Home » Congressman Mark DeSaulnier Hosts Town Hall On Race

Congressman Mark DeSaulnier Hosts Town Hall On Race


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier announced he will host a virtual Conversation on Race town hall to discuss racial justice in America on Friday, February 19 at 4:00 p.m. with Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Congressman Emanuel Cleaver.

The town hall will be held live on Zoom and will also be viewable through Congressman DeSaulnier’s Facebook page.

To RSVP, submit a question, or request special accommodations, visit https://desaulnier.house.gov/town-hall-rsvp or call 925-933-2660.

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How about we have a talk about real injustice, someone like Mark making decisions for the rest of us… We’re all victims of bad government leaders. More B Lies Matter bs… We are in for scary times ahead with people like Mark in charge

Isn’t Markey white?

Or does he now identify as a pan sexual black/Indian transgendered 3-legged dog that’s now blind in one eye and is deaf in all three ears? And is one of 37 other genders?

Give us a break! You’re doing nothing more than increasing division.

Unity? Bull$hit!!!!!!

Hey Mark, how about a discussion for how you can help private businesses in your district to re-start OR start business again. Jump start the economy for all races! What are you doing Mark?

Marking my calendar right now to be sure I miss it.

Yep, let’s keep stoking that anger and division. Cant take a chance that people might talk to neighbors and become friends. Can’t let people realize that we all want the same things for our families. Dems gotta keep pushing that racial divide narrative. Keep shoveling that victim mentality to get a jump on 2022.

Excellent comment SF oh
Glad to hear some people feel the same as I do … gives me hope

@SF oh~ Agreed! Keep all of us divided…
If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.
– Sun Tzu Quotes, from the Art of War

I agree! It seems the politicians and the news media is stoking racial division! I find myself even being defensive. I was never prejudice but with everything being pushed on me now I find a little bit coming on. I’m being honest, sorry.
Like just today on the news they were talking about the fact that white supremacists are behind all the crime in the Asian community. This is an absolutely false. . Almost all the crime against the Asian community is being done by African Americans. And frankly I think it’s more of a crime thing than I hate thing. They view Asian- Americans as an easier crime target. The African-American community has some explaining to do

@SF oh
Your post is dead on. At least to Carol Swain, a black woman and a former Vanderbilt University professor, who recently said that the topic of racism is coming from the political left. And guess what? You and Carol are correct because what does that idiot Mark what to have a town hall discussion about?

All of these comments are from white people who never had to deal with racism, They can’t see it in themselves so they don’t mind if a 14 year old girl is pepper sprayed. Forgotten are all of the black people killed by police in recent years.

America is the least racist nation in the world. Just so over the constant lie about “systemic racism”. It’s a fantasy – it doesn’t exist.


You’re saying ALL of these comments are from WHITE people. See your post on Feb 19, 5:30pm.

Guess again, a$$hole. I’m NOT white – but you’re assuming I am, so it appears YOU’RE the racist.

You making those general statements just demonstrates that you’re captured by the politicians- the democrats wanting us blacks to stay on the plantation and perpetuating the victim mentality.

I’ve had to put up with racism – but it’s not going to be solved by the like likes of Jackson-Lee, DeSaulnier, Mad Maxine it any of those race-baiters. Their sole goal is to create division.

Now quit playing the victim and do something constructive…. like kick that a$$hat out of office!

@Doh – Sorry to poke a hole in your memorized talking points, but not everyone on this thread is white. As I’ve stated in previous posts, my family is Asian. Some are recent, legal immigrants. In the1960s, my father-in-law was told he could not purchase a home in a suburban neighborhood. The neighborhood was Restricted. However, he did not choose to hate. In fact, his best friend was white. They were like brothers until his friend passed away. Dividing people by race and blaming people for something that they had nothing to do with is wrong. These “town halls” are just political pandering . Think for yourself and take people as individuals.

I wonder if Mark can recall the joke about the Asian guy & the Black bartender?

@ Dr.-

Careful. I remember that one well.

Side note: I know a joke of a bartender…

Oh boy all a tingle anticipating what old marky has to say…

With coronavirus vanished, schools opened, and the economy humming along again, it makes sense that DeSaulnier would have a town hall on race, since all of the real problems are already taken care of. Way to go Mark!

Recall DeSaulnier 2021…. He is white privileged and needs to turn his job over to a person of color.

You go Mark, fan the fuels of hate that has engulfed your party!

Yep, keep on stoking those flames of division Mark and the rest of the liberals. There is a “race” problem only because you and the Mainstream news media keep saying there is. Are there racists? Yes. Is it most of the country racist? NO!!! Very far and few between. Did you see the latest? Now Bill Gates (elected to no office ever and holds no degrees in education or medicine) says the math is racist.

Those voters you are talking about are the first ones to move out of their neighborhood when a Black or Latino family moves in.

Dividing the country like a good little democrat. Sick people they are.

Yep, they need to keep us divided to keep us under control. My God people have become so gullible…

All this crap talk about race is making me sick.All you are doing is fueling the fire and making people racist.How about making the economy come back.Get the kids back in school and put people back to work.Mark you are a racist!

Mark, since you plan to discuss race, how about making “special accommodations” for people whose views don’t match your narrative?

