Home » California Gubernatorial Candidate Blasts Oakley Union Elementary School Board

California Gubernatorial Candidate Blasts Oakley Union Elementary School Board


Former San Diego Mayor and California’s leading Republican gubernatorial candidate, Kevin Faulconer, issued the following statement in reaction to video that surfaced last night of the Oakley school board insulting parents who wanted their schools to reopen:

“I have two kids in public schools, and I’m appalled to hear education administrators mocking and insulting the very real concerns that millions of parents are feeling right now. This out-of-touch attitude starts at the top with Gavin Newsom, who has continued to let private schools offer in-person education while erecting barriers that have locked most of California’s kids out of class. As governor I will do everything in my power to make sure our children and teachers safely return to the classroom.”

Faulconer held an in-person press conference in-front of Abraham Lincoln High School in San Francisco yesterday to advocate for the immediate reopening of California’s schools.





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According to them , parents want their kids back in school so they can have a baby sitter and smoke pot all day. This is a serious concern for not only education but mental health of the kids. Many place in the states have kids in school. Some countries never closed the schools because they understand the importance. We are doomed.

In the beginning, they can’t even figure out how to hold a simple
meeting with agenda and non agenda items. Then the hypocrisy shows up as one guy explains how people hide behind they’re computers to make comments but it’s different when it’s in front of someone. But low and behold, this sharp crew is in fact making bold statements when they think they are in a private chat but have their meeting for everyone to see.
These are the people who are supposed to be in charge of getting our kids back to school. Is it a shock to anyone that the powerless kids struggle with people like this in charge.

“In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards”.
Mark Twain


That’s my new favorite quote

That’s funny! And so true.
No wonder the California school system is near the very bottom of the United States, When you have foul mouth, poorly speaking people running the system!!!

School Boardmebers are not educators or administration. They are elected private citizens… Essentially you have parents trashing other parents.

No Ray it’s not .Those people were elected to do a job . They are not a bunch of parents sitting around complaining. They have a job to do and they failed .Stop making lame excuses for them .

Pepe I’m not making excuses… Your reading comprehension needs work. I’m pointing out they are not educators as Faulconer incorrectly stated. And yeah they usually are or were parents in the district they represent.

: check your own reading comprehension. Faulconer did not refer to those people as educators. Physician, heal thyself.

What has happened to our society? This is absolutely disgusting behavior. Does anyone respect themselves or others anymore?

Social Media has destroyed our society. Think about it. Nobody cares about human emotions only how many likes and followers they have. Love the parents who let their kids have social medial. Wonder why kids are struggling so much and lack focus? Well they sure as hell don’t listen to what is going on in the world but they know all about strangers having new Tik Tok videos……new generation are growing up to be idiots…..I blame the parents

Another school board in the news again? Gee, wonder why…

The Democratic National Committee is committed to electing Democrats at every level — from the school board to the Oval Office. But we can only do that together.”

They have a better plan for you don’t you know?

Sounds like their plan is to F you up if you don’t agree with their agenda.

Teachers are receiving pay checks, so why go to work when your still getting paid to stay at home.Stop the paychecks and see how fast the classrooms open up, just feels sorry for the H.S. students who want to graduate and get on with higher education, they just might become a lost generation. We also should get a refund on our school taxes due to loss of services

100% agreed

Parents want their babysitters back? Fire those people TODAY. Excuse me but my taxes pay your salaries and you better do your damn jobs!

No tour taxes don’t. School board members are not district employees… In most cases they do not get paid at all. Why are you commenting on something you don’t know anything about? You’re what’s wrong with our country… Uneducated.

No you don’t. Those are not district employees and those are not paid positions.

No you do not… These are not district employees and they do not draw a salary. Dear moderator stop deleting this unless you endorse misinformation

Glad these disgusting pig people are getting exposed for what they are on the national stage.

I’m going to play devil’s advocate here.

These folks thought they were having a private conversation. Every one of us let’s our hair down and speak more bluntly when we are in such situations. Sometimes we talk trash a little bit to help blow off some steam. These folks are no doubt recieving all kinds of ire and vitriol from exasperated parents, and the comments they made about people being both braver and nastier while hidden behind anonymity are spot on. I don’t begrudge them having a little solidarity complaint session about some of the stuff they deal with. We all do the same with our coworkers when we are in private.

The more outrageous behavior is their creating technical hurdles for their constituents to be heard. I get that dealing with the general public is frustrating, that people ramble, that some people talk without having anything of value to add. Too bad, you have volunteered to public service, it’s part of the job. Insulating yourself from the feedback of your constituents through red tape and technical hurdles guarantees you will not get the information you need to execute your job properly.

While these people may be powerless to cut through the teacher’s unions de facto strike to get the schools opened, they still owe the parents a fair hearing. They are always free to resign if they prefer to avoid that part of the job.

u should hear how I let the Mayor of Claycord have it every night!

Wage Slave, I get what you’re saying, but I also think that anyone in a position of overseeing the education of our children, or in any office serving the public for that matter, should be held to the highest standards of professionalism. Taking citicism and vitriol from the public is part of the job. We agree on that. However once one signs on as a public servant, they are expected to act on behalf of the public. This unforunate video reveals that the Oakley Union School District has no intention of doing so, nor do they have any regard for the students, families, nor teachers within their district.
It’s okay to “let one’s hair down” but not in such a vulgar, unprofessional manner, especially in a position of public office. Private conversation or not, this was a very illuminating snapshot into what those who serve on the Oakley Union District Board truly believe.

Channel 7 is showing this on the news right now.
Butter on my popcorn please.

I was happy to see this story on National News also at least on the Fox News Web site.😁😁 They said we’re sorry so I guess that fixes it, NOT!!!

