this.

Sounds like Wiener is trying to copy Oregon………all drugs legal, but it is still against the law to pump your own gas.
Very stupid as we already have enough crazies running around……..
Family wrecker bill.

I would ask what Weiner is smoking, but I think he has already given us the list!

This from the same idiot that introduced a bill to ban fracking!

Here’s where Wiener is getting some of his “woke” and “progressive” thinking for legalizing drugs. Read it and weep:

Colunmbia Professor Carl Hart Legalize Drugs Heroin For Grown Ups

Hart, a tenured Columbia Professor, uses heroin daily to maintain a “work-life balance.” Sure he does! Hart says he “tried” heroin six or seven years ago.
I’ve got news for Hart. Heroin is an addictive opioid. You don’t just “try” heroin. You become addicted to it and clearly Hart is addicted to it, doesn’t know it, but is smart enough to teach college?



There is no drug on earth that can’t be used in moderation. The vast majority of society is able to use drugs safely.

The UN Office of Drug Control states that 90% of recreational drug use “non-problematic” i.e. not resulting in any negative impacts on one’s life.

Despite what the media and the government has told you, heroin is only harmful if you’re irresponsible with it.

Despite what the media and the government has told you, firearms are only harmful if you’re irresponsible with them.

you are lost friend, get help

Jim, … Do some research on addiction, it will surprise you.
There are more than a few folks who are not capable of moderation.

Alcohol for instance, besides drinking it, is a great solvent and remover.
In excess it removes chairs, tables, doors, dishes, telephone poles, vehicles, lives, relationships, marriages, families, etc. you get the idea.

A few questions,
Do you wish people would mind their own business about your drinking– stop telling you what to do?

Do you envy people who can drink without getting into trouble?

Has your drinking caused trouble at home?

Have you missed days of work or school because of drinking?

Do you have “blackouts”?

Have you ever woke up in the morning and found your car 100 feet off the road at the bottom of a ravine, with you in it ?
Ya might have a problem with alcohol.

Have met people who went out for a drink and woke up in Bermuda a week later.

Need to provide Winnee a spot in line for a lobotomy!!

Same should apply to Waters, Pelosi, B. Lee, and so on!

let them fall. thats the only way the left will learn

Unfortunately when they fall, they use conservatives to break their fall!
It’s really quite true if you think about it. That’s why the idea of state secession scares the hell out of them.
Somebody has to be responsible, do the work, and pay for all this **. They can’t exist without us.

This will just free up taxpayer money from punishing largely victimless crimes.

Wiener is a moron and has no moral compass whatsoever but I guess a blind squirrel find a nut once a day, or whatever.

ever met a drug addict? you might feel like a victim if they needed a fix and you met them in a dark alley.


let us start a gofundme page for weiner to take a one-way trip to any other country… just my $0.02 LOL




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