Perhaps, Bo Snerdley, radio talk show producer for the late, great, Rush Limbaugh? And…this Breitbart writeup/video (from today):

Thanks Anew:
Fabulous video about a fabulously honest man. He is already sorely missed. Mark DeS couldn’t make a pimple on Rush’s A$$. What a fool.

Bo Snerdley sure threw a wrench in the racist Rush theory. RIP my friend.

Mark needs to RACE to retirement. Because of libs like him, kids are being taught to hate themselves due to their so-called “white privilege.” Watch the suicides of our young people go up. Shame on Mark and the rest of his cohorts!

We are all the HUMAN race. If he wants to talk about all of us, OK.

run by yet another bar tender turned leftie/dem shill (like AOC), no chance of it being useful unless your brain is just placeholder and you feel in your heart that thinking is an example of white privilege

in a county where racism is a public health crisis


Racism – being kept alive and well by the democratic party since the 1800’s.

You can’t discuss race Marky, you’re a white privileged male.

With Mark, Barbara and Emanuel together discussing race in ZOOM, this has the potential to be a great skit on SNL. It seems to me that all this talk about race and racial injustice is a way for useless people to feel important. I believe when people get use to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.

Maybe Mark will be explaining why the Southern Democrats of the 1860’s were the party of racism and slavery and why they haven’t been held accountable for their actions.

Oh good, another “hate whitey” extravaganza, I better see DeSaulnier washing Cleaver’s feet or it JUST WILL NOT DO. And how did he miss inviting that racist b**** from MDUSD Board who hates white people, especially those melanin-deficient parents who want their kids back to school? DeSaulnier’s pandering “ally” game is slipping.

Barbara Lee has been capitalizing on race baiting for decades. President Obama took race baiting nationwide weaponizing it with the help of the liberal media and celebrities, and now our local “woke” old white guy wants to join in to lecture us about how horrible we all are and riddled with “implicit bias” and other absurd, yet “fashionable” terms to guilt people into buy into their BS rhetoric and their politics.

Am so fortunate, don’t do Zoom or Facebook.

Say mark, how about congressional term limits ? ? ? ?

“Term limits would cure both senility and seniority-
both terrible legislative diseases.”
— Harry S. Truman

When Mark was a Bartender he gave me house boze instead of the brand name I called out. He needs to be impeached now !

Spell check forgot a o in Booze….I wish Claycord would bring back the edit feature…

Now THAT is definitely a “high crime”!

The last useful thing the man did was serve excellent deviled egg appetizers at said bar.

Yes sir, Wiz: he was a sleaze-ball then and even worse now. He used to hit up on every young woman he tried to schmoose at the bar. A true PIG!

translation: Congressman to host out of touch race baiting virtur signalling meeting to shamelessly pander

So during the first 5 minutes intros/circle-j***, DeSaulnier said “all 5 members of Pittsburg City Council are people of color, times are a changing, for the better”…so in a city that’s ~1/3 white, it’s “for the better” that there are no white representatives. Tell me what would happen if he had said that any Board or Council that was comprised of 100% whites was “for the better.”

Does Pittsburgh have districts, or are all candidates elected by all?
Concord switched to district elections last year to avoid racial discrimination litigation. It was alleged that at large elections repressed minority voters.
If Pittsburgh is “at large,” does Congressman De Saulinier still believe, “it’s all for the better?” I have met many residents of Pittsburgh who are East Indian, Asian, and Caucasian in background. How are they better off?

Hopefully this is a discussion on a race to find his missing common sense. He should be declared mentally incomplete along with pelosi, lee, wiener, newsome, swalwell, etc, etc, etc. How do these idiots get elected?

(with humor)

well first you train children not to think and just do as their told
then you let a bunch of uneducated people who don’t speak the common language of the country
next you give these groups the right to vote, not by law but by a vote of court of public opinion
and presto!

race rare race race…

A good way to distract Contra Costa democrats from asking the tough questions, like why are the roads crap and what are you doing about illegal aliens?

@Pete V, that makes me angry also.

Well I wasn’t wrong…this was nothing but black racists and their white “ally” cuck DeSaulnier blaming whitey for, well, basically EVERYTHING. A couple examples being it’s why a black barbershop owner didn’t get PPP money because he couldn’t “pick up the phone and call a banker”, and even though it’s almost exclusively conservatives getting kicked off social media platforms, well Big Tech just isn’t moving fast enough to get all this “white supremacy” off the internet…and insane-o Barbara Lee mocking Trump for shunning the “1619 Project”, well, dumba**, that would be because it’s totally false, has been widely debunked, and EVEN THE WHACK JOB AUTHOR had to admit it’s “not history”.

These are freaks who control all the levers of power in this once-great country. We. Are. DOOMED.

I’d like to see Mark show this body cam video of this Pittsburg Police shooting 3 weeks ago and discuss the racial implications it has.


Their is no more needless conversation – it only angers people – it blames one race for all the negatives experienced by the other. So counterproductive, so deliberately divisive.

Something to reflect upon.
From back in 2014, Responsi-Damn-bility

That goes against the narrative that it’s always someone else’s fault.

You go into one of those race discussions with a completely open mind about the subject and sure enough, you come out a racist !!!


What a waste of time….and a waste of a congressional seat. But hey…this district deserves what it voted for….and this is what you get.

The group also believes that the 1619 project should be taught in all schools.
Does anyone know it’s status in California schools?



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