I heard an interview with Kevin Faulconer over the weekend. He sounds like an approachable, sensible man in touch with middle-class issues.

Babysitters?! That’s what you think of your “educators”? They all need to be fired.
This plandemic keeps revealing the dirt.

How many of you, in service related jobs, have talked about your clients? This was VERY unfortunate. Shouldn’t have happened. They should have checked their connection.

Just the opposite…..this was VERY fortunate.

“They should have checked their connection.”

You would think that after the Jeffrey Toobin incident they would have realized that. This just shows how overly confident we are of our educators. I see the implosion of the public school system coming for a variety of reasons.


Send these arrogant freeloading bureaucrat‘s to the unemployment line!!

So let me get this straight. You have a school Board Member threatening to “F someone up” for wanting their child to have access to an in person education (you can hear laughter from multiple members on that Zoom.) That vulgar threatening comment really seemed to be a crowd pleaser which by the way speaks volumes of their character.

Followed by (cue the violin music) another member talking about how parents are not realizing that the board members are real people with feelings (refer back to first sentence in comment for irony.)

Then you have another one talking about weed.

It sounds like this Board are the ones in need of a Babysitter. Talk about low-class appalling behavior. Absolutely cringe-worthy.

Do us all a favor and resign with what little dignity you have left.

I mean did they lie…….

There’s kids committing suicide and falling drastically behind other communities academically because they aren’t in school, so yes, I would say saying parents only want babysitters and threatening parents for having opposing viewpoints is not being truthful.

Don’t think for a moment that this isn’t exactly what every Democrat politician, school board member and Teacher’s Union leader in California thinks of you and your family. They are the privileged and enlightened elite, and you and your family are a bunch of racist suckers.

Exactly. Just like Cumo not presenting the correct data about seniors in his state. They care more about their political image then the health and safety of their residents. Then Gavin has lunch out. It’s all disgusting.

I learned how to master a computer before I learned how to drive a car. But people over 40 it’s funny to see them try to figure out zoom and the Internet LOL

@Schmee..…. That’s funny but I was playing with computers before you were filling up a Huggies diaper. I bet you can’t drive a “3 on the tree” car with an “extra pedal” on the left side or parallel park for that matter. Pull your damn pants up and stay off my lawn.

People over 40 invented the internet. Those particular people over 40 seemed rather ignorant though.

Scheme – As they say….

The car owners manuals used to show how to adjust valves on a straight 6/flathead…. now they say to not drink the battery acid. And today’s generation can’t tell the difference between hair gel and gorilla glue .

Got news for ya, sonny.

I was programming computers using SNOBOL, FORTRAN, COBOL, and assembler language via punch cards and mainframes LOOOONG before you were a twinkle in your daddy’s eye. I built computers from kits and programmed them myself . I built other electronics projects from scratch before I was 16 …. I doubt you know anything about “mastering a computer” ….. other than which game to play.

Computers are more than Zoom, games and the internet…. but I suppose you don’t know that, with your head buried in your smartphone and therefore not having the social skills to interact with people face to face. I know plenty of 70-80 old individuals that can run circles around you on computers. Zoom? Phhhhhht.

You want to know what’s funny ? Watching your generation dial a rotary phone or start a lawnmower.

Now go back to momma’s basement and have her throw a Hot Pocket to you. Come back when you can contribute to society instead of tossing out your snarky comments.

Congrats!! You made it to the national stage tonight and NOT in a good way Watched one upset/angry parent on the Laura Ingraham show Yep Oakley should be proud ….NOT!!

Spot on, what a complete slap in the face by these tools.

have you been to Oakley?, nuff said

In response to last nights meeting, Oakley Union Elementary School District Trustee Lisa Brizendine has resigned from her position immediately.

This is the funniest thing since “I’ll have more flexibility after the election”….

Hello, I’ve listened to this several times….I hear a lot of stupid back and forth about time limits, agendas etc…but there is no swearing or dissing parents….
I am SO SO glad my kids are out of school…not all, but for the most part school admins, teachers and parents acted like they were still in high school.
When do they grow up?

iKrissy: I don’t think you are watching the right video. Definitely swearing and definitely putting down parents.

It amazes me how many people hate on Gavin or anyone else who has the financial means to provide more for their children. Do people ever wonder how he can provide a better education? Perhaps he went to college, got a good job, moved up the ranks and with the hard work he is able to provide more. Just saying people need to stop hating and start looking in the mirror on why they are struggling.

In order to get there you need to be in school. Parents and people who aren’t Parents are paying for education. Is it the kids fault their parents can’t send them to private school , should the kids suffer lack in education and be disadvantage for their parents lack of income. Are you saying in 20 if Gavins kids could afford private school and the kids who had parents that couldn’t, its the kids fault? It’s got to start somewhere, Gavin is also related to many people in politics, including Nancy Pelosi. Gavin isn’t where he is because he was such hard worker for his family. Let’s not forget , he was also one of those kids that got into college on a fake scholarship and family bought his way into college. Gavin is not a good example of someone who worked hard for his family, he is a good example of someone who got where they are on privilege.

“Don’t be surprised when you send your kids off to Caesar and they come home Romans”. ~ Voddie Baucham


I find it funny that most people are appalled at the lack of direction for the board meeting. It leads me to believe that not many people participate in things like PTA and school board. If you did you’d already know that these organizations are the blind leading the blind. Agenda items, voting to approve, nominations. It’s all this backwoods bumbling nonsense that you saw in this video.

My best suggestion is get out there and participate. Be the change you wish to see. Heck we have 7 people that come to the PTA meetings for my school and we have well over 500 families.

The entire board has resigned now, which was necessary. If we don’t put people down privately, and want the best for them even if disagree, won’t end up saying things like this accidentally or publicly.